Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Abuse Is Many ❯ Talking it out ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kagome-yasha:well here is another chapter thanks to your reviews.


Anzu:What is that suppose to mean!?

Bakura:It means you stupid mortal---



Kagome-yasha:(OO)ouch that had to hurt.

Anzu:of course it does .

Bakura:but when I take over the world you will banish to the shadow realm(does evil laughter).

Malik:oh stop with the evil laughter it's getting old.

Bakura:no it's not,it's the most newest thing alive.

Malik:yeah when I'm pharoah.

Bakura:but you will never become pharoah.

Malik:correct which means the evil laughter will never be the newest thing alive.

Bakura:(oO)huh, I don't get it.

Marik:hahahahaha...my hakari finally out smarted the tomb robber.

kagome-yasha and Anzu:(OO)when did you get here?!

Marik:just now.

Kagome-yasha:(oO)anyway Anzu do the disclaimer

Anzu:kagome-yasha does not own Yu-Gi-Oh,never has never will(evil laughter)

Malik:now thats the newest thing alive.

Bakura:but I just--

Marik:(--;;)don't even bother

Anzu:anyway start the fic!!!
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Regular pov...

Anzu is living with isis and the guys until her father is gone from this world.
right now Anzu is in the extra guest room they gave her,lying in her bed staring
at the ceiling with one thought in her head,why is this happen to me,that one thought
that never leaves her head,so she decided that she needs to talk to someone and what
other person to talk to than the one and only Malik.so she got out of bed,walk out the door
and headed to Malik's door listening to make sure he's in his room.she knock on his door
and called him a few times,until he finally answers his door.

Malik:yeah,whats wrong?

Anzu:w-well I was just wondering can I talk to you,I know your probably busing but--

Malik:no,come on in.

Anzu:thank you!

And so they went his,which had only the colors of gold and crimson in it,a king-sized
bed with satn crimson sheets and a satin gold colored pillow,a crimson couch,a 45 inch
T.V,and a closet full of clothes,malik guided her to the couch and they sat down.

Malik:so what do you want to talk about?

Anzu:um..I just wanted to talk about things that I wanted to get off my chest.

Malik:okay go ahead.

Anzu:well I know standing up for my father is wrong but he is still my blood.

Malik:I can understand that cause I would feel the same with my father.

Anzu:even though I stand up for him that doesn't mean I support him
or forgive him for all the things he did to me.I hate the way he is,it may
seem that I don't hate him,but don't count on me saying that I love him.
why did my mother have to die,I should've waited for my mom to come
not bug her until she came.(she said while tears were in her eyes that
were threatening to fall)

Malik:come on don't be hard on yourself(he said while embracing her)

Anzu:I-I-If I h-had waited she w-w-would have been here with me.

Malik:stop stressing yourself with this,the past is the past,you need to
forget what happen to her,but still remember the good times you had with her.

Anzu:b-but it's so hard to forgive myself and forget what happen,that day
still haunts me in my dreams,and my dreams turn into nightmares that can
never go away.why does this have to happen to me,why me of all people.

Malik:maybe it happen to you because there is always something good
out of the bad,and you just might get something good out of this misery.

Anzu:I feel better now thanks alot.

Malik:sure thing Anzu.




Malik:heh shes asleep.

So Malik layed Anzu down fully on the count,then he went to get a pillow and a blanket.
He gently lift her head up and put the pillow under it,while putting the blanket over her.
But while He was doing a figure was standing by the door watching him in interest at
how Malik is around the girl,and how he gets when he even looks at her.
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Anzu:tell me who the person is?

kagome-yasha:nope,no can do.

Anzu:why not?

kagome-yasha:because I don't even know who it is.

YGO:-anime fall-


Anzu:well anyway,-chibi eyes- R&R pwease.