Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Eyes ❯ Seeing Double ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*~Communication Key~*
"Bla"=Speech out loud
'Bla'=Thoughts to self
/Bla/=Hakari to Yami
//Bla//=Yami to Hakari
~*~*~*~*~*~ = indicates a change in time or major character change.

Seeing Double
With the frantic rustling of scratchy sheets, and the metallic squeaking of a small, stiff bed, Yugi Moto awoke to find himself laying alone in an unfamiliar bed. He sat up and turned around trying to get a better picture of where he was. A sharp pain reminded him why he was there, it echoed through his chest and he groaned and let himself fall back onto the bed.
Memories of the past events made him groan again.
"Oh yea, I forgot."
He laid there for a moment and noticed the now familiar weight on his chest was gone.
He looked around the room and saw the hem of his pants sticking out of the closet door. He pulled both feet off the bed and winced at the coolness of the floor. Yugi strolled over and opened the doors, the puzzle was laying on a small bench along with his neck buckle and bracelets. He picked it up and slid the chain around his neck. He didn't fell the sudden rush like he had the first time and was slightly disappointed and started to suspect that everything that he thought had happened during Keith's duel, was just a dream.
Sighing, he walked back to the bed and sat down causing a small squeak to escape from under him. The last thing he remembered was getting punched and falling unconscious outside of KaibaLand. How he had gotten to the hospital was a mystery to him.
/At least someone found me./. He thought to himself shuttering at the thought of lying alone in the dark.
//Glad your feeling better little Yugi! //
Yugi literally jumped a foot in the air, making the pain in his chest scream out to him running through his body like electricity.
//What? You didn't think that everything that happened last night was a dream now did You Yugi?//
"What? Where are you . . . ? Oh yea never mind."
/Sorry I kinda forgot./
He lightly touched the area of his chest that was screaming at him and he let out a small whimper and closed his eyes focusing on a colorful room that was far away form this uncomfortable bed.
He felt the pain in his chest dull away to a numb annoyance as he opened his eyes to see the semi familiar room he had woken up in with his duel with Keith. Looking around the room he looked for any sign of the spirt of the puzzle.
/Where are you?/ Yugi said as he sat up and walked over to a door across the room, carefully avoiding the toys laying on the floor. He reached out and turned the nob, smoke crawled in from the other side slithering in onto the floor, clouding around his feet.
A shiver went through body as the creepiness of the hallway sunk in. The wall on his side was light blue and seemed to be bricked together like a puzzle. The other was a dark purple color that seemed to be bending and twisting with an endless black.
Directly across from his own room there was a enormous door. It was larger then his own and upon it was the same eye that was on his puzzle, the blends of purple, red and blue made the other side of the hall creepy.
Yugi walked slowly over on his tiptoes. For some reason being in the hallway was scaring him. Just when he reached the door and held out his hand directly over the handle, it creaked open, dramatically slow, the heavy looking door opened itself inward, dust and smoke filtered into the hallway and Yugi turned his head away coughing.
When he turned back around the door was fully open, and standing in the door frame was a shadow of a figure that looked surprisingly like him. Yugi watched as the dust cleared and the shadow came closer to him.
// Yugi.//
Yugi jumped at the sound of the spirt's voice in his head. He backed away from the door and into the center of the hall. The shadow followed, dust clearing to revile a exact copy of himself standing in front of him. He stared, eyes glued open in shock as his mouth remained slightly parted.
His heart stopped beating as the figure walked towards him. The spirt was only several inches taller making him, once again the shorter of the two. He had the same shape and hair colors as Yugi, but his blonde bangs spread out into the crown of his head and continued upwards like lightning, highlighting up to his red tips.
When the figure was standing directly in front of him, Yugi glanced up, straight into eyes that took his breath away. The figure in front of him had angular blood red eyes, sharp and fiery seeming to pierce into him.With the intensity of the gaze Yami fixed on him, he was finding himself unstable even to look away from the ruby eyes.
/Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God./
A gigantic, incredibly sexy grin found its way on the suave face of the taller boy as he shook his head softly in amusement.
//You're leaking.//
Yugi just stood in a transfixed gaze. It was shocking him how similar they both looked, but what was holding his interests even more were the differences. It was just the way he stood, he looked way more mature and held an exotic, sophisticated air around him that seemed to be forcing Yugi's heat to speed up excitedly. He stood wearing the blue uniform that Yugi had been wearing the night before. Yugi moved his mouth, but all he could do was swallow convulsively.
/You . . . you look just like me!/
The spirt just gave him another smirk after Yugi had finally got his thoughts together.
//No, actually, I believe you look like me, and from what I have gathered so far from the information in my soul room, I have been trapped in this puzzle by magic for thousands of years, making it impossible for me to be crafted form your form. The reason for me being here is something I have yet to figure out. The only thing I know so far is that I am from Egypt, and that there are many things I still need to figure out.//
Yugi, who was still in shock of seeing the fiery eyed youth standing in front of him, widened his eyes as a scary thought came to him.
/You, and me, were not related are we?/ He squeaked out.
The spirt chuckled.
//Yugi, I am roughly five thousand years old, I do not think that even fate would be that cruel. That would make things a bit more complicated.//
Yugi's cheeks turned a light red at he thought of reasons why them being related could be a bad thing. The spirt gave him a suggestive smirk, and Yugi looked down, trying not to think about the other tri-colored haired boy who was smirking down at him. He tried to hide his scandalized smile as he looked back up to the sensual teen.
