Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Muddy Days ❯ Step in the Name of Love ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*cries* omg you like me you really do! I love you guys! And since I DID have PE today I will write you will read and you will be pleased ((not like that you sex fiends!)) so anyway, I have to put the big thing in this story that happened this morning meaning, THE BUS DIDN'T COME! Damn evil bus! Anyway that's okay! Read on my fellow friends!

Disclaimer~What the hell have I told you before? I DON'T OWN THEM! I would raping them to no end if I did and as you can see they are all running away! *Bakura, Ryou, Yami and Malik are all running for their lives away from me* That's okay you know! I am the author I can ALWAYS FIND YOU! Well not really…okay this is making me sad you get the point right?


Crazy Kickball Adventures!

Step in the Name of Love

"I wish I didn't have to take the bus" Ryou whined and kept swinging. "Yeah I know what you mean, I can't wait until I can drive!" Reri grinned and swung back and then forward. "Weee!" Ryou said and jumped off the swing while a lady looked at them as if they were crazy.

"Oh crap there's the bus!" She and Ryou ran and found out soon enough that wasn't the bus. Reri, Ryou, and Bakura were all going to be late for school. They sat complaining and growling and finally decided to take an alternate bus. Ryou smiled getting onto the bus then stood. It was completely packed with smelly people riding on it.

Ryou looked at his watch and gave a worried look at Bakura, who shrugged, there was nothing he could really do about it. "I don't want to walk the hill" Ryou whined and sunk into a chair once people got off. "Yeah but what can we do it about it?" Bakura said and leaned his head on a window. It was already 8:15 and they were only half way to school.

Reri went up and decided that was it, "Can't you page the other bus?" she asked putting a hand on her hip and quickly grabbed onto a poll as the bus came to a stop. "Nope sorry little missy."

"But on my bus a few years ago a bus paged another" the bus driver gave a worried look and then shrugged. "Feh"

GRRRR!!!! She was mad as she stomped back to the back of the bus. InuYasha had said that way to many times and this wasn't helping at ALL. But eventually they got to school, walking up the evil Ra forsaken hill, with Ryou dragging behind. He saw his class running and grinned thinking at least I didn't have to run that!

((I'm sorry this is just really out of the story but I had to put this in here I wasn't tary I mean the bus didn't come but I was so pissed! I mean grrr, at least though I was all weird and the sophomores who take the bus with me were like entertained/freaked out by me doing all the weird crap I was. Saying that I couldn't give the excuse because I would get us into trouble because I was insane. Feh!


Ryou ran to the field and Bakura of course took his time. "Sorry we were late!" he handed Pegasus the note and he nodded his head. "yeah just drop off your stuff and get in line. Everyone else, get some water you good for nothing…." Pegasus trailed off and looked up at the sky.

Ryou put his stuff down and then everyone started asking questions. "Wow, there's a school bus and it's free?!" Yugi asked.

"No it's a public bus you baka! The bus never even fucking came! I hate the bus, well not really but oh well."

Yugi nodded and gulped down some water and Marik came and sat on his lap. "You know, I used to be a really bully back in grade school. I'd make it so lots of the little kids were late." Ryou and the people around him slowly backed away.

"Oh don't worry I'm not anymore!" Marik jumped up grinning and tripped Sango. "Whoops I'm sooo sorry!" Sango growled and walked off. And then he went and tripped Miroku. "Hey! Meanie!" Miroku pouted and Marik put an arm around him. "Let's have a little talk shall we?" and they walked off onto the field.

"Should we save him?" Yami came up and took Marik's place on Yugi's lap. "Nah, if he can handle Sango, this should be cake."

"Alrighty then LADIES" Pegasus glared at the people sitting on the bench. "Black is out, Gold is up!! GO! I HAVE SPOKEN!"

As everyone scrambled out to their places, Ryou taking his place in the field and Marik went to second base. Yami came up to him glaring. "Your in my *SPOT* Marik" Yugi winked and Marik chuckled. "Too bad!"

Yugi pouted and went way out…way out into the field. "Marik, that was cold blooded man." Ryou said as the ball flew right past his ear.

"Yeah, but what can you really do? BEAN!" Ryou frowned and said "well you actually LOOK like a bean you bean head!" and they started fighting, getting completely off the subject of what the heck was going on, on the field.

*With the Gold Team*

"My whole world goes around,

Because you spin me yeah (spin me)" InuYasha started to dance with Kagome as everyone sung.

"And every time we're done making love girl

You makes me wanna:

Snap in the name of love, snap in the name of love, Snap my fingers" Miroku sung and started to bust out laughing when Kagome started to grind against InuYasha. "Go Kagome!! YEAH!!!" Rin squealed jumping up and down running the bases.


But then Marik and Malik joined in the singing.

"Clap in the name of love, Clap my hands yeah

Step in the name of love, Step from side to side"

They started to do the electric slide on the field and then ended up slipping in the mud. And Marik fell on top of Malik. "Oh Marik, I didn't know you were SOO naughty!!! KISS ME!!!" Malik rolled on top of him and they started making out like two bean monkies in the mud.

"STOPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!" Pegasus started to hit everyone in the field down with the kickball doing his very evilishly evil laugh. "Okay switch, before I flunk all of you!"

