Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved ❯ A New Friend ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authoress: Hey Yall! It's me again with my new story^^

Yugi: Yeah and its all about me! I am so proud! ^^

Authoress: Yeah but-

Yami: And it's about me too! ^^

Authoress: uh yeah and-

Yugi: And this is a story with some warnings some yami please tell us what they are…

Yami: *smiles* Why certainly, this story contains yaoi which is Male X Male relationships, there is also some bad language, and Anzu acting like a slut. I'm not sure if that is a warning but for all those Anzu lovers out there I wouldn't read this if you don't like Anzu acting all sluttish…

Authoress…also I-

Yugi: She does not own Yu-Gi-Oh, otherwise we would all be running around on the show fucking each other^^

Authoress: Yugi!

Yugi: It's true…

Authoress: Jeez shut up for a second I'm the authoress here I should be telling the stuff! *Pouts*

Yugi & Yami: *smiles* Oh well!

Authoress:…and being the authoress I can separate you two…Forever!

Yugi: *gasps and clutches to Yami* You wouldn't!

Yami: *holding Yugi* Yeah!

Authoress: Try me…

Yugi & Yami: We rather not, ok we will behave now…. *Sit down obediently waiting for the story to start*

Authoress: Now that's more like it^^


Yugi Mouto, an average boy sat in his everyday desk in his everyday school, glancing up from his book every now and then trying to listen to half of what the old women at the front of the class was saying. He hated school, (A/N: Who doesn't?) but he tried to pay at least some attention. He was trying to read too though; he loved the book he was reading.

It was called, "True Love," by Rachelle Yuske. The reason for him liking the book was clearly right in the title. It was a book about your average boy finally finding some one he can confide in. Yugi would give everything up just to be that boy in the book, considering his life was all but perfect. He slowly turned the page before he was forced to concentrate elsewhere.

"Mr. Mouto, I would highly appreciate it if you paid attention to what we are studying, Thank you." The old women said with her glasses sitting on the tip of her pointy nose. "Yes Ma'am." Yugi said closing his book and slouching down in his seat some. The class snickered at him but soon returned to their lesson.

Yugi sighed before turning to the correct page in their Algebra 1 Textbooks. They were just beginning to understand it, but it was still hard. Yugi thought that whoever put letters in with numbers was in need of some mental help. Suddenly the bell for lunch rang and Yugi was out of that classroom in 1.5 seconds, with all his stuff. (A/N: Man he must hate that class!)

*~~~~In the Lunch Room~~~*

Yugi now sat at his lunch table with his so called `friends.' " I can't believe you were reading in class again Yug. I mean you read that crappy book everyday it seems." The blonde teen known as Joey stated. "It's not crappy," Yugi said almost to defensively, "I mean…it's just a really good book. If you would read it instead of sleeping all through class maybe you would know." Joey sneered, "Aww what do you know?"

"I know I love this book, "Yugi replied sweetly.

Joey rolled his eyes; " Yeah you've only read it about fifty times now." Yugi sighed and continued eating his lunch giving up on trying to explain to the other. The rest of lunch was just listening to Anzu, a brunet in the group, rant and rave about how her new boyfriend wasn't paying enough attention to her and all this other crap.

She had to be the biggest slut in school. (A/N: Yeah slutty Anzu rocks! XD BIOTCH!) She had dated almost every guy in it, except for Yugi. Yugi was angered by it somewhat, but then glad at the same time. But what did she mean by not asking him out, was he not good enough for her? But then again Yugi hadn't had really had any girlfriends once he thought about it. No girl would show any concern to him actually or that he was even there.

Yugi sighed with the thought but then shook it off as he got up to dump his tray and return to class. His next class was gym and he hated it the most probably. Especially changing in the boys' locker room, every one would make fun of him or something and it was embarrassing. (A/N: I know how he feels, it's really embarrassing when some one insults your body…*sniff*) God his life sucked, he needed a friend who actually cared…

*~~~~~~After Lunch~~~~~*

"Heads up!" Some one yelled just before a kick ball nailed Yugi in the face knocking him down. People were laughing as he tried to get up rubbing his red cheek. (A/N: Face!) Yugi's eyes showed tears as he picked himself up off the ground brushing off his scraped palms. He tried his best to hold back his tears, but they fell as he silently sobbed.