/How did I get to the hospital?/
The grin faded away from the ruby eyed face. A sad look took it's place as he looked Yugi right in the eyes and he let out an apprehensive sigh.
//I'm sorry Yugi. I have already failed you once. I did not know what was happening until you had already lost contact with me. The two men that had attacked you have of corse been dealt with. Though I must admit though it was not me that called the metallic box to bring our body to this place. Another had found me just after I had separated from you and had summoned it from the air.//
That was not exactly the type of answer that Yugi had been expecting. He figured out what he had meant by the metallic box but the separating part confused him.
/What do you mean when you separated from me?/
The spirt paused and looked confused for a moment.
//I don't really know. I felt your mind loose consciousness and the next thing I knew I was standing next to your limp body with two very stunned men standing next to me. After dealing with them, I heard someone else coming, and then I found myself locked back in my soul room.//
Yugi nodded carefully, not fully understanding again what the spirt was talking about. He was about to make a comment, when the pain in his chest seemed to scream at him, bringing his attention back to a place outside the puzzle.
Yugi reopened his eyes and fell back to reality to see a set of chocolate brown eyes staring right down at him.
"Yugi! You're awake! Are you okay? What happened? Did Kaiba really hurt you?"
Dumbfounded, Yugi opened and shut his mouth repeatedly. The shock of waking and having the undeniably attractive boy three inches away from him right after his experience with the spirt, was to no surprise not helping him, not to mention the confusion of being asked so many questions in such a short period of time. Ryou backed away from him, giving him his room to breathe.
//Who's Kaiba?// He heard the voice in his head purr.
"Who's Kaiba?" Yugi repeated out loud the question. Ryou straightened his small sweater and gave Yugi a look and a small disapproving shake of his head.
"Kaiba. Head of KaibaCorp. Richest guy in the hole freaking world!"
"Oh yea! Okay, why would he want to hurt me?" Yugi replied confused.
"Well, he was standing over you when Jou found you beat up on the side of KaibaLand." Ryou paused and gave Yugi an intense look. "When we found you, he seemed quite upset, Jou says it was because he probably wanted to hurt you more or something, you know how Jou gets."
He gave the white-haired boy a small smile and nod.
"Kaiba didn't attack me, it was one of those guys that had Anzu earlier. When Honda and I were looking for her I saw her leave with them. I guess I just got stupid and decided to follow them. One of them jumped me and well, the next thing I knew I woke up here."
Ryou raised an eyebrow.
"The two men that had Anzu earlier were found a ways away from you and Kaiba. They were both laying unconscious with their eyes open, no one can tell what happened to them."
Yugi gulped, and before he could answer, Ryou asked him another question, advancing maliciously to him.
"You know, ever sense you got that millennium puzzle you have been acting different little Yugi."
Yugi noticed while Ryou was talking that this Ryou seemed different, he seemed to have a different air around him, and a particularly evil one at that. The boy seemed to shift, the normally soft features of his face seemed to sharpen and his eyes changed from a soft brown to an almost black dark color.
"Challenging Keith like that yesterday, and then going and winning like that. You certainly surprised me. Along with a lot of other people I'm sure. Yes, I believe you know what I'm talking about too."
Yugi was to say the least confused. He was in a mix of emotions right now, he could feel the spirt in him growing angry and it was scaring him. Ryou continued to advance threateningly slow.
"I actually know a lot about that puzzle. I know all about the Pharaoh Yami inside and of his dark powers. Actually, I probably even know more then he dose, considering the fact his spirt was all split up when the puzzle was apart."
/Pharaoh? Yami? Dose anything he's saying make sense to you?/
"I also am aware that only the chosen one can open the link and complete the puzzle." The dark Ryou continued to talk while Yugi spaced out and began to talk to his spirt.
//Yes, it would make sense. I do not believe this is your friend Ryou though Yugi. I can sense the shadow powers around this boy. The power of the millennium ring is being tapped into now. I suppose this is the spirt of the ring we are so privileged to be talking to.//
/So you really are a Pharaoh?/ Yugi asked. He again was snapped back to reality bye a sudden weight on his body. He found himself pinned to the cot like bed. Ryou's dark eyes glaring down at him.
"I know you can hear me Pharaoh, why don't you come out so me and you can have a talk. I'm sure you don't want me to have to hurt your precious hakari. You know where you can find me."
With that Yugi felt Ryou relax and fall on top of him he winced in pain as the puzzle pushed up against his already bruised chest. Ryou's eyes softened and widened in shock.
"Oh my gosh, pardon me Yugi! I don't know what came over me." He quickly wiggled off the bed and gave Yugi a sincere apologetic look. Yugi continued to look at him confused.
"How did you know all that?" He demanded a little out of character.
He saw Ryou wince at the harshness of his voice and instantly felt bad. He knew that the spirt of the puzzle, no Yami, could take full control of him if he wanted to. The same, he guessed, applied to Ryou. He muttered a small "sorry" and waited for Ryou who seemed to have spaced out for a while. Instantly another figure appeared next to where Ryou once stood alone.
"Because I told him." The taller Ryou replied. "Can Yami come out and play because I am just dying to talk to him." The Ryou look alike started grinning madly, startling Ryou, who had looked calm throw out the whole appearance of his other half. Yugi was looking back and forth at the two Ryous.
"Yugi this is Bakura." The smaller Ryou said calmly in his charming British accent, a confused expression came on his face. "I don't know what he doing though."
