Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Abiou ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My aibou.

You would think that would mean something. Wouldn't you?

I received the surprise of my life at the carnival. Or would that be my afterlife?

I have never heard a woman scream quite like that.

It took me some time to realize what Tea was screaming about until I looked down.

There they were horribly marred and slashed, my wrists, or should I say Yugi's?

How could I not know that he had been doing that?

How could I not have known that he had ended his life?

How could I not have known that he had loved me?

I hear them mourning.

Solomon is sobbing uncontrollably.

Tristan is incapable of speech.

Something is wrong with Joey but I cannot figure out what.

He acts as if Yugi's death was his fault.

What about Tea?

She is here in my arms.

I am holding her, and I will never let go.

While I will miss Yugi his death has brought me much happiness.


Am I truly that cruel a spirit?

No, but his death has allowed me to do something that I never thought possible.

This girl in my arms, Tea.

She is no longer my girlfriend, she is now my fiancée.

Bye Yugi.

My aibou does not mean a thing after all.