His life really did suck and he just wanted it to end or find some one who shared his same problems. Gym soon ended and he had been sent down to the nurse for ice afterwards. He now made his way to his locker thankful that the day was almost over, `Social studies is all that's left, come on I can make it through that.' He told himself gently getting his books out of his locker and closing it. When he got to class he sat down with a small sigh.

This teacher was a male, also old, and he would find at least something he could say to embarrass Yugi. Well that's what Yugi would tell himself anyway "Mr. Mouto do you have your project yet?" The teacher questioned loudly. "No." Yugi said softly, blushing in embarrassment a little. "Another detention then, tomorrow you stay until 4:30 after school understand?" Yes sir." Yugi said, not looking up but the snickers from the others still told him that the classes attention was on him.

The class went by slowly but Yugi was thankful when the bell for dismissal finally rang. He quickly gathered his stuff and made his way back to his locker. He stuffed all his book and stuff he would need for his homework in his backpack and then closed his locker. Making his way to the door he ran into Anzu by mistake. "Oh sorry Anzu." Yugi said smiling somewhat. "Oh it's ok Yugi, guess what though?" Yugi wasn't at all interested but he could fake it, "What is it?" "You know my boyfriend? Well I dumped him, and he is pissed! Isn't that great?" She said smiling.

Yugi nodded, "Yeah that's…great." `Jeez she is so dumb.' He thought to himself. "Well I gotta go Anzu I will see you tomorrow ok?" Yugi said making his way outside "Ok see ya Yugi." She and him then went there separate ways. Yugi looked back to she Anzu go running over to Tristin and Joey. Yugi sighed; they had even dated Anzu yet he hadn't.

He liked her as a friend sometimes but he needed a girlfriend at least once in his life. Maybe he could learn to like her. (A/N: No Yugi, don't do it! I BEG YOU!) He shook off the thought for now though and made his way down the sidewalk to his home. (A/N: shoo I thought I lost him…) He was just glad he could go home and he didn't want anymore thought about friends or school to plague his mind, at least not until tomorrow.

As he walked home he passed a dark alleyway; he looked down it for a second with a shiver. It always creped him out. He then quickly continued walking, but before getting far he was yanked back by his book bag and shoved up against the alley wall. Yugi gasped as he noticed where he was and why.

"Where is my money Mouto?" The taller figure spat out still pinning Yugi against the wall. Yugi knew he had no money on him at the time and that he was gonna get hurt. Yugi winced before speaking, "I'm s-so sorry I-I don't have it t-today." Yugi was suddenly punched hard in the face sending him to the ground. Some broken glass cut into his palms from the dirty alley ground.

Yugi whimpered as a foot came in contact with his left ribs. "Bring it tomorrow or I will have your head." The figure said before going deep into the dark alley. Yugi picked himself up wincing and whimpering at the pain in his hands and his side. He was always bullied even after school, god he hated it.

He slowly made his way home, finally getting there and opening the door. He threw his backpack down and began to go up to his room clutching his side with his bloody hand, but someone stopped him. "Yugi what happened?" The old man known as Yugi's grandpa asked with worry and shock. Yugi had his grandpa and only his grandpa, his parents were dead and he had no siblings.

"It's nothing Grandpa. I'm fine." His grandpa quickly took his hand in his own examining it. "This is nothing?" He asked. Yugi sighed. "Take off your shirt." His grandpa commanded. Yugi slowly pulled his shirt up and off his body with a wince. "What is that?" His grandpa asked pointing to the new bruise on his left side, along with some others of his chest from other days. Yugi shrugged.

"This is nothing?!" His grandpa rose his voice some, "Yugi you need to stick up for yourself, I know you are being bullied and it needs to stop." "You think I don't try!?" Yugi yelled. "I have tried ok, I only cause my self more pain besides these people are twice my size!" "It makes no difference what size you are if you would try you wouldn't have this problem." His grandpa started calmly. Yugi was outraged, "So you think that I'm lying now?! You think I wanna put up with this shit all the time?!"

