Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Abuse Is Many ❯ The Story Begins ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
kagome-yasha:Well here's another chapter hope you like.

bakura:yeah right like they will enjoy your story.

kagome-yasha:Anzu he being mean to me.

Anzu:bakura!!!!(starts chasing him around with a mallet)

Bakura:I'm sorry I'm sorry.

Anzu:sorry doesn't cut it!!!!(she finally hits in the head)


kagome-yasha:(O__O)ow that had to hurt anyway
start the fic,anzu you know what to do.

Anzu:you bet,kagome-yasha doesn't own yu-gi-oh.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- isis:I will tell once we find somewhere to sit down.

So they all went to the living room and sat.Isis sat on the couch
with Anzu right beside her,Malik was sitting on the floor facing them,
Bakura right next to Malik waiting to hear the story,and marik sitting
indian style on the table also facing them and waiting for them to tell.

Isis:so we're sitting,lets star shall we.

Anzu:okay it goes like this,when I was 10 my mother was so
proud of me when I won a ballet contest,she took me out to celebrate
by taking me to a fancy restarant,after that we went home to sleep.
The day after was my favorite day,because it was my day to do a
ballet show((OO)I don't know other words so sue me)for new york.
I was already over at the studio waiting for my mother,so I decided
to call her and beg her to hurry,but a few minutes later I got a call
telling me my mother was in a car accident and it's all because of me
that's what my father would always tell,and he would always hit me
because of my mother's death,his anger kept rising so much that he
didn't hold back on me,so I decided since it was all my fault I tried to
kill myself,my father found out so he told me that I will live in guilt if
I like it or not,after another beating I ran out of the house hoping to
get away from everything that I hate in my life,I started getting weak
when I was walking and up falling on the ground.thats it I guess.

Bakura:Thats it I'm killing him.


Malik:you gotta stop protecting him,I don't
want you to get killed because of him.

Marik:but don't worry I'm gonna do the killing.

Isis:Anzu do you want to die and leave all of us who cared?

Anzu:no but----

Isis:no buts you are staying with us until he's gone for good.