Bakura was circling Yugi's bed, he went up closer to Yugi and fingered the puzzle. He looked Yugi in the eyes which were still a bright violet color.
"Why wont you come out Pharaoh? Do I have to make you mad or something?" He began to poke Yugi harshly.
/Um, spirt, err, Yami . . . who is this guy? Why dose he want you to come out? /
//I don't know Yugi. I would like to know what else he knows about me.//
Yugi felt the spirt fill his mind. Bakura's eyes widened at the change of Yugi eyes. The purple color was replaced by a blood red. He gave a mocking bow with a grin.
"Pharaoh Yami, I see you choose to remain inside of you host. No matter, it is nice to finally see you again." He gave another glance down at the puzzle.
The possessed Yugi glared very un-Yugi-like at the dark spirt.
"How do you know of me when I have no memory of you or how I have come here?"
Bakura smirked at him. "As I said before, your memory was probably shattered as was the puzzle. I on the other hand, do." Bakura chuckled. "You don't remember anything do you? Hmmm, this could be fun." He reached out and touched the puzzle again. "Very fun indeed."
The white-haired boy disappeared as quickly as he had come just as the door to the hospital room opened suddenly. Yugi heard Ryou mumble something along the lines of "stupid mortals." And then change back into normal calm Ryou.
"YUGI! We've been worried sick about you! Howa doin buddy?" An overexcited Jou said running to his bed.
The spirt's presence left leaving Yugi in complete control again. He gave Jou a big smile and answered with his usual cheerfulness.
"I'm fine! Me and Ryou were just talking a moment ago."
Behind Jou, Solomon, Honda and Anzu entered the already full room. Yugi's grandfather came closer to Yugi's bed and stroked his grandson's cheek lovingly. Yugi smiled up at him.
"Yugi I'm very sorry for what happened to you. I got you something that I think you might enjoy very much, I hope it makes you feel better. I am trusting you to take very good care of this, it once was my only pride and joy. I am now giving it to you, for you have indeed taken it's place in my heart."
Solomon pulled out a small wooden box and handed it to Yugi.
"I was planning on giving this to you on your next birthday, but I think now is a better time."
Yugi fingered the corners of the box slowly. He didn't notice that everyone in the room was waiting patiently for him to open the box. Well almost everyone.
"COMMON YUG! Open it!" A frustrated Jou yelled at his new best friend after waiting a few more moments. Yugi snapped out of his daze and opened the box. A single duel monsters card fell into his lap. Setting down the box, he carefully picked up the card, fingering it as if it was made of glass.
Yugi opened his eyes wide in shock and let out a sharp gasp. The quick intake of air hurt his healing ribs, but he didn't care, what he was happening was impossible. He was holding in his hands the legendary Blue Eyes White Dragon.
"Grandpa . . . how?" Yugi couldn't find words to finish. He looked back down to the card, it amazed him at the power that a piece of reenforced paper could hold, he could feel the power radiating from it. He felt the spirt's excitement in the puzzle.
Solomon was beaming. He was hoping that his gift would keep Yugi from giving up duel monsters, the one thing that had ever truly made him happy, and the one thing that kept him and Yugi close. He didn't want the threatening events of yesterday to scare him from dueling again.
He smiled at his grandson. "Yugi, I hope you will add this to your deck, it was given to be by a dear friend and am now passing it down to you. I trust you will respect and take good care of this card."
Yugi nodded frantically, giving his grandpa his biggest smile, and leaping up to give him a hug.
"Thank you grandpa, don't worry, I'll always take care of it! You always know how to make me feel so much better!"
Jou, who had been waiting impatiently for the two to break their hug was twitching excitedly.
"WELL! What is it? Show the rest of us?!?"
Yugi turned to his friend, he had the cutest evil smile on as he twisted the card around between his two fingers to show Jou his new card.
Jou instantly fell to the ground in shock. Anzu and Honda stared with their mouths gapping open, while Ryou was smiling and mumbling his praises.
"What an excellent card Yugi. That truly is one of a kind, well one out of four of a kind. But still, that is a very rare card."
Jou got up off the floor and was staring at Ryou as if he was crazy. "Rare are you freaking kidding me?!? THAT'S A BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON! The rarest card in all of duel monsters." He looked back at the card that Yugi was still holding in front of him beginning to drool as he studied the attack points.
Yugi laughed at his friend. He felt much better then he had in a long time, everything was becoming perfect. He thanked his grandpa again and waved bye to his friends as a nurse came and yelled at them all for exciting him. They were all shoed out of the room leaving Yugi alone with the presence that shared his body.
Yugi sprawled comfortable on the bed, holding his new addition to his deck carefully between both hands.
Days passed with visits from his friends and countless people trying to get information for KaibaCorp and news reporters trying to find out what had happened to the men with the mysterious concussions. Both men were still in comas and had no physical illnesses that could be accounted for by any doctors. Everyone seemed very interested in what had happened, most thinking that Seto Kaiba had something to do with it.
Yugi had laughed when Jou reported to him the new rumor was that Kaiba's "DEATH STARES" had left both men frighted to the point of unconsciousness. Yugi knew that even THAT was more probable then the truth. No one would believe him if he told them a Egyptian Pharaoh named Yami, who lived in his solid gold puzzle, had sent the two mens souls into an alternate universe know as the shadow realm.