"Yugi I will not have that language in this house." His grandpa scolded. Yugi sighed, "Fine whatever, I am going to go lay down for a while." And without another word Yugi went up to his room. Yugi threw himself on his bed wincing and regretting it after wards. He had cleaned up his hands and removed some glass slivers, which remained but his side still hurt. He sighed and laid there for a while, his eyes closed.

Then Yugi remembered something; he sat up slowly and then reached under his bed. He pulled out a small golden box with ancient writing engraved on it. He opened the box and went over to his computer desk sitting it down while he seated himself in the chair. He slowly pulled out his almost complete millennium puzzle, a small golden pyramid on a thick string. It was said to have special powers placed upon it, well so his grandpa claimed.

Yugi had made a wish on the puzzle and knew he had to finish it for that wish to come true, now was the perfect time to try and get it done. He began fumbling around with the pieces in the box, trying them here and there. By the time he had about two pieces on it had been over an hour. Yugi sighed, this was more difficult than what he had thought it would be, it had taken him eight years just to get this far how in the hell was he expecting to get it done tonight?

Yugi didn't give up though; he was determined to get it done. He wanted a friend so bad…and maybe even some one who could be more than a friend? However Yugi shook the thought off and continued to bust concentrating to think about that now. Pretty soon it was dinnertime and his grandpa was yelling up the stairs for him. Yugi quickly went downstairs and ate. Within minuets he was back upstairs though working on his puzzle, besides he was sick of listening to his grandpa complain about his grades, which were falling, and how he was always bullied in school.

It was late when Yugi finally got to the last piece, 12:34 in the morning to be exact. Yugi was exhausted and hadn't done one bit of his homework. He was going to have detention forever pretty soon. But he was so anxious to get the baka puzzle done that he had forgotten it. Yugi reached for the last piece and slowly brought it up to the puzzle. When he placed it inside the whole room was filled with a blinding light.

Yugi squinted his eyes against it at first but then he had to close them entirely from the intensity of the glow. When Yugi was able to open them again he was in a whole different place. `Whoa…where am I?' Yugi thought looking around. This room was like his own but it was his room when he was maybe about five. There were old toys all over the place, a small bed, and the walls were painted with that of animals and such.

`How did I get here?' Yugi looked around, there was a door in the room and it was wide open showing another door across the hall. However the door was black and made of steel or some sort of metal anyway and on it was some weird symbol. `Wait that's the symbol on my puzzle.' Yugi thought quickly making his way to the other door anxious to look inside. But before Yugi could get to it, it opened by its self.

Yugi gasped as a dark figure stood in the doorway, where was he and who was this? Was it another bully waiting to beat him up? Was this a bad dream about bullies or something? Yugi just slowly began to back up and out of the hallway that connected the two rooms. The dark figure moved closer almost cat like in the dark.

Yugi's breath hitched in his throat as he ran into the room from which he came. `There is no way out of this place,' Yugi thought to himself quickly turning around to face the open door again. There weren't any windows or other doors to escape out of. Then the figure came into the light of the younger looking room.

Yugi could have sworn that his heart stopped. This man, the one across the room…looked just like him! There was differences yes, but they looked like they had to at least be twins in some way. His body was squeezed into skintight leather that hugged his hips and moved when he did. His eyes were darker than Yugi's and more angular, a red shade as well. They looked as if they could see straight through to Yugi's very soul.

"W-where am I?" Yugi asked looking over the other, still not believing they looked so similar. The figure looked around the room some as if he didn't know either. "Did you free me?" The man asked his voice deeper than Yugi's soft one. "F-free you?" Yugi questioned, utterly confused.

"Did…did you complete the puzzle?" The man said a smile creeping up on his face. "Um...y-yes sir." Yugi said feeling nervous around this guy he didn't even know. The man quickly made his way over to Yugi. Yugi didn't know whether or not to stay or move away from him. The man stopped only inches from the slightly shorter boy. "I thank you very much." The man whispered, " If not for you I would still be stuck in there…in the dark." "The dark?" Yugi asked.

The man moved away from Yugi sitting down on the bed in the room. Yugi looked at him curiously. The man beckoned him over. Yugi hesitated, `It doesn't seem as though he would hurt me.' Yugi thought before making his way over to the man. The shorter of the two gently sat down next to the other on the bed. "Let me explain." The man said before going into this long story about a pharaoh and something about how the puzzle works. Explaining their soul rooms and such. (A/N: Anyone who is reading this should already know the story so I am not typing out the whole damn thing. And Yami already knows he is pharaoh but he doesn't remember how he died or what his name was/is.)

