Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Muddy Days ❯ Muddy Days ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

For the first time in my life I actually like my PE class why? Because the teacher is a girl and the class is all girls (not the school) and we're all random and weird and yeah. Basically, if your into the weird and freaky, this is it. It's all in P.E. with just one game: Crazy Kickball.

You have been warned. ENJOY! InuYasha and Yu-gi-oh characters! Inu=Gold Team, Yugioh=Black team

If I owned Yu-Gi-Oh and InuYasha then why would I be writing this and not publishing? Think it about it.

Crazy Kickball Randomness!

Ch. 1 Muddy Days

Everyone trekked out onto the baseball field either shivering or dreading having to play around in the cold and on the muddy field. Cold for them was about 60 degrees which was what it was at right now!

"Grr…I'm cold" Yugi whined as he stretched and started to do lunges. Yami grinned and took the oprtuity to smack his ass.

"Eep! Hey!"

"What?" Yami looked around as if he hadn't done anything at all.

"Alrighty KIDS that's enough talking take a lap around the field, NO CUTTING!" Pegasus, their gym teacher yelled. And so they started to run. Yami left Yugi behind and he began to fall behind and landed right next to Ryou and Marik.

"Hey guys" Yugi panted and kicked up some mud on his legs. "Crap." He tried to shake it off but ended up `sharing' it with Marik instead. "Watch it man.


"It's all good" Marik grinned down at him. See as to everyone else, he was a little taller than his friends. They eventually got to the end of the line and gathered around their teacher to see what they would be doing today.

"Okay class! We'll be playing crazy kickball today so here's the basic outline. You can either run to third base or to first and then you have to keep running in that direction once you get there. There are only three ways to tag someone, by pegging them, hittig them with the ball below the waist, or when someone catches it once it's been kicked. There's three outs and they switch up. And then once a ball is kicked, if a person runs home, another person can just start running again, and if someone started running and are half way, they can keep running, that's pretty much it does everyone understand?"

Everyone satred at him like he just spoken a forgien language. "I got lost after `Okay class' "Kagome whispered to Sango and everyone started laughing. "Ha ha little Ms. Thing, go take a lap!" Everyone laughed and Kagome pouted and ran the extra lap.

"Black team's up!" so Malik stepped up to the plate and kicked a foul ball. So then the team started talking. "Come on Malik I ain't neva scurd!" Marik yelled and laughed.

"Yeah you know, my dad's a police officer right, so he always has people watching me, it's really weird like I looked out the window and the guy drived by, one of his buddies and an hour later my dad called and was like `So did you see Eddie?' and I'm like yeah dad. It's so great he talks sooo slow"

They snickered and Bean commented "Yeah wanted to make sure you weren't getting into an ACTIVITES!"

"Yeah" Yugi giggled "Like if you were then you could make sure to clean up your NAUGHTY acts before anyone saw! I mean unless you go in what's the point?"

"I know!" Marik said and went up to kick the ball. He missed. "Try again Marik!" Malik yelled from second base.

"Be ready to run you guys!" Pegasus barked and stopped them from talking, right as Malik passed the base, Malik ran and then Yugi went to run his chicken legs flying everywhere. And he tried. And he fell in the mud with everyone laughing at him. "Ha, ha everyone! Well AT LEAST I HAVE SOME WALRUS PRIDE DAMN IT BECAUSE BALCK IS STILL AHEAD! WHOOT, WHOOT!" he screamed and high fived InuYasha who was next to him.

Who wasn't on his team.

"Man your freaky little twurp."

"Why thank you!"

"Yeah nice BOOB dance you did with the MUD there!" they both laughed and Bakura went up to the plate and he kicked the ball…

Right into Miroku's hands. "KCIK ASS!" he yelled and tossed it back over to the pitcher who just happened to be Sango. She pitched it to Jounouchi who kicked it over their heads and basically that was it for the Gold team. Yugi ran with his chicken legs and made a homerun, and then Yami ran again, and then Ryou, and Honda, and Malik and Marik until Sessho-maru FINALLY got the freaking ball and threw it over.

"Oh yeah!!!" Bean started to do his happy dance. "Be ready to run Yeah, yeah ready to run!!!!" he sung, he was singing the Dixie Chicks. "I like the Dixie Chicks he stated.