Yugi had Yami explain most of whatever he had still remembered from the past, including any of the powers that had Yami had that enabled to share a body with his, and practically everything he knew about his shadow powers. Which so far Yami knew only of his ability to send peoples souls into the shadow realm. Most time was spent on Yugi trying to coax Yami out of the puzzle like Ryou's spirt had done. For some reason, no matter how much energy they both spent trying to have Yami materialize, they had no such luck, and it only resulted in Yugi spending all his energy and passing out from exhaustion.
The time in the puzzle seemed to have no rules, sometimes Yugi would enter for what seemed like moments and come out to have a whole day passed. Other times he would be in their all day talking with Yami and then wake back up in the hospital for what seemed like only minuets after he had left. In the end Yugi had spent countless hours sitting in his soul room talking to his new partner. But all of his puzzle activities did of corse cause some questions on Yugi's conditions. So Yugi had spent the remainder of his days planning new dueling strategies with Yami through their link to included their new Blue Eyes White Dragon in their plays.
When Yugi was finally able to prove that he was fine, and that his "fainting spells" were over, he was scheduled to leave late that afternoon.
Halfway into the day, a soft knock was heard on the door and a scared looking nurse entered. Yugi was laying on his bed, eyes closed from conversation with Yami.
"Yugi Moto?"
Yugi quickly opened his eyes and sat up. "Yes?"
The nurse backed away slowly and began to exit the room. Turning around again facing Yugi once she was halfway through the door she smiled apologetically.
"I'm sorry to disturb you, I'm sure you're really tired and you really don't want to see any visitors. I'll just tell them that you are sleeping. Sorry to disturb you." She began to close the door.
"NOO!" Yugi yelled, startling both the nurse and himself. He blushed slightly as the nurse opened the door again and looked at him.
"Well, I mean, I haven't had any visitors in a long time, and I'm not tired at all. So it's really okay. You can send them in."
The nurse's face fell and she turned a few shades paler. She had been Yugi's assigned nurse and had developed a soft spot for him and his adorable little smile.
"Yugi dear, are you sure? You really do need your rest if you are to go home today. I'm sure that he would understand if you didn't fell like seeing anyone right now."
Yugi's expression changed to one of confusion. He nodded slowly trying to understand why she didn't want to let him see his visitor. He really had been feeling lonely for the last few days with only Yami to talk to all day. His friends had stopped coming after the school week started again, Jou only stopping bye once to drop off all his homework.
"No. It's ok, really, I'm fine..."
The nurse had reentered the room and was standing by Yugi's bed. Her face was almost white, she looked scared and started to continue.
"No, Yugi, I'll tell him to go away, don't worry..."
A sharp, deep voice interrupted her.
"Did you not hear him the first time? He said he would see me. You may leave now."
Yugi's eyes widened and his breath was caught somewhere between his chest and his throat as his violet eyes fell on the tall figure standing between the doorframe.
Yugi's nurse looked ready to pass out as a pair of deep blue eyes sent her a scathing glare. He mumbled "idiot" under his breath as he stepped into the small hospital room allowing her to pass. She sent Yugi a sympathetic look over her shoulder as she left the room.
The tall boy with thick brown hair seemed to look him over, Yugi let out the breath he had been holding as the tall figure strode across the room effortlessly and soon was at the edge of Yugi's bed.
After a long awkward staring contest, Yugi broke eye contact with the icy blue eyes as he heard Yami's voice. He slightly jumped in surprise.
//Who is he, why is he here and when can I take over?//
Yugi was asking himself the same thing as the devastatingly alluring man's eyes widened in surprise at the smaller boy's earlier jump. Yugi blushed slightly and looked down as he folded his legs Indian style.
"Is there a problem?"
The sharp cold voice had changed into a smooth, husky one that sent chills down Yugi's spine. He could feel Yami getting excited in his puzzle, and it was starting to rub off on him. He suddenly felt like he wanted to go run around the room. He tried to ignore Yami and swallowed down the lump in his throat and tried not to slur his words as he answered the boy with the deep blue eyes.
"Oh no." He turned his head to the side and continued. "I'm sorry, but . . . Who are you?"
The sapphire eyes left his violet as the man looked down and twisted his watch. He seemed to be debating with himself whether or not to answer Yugi's question. He looked back up, features somewhat softer from when he had entered, he pulled up a chair out from nowhere and sat down crossing his legs.
"Kaiba, my name is Seto Kaiba." He paused, looking into the extensive lavender eyes looking for any sort of altar motive the boy might have after hearing his name. Finding none he continued, "I was the one that found you near KaibaLand."
Yugi nodded. Then paled.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I heard what my friends did to you. I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble. I know Jou can be over protective of me and I'm sure it was a lot of trouble for you to get them to..."
Yugi shut up and turned a very flushed red color. "Yea, I guess I'm just trying to say I'm really sorry." He looked back down at his hands in his lap.
Kaiba snorted as he placed a name with the annoying blond that had found and yelled at him the night he had seen Yugi. He smiled to himself as he realized that the boy Yugi was blushing. He reached out and lifted Yugi's chin with his long slender index finger turning Yugi's face upward to make their eyes meet.
"It was nothing I couldn't handle myself."
As Yugi felt Kaiba's chilled fingers touch his flushed skin he felt his hole body begin to get all stirred up and bothered. It sent a shiver through his body, and he felt his stomach jumping.
