Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Muddy Hands ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Muddy Hands
Chapter: 3/4
Author: Madyamisam
Pairings: Seto/Jou
Rating: NC-17
Beta: Daisy
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: Madyamisam doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh
Summary: From plot bunny #16084: Seto has always been able to buy his art credit but this year, there is a new head of the department who cannot be bribed, and he actually needs to take the class to graduate. Of course he finds this out with only three weeks left in the term. The instructor generously offers his best student to act as his peer tutor, Jou of course. The course is pottery and Seto has to produce 3 complete pieces to graduate.
Seto dodged the flying mud that splattered against the wall like a Jackson Pollock (1) painting, only to inadvertently knock the bowl of muddy water that Jou had used for his vase to the floor. `Despite the cumbersome apron he wore, he launched himself at the blonde with the swiftness of a cat, pinning him against the wall.
“I think, Puppy, that I need to teach ~you~ some `lessons' on how to obey your master,” Seto hissed as he struggled to keep a good grip on the blonde with his mud covered hands.
“Fuck Kaiba, I'm ~not~ a puppy! Let go of me you son of a- wait a minute… what are you implying here?” Kaiba was perplexed by the sudden question and loosened his grip a little.
“What do you mean `What am I implying?' I'm not implying ~anything~!” he snapped back.
“Oh yeah? Then what the hell is that thing that's rubbing at my crotch?” Jou growled. A flush of pink graced the young CEO's face and he distractedly looked down. `Was I hard and I didn't even know it?' he thought. Jou took this opportunity to lunge at the distracted brunette and knock him on the floor. The muddy puddle on the floor started to spread as the two boys wrestled each other for dominance. They rolled around the room, knocking against pictures and sculptures done by other students and getting soaked to the skin from the water. Chairs and tables grated and groaned when they pushed them aside with their writhing bodies. One particular collision, where Jou had thrown
Seto to the floor and then leapt onto him, caused the throw wheel to teeter over, splashing them both with more water and clay. The white and blue striped shirt that Jou wore had turned a watery brown and clung to his taut figure, and his normally silky, gold, sun-kissed tresses were clogged with mud. Seto was no different; the paint of his smock was nearly covered over with clay and his normally pale skin had suddenly taken on a dark brownish tan. During their struggle they knocked against the radio that Kagashi kept in the classroom; the sensei often used it to provide the class with creative inspiration. The jar turned on the device and a heavy rock song started to blare a heavy intro as the two boys continued to battle it out. They slipped when they tried to get up and squirmed when they tried to best each other. When they ~did~ eventually separate, both were glad that the dirt masked their red faces. Despite the fact that they had managed to part, the water-slick floor prevented them from getting to their feet. Reduced to sliding around on their knees, the two began grabbing handfuls of clay and flinging it at each other. Somewhere along the line of the mud fight, one of them started snickering as they slapped more and more clay onto each other. The snickering started to grow into laughter as the two teens rumbled around, pushing more chairs and tables about. Finally, exhaustion took its toll and they collapsed side by side, taking deep breaths.
“That's the first time I've heard you laugh like that,” Jou said suddenly, turning his head staring at Seto's muggy face. It was strange to see the normally immaculate brunette looking completely in disarray; the ridiculous smock he wore had done little to protect his uniform from the mud and his mahogany locks were in disarray and clogged to the root with clay. Kaiba shifted awkwardly under the Jou's gaze.
“So? Have you got a problem with that?” he snapped defensively, breaking the silence.
“No, no not at all… it's just a nice change from the condescending attitude you take up every time we even look each other in the eye.”
“Wow… the puppy has learned a really long word. So tell me; how long did it take you to process it all with the few brain cells that you ~do~ have?”
“I'm surprised that, even with the number of brain cells that ~you~ have, you don't seem to be able to process when someone's trying to be nice and make friends. Every single word you ever say to me is nothing but an insult. It's always ~you~ that starts something. You're either insulting my friends or me; I wonder sometimes why I bother even ~trying~ to be nice.” Jou tried to get up.
