Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother and I ❯ Their Dying Wish ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~ My Brother and I ~

~ Chapter Five: Their Dying Wish ~

Shizuka turned to warn someone, anyone, of what was happening with Otogi. However, Anzu was helping Jou tend to the wounded, and everyone else was busy fighting. She took a deep breath, and chased after Otogi.


Bakura slew another demon as Yami ran over to him, panting.

"Where the hell did Otogi get these monsters?" Bakura asked, pulling his sword out of a particularly hideous bug.

"Seems he's well along with summoning monsters from the Shadow Realm," Yami answered, beheading a group of rotting zombies. "But so are we."

Smirking, Bakura held his palm open towards a wall, and a purple, swirling vortex appeared, dark monsters pouring out of it. Dark Necrofear, Man-Eater Bug, Jowgan, Silent Spirit, Yami silently counted, recognizing Bakura's favorite monsters.

"Go check up on the others," Bakura said, surveying his monster's work. "Honda and Mai have gotten Yugi and the others off to safety, but I'm not sure where anyone else is."

Yami nodded, and set off towards where he last saw Marik, hacking a path through Otogi's monsters.

"Oh, yeah!" Marik shouted joyfully, two knifes in each hand. The Councilor was having the time of his life, with all of the demons Otogi was offering. "Die!"

Yami shook his head, turning away from his friend. The day Marik would fail slaying a demon was the day that Otogi would triumph… The former pharaoh was suddenly aware that he hadn't seen Otogi since the beginning of the battle. He quickly surveyed the battlescape, looking for him. There was Bakura summoning more of his monsters, Marik still cackling insanely and killing every demon that approached him, Seto was making sure that no one passed through the doors unless expected, Jou and Anzu were tending the wounded, which wasn't much, and Shizuka… Yami turned in all directions, looking for the brown-haired girl. Where was she?

"Yami, watch out!" Marik sliced through a flying, decaying bird, a triumphant grin on his face.

"That's the last one!" Bakura called out, and immediately the clamor ceased. Yami looked around, and saw, to his relief, that Bakura was correct. Otogi's demons had disappeared, their bodies fading away to nothingness. A few soldiers were dead, but most were fine, just a few cuts here and there.

Silence reigned for a moment, and then… Seto was the first one who started the chant, and Bakura, Marik and Jou followed, more and more joining until it became a roar. "Yami! Yami! Yami! Yami! Yami! Yami!"

"Long live King Yami!" Marik, Bakura and Seto cheered over the din.

Yami stood there, a genuine smile on his face on his face for the first time in what seemed like ages.


"You foolish girl," Otogi hissed, his knife pricking Shizuka's throat. "You actually think you can stop me?!"

Shizuka winced, recalling what had happened since she had followed Otogi.


Shizuka panted softly, chasing after Otogi. How could he run that fast, anyway? She wondered to herself, sprinting now. Otogi seemed to be heading towards an aperture, which meant… Shizuka's eyes widened. He was escaping! Her resolves tightened, as she reached for the sword secured around her waist. If Otogi succeeded in getting away, this whole range of events could repeat itself, and that wasn't good. She withdrew her sword, and advanced on Otogi.

Otogi paused in front of the exit, smirking to himself. He had won. Sure it may have cost him a few casualties and his throne, but Otogi was gong to get what he had lost back. This was all part of his fool-proof plan. And what's best of all was that no one had seen him escape. He took one step forward, and entered the deserted streets of Egypt. Hardly anyone lived here anymore, because of his reign. Most families camped on the outskirts of Egypt, others thrown in dungeons because they couldn't pay Otogi's high demand taxes. And some lived in secret under their houses, emerging whenever the footsteps of Otogi's soldiers had passed, such as Anzu and Shizuka. He breathed in the air.

"Take that last breath, Otogi, it'll be your last!" Shizuka stood in front of Otogi, her sword glinting dangerously from the rays of the setting sun.

Otogi withdrew his own sword from his scabbard, moving into his fighting pose. "Leave now before I kill you."

"That won't happen," Shizuka answered, moving into the defensive position. She had taking sword-fighting classes many times, and was just as skilled and swift as the boys.

Otogi thrust himself forward, aiming for her lower body. Shizuka stopped him, and skillfully tossed Otogi's sword away from him. She picked it up, throwing it back to him. "Again?"

The two resumed fighting, each one as good as one another. Neither knew that everyone else was searching for them.


"Shizuka!" Anzu called out, glancing around the kitchen with worry. "This is no time to be cooking!"

Mai slammed that last door behind her, fuming. Where was Shizuka? She shouldn't be gone, Mai could still sense her presence somewhere…

"Let's check outside!" Seto was running outside, his Blue Eyes White Dragon in the air, casting a large shadow over the town.

"Good," Yami said, summoning his own monster to join Seto's. "We'll find Shizuka soon."

Seto brushed past him, stiff and silent.

Bakura pulled him back, whispering harshly in his ear. "What the hell is wrong with you? Everyone's safe and all of that, so what are you waiting for? Apologize!"

"Forget it," Seto answered, wrenching out of Bakura's grip. "Not until I find Otogi…" Seto's dragon let out almighty roar.

