Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Abuse Is Many ❯ Almost a lost Soul ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kagome-yasha: heya again,told you I wouldn't be long to update so here is the chapter you want

Anzu:(>>....<<...><)I just notice something,where are the boys?!

Malik: awwww..it's so nice for you to worry about us.

Anzu: um..sure whatever.

Kagome-yasha: thanks everyone who review,and I will be sure to review your stories too.

Marik: will somebody do the stupid disclaimer!

Shizuki: Kagom--

Anzu: hey thats my job,(clears throat)Kagome-yasha does not own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Isis: start the fic!!
Anzu's pov....

Where am I,it's as if I am a dark void or something,I feel so cold inside,and on the outside I feel so
numb,I can't breathe,I can't speak,I can't feel,nor can I live.I belong in the darkness,I don't belong on
this planet or anywhere else,I belong in the darkness.all I want to do is live the life that I wanted for so
long to come.I hear the song that fits me so well.I listen while singing along with the lyrics.

My Last Breath by Evanscence (I do not own Evanescence)

Hold on to me Love
You know I can't stay long
All I wanted to say was I love you
And I'm not afraid
Can you hear me?
Can you feel me in your arms

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight

I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree(come find me)
I know you hear me
I can taste it in tears

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight

Closing your eyes to disappear
You pray your dreams will leave you here
But still you wake and the truth
No one's there

Say goodnight
Don't be afraid
Calling me calling me as you fade to black

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight

Thats how I felt for a long time,as if I'm holding my last breath.I didn't want this day to come,I didn't
want it to end like this,but now that the time has come I'm not afraid anymore,I'll miss the blue sky,
the stars that twinkle at night,and the bright moon,but most of all I'll miss my friends.They were there
for me.But now,I won't even get to say good bye to them.But I know their better off without me.
They don't need a cheerleader that has a death wish upon her,a father that abuses her,and someone
who killed her own mother.All the things that Isis and them say is out of pity and I know it for a fact.
But why was I here in the first place if I wasn't ment to be here.everyone wants to make me suffer.
I'll have to just except the fact that don't belong here or anywhere else for that matter,But all I want
to is tell Malik how I lo---
Regular pov....

Anzu's thoughts was cut short when cold water was splashed on her,making her bolt and scream
because of the cold.everyone elses eyes widen because her eyes were so dark that you could
mistaken them to be black.Her eyes had no puiples in it,you could even mistaken her to be a fiminine
Marik,which would be quite wierd.Anzu was panting heavily,turning her head back and forth checking
her surroundings with her eyes widening in disbelief.Then the others caught her eyes,she looked at
each face seeing right to the expressions.Isis had a expression of sorrow,Yugi had happy look on his
which would probably mean he was happy to see her alive,Yami had a disbelief expression,Bakura had
a grief look,Ryou had a sad look along with a tear in his eyes,Marik a a weird expression,Seto had a
greatful look,Joey and Tristen also a happy look on their faces,Shizuka and Mai had tears in their eyes,
Duke and Mokuba also had a sad expression,and last Malik had tears in his eyes along with a
depressive nd fear look on his face.The silence finally broke when Anzu spoke with a whisper though
loud enough for everyone to hear.

Anzu: why am I here?

Isis: because you loss too much blood and we feared for your death.

Anzu: no,I mean why am I still here,I don't belong here.

Joey: wha do ya mean,ya do belong here.

Anzu: No I don't,I don't deserve to live,I commited too many crimes!!

Marik: how you say?!

Anzu: easy,do you hear this..................

Marik: no

Anzu: that answered your question.


Seto: mazaki don't be stupid---

Anzu: I only saying the truth,you should know,we've been through the same thing!

Seto: at least I didn't try to kill myself!

Anzu: you didn't need to,you were already dead inside!!!


Anzu: I'm dying inside and out,I can't stay like this forever,why not end it now!!

Anzu was now breaking down in tears,bringing her knees up to her chest she started sobbing,her
whole body started to shake,her hair plastered all over her face,and her saying that she deserves what
she gets.everyone was shocked at her sudden out burst.But Malik,who recovered from the shock,
went over and wrap his arms around the broken girl,she tried to get out of the embrace but soon stop
and cried onto his shirt,her hands gripping on it afraid that he might just leave,but to her surprise he
didn't leave at all,instead he hugged her closer while whispering a foreign song,that she thought it
might be a egyptian lubbaby.everyone was surprise by the scene in front of them except Bakura,Isis,
odion,Marik,and Ryou,who already knew Malik had a crush on the broken girl.Anzu looked up and
stare into lavender eyes.Malik was surprised to see her old eyes back,including all her original sparkles
in it.Malik finally spoke with a soft and gentle voice.