"You were the pharaoh, and you were trapped in there for that long?" Yugi asked amazed. The slightly taller man nodded. Yugi looked down then stood up suddenly, "Well um if you want to stay with me then you can, by the way I'm Yugi Mouto, it's a pleasure to meet you." Yugi said smiling while reaching out his hand. Yami took it and shook it lightly. " The pleasures all mine," he said before letting go of Yugi's hand. "So…um…what do I…I call you?" The man looked as though thinking for a minuet before answering, "Yami…call me Yami." Yugi smiled again, "Ok."

Suddenly the man stood up and proceeded to leave the room. "Where…are you going?" Yugi asked a little upset. He didn't want Yami to leave. He wanted at least him to stay so he could have some one to talk too. Maybe Yami would be his friend. "Back to my soul room. I don't want to corrupt yours with my presence." Yami stated with a smirk that made him seem very evil indeed. Yugi looked around the room, "I'm sure you wont, will you…um please stay and…um talk to me. I don't have anyone to talk to really."

Yugi looked down at the floor sadly and a little embarrassed. Yami turned back around and studied the other. He was in fact still half-naked and the bruises on his body stood out on his pale skin and Yami was curious as to how they got there and who caused them. Yami came back over to Yugi lifting his chin up again so he could look into his eyes. Yugi stared up at the taller man unshed tears in his eyes. Yami actually felt sort of bad for the smaller one.

"Come." Yami said sitting back down. "What is it you wish to speak about?" Yugi looked over at him before sitting at the others side. Then Yugi began his life long story about how he was always bullied and forgotten. Yami listened to everything Yugi had to say. It made him mad actually, about how Yugi told of the people that would hurt him. Oh they would pay.

Yugi sobbed through half of his story, making Yami's heart hurt. But he couldn't seem to figure out why. He shook it off though and continued listening to Yugi. When Yugi was through there was an uneasy silence that hung in the air. `Does he not care too? Just like everyone else…oh I knew it why would he hang out with me, no one does!' Yugi silently sobbed. Yami noticed and looked confused, was he supposed to say something? He didn't know what to say to Yugi's story.

Suddenly Yugi stood up, "Yami…if you don't want to care about me then I understand. Just...let me go to bed now please." Yami looked a little taken back at the reply. "Yugi I care but…what should I say?" Yugi looked back at the other with a shrug. "A simple I'm sorry would be nice." Yami still looked confused, "but I didn't do anything."

Yugi turned all the way around now facing the taller of the two. `Does he not understand what I mean? I guess so…I mean he did say he was five thousand years old or something like that right?' Yugi thought. `But he did say he cared…right?' " I meant that your sorry for me…but wait you said you care?" Yugi asked a loud. Yami nodded, "Yes Yugi I do but I can't really do anything about what has happened to you in the past…however I could maybe make your future a little brighter."

Yugi cocked his head, "How?" Yami smiled some; "I could be your friend. And a true one at that." Yugi lit up with glee. "You mean it?!" "Every word." Yami said with a grin. `If this is a dream don't wake me up.' Yugi kept saying to himself. Yami saw how happy Yugi was and he also felt happy, but then something caught his attention, "You have school do you not?" Yami asked looking at the over joyful person standing in front of him.

Yugi suddenly flushed as if he had seen a ghost; "Shit…I mean crap. Yes I do…sorry Yami but I have to go to bed now." Yugi said moving to get into the bed. Yami waved it off, "It's quiet alright Yugi." Yami quickly got out of the little ones way as he pounced into bed hastily covering up. "Good night Yami." Yami made his way over to the door turning off the light, "Good night hikari of mine."


Authoress: So what did ya think of the first chapter? Good…Bad…Horribly Terrible? Let me know in some reviews ok? I want to know if I should keep this story going or not.

Yugi: Yeah I got a friend now! *Glomps Yami*EEEEEE!

Yami: *blushes deeply* Eh-he…

Authoress: AAAWWW how kawaii! Yugi x Yami forever! Ja ne!