//HA! With that the result of one touch Yugi, imagine how much fun we could have with all of him!//
/YAMI!/ Yugi's eyes oped wide as he sent his scandalized thoughts to his counter partner. He had to admit though, he didn't hold any objection to that at all. Kaiba's mere presence was making feel a way that he had never really felt before, but for some reason he liked the way his insides were jumping.
//What?!? I'm just stating the obvious...//
Yugi decided to shake off the image of Seto that was starting to for in his head. Insecurities started rushing through his head.
/Why do you think he's even here to talk to me? Do you think he just wants to know what happened to those two guys like everyone else? I bet he just wants to see who had been giving him so much trouble. Remember all the rumors that have been started about him because of me?/
Yugi could practically see the spirt rolling his eyes and giving a loud mental sigh.
//I very seriously doubt that's why he's hear, I doubt he needs to handle those things himself. That's probably just what he is using as an excuse to come here.//
/Yea right./
//Gods Yugi, You really don't see how desirable you are.//
For some reason Yugi got the impression that Yami was upset.
// I think you should get back I'm sure Kaiba's worried about you spacing out and all.// Yami's presence faded from Yugi's mind.
/What?Yami! Come Back!/
Not getting any response, Yugi broke his connection with the puzzle. Kaiba was staring at him carefully. Yugi was aware of how spaced out he had looked when he was talking to Yami, he blushed and mumbled sorry coyly. Kaiba removed his fingers from Yugi's face slowly and crossed his arms. His blue eyes were piercing into Yugi's lavender.
It didn't show but Kaiba was beginning to get tense at the situation, he had already begun to go over his new duel disk system in his head. He didn't know why he had really come to the hospital in the first place. In his computer he had scheduled it as a meeting to determine what had happened at KaibaLand, but that was just his excuse for his new secretary who seemed to think she was his mother. He knew he wanted to see the tri-colored hair boy again and he had just come on impulse, something he had always refused to do before today.
"I see you are feeling better. How have you been recovering?"
Yugi smiled."Pretty good, I'm fine now, I get to leave today!" His cheerful attitude had returned and he really wanted to get to know Kaiba better. "I don't really remember anything that happened that night, I was looking for my friend Anzu and I followed her outside, the next thing I knew these two guys were jumping me." He looked down again. "I didn't think anyone would get that upset over a duel before."
"Bandit Keith is not a normal duelist. His dueling is seldomly honest, and he is know for intimidating his opponents.I had never seen any of his duels live and went to go see one, you played very well considering the odds, not many people would have risked that much to help another person. Let me be the first to congratulate you on your new title as the international champion. I made sure that Keith was stripped of his title once he lost to you. That was one of the most one sided duels I have seen in a long time."
"Thanks" Yugi was blushing again at the flattery and smiled at the teen. His eyes widened suddenly as he remembered what Ryou had told him earlier.
"YOU!" He screamed, startling Kaiba almost out of his chair. "You're the #1 duelist in the world! You watched my duel?!? That's so cool!" He was now bouncing on the bed from excitement.
Even Seto Kaiba, the world's coldest CEO, couldn't help the small smile that formed on his lips, it was wired how different he seemed to be acting. When Seto had seen him dueling Keith he seemed so serious and determined, and the boy looked damn sexy with his own exotic aura around him. Now he was smiling and bouncing around like a cute little kid. The change was almost completely opposite, but he decided he didn't really mind, he hadn't smiled cense . . . Well he hadn't smiled in a long time.
Kaiba looked back down at the boy with his lips turned slightly upwards. It was hard for him to resist the urge to smile. A plan began to form in his head to be able to see the boy again.
"Yes, well I would like to see you duel again, I hope the little incident with Keith doesn't prevent you from coming to KaibaLand again. I could get you a private arena if you want one."
"Really? That would be great! Would I get to see you there?" Yugi blurted out. He immediately turned red and looked back down at his lap.
Kaiba smiled again, he couldn't help it. The way Yugi was acting was just so . . . cute.
"If you want me to be. I could tell the people at the front desk to allow you access to whatever you would like. They can also call my office from their front desk."
Kaiba winced inwardly as he finished. He sounded so needy. He didn't even know whether or not this boy remotely interested. How could someone like him NOT have someone else. An image of the blonde boy popped in his head and he growled out loud. He winced again.
'What is this boy doing to me? Why am I acting like this?!?'
When he saw Yugi's eyes become impossibly large and his little lips turned into an even bigger smile he heard the little voice in his head answering 'That's why.'
The door to Yugi's room flew open and in stepped Jou. He froze when he saw Kaiba sitting so close to Yugi.
"HEY! What are you doing here?!?" he turned and gave a mad confused look to Yugi just as Anzu pushed her way past the boy blocking her way to the entrance.
Upon viewing Yugi and Kaiba's expressions she mumbled "Oh" and turned and pushed Jou out of the room. She managed to shut the door and the sounds of squeaking sneaker and Jou demanding what she was thinking slowly faded.
Kaiba turned his attention back to Yugi and frowned.
"It seems your friends are here. Maybe I will see you again sometime." Kaiba stood up from the chair and was getting up ready to leave.
Yami was suddenly present in Yugi's mind.
//YUGI! You can't just let him leave!//
/What? Why?/
//Yugi!?! Fine let him, I don't care.//
Just as Kaiba had stood up straight, he looked back and gave Yugi a small smile that looked seemed somewhat sad.