Malik: you belong with us no matter what.

Anzu: but--

Malik: shhhh...(has his finger over her mouth)

Isis: don't even try to compete with him,he is too stubborn.

Anzu: -giggle- yeah he is.

Isis: look we earn a giggle.

Bakura: okay woman,you are going to stay with us,and don't even try to compete with me.

Ryou: yeah he is stubborn too.

Anzu: -giggles- okay I won't

Yugi: but Anzu,why didn't you tell us about your past.

Anzu: b-because I didn't want to put all this on shoulder while your out there saving the world and

Yugi: I'm sorry if I wasn't there for you.

Anzu: don't worry about it Yugi,saving the world is making people safe,also making me safe at the
same time so don't worry about it too much.

Suddenly the door open to reveal Miho,Anzu's ex-friend and now enemy.Miho came up to the bed and
stared at Anzu,while she stared back.for a few minutes it was a staring contest for the two rivals until
Malik broke it.

Malik: what do you want.

Miho: to see if Anzu is alright.

Anzu: what do you mean,you don't care about me nor are we friends so get out!!!

Miho: no,and you know why,because I wanted to say I'm sorry!!

Anzu: yeah right,your probably up to something to get back at me!!!

Miho: no I'm not!!!!

Anzu: how do I know that!!!

Miho: trust me!!!







Anzu: FINE!

Miho: FINE!!

Anzu: FINE!!!

Miho: FINE!!!!

Anzu: FINE!!!!!


Miho: well anyway I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.

Anzu: maybe I will!!

Miho: okay then!!!

Anzu: fine!!!!

Miho: FINE!!

Anzu: FINE!!!


Anzu: well thanks for being here anyway.

Miho: your welcome

Isis: well we're glad everything is back to normal and all our problems are solve.

Anzu: me too.

Suddenly the door open and there was a nurse peeking in while holding the phone.

Nurse: um..ms.Mazaki?

Anzu: right here.

Nurse: there is someone on the phone for you.

Anzu: okay thank you.

Anzu put the phone to her ear and waited for the person on the other end,until a female voice spoke.

person: Ms.Mazaki?

Anzu: this is she.

person: well I'm sorry to say this but your father is dead.

Anzu: okay bye.


Marik: so?


Ryou: Anzu?


Bakura: come on woman speak!


Yugi: Annnnnzzzzzzzzuuuuuuuu...


others: O.O

Anzu gets out of bed and starts to do a dance.And does the moonwalk

Anzu: uh-huh,oh yeah,you got it,alright.

others: O.O

Anzu: uh-huh,who the boss,I'm the boss.


Bakura: okay woman who was that and what do they want?

Anzu starts jumpimg up and down in a hyper manner.

Anzu: she said(jumps)that my(jumps)father is(jumps)dead!!!

others: YAY!!!!

Anzu: I'm free of his grasp,but where am I going to stay.

Isis: your still living with us remember.

Anzu: oh yeah thank you Isis.

Isis: your welcome.

So Anzu got out of the hospital,the gang went home,while Anzu,Isis,Marik,Malik,Bakura,and Ryou.
When they got in they all went to the family room,Isis and Anzu sat on the couch,Malik and Marik sat
on the floor,and Bakura and Ryou sat in the single arm chairs.Anzu got the remote and turned on the
T.V. Malik then got up,grabbed Anzu's arm and led Anzu in his room.Anzu was very clueless of what
was happening but her thoughts were cut short when Malik's lips pressed againist hers,Anzu was first
surprised but soon returned it.she enjoyed it but she knew it wouldn't last.

Anzu: what was that for?

Malik: when I thought you were going to die,I just wanted to get the last kiss from you and tell you
how I feel.

Anzu: how do you?

Malik: I love you Anzu,always have always will.

Anzu: oh Malik,I do too.

Malik then picked her you and twirled her around,making Anzu a little dizzy.

Malik: oh right!!

Anzu: so want to watch some T.V. with the others?

Malik: sure.

So the couple then made their way downstairs hand and hand,and they will be waiting for a anyone
that will try to break them apart.
Kagome-yasha: don't you worry people I will have a sequel to this fic.

YGO cast: nnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooo

Kagome-yasha: SHUT UP!!!!

YGO cast: O.O

Kagome-yasha: thank you,be sure to review sayonara.