Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Muddy Days ❯ Kickin back at ya! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello friends! I am so glad I got reviews you thought it was cool! And it was basically all happening in class! I mean someone acatully DID that gate dance and uh, well our class has all girls so..yeah anyway! Our unit in crazy kickball is about to be up next week so I don't know what I'll do! Maybe I'll make a second part and it will be Crazy football adventures! O.o freaky! Anyway on with this!!!

No wait, see last time Yu-Gi-Oh characters won and that was our black team, but people in class were like no Gold team won and I was like nu uh! So whatever even though Black defiantly did win today, by a good nine points, I must be fair and let the InuYasha characters win today because I mean dude, I love Inu too!!!

Disclaimer~If I owned Yu-Gi-Oh and InuYasha, then the moon would collide with the Earth.

Crazy kickball Adventures!

Kickin' Back at Ya!


Once again, another day everyone groaned as they walked out onto the field as their teacher took attendance. "Hold me my love!" Miroku clung to Sango, who didn't budge. It was way to freaking early in the morning to have P.E.! Damn block schedule damn rotations!

"I hate you hentai"

"I love you too!"

"Break it up, break it up you two sex fiends, now so we can wake all of you ladies up! TWO LAPS! Instead of the original ONE because I am EVIL! Buwhahahaha, okay get going!!!" everyone grumbled loudly about how unfair this was and Sango and Kagome lagged behind with Marik, Ryou, and Yugi.

"This guy sucks monkies." Kagome whined and just walked. As a matter a fact they were all walking, they weren't gonna waste their energy and time on the first lap. "I hear you sister" Marik nodded and they all broke into a very slow, lagging jog.

"Right" Kagome smiled and patted him on the back. And what do you know he tripped!

"HEY!" Marik got up and dusted himself off just in time for the guy in the huge lawn mower to go by and for him to breathe in some nice freshly cut grass. `Oh joy' he thought and snorted on some of the grass and ran the rest of the lap everyone laughing and snickering the whole freaking way.

"Same game, Black team in up, Gold team is out field, MOVE YOU LITTLE FUCKERS!"

Everyone-"EEP" and ran to their positions.

Kagome stepped right next to first base and someone walked by her and stood behind her, it was InuYasha. "You're in *MY* stop wench!"

"Do you even realize what you just said Inu, babe?"

He made that really confused looking puppy look and since he WAS fourteen he looked so cute and adorable! "Heh"

"I'm in your *SPOT* huh? Huh? I'm in YOUR *SPOT* INUYASHA?!" InuYasha blushed a deep red and stood in his spot and shut his ass up as who was pitcher and Kagome broke into little fits of laughter.

"InuYasha! YOU DOG!" Miroku winked and InuYasha just growled at him. Miroku pitched the ball to Ryou who was looking all pale like himself and nervous. He stood there and caught the ball and rolled it back to Miroku. Ryou was mumbling things to himself.

"AT WESTERN CARREER COLLEGE!" Marik sung and hit the gate.

"YOU CAN DO IT! GO RYOU!" Yugi finished and started jumping up and down like a maniac. "Shut up Cracker" Pegasus said bitterly as Ryou just BARELY kicked the ball and ran to third base.

Sessho-maru was at third base.

That was NOT good. Sessho-maru looked down at Ryou and cocked his head back and turned around like he was nothing. Ryou whimpered and Sessho-maru turned around and smacked him on the back. "Man you know I'm playing!" Ryou smiled and starting chatting with him.

Sango glared at Yami, it was he and Bakura that did it all last time! And now they would pay! She threw the ball and licked her lips. He kicked and she caught it! She caught it! Wait. "YAY! HA HA HA!" she stuck out her tongue and called, "Next victim please!"

"That's my woman right there you know" Miroku sighed and looked at Yugi looking up at him blankly. "I don't like girls." Yugi blinked and turned away to look at the game.

`Freaky kid' Miroku thought and went back to his staring at Sango's ass as she bent over and pitched the ball to none other than Marik!

And oh this was funny. Marik pulled his leg back and kicked the ball, but just the ball but the base too!

"MARIK! YOU KILLED THE BASE!" Malik howled with laughter and so did everyone else. And it was true, he kicked the base and it ended up tearing in half. Marik growled and ran to the next base and the next and the next and hell he had a homerun because everyone was too busy laughing at him to try and catch to the ball.

What happened next put the crazy in Crazy kickball. Ryou, Yami, were at base three Seto and Bakura, Yugi, and Malik were at base two and Jounouchi, Marik, Honda, and Mai were at base one so, you could guess there would be some difficulty.

"Okay! I am so gonna run next time someone kicks!" Jounouchi said to them and they nodded like `Okay, you're insane, but we'll let you be evilishly stupid. Tea went up with her…ewww, self and smiled happily as everyone on the field glared at her. "Ow! My eye! Who did that?!" she looked around rubbing her eye because someone had thrown grass into her eye!

*The lawn mower dude walks back into the gym innocently*

Sango was gonna get her, they were on a role! It was fifteen to seven, this was gonna be cake! She pitched the ball and when Tea kicked it, Rin yawned and caught the ball right when she was in the pose to hit a volleyball. Don't ask…

"YAY RIN! I am so gonna get you a great birthday present!" Sessho-maru blew a kiss at her and she blew one back. She was the youngest of them all she was thirteen and she was a poo and her birthday wasn't until November so she had a ways to go. Tea sulked back to the end of the line and Sango grinned at the chance.

She threw the ball and it hit Tea right in that place in the back of her neck where she can either live or die. Bad news-it didn't hit the spot where she could die.