"But me and Kagome were just getting our grove on!!!" InuYasha whined and Pegasus glared at him.

Yugi leaned on Yami as Honda went up and kicked the ball and it was a foul. "Groove in the name of love) (Grooove and it's alright" he whispered and danced against Yami who groaned. "You're more even than people expect you know that?" Yami

asked and Yugi grinned and skipped up to the base.

" You can do it Yugi! WALRUS PRIDE!" Marik cheered. "Arh, arh!" Yugi put up his fist. "arh, arh!" Marik replied and Yugi got the ball which was totally off and threw it back to Sessho-maru. He sighed and threw it back at him and it was perfect!

But he threw it back and then he got the bal and kicked it…and Rin caught it!!! "You planned that didn't you? Didn't you! Because you're a girl and your all little looking!" Yugi was dragged away by Jounouchi. "You're the one to talk!" Rin narrowed her eyes and shook a fist at him.

"BITE ME!!" he screamed. "DON'T MIND IF I DO!" Rin ran up and bit him and he cried out then she skipped back to her base. "All of you children have serious issues to work out." Pegasus shook his head scribbling little things onto his clip board.

"Dude there are some serious holes in the ground!" Rin complained because she fell in some hole. She grinned looking at a hose and picked it up.

Everyone-"RIN! NO!" too late though! She threw the hose over a hole and it like came out of its nice little circle it was curled in. "My bad everyone!" she slowly put the hose back together and smiled.

Jounouchi came up to kick. "Can I keep the ball and play with it when we're done?!" he asked, eyes sparking. "No." Sessho-maru said flatly, and if Jounouchi actually had dog ears they would be lowering as we speak.

He kicked, Sessho-maru caught, "BLACK OUT" Pegasus was sitting on the ground now, looking up at the sky as if he was asking God Why me? Well considering he tried to take over the world, and he IS a sick bastard, I think he should rephrase the question, but what the hell ever.

"I'm gonna get you" Rin teased to Yugi who just happened to be pitcher. "You're going down little girl!" Rin raised an eyebrow and Yugi cocked his head back. "You walk with the devil!"

"DAMN RIGHT I DO!" Rin kicked the ball and it went flying way up, up, up into the air. "I see the light!" Seto pointed at the sky as the ball flew up and crossed over the sun. "It's a solar eclipse!" Jounouchi snickered. While this was going on Rin quickly ran the bases with ease.

"CATCH IT FOO!" Yugi yelled in a deep ass ghettofied voice and then Jounouchi, Seto, and Malik all jumped to catch the ball at the same time.

*crash!* They all groaned and Yugi went and grabbed the ball to peg the forth person who had started running and succeeded. "That was so pathetic." Ryou said. "Yup you got that right Bean." Ryou sighed, he gave up and sat on the ground.

"Just so you know, it's 28 for Gold and 15 for Black!" Pegasus snickered, this truly was pitiful.

Sango came up to kick the ball and surely enough she did kick it. And Seto caught it! Yay! "Yes! No points for you!" he danced and then threw the ball to Bakura who slipped trying to catch it. "This mud should be dry by now damn it!" he growled and threw the ball to Malik.

Everyone-"OOOO!!" Malik started to spit out and gag. See, Bakura didn't check the ball and so now, he threw it to Malik and got a huge thing of mud in his mouth and everyone was cracking up. "It's the three stooges in the outfield!" Shippo cried ((you didn't think he was here did you? Well guess what I forgot he was too!))

Bakura, Seto and even Malik blushed and went back to playing the game. People kept on singing their own versions of the three stooges in the outfield! La de dah dah! Yay! Whoot whoot. WALRUS PRIDE!!! YEAHHHH!!!!

"I'm bored" Ryou got up and noticed there was drumming coming from the music room next to the field. So he started belly dancing! Swinging his hips from side to side and then started maushing and went back to belly dancing. Going down low…how low can you go? All the way to the floor, how low can you go?

All the while Bakura was staring at Ryou, getting that good old bulge in his pants. The ball hit his head which he failed to notice and Seto caught the ball and pegged someone.

"I am so a superhero" Yami did his cat walk up to the plate and kicked that ball. "I'LL BRING IT HOME GUYS!!!" Yami ran the bases as the back round music played.

"I wanna be a superhero

I want to fly so high" Ryou took off at a run and made a home while people were fiddling around dropping the ball. And then Seto ran and Rin threw the ball at him but it missed just by a hair! "TIME! YOU GUYS SUCK!!!" Pegasus yelled and picked up the base.

"Score was 31 to 20, Gold won." Pegasus snickered and started to go into an evil cackle as he walked to his office.

"Well at least we got 20." Yugi sighed and Marik nodded coming up beside him. "Yeah and good job on not killing the base!" Sessho-maru came up and laughed. "YOU WANNA START SOMETHING ?!!!" Marik yelled and then him and Sessho-maru went at it. Ryou and Yugi sweat dropped and went inside.


Okay if I wrote that on Friday when I had PE that would have been better but I was rushing it, I don't know if I have PE tomorrow and weather it's going to be kickball or not, but if out next unit is funny, I'll make a part 2 you guys! Peace and love much!
