Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Eyes ❯ Lovely rose ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Blue Eyes
Power, Money, Looks. These are some of the qualities that make up of Seto Kaiba, words as simple as Love and Kindness don't fit in his world, but what happens when he meets a lonely Blue Eyed girl who keeps calling him master? What sort of connection can she have with his prized Blue Eyes White Dragon?
This fic is an AU meaning that it has nothing to do with the original anime, this is something that came out of my head.
Warnings- My apologies for taking so long!!! Oh my god -sigh- I have college soon and its simply driving me nuts but im back with this sweet chapter I hope everyone enjoys! Oh I don't own Yugioh, Seto Kaiba, blah, blah just my character Kinasha, enjoy!
Chapter 10- “Lovely Rose”
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It was a lovely Sunday morning, quite a cold one as well, it was raining outside, Kaiba was fully awake he couldn't sleep he was deep in thought, next to him was Kinasha, still sleeping deeply, practically she was exhausted from what happened the other night, Kaiba sat down on the bed and turned to look at her sleeping body, he sighed, raising a hand to lightly stroke her soft, blue hair, he growled lightly at those words he said to her that night…I love you….it was out of his league did he really meant that? He knew she did and she was probably heartbroken when he ignored her, Kaiba got out of the bed and walked to his closet taking his clothes and walking to the bath room to take his usual hot and steamy bath. Kinasha was fully awake as well but since she was sleeping with her back at Kaiba, he didn't knew, she sighed watching him walk to the bathroom, she rolls over and sat down on the bed, her pure white tail coming out of the covers and waving around slowly
“…I must…do something so I can win his heart…” she said in soft whispers as she stared at the ceiling.
Kinasha knew he had some feelings for her, but his pride and stubbornness didn't let him confess, she got out of the bed and quickly ran to her room to take a bath, Kaiba got out of his bathroom wearing the usual black slacks and that shirt that nicely fit his chest, he blinked not seeing Kinasha, he chuckled, grabbing his purple coat and coming out of his room, he saw her as she came out of her room, she was wearing some blue jeans and a simple white shirt, he smirked, Kinasha was defiantly one of those girls he rarely sees, the ones that cover up most of their bodies with clothing, he walked over to her, raising his hand and gently patting her head.
“How is my pretty little pet?” he asked, staring down at her, like he had power over her, Kinasha blushes lightly.
“I'm fine master…” she simply said looking up at him with her light blue orbs, Kaiba grinned
“Yes…I bet you are…” he quickly clipped the black collar around her “Come…I'm late for work…” he said pulling on the collar making her walk with him.
Kinasha gagged as he pulled her along to that huge building that he owns, She hated it when he takes her there, its not because of the usual stares its because he keeps her next to him, sitting down on the floor like some kind of guardian dog, so today wont be any different, Once inside the office Kaiba drops the leash and goes to sit down on his leather chair facing his desk, turn on his laptop and begin the never ending cycle of typing, Kinasha sighed it was the same thing every day, then they go home, he throws her to the bed and he forces her, but since last night was so different, she hoped that this day of work were too, hours had passed and she yawned, she turned her head to look up at him.
“Master Kaiba?” she said
“What is it Kinasha…Im very busy” he said not staring at her or anything
“Can I go and stretch my wings at the roof top?” she asked in soft whispers
Kaiba blinked and looked down at her, just staring at her he then nods lightly
“Of course…but don't damage anything…is that clear??”
“Yes! Of course Master! Thank You!”
Kinasha smiled getting up as Kaiba took that annoying leash off and watches as she ran away from his office and to the roof, Kinasha walked out and looked around, it was a huge place and it served so Kaiba could land his planes, she simply sat down on the very edge of the immense building and looked down, people in the streets looked like tiny ants, she sighed deeply as the cold breeze of the afternoon blew her long hair to the side, she then narrows her eyes
“This is not fair…why is he so ignorant…?”