"Hey, Seto! Look's like Blue Eyes has found something!" Marik gestured for Seto and the others to follow the dragon.


Otogi grinned maliciously, the tip of his sword cutting a faint line across Shizuka's throat, more blood trickling out. "Don't worry," he hissed into her ear, "I already know about your position to Yami's parents. The Secret Keeper. To bad no one will know. And don't fret, Mai will be joining you shortly…"

Shizuka's eyes widened, as Otogi's words sunk in. "Fine," she whispered, her voice strong and clear. "But what goes around, comes around. You'll die, Otogi. One way or another, you will." Her eyes burned with ferocity. Behind Otogi, she saw Anzu, Yami, Seto, Bakura, Mai and Marik watching wide eyed. She motioned with her hand to stop them from interfering. "Mai," she called out, "it's time!"

Otogi, with one slash, slit her throat.

"Shizuka!" Both Mai and Anzu were standing there, stunned. Yami, however, leapt on Otogi.

Caught with surprise, Otogi stumbled backwards, and into Seto's arms. Blue waves radiated off of the Priest's arms, acting like thundershocks slicing through Otogi's body. He screamed, dropping to the ground, where Bakura proceeded Seto's work.

Bakura smirked, his eyes narrowed into slits. He kicked Otogi towards Marik. "Not my turn yet," he said gruffly.

Marik pulled out two swords from his belt, taking pleasure in sticking them into Otogi's bleeding body, hearing the pain-filled screams. He shoved Otogi back to Bakura, whose palm summoned a black vortex of void below Otogi. Otogi fell, screaming, until…

Yami reached over, and pulled Otogi back up.

Seto, Bakura and Marik gaped at him. "Are you crazy?!"

Yami was deaf towards them. "Tell me," he said to Otogi, "why? Why did you pass that law, and why did you want Yugi?"

Otogi opened his mouth to speak.

"And don't give me any of that crap you fed to Yugi. I know you better than that, Otogi."

Otogi avoided Yami's eyes, his eyes darting to Mai. "You never told him?" he asked hoarsely, the wounds and loss of blood weakening him.

"Tell me what?" Yami interrupted, shaking Otogi. "What?"

"It doesn't matter," Otogi whispered, his eyes closed now. "Just promise me, Yami, that when Mai tells you, don't give Yugi up. He needs you, Yami, he always has. Never leave him, Pharaoh Yami…" His shoulders sagged, and his chest stopped rising; Otogi was dead.

"I promise, Otogi," Yami whispered. "I promise."

"Can I have his body now?" Marik asked, flipping a sword in the air.

"You can," Seto answered, "but you may not." He walked over to Yami, hugging his shoulders. "He turned out to be somehow good in the end, didn't he? Even though he killed her…" Seto looked over at Anzu and Mai, who were staring glumly at Shizuka's body. "Let's give both of them a proper burial. And Yami?"

Yami turned to look at Seto. "What?"

"I'm sorry." Seto grinned, clapping Yami's back. "I acted like a real ass."

"Yeah, you did." Seto bristled, turning to Bakura, who had made the comment.

"Excuse me?"

"You acted like a real ass."

Yami laughed, picking up Otogi's body. "Let's get going."


It had been a week now, since the death of Otogi and Shizuka. Yami and the others had regained their rightful positions, and Egypt was at its prime. Everyone understood about their ruler's relationship, and there was no criticism.

"Hey, Yami!" Yami turned around, seeing Seto waving at him. "Mai wants to tell us something!"

"What is it?" Yami asked, following Seto towards her room.

Seto shrugged. "Something important, that's all I know. She was looking pretty pissed when she asked me to call you here. Yugi, Mokuba, Bakura, and the others are already here."

"Take a seat," Mai pointed to two vacant seats, and Yami and Seto sat down. "I'm about to fulfill your parent's, Otogi's and Shizuka's dying wishes." She took a deep breath, and surveyed everyone around her. "Yami, Yugi is not you brother. Seto, you and Mokuba are not related. And same goes for you, Bakura, and you, Marik."

Yami looked at Mai. "You're joking, right? This can't be true…" But Otogi's last words rang in his head. When Mai tells, you don't give Yugi up… "But if Yugi isn't my brother, then who?"

Mai rubbed her temples. "Oh boy… This is going to be complicated… Yami, your brother is actually Malik."

Malik gaped at her. "We're related?!"

"Marik, your brother is Ryou. And Bakura, your brother is Yugi. And Seto, Mokuba was adopted into your family."

Bakura shook his head. "This doesn't make sense. If what you say is true, then our parents must have… Swapped mates…"

Mai nodded. "Quick to catch on, aren't you?"

Seto groaned and buried his head into his hands. "Great…" Just when everything's settled down…

~ End of Chapter Five ~

millenniumspirit: Please Review, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I decided to make Otogi a nice guy in the end.

Yami: You still killed him

millenniumspirit: At least I didn't have them torture him to death

Yami: Isn't that bad enough?

millenniumspirit: whatever. The next chapter should come up soon, very very soon…. Please review and tell me what you think!