Good news-she tripped, fell down the bleachers and ended up breaking her neck.


Pegasus went down to check her pulse sure enough she was dead. "Yup she's dead!" he recited and thought `One less grade I don't have to worry about.'

"Keep going you adolescents!"

Otogi went up and kicked the ball and ran towards first base, Jounouchi ran to second and everyone tried to come towards second from first. "GO BACK GO BACK!" Yugi yelled and ran towards first base and went right into home, people ran from second to third and the other people ran back and they were all screaming yelling their heads off until they saw Miroku with the ball and ran back trying not to get pegged.

Sadly, they didn't make it. "DIE!" he threw the ball at Ryou and Marik and got them both at the same time. Now Marik could take it, but Ryou couldn't, in fact he whimpered, but that broke into laughter as Miroku's pants were pulled down by none other than Sango!

"HA, HA MIROKU WAS PANTSED!" Ryou pointed and laughed at him. Miroku growled and pulled up his pants and cracked a whip at Ryou. "OWWIEE!!!" he cried out and went to hide behind Bakura.

Bakura-You will pay!

Miroku-Whatever! Girly pants!

Bakura-*mauls Miroku*

Miroku-RAPE!!!! RAPE!!!!!

Bakura-*grins* Oh yeah* pushes him over the gate and starts to do his gate dance against Miroku who is against the gate*

Miroku-That is good but….HELP!!! HELP SOMEONE! I'M BEING MOSLESTED HELPPP MEE!!!!!!!!!

Ryou-*stares in shock and whimpers* Bakura? Bakura, how could you? Wait…Miroku? GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY MAN!!!! *Runs screaming at the molesting peoples.

Sango-*stares* Oh no he did not! MIROKU! *stomps over to him*

*Sango and Ryou look at each other*

Ryou-BITCH! *pounces on Sango*

Sango-MAN WHORE!*pulls at Ryou's hair*

Ryou-*whimpers* NOT THE HAIR NOT THE HAIRRR!!!!

By this time Bakura and Miroku had stopped the screaming and stuff and were watching them. Bakura offered Miroku some popcorn and gladly took some. Ryou turned smelling the popcorn and looked at Miroku and so did Sango.

*Miroku takes off into a run with Ryou and Sango closing behind*

"Okay that's enough, Black is ten, Gold is sixteen, Gold your up!" the InuYasha squad lined up and InuYasha was going to take the first kick. "How did I end up pitcher?" Yugi asked holding the ball and nervously pitched it to InuYasha who kicked it high above their heads and quickly got a home run, and then Kagome started running the bases before she came back and Rin got to third base.

"I'm pitcher my turn!" Marik shoved Yugi out of the way. "BLACK PRIDE!" he grinned at Yugi and patted him on the back. Yeah their team was black, yet Marik was Egyptian and Yugi was Japanese, and so was everyone else but hell. Yugi went around and high fived people saying BLACK PRIDE!

Marik pitched the ball to Sessho-maru who kicked it and then Marik reached out his hand to the side and caught the ball. "Ya gotsta remember to just reach out and TOCUH someone." He sung and laughed. He turned and winked at Malik. "That's my sex fiend!!!!" Malik screamed.

"Gold twelve, black eleven" ((I want you guys to know, I'm thinking up random numbers right now, lol I'm so last, but twelve should be right anyway right? Ah screw it…))

Sango eventually got back all panting and hair messy and she was sweating. Miroku could be seen far away, in a big heap on the ground. "My turn!" she said and kicked the ball. Yugi just reached out his hand and dropped the ball.

"RUN!" Pegasus yelled but you didn't have to tell her twice! She ran to third. "So we meet again my little friend." Rin nodded. "You know it babe." She winked and they laughed, it didn't last long though. Pretty soon, Souta ((Yes I ran out of people!)) kicked, so did Rei, and InuYasha and Kagome went up again then so did Sessho-maru kicking around.

The black team just sat on the ground after Gold got to twenty and let the ball zoom by and let them run until the ball just happened to roll over to them.

"YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF LAZY BUMS! GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND GET UP TO PLATE!" Pegasus was fuming as the Black team went and trudged back over to the gates.

Ryou went up and kicked the ball all lazy and it was an out. "Okay this si depressing bring it in you guys." Pegasus shook his head in disgust. Had his career really gone to this level. What did he ever do wrong? Oh yeah, that whole thing about stealing peoples souls and junk and putting them in cards but was it really that bad? Okay yeah it was.

Seto picked up the base that was like killed by Miroku and started to tear it apart more until it was two pieces. Miroku finally ran up and yelled "HEY I WANTED TO FINSIH KILLING THAT THING IN THE NEXT GAME!" Seto shrugged and went over to finish the cool-down stretches.

They all went in and showered and got ready to go to the next class. "We sucked ass" Ryou sighed. "Yup, especially you Ryou." Ryou jumped, Seto came form behind him. "You trying to say something Kaiiba!!!" Bakura stood up to Seto even though Seto had a good five inches on him.


"Why I ought a!!" Bakura balled up his fist. Ryou sighed and shook his head heading off to his next class, with his evil English teacher all alone. Seto and Bakura looked after him. "What's his deal?" Seto asked. Bakura shrugged.


Uhh yeah that ending was weird, not as good as the first but I hoped you liked it anyway I am here after all to please! I tried to remember more of what happened but my teacher wouldn't let me write anything down evil woman. Anyway, not all of that stuff happened in PE today, at least you'd hope not. So yeah love much and take care, I hope I can release as many chapters as I can I might make a second part with football!