“Wait!” Seto said, suddenly pulling at the blonde's wrist. The combination of the tug on his arm and the slippery floor beneath his feet caused the blonde to fall back down and land on top of the CEO. Jou yelped but was silenced by something soft. The two boys froze, Jou on top of Seto, as their lips mashed together from the fall. A polite cough was heard, snapping them both out of the stupor. They looked over to the door to see the silver headed teacher staring at them with a raised eyebrow and his arms crossed.
“I see you two had a ~productive~ hour on Mr. Kaiba's art project huh?” Kagashi-sensei frowned at the mess on the floor and the mud covered boys.
“K-Kagashi-sensei” Jou spluttered whilst trying to get off the brunette. “This ain't what it looks lik-” the blonde slipped on the watery floor again, his face butting at Seto's crotch. The brunette flushed as the sensitive bulge in his pants twitched to life.
“Right…” Kagashi replied his words saturated in sarcasm. “At any rate, ~I'm~ not going to explain the mess in this room to the caretaker. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to give you boys a detention to get most of this place cleaned up. About an hour should do it… I'll keep a look out for the principal. Don't leave until I come back.” the ditzy art teacher sauntered back out of the room, his ever faithful book in front of his face.
“Wait Kagashi!” Seto yelped. He struggled out from beneath Jou to stand up but Kagashi was already gone. “This is all ~your~ fault Mutt!”
“My fault? MY FAULT!! Who's the one that threw the clay at me?”
“When you said I was implying something, I thought you already knew!”
“I only said it to get you to let me go!”
“JUST SHUT UP MUTT!!!” Seto growled “SHUT UP AND HELP ME CLEAN UP!!!” The brunette went and grabbed the mops, his mind desperately trying to figure a way out of his predicament. `Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit…' The boys cleaned the room silently and scrubbed the clay off of the wall. They then arranged the broken projects done by other students and put them aside, writing their names so Kagashi-sensei would know that ~Seto and Jou~ had done the damage and wouldn't dock their fellow classmate's grades. They scrubbed quickly at the large smear of clay that Jou had thrown, attempting to get it cleaned up before it dried. Seto hoped that the clay on his face would cover the blush he had in his cheeks but he suspected, from the glances that Jou has been throwing in his direction, that the redness had deepened so much that it had penetrated the coating of dirt. Suddenly Jou said something but Seto was so engrossed in his work that he only vaguely heard the mutter. “What did you say?” he demanded.
“Nothing…” Jou replied. Grabbing one of the smocks, Jou laid it on a desk, protecting the clean surface from his dirty pants before sitting down. Seto did the same and together they waited for Kagashi to return.
“I hate Kagashi…” Seto said suddenly. “I swear, I'm having that man fired for all of this.”
“Personally I think he made a good decision. Art's not a useless subject; it exercises the imagination. I mean take Duel Monsters; it started off with a guy sitting down and bringing each monster to life with paint. Don't get me wrong; Pegasus is a prick but he is an ~exceptional~ artist; he'd ~have~ to be to make all of those cards.” The brunette remained silent, but something caught his eye. There, amidst the pieces of clay `abominations', was a beautiful chalk picture of a dragon the colour of fire, done against a black canvas. Its nearly feathery like wings were spread wide whilst its head craned high up to the sky, caught in mid call to the heavens.
“So I'm assuming you're choosing pottery as your career?” Seto said, tracing a finger against the wing delicately.
“I have a knack when it comes to art, but pottery's actually not my specialty.” Seto glanced down next to the portrait and saw ~more~ work that intrigued him. Next to the chalk picture was a pottered vase with a snake like Chinese dragon wrapped delicately around it. The vase glistened with a tinge of evenly spread red and blackish varnish, each scale marking the incredible detail that had been used. Admiring it briefly, Seto moved on to the last item of the group, gasping as he stared at the painting. It depicted a golden retriever puppy; its head was cocked to one side whilst its mouth clamped a chain leash that was tied around the neck of magnificent rendition of his blue eyes white dragon. The dragon's wings were folded in on themselves while its tail curled around itself in a gesture of submissiveness to the little floppy eared mongrel. It looked like the person who painted it had actually taken a photo of it. In fact, if Seto hadn't been so close as to notice the textured canvas, he could have sworn that it was a photograph. His eyes widened further when he saw by the label that hung off of each of the three works that they had all been done by Jou.