Yugi suddenly lost all control of his body and found himself leaping from his bed and pulling the taller boy close to him forcing him into a scorching kiss. At first there was no response, but when Yugi roughly licked Seto's lower lip demanding entrance, the larger teen wrapped his strong arms around the small boy, his heart beginning to race a little as he felt Yugi slip his hot tongue into his mouth as he parted his lips slightly allowed the smaller's tongue to explore inside.
/Yami! What are you doing?!?!/
The Yugi impersonator grabbed Kaiba around the waist and pulled him as close to his body as possible, the weight causing him to fall back onto the bed pulling Kaiba down with him. He continued to pull the other teen close to him, Kaiba deepened the kiss and began fighting for dominance.
//See Yugi, he likes it!//
Kaiba, uncomfortable with just laying on top of the smaller teen, straddled Yugi's hips, causing him to gasp and allow Kaiba to take control of the new, more passionate kiss. "Yugi's" taste was making him want to become addicted. The spicy flavor of his mouth was enough to cause Kaiba to let out a loud growl as he softly sucked on Yugi's tongue. His lungs were beginning to ache as the harsh bruising kiss continued.
"Yugi" pulled away when the lack of oxygen began to make him lightheaded. He began to kiss down the other's neck, swirling his tongue softly against the soft flesh. Nipping gently, he began to mark the taller teen's neck as he sucked hard on the sensitive area right below his jaw. Kaiba unconsciously rolled his head back and let out a low, throaty moan.
Deep in the puzzle, Yugi was currently in his soul room laying face down on his bed. He was covering his head with a pillow as he tried to block out any images of what Yami was doing with his body. He didn't need to hear Kaiba yelling at him for jumping on him like that and then kissing him. Yugi wouldn't blame the teen if he slapped him down and then yelled violently at him for harassing him like that.
He pulled the pillow tighter around his head as he heard Yami trying to talk to him after Yugi had yelled shocked in surprise what he was doing. He began to whimper as Yami's feeling began to override the block that he had placed up between them. Flashes of what was going outside of the puzzle began to flash through his head.
He stopped pressing down so hard down on the pillow as he caught a glimpse of something that confused him. 'Is Kaiba actually enjoying this?'
Yugi allowed the barrier between his other half to fall and was shocked to see that Kaiba was actively participating in Yami's kisses. He quickly sat up strait in his bed and melded with his dark spirt. Becoming present in the other's mind, but having no control over the body. Yami was placing avid kisses down Kaiba's throat.
Kaiba let out a deep moan calling his name. Yugi's mind froze when he heard Kaiba's husky voice.
/...Yugi?!?/ Hearing his name spoken like that was the final hint he needed that showed him that Kaiba did like him, and he wanted in on the action.
/Yami Common! I wanna turn It's my body, I wanna be in control!/
//No Yugi! I seem to remember you yelling at me when I kissed him. You may have him when I am through with him.//
/Yami! Please! I really want to.../
Yami, finding it hard to concentrate on seducing the handsome billionaire with the small voice in his head pleading with him, gave Yugi back the control of his body.
//Don't think I'm letting you have all the fun.//. He stopped marking the brunette's neck and the mind shift took place. The physical changes caused Yugi to shift in Kaiba's arms as he made his way back up to the other's lips kissing him delicately.
Seto who was very much enjoying himself couldn't help but notice the change in the boy beneath him. One minute the boy had leapt at him, claiming his mouth, kissing him savagely, and now he was kissing him slowly, exploring gently with soft small swirls that were driving him mad.
'DAMN, why the hell do we have to be in a hospital! Anywhere else and I would have taken him already.'
Slowly all of his resolve was fading away as the kisses became more heated, just as they broke it off to breath again. Visions of himself taking the panting boy under him soon filled his head as he looked down into the dark indigo eyes, he looked so innocent with the little half smile he gave between heavy breathing even though Kaiba was pretty sure that it was Yugi that had attacked him into the bruising kiss.
Yugi quickly caught his breath and began to softly kiss him again. All Kaiba could think about was how soft his lips were and how something wasn't right. All thoughts were interrupted as he felt small fingers moving down from his neck to his chest. He felt the small fingers slowly unbuttoning the buttons on his blue silk shirt, after his shirt was halfway unbuttoned the small teen slipped two hands in, caressing his firm chest.
The cold fingers against his heated skin made his eyes shoot open and the sight that greeted him made all his will power disappear. He pulled back and watched Yugi's eyes remain closed and his lips swell and remain puckered out. The eyes seemed to flutter open and the amethyst eyes had darkened to an almost black color. The boy growled softly and brushed his fingers over a taunt nub smiling wickedly up at Kaiba.
Kaiba's eyes slid closed and he felt Yugi's lips press up against his own. The pleasurable rubbing continued and he moaned loudly when the bud was captured between two slender fingers and pinched slightly. He then realized what had been bugging him the whole time. Yugi tasted sugary, sweet like honey, and Kaiba could not forget the spicy flavor that their kiss had started as. Deciding that he could care less, he continued to kiss the small boy.
Soon Kaiba could feel something hard pushing against his upper thigh and it made him realize how much his own sex was aching. He began to feel his body catching fire as the fever caught in his blood. The feather light touches of Yugi's hands moving across his chest were not helping, and he whimpered as they brushed against his other nipple.
'What the hell? Was that me? Holy...'
Again these thoughts were interrupted when he found himself on his back looking up into blood red eyes. He stared in shock into the ruby gaze and exotic face of the boy sitting on his chest.