She looked down again a small tear running from her eye, across her cheek and down to her knees, she then growled, Kinasha wasn't angry, she was in pain once again, her slender body started to glow lightly, a terrible sign that she was about to transform into that death making dragon. Back to Kaiba's office he has finally finished the day's work he got up from his chair and stretches, quickly grabbing a small paper bag he had on the desk, he blinked and turned to look at the bright light from out the window
“Oh no…Kinasha…” he said his eyes wide
Kaiba quickly ran up to the elevator that takes him to the roof and once he reaches there he widens his blue pupils at the sight, right there in the middle was standing Kinasha, in her mighty Blue Eyes W. Dragon form, but oddly she wasn't roaring or hissing like she normally would, it was very strange, he slowly approached her, he was the only one who she allowed to touch her when she's in that form, he stopped once he was near enough to reach and touch her head, he blinked, she was crying…The most powerful and deadly creature known was crying! His pride and joy was sitting there crying lightly, he couldn't believe it.
Kaiba raised his hands to pet her soft, white scales, the huge dragon closes her eyes and rubs her huge head against the his hand, once this is done the transformation is canceled and she's turned back to her normal, innocent self, she looked up at him wiping her tears
“…What's wrong?” he narrows his eyes at her
“Master…Why master?” she simply said
Kinasha lowers her head staring at her feet unaware of what Kaiba is doing, he holds up the brown bag, with his other hand he lifts her chin up and before she could say anything, she felt something very soft and cold rub against her cheek, it was a simple white rose, she blinks and watches as Kaiba smirked at her his fingers holding the rose, gently rubbing the soft petals of the rose on her cheek, she blushes
“No…what did I told you about calling me master Kinasha?”
Kinasha watches as he leans down and touches her lips with his in a slow and passionate kiss, she suddenly melts in his arms, but the kiss didn't last for long, he pulled away and gave her the white rose, she giggled and took it, sniffing it a bit she blushes, Kaiba sighed looking at her, she was so happy.
“Kinasha…It has been a while since we first met tell me…is it true what you meant last night?” he said looking at her, his blue eyes went a bit soft.
Kinasha looked at him and lightly nods blushing “Yes I do…”
Kaiba growled at this, but how could she? He was a cold man to her; he never said thank you or anything to her! He was a total jerk, he didn't deserved such a sweet person as her “No…” he shakes his head
She blinked “What?”
He growled loudly at her “Look at me Kinasha!! Are you blind? Had you forgotten all I had done to you??” he yelled at her “But still…you come back to me!! Why Kinasha…what do you find so attractive in me…I don't deserve someone like you…”
Kinasha gasped at the confession he did to her, it was amazing all that he said despite how proud he is of himself, she holds the white rose with her hands and gently stroked her fingertip on the thorn
“Seto-san a Rose is a flower a beautiful flower, but it has thorns that could easily injure the careless…” she shows the finger to him and the small drop of blood that came out, Kaiba kept silent at her “…You are like this white rose, attractive but with a hint of danger…” she strokes his cheek with the petals.
Kaiba widens his eyes as she spoke; he has never heard her speaking like that, as she rubbed the rose on his cheek they quickly turned a light shade of red, then he chuckled, taking her in his arms.
“You truly are one of a kind my little pet…” he said
She blinked at the pet mentioning, guess that rose comment didn't got to him, she sighed, Kaiba smirked
“And it's done…you are no longer my slave…” he said taking off the black leather collar off her neck
She gasped “Really??”
Kaiba nods then grins “…But I just love calling you pet…maybe I can reduce in calling you that until we are in bed…”
Kinasha blushes lightly “W…wow…Thank you…”
“Also…” he lifts her chin up so he can stare at her “You are the fire that burns my heart Kinasha and I truly mean these words…” he leans down their noses touching “I love you…” he whispers at her
Kinasha's eyes widen, she has finally heard the words she has wanted to hear since long ago, her eyes fell with tears “I love you too…”
Kaiba smiled at her and holds her in a tight embrace as the sun started to set, a light breeze blowing around and hitting them lightly, he kissed her forehead and rests his chin on her head, he was deep in thought, guess love is not for weaklings, it just makes you feel stronger, more secure of yourself and he was lucky enough to find this out with her, she was now part of his life and he wont let her go.
Kinasha giggled her tail lifting up and wrapping around his leg “My Seto…”
Kaiba grinned loving how playful she can be sometimes he poked her nose a little bit “Go wait for me in my office…”
She looked up at him and smiled, nodding she goes and runs away leaving him alone, staring back into her with a soft smile on his face, his dark blue eyes gently shinning with the sun
“My Blue Eyes….”
He simply said as he slowly started to walk inside his building thinking how he will start a whole new live with his love.
The End.
Me- Hmmmm….maybe I should do a sequel…Well its up to the reviewers XD