“You made these?” Seto whispered, staring at the works of art.
“Yep…” Jou said as he brushed a finger against the painting. “The project required us to produce three pieces of art using three ~different~ forms. He made an exception with you since you were too short on time to learn in three weeks all the stuff we've been doing this year. That one's my favourite” Jou pointed at the puppy and dragon painting.
“What are you implying here?” Seto asked, using the same question that Jou had and pointing at the painting. The blonde leaned closer.
“What do you ~think~ I'm implying?” Jou replied with a smirk as he drew up closer to the brunette. “Now that I know for a ~fact~ what your preferences are… and the way you look at me… I'm not stupid.” The brunette grew flustered as the situation suddenly spiraled even more out of control than he had expected. The only thing he could think of to get things back on track was to insult the blonde.
“You're just full of yourself Mutt- putting your fantasies on me…”
“Really? Then what is this that's been written in your journal?” Jou said. Kaiba gasped as he saw the black book in Jou's hand. “Funny how it only took something as simple as mentioning either Patrick Swayze or Cliff Richard to piss you off enough for you to finally make a mistake.”
“Mokuba can be a sweet kid but when it comes to relationships involving his brother… he can be ~quite~ a little devil,” Jou remarked as he yanked the book from Seto's reach.
“Alright, that's it; what do you want, Jounouchi?” the brunette growled in humiliation as the red tinge on his face turned to a full blown blush that made him look like tomato.
“What do I want? How about to reenact some of the fantasies you have in this journal of yours?” Jou replied slyly, causing the fiery desire underneath Seto's pants to come back with a vengeance.
“Kagashi was in on this as well, wasn't he?”
“Um, actually no… but he ~was~ a conveniently unexpected help,” Jou replied as he slid a hand between the brunette's thighs.
“I'll make sure the limo will be at the school in five… no… ~two~ minutes…” Kaiba whispered.
“Wow… you boys clean up fast,” Kagashi said, suddenly appearing in the room. “Well that means that detention is over as well. I think ~I~ should take over the tutorial lessons though; all right Jounouchi?”
“Sure Kagashi-sensei. I'm very sorry…”
“Yeah whatever; you two just get out of here.” Jou gave the scatterbrained teacher a big grin before the two boys ran down the hall.
(1) Jackson Pollock was an abstract expressionist painter who was famous for his drip paint from a can technique.
(2) Please `Swayze' lovers do not hurt me… I needed a reason for Seto to start the fight in the first place.
A/N: I was hoping that a lot that I would catch everybody off guard
that Jou actually had this planned. Hope I was subtle enough to not give anything away. Also I thought you might like this dragon picture for all the help you've given me. I've described it as one of Jou's work in the chapter because I thought it was beautiful I had to put it in the fic somewhere. A lot of my inspiration comes from listening to music and this chapter was greatly influenced by the song: Shut up by Simple Plan and if you look at the lyrics I think it is ~so~ Jou…
There you go
You're always so right
It's all a big show
It's all about you
You think you know
What everyone needs
You always take time
To criticize me
It seems like everyday
I make mistakes
I just can't get it right
It's like I'm the one
You love to hate
But not today
So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down
There you go
You never ask why
It's all a big lie
Whatever you do
You think you're special
But I know, and I know
And I know, and we know
That you're not
You're always there to point
Out my mistakes
And shove them in my face
It's like I'm the one
You love to hate
But not today
So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down
Is gonna bring me down
Will never bring me down
Don't tell me who I should be
And don't try to tell me what's right for me
Don't tell me what I should do
I don't wanna waste my time
I'll watch you fade away
So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down
Shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down
Bring me down
{shut up, shut up, shut up}
Won't bring me down
{shut up, shut up, shut up}
Bring me down
{shut up, shut up, shut up}
Won't bring me down
Shut up, shut up, shut up