"I hate the Dixie Chicks." Pegasus looked at him. By this time everyone was muddy from running it was so great.

"Well that's okay I like a lot of stuff you know who I really like? Enya she sings Celtic music! It's so cool!" he jumped up in the air and some mud flew up and hit his cheek. He, he.

Pegasus snickered and nodded. "You are a weird child." Bean shrugged and went to the outfield, because evil Tea and Mai were both out.

`We really suck dude." Miroku leaned against the fence. "Yeah but that doesn't mean we can't have a victory dance too!" InuYasha grinned and started to do this dance against the gate!

"IT'S LIKE POLE DACNING BUT BETTER! WORK IT!" Kagome screamed and threw some mud at his ass and Sango laughed and clapped her hands. "Arh, arh!" Sango hit her fist with Kagome's who replied with "arh, arh!"

Kagome leaned up and bit his ear and he grabbed her boob and she grabbed his man boob and it was good! "Feel my wrath! Muwhahaha!!!" Miroku kicked the ball and ti went flying over Black's heads. "GET IT!" Bakura started to run in slow motion and slipped and fell on his side getting himself covered in mud.

And even though they really didn't want too because it SO wasn't funny everyone couldn't help but laugh I mean be was pale already and he cold didn't help, but now that all that mud was on him , it was so on.

"YOU WILL PAY!" Bakura ran grabbed the ball and started pegging every single one of them that tried to make it home and got them all too, and then he hit Yami.

"Oww! That was hard and I'm on YOUR side!"

"So?" Bakura smirked and pitched the ball to Sessho-maru. And he kicked it and he got a home run woohoo la-de-freaking da! Kagome and Sango sat on the ground at the gate with their chins in their hands watching their team loose pitifully.

"Cows" Sango asked

"Walrus?" Kagome asked

"Beans?" Sango asked

"Who called me?" Ryou looked around really confused.

"HEADS UP DUDE!" InuYasha yelled and Ryou looked at him confused like what the fuck, but ti was too late when Bakura came to push Ryou out of the way. Ryou got hit in the head with the ball and got knocked out. Bakura ended up, not on top of Ryou like he wanted, but back in the cold mud and he could only blame himself.

"I'm too nice to you kids!" he pounded a fist into the mud making it hit him in the face.

"YOU'RE THE SAME AGE AS US BASTARD!" Yami yelled helping Ryou up.

"Who you calling a bastard?!"


"JOE MOMMA!" Bakura said and Sessho-maru hit him in the head with the ball so make him shut up. "Anyway, three outs, Black's up!"

"We are the CHAMPGIONS my friends!" Marik sung in an unnaturally high voice

"We'll keep on fighting to the end!" Yugi put his arms on Marik and Bean's shoulders.

"WE ARE THE CAMGIONS!" Ryou yelled as someone ran another homerun

"WE ARE THE CAMPGIONS!" they all sung in unison, while InuYasha's team glared at them.

"THERE'S O NEED FOR LOOSING CAUSE WE ARE THE CHAMPOINGS" the whole TEAM sung that time, then stopped when Pegasus yelled for them to "SHUT THE HELL UP!"

"…of the world…" Bean whispered and they all busted out laughing as the bell rang. They were roaring it was 20 to 11 and the Black team won, they won, the won!!!!!!

"YEAH BABY! WHEW!" Bakura flipped his hips and belly danced into the locker room right on over to the showers. Ra knows he needs it! "Good game, very strange," InuYasha shook Yami's hand and they smiled and went off on their ways.

"So yeah and like my dads friends are so weird" Marik said walking out of the locker room. "Yeah he shook my hand and was like so you like boys? And I was thinkin' you better hope so! Because Malik was there and yeah…" Marik blushed when Malik came up behind him and hugged him.

Yugi and Bean-Awww

Malik-Shut up.


TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR CRAZY KICKBALL! Okay well considering today we had PE third period, and then everything kind of goes out my head but the end of the day it wasn't as funny as the real thing but it was okay I'd love it if you could review for me please. Tomorrow is another day and thankfully, P.E. will be last period like it is usually. Damn block schedule it rotates everything so we have it some days at certain times. But at least we have a extra day to do homework. Okay anyway, review and thanks a lot. Love much.