'What? His eyes were purple a minute ago!'
He had little time to ponder this as the smirking mouth lowered to his own, kissing him hard with the passion they had started with. He felt strong, demanding hands on his chest, no longer administering feather-soft touches, but rough timed strokes. The hands quickly undid the remaining buttons and pulled it down his shoulders harshly. Rubbing the newly exposed flesh with his palms. His mouth was being invaded by a rough kiss, no longer sweet but fiery and spicy.
Breaking the kiss and sitting upright on Kaiba's chest, the teen looked down with maliciousness at the wide, surprised blue eyes of the boy. He was sizing him up, raising an eyebrow at the reaction he got as he ran his palms down Kaiba's chest to his stomach. He raked his fingers into flesh as he moved his hands back up. He smiled wickedly again and Kaiba couldn't think straight as all the blood in his body went straight to an extremely hard area of his body.
Tremors went through him as the ruby eyed boy on top of his scooted back, resting between his stomach and his thighs. The boy rocked on top of him and both teens let out a groan as their painfully tight groins rubbed together.
Kaiba reached up and pulled the boy back down to him and continued their make out session. "Yugi" slid his hands back along Kaiba's chest and rubbed his hands down his sides, making Kaiba moan into his mouth. The kiss was progressing into the hottest thing Kaiba had ever been involved in, and that was saying a lot. It was beginning to be a little more then Kaiba could handle with his cloths on, and just as he was going to break apart to breath, Yugi pulled apart gasping for air.
Yugi's purple eyes looked heavy as managed to open them and look down at the brunette under him. Kaiba was taking deep breaths and was studying Yugi's features. Looking at the beautiful boy on top of him, whose lips were puffing slightly, hair all mussy and eyes deep purple, clouded with lust, was absolutely stunning.
He pulled the still panting boy back down to him and started to kiss him roughly. He stopped when he noticed that the light caresses were back on his chest, and the lips were responding softly to his hasty, forceful kiss, tasting of honey once again. Kaiba was sure now that Yugi was purposely trying to drive him mad, and it was working VERY well. He couldn't handle the swift changes of having heavenly sweet one second, and then spicy and passionate the next. The result, Serious consideration of taking the boy right there right now on the unstable hospital bed.
He slid his hands along the back of Yugi's legs, and when he reached the boy's thighs, a soft moan escaped into his mouth, and a gentle purr escaped the boy's lips as he continued to rub and caress up and under the robe Yugi was wearing. He slipped his hands past the slip in the robe, cupping the boy's tight bottom. Yugi's back arched and he moaned loudly. He then suddenly stopped moving, breaking the kiss but hovering centimeters from Kaiba's lips.
Kaiba's eyes lazily slid open and his hands stopped their exploration of Yugi's body. Kaiba watched as Yugi's eyes seemed to be... changing, from red to violet quickly.
'Oh shit! What the hell did I do! What was I thinking? The boy's still in the damn hospital!' He looked with wide eyes as the boy clenched his eyes closed together as tight as possible and then suddenly.
The eyes shot wide oped, original purple color back in place. Kaiba could have sworn there had been a flash but he was suddenly absorbed in a kiss that the smaller teen had lowered himself back into. It was still gentle, but much more demanding then the others had been. Kaiba kissed back, but he kept his eyes open watching to see if anything was still wrong with the teen. The sudden outburst had certainly shaken him back to reality and had calmed his hormones a little. Just a little.
The boy still on top of him growled unconsciously at the lack of participation on his part just as the weight of Yugi was suddenly elevated off his chest. Kaiba watched in awe as a startled Yugi was held by an exact duplicate of the luscious teen he had just held in his arms. The two looked at each other neither saying a word, just staring blankly. Kaiba backed away in shock getting his hand caught in a rope and pulling it trying to get free.
Instantly a loud beeping sound sent off, causing the two identical tri-colored hair teens to look in his direction. A pair of lavender and crimson eyes stared into deep blue velvet. The Yugi with crimson eyes looked away and towards the one with purple eyes, then disappeared.
Kaiba's eyes widened even larger, if that was even possible, as he looked at where the boy had just been sitting. The beeping ringing in his head was causing him to get a headache. He sat up against the wall and looked at the cord that was still tangled around his wrist. He pulled if off just as purple eyed Yugi crawled up next to him still panting.
"Nurse . . . coming . . . !" He looked at Kaiba who's shirt was almost falling off all the way, his dark brown hair was all messy and tousled, the wide eyed expression on his face would be almost funny if Yugi didn't know that any minute a mad nurse would be storming into the room. He quickly kissed the shocked boy apologetically, and then pushed him off the bed.
Yugi jumped under the sheets of the bed and pulled them up to his chin just as the door slammed open, reveling two very upset nurses. The both looked at him from the entrance and quickly rushed to his side. They placed a thermometer in his mouth and the older one placed a calloused hand on his forehead and the other grabbed his wrist and began counting.
"Quick! He's burning up! Laura, what's his pulse?"
"Damn, I need a cool rag now"
A low groan came from the opposite side of the bed that the nurses were on.
A very red Yugi burst into bubbles of laughter. The nurses stopped what they were doing and watched as a very ruffled, but still intimidating, Seto Kaiba stood up and towered over them.
He had apparently used his time on the floor to straighten his appearance. His shirt was buttoned up all the way, although some were missing and Yugi could see some of the tight skin as Kaiba rubbed out a wrinkle and exposing a hole where two buttons were missing. His hair looked devilishly handsome. It was tossed everywhere even though it held the appearance that he had patted it down.
Yugi shivered and giggled once more, but as he looked right into Kaiba's eyes he stopped. The icy cold blue eyes were back and they were slanted into tight slits, glaring at the women.
"What do you think you are doing in here?" The older nurse yelled at him. "Visiting hours were over fifteen minutes ago!" The tight bun she wore on the crown of her head seemed to stretch her face out making the woman's face look mean.
She gave Kaiba a glare as he snorted arrogantly at her. Yugi felt bad for the woman, having some of an idea of what Kaiba's response would be.
The attractive brunette glared back at the white-hared nurse, making her instantly back down. He continued by shaking his head and not answering her question.
Gathering up her nerve, the woman demanded an answer from Kaiba by asking him again what he was doing there.
Kaiba looked the woman over slowly, stopping when he reached back up to her eyes
"Do you have any idea who I am?" He replied cooly
"No. And frankly I don't care. It's after hours and this boy is scheduled to go home today and now he is burning up. You need to leave now."
"I...am Seto Kaiba." He said, waiting for the woman to cower at the sound of his name.
"I don't care WHO you are. Seto Kaiba needs to leave this hospital right now before I call the security."
Kaiba growled low in his throat.
"Do you have ANY idea who donates all the new technology to this hospital? ...Do you know what COMPANY donates millions of dollars to this hospital? No? Well I'll tell you, KaibaCorp. And do you know who RUNS KaibaCorp? I'll give you three guesses."
The nurse began to cower like she was supposed to when hearing the name of Kaiba. Kaiba gave himself a satisfied grin.
"Now I would suggest you leave if you value your job."
The old woman was quickly gone from the room and Kaiba straightened the collar of the now ruined blue shirt. Yugi was attempting to give Kaiba a glare for being so mean to the nurse, but all he accomplished was scrunching up his face, which made him look adorable with the thermometer still in his mouth.
Kaiba wanted to bend down and kiss that look right off his face, but the presence of the other nurse forced him to not even smile.She was still poking and probing Yugi, trying to figure out why his pulse and temperature was so high.
"There is nothing wrong with him I assure you, he is fine."
The nurse gave Yugi a questioning look and he smiled and nodded. She quickly removed the thermometer from his mouth and walked towards the door. The door opened just as she touched the nob, and a blond haired boy ran in sending her spinning down the hallway.
"You!" He screeched upon entering the room and seeing Kaiba still present. "What are you STILL doing here?!?"
Kaiba raised an eyebrow.
"Jou, Kaiba and I were... talking. It's really okay." Seeing Jou still giving Kaiba a nasty look Yugi rolled his eyes. "Really Jou, I kinda need talk to him again. Would you mind for a few minuets?" Yugi put on his puppy dog eyes. "PLEASE JOU?!?"
"Grrr, Okay, but I'll be right outside if you need me." He gave Kaiba one more nasty look before turning around and heading to the door. He gave Yugi one last smile before leaving.
When the door closed Yugi let himself fall backwards onto the bed with a soft "Uff" One of his blonde bangs fell on top of his eyes and Kaiba felt like it was his duty to put it back in place. Sitting back down on the bed he reached out and softly moved the out-of-place hair. Yugi opened his eyes and he was insanely trapped in Kaiba's icy blue gaze. He instantly felt nervous, what would Kaiba say after what had just happened?
Not to say that Kaiba wasn't confused, but he was well over the initial shock of what had just happened. He had decided while sitting on the floor that the lack of blood to his brain was what caused him to see double Yugis. Looking back at the teen in question, he smiled.
Yugi had sat up and was looking down in his lap again, playing with his finger. He looked so innocent, not at all like the type of person that would make the initial first move on someone and defiantly not the type of person that would reach out and grab someone like himself and do . . . what they just did.
Kaiba gulped. He felt his body urging to go back and re-ravish the small violet eyed boy. The thought of the annoying blonde boy walking in on them popped into his mind supporting his head's decision and not his body's.
"So, um...I'll see you again right?" The bright tri-colored hair boy asked with a hint of fearfulness in his voice. He blinked up his eyes quickly at the billionaire, and when he saw that Kaiba was smiling he smiled back cheerfully.
"Yes. I plan on meeting you again. Soon." Kaiba bowed still smiling and exited the room.
Yugi looked up at the ceiling thinking to himself about his new blue eyed "friend."
Soon after, Yugi's grandpa and Jou came in with the white-haired nurse. She looked nervously all around the room before she seemed to relax and take out the papers that Yugi and his grandpa had to sign for his release. He changed out of his hospital robe and put back on his dirty cloths from the night he was attacked that were sitting in the closet.
After he bucked his last bracelet he smiled at his grandpa and gave him a hug. Before leaving the room, he picked up his deck from the table near his bed and put them in his shirt pocket.
"Lets go home!"


Sorry this chapter took so long! I was on vacation! I hope I didn't make Yami or Seto too OOC in this chapter. Next one up soon . . . Lots of Yugi, Yami action!!! ^_~
Oh yea, I've decided that Im gonna separate chapters with Ryou and Bakura from the ones for Yami and Yugi.I donno if it will stay like that but whatever. So some chapters are gonna be going on at the same time. I don't think its gonna be that confusing but just lettin you know. ALLRIGHT WELL !*!*!Please Review!*!*!