Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother and I ❯ Resistance is Futile! ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~ My Brother and I ~

~ Chapter Four: Resistance is Futile! ~

"Leave him, Seto," Bakura placed a comforting hand on Seto's shoulder, pulling him back.

Seto buried his face in his hands, sliding onto the sandy ground. "He didn't even stop to wait for me. He ran away from me…"

"Shhh…" Bakura soothed, stroking Seto's hair. "It's all right."

"No, it's not!" Seto said, pushing Bakura away. "Yami… He never runs away from me, he always stays… You know, don't you?"

Bakura sighed, turning to look at the others gathered around him. "A little help here?"

Mokuba pulled Seto up, slapping Seto enough to shock the teen back to his senses. "If you want to apologize to Yami, stop moping around and get up. We have a plan to get in the castle!"

The slap had helped Seto; he now straightened up, a glimmer of his regular person in his eyes. "So, what's the plan?"

"We'll explain on the way."

"First," Jou explained, walking towards the castle, "we ask someone to open the gate, and then we find where Otogi is. Then, we kill him."

Marik applauded, drawing out his knife. "I claim his torso!"

Malik frowned, grabbing Marik's knife. "But how do we get in? Won't the guards see us and alert Otogi?"

"You won't meet as much resistance as you may think," Honda replied. "There's only a small band of warriors that would die to protect Otogi. And there are only five of them."

"What about Otogi's magic?" Mokuba asked. "Surely that is something we have to worry about?"

Seto, Bakura and Marik smirked. "It takes more than a few months of training to master the energy of the shadows."

"And Seto, Marik and I have been training for practically our whole life."

"There's a reason why we were the strongest and dubbed `the four gods.'"

Marik sighed. "But I still like knifes. And torture weapons. They draw so much more blood…"

"And I've been trained in defensive magic," Jou added on, "so you can leave defending to me!"

"I can make some weapons for you," Honda offered, "and I know a lot of secret passages that we can use to our advantage."

"Great! Then we're all set!"


"Halt! Who goes there?!" A sentry peered at the group, his eyes widening. "Priest Seto! Advisor Bakura! High Councilor Marik! Welcome back!"

At the guard's shout, many soldiers gathered around, yelling greetings.

"Welcome back, sirs!"

"It's wonderful to see you again!"

"Thank Ra you're back!"

The gate swung open, and everyone entered.

Seto held up his hand, palm out, gesturing for silence. The courtyard immediately became quite. "We need to find where Otogi is," he commanded, "we all have something we want to give to him…"

Marik waved his second knife in the air. "Let's kill him! Death to Otogi!"

Malik clamped his hand over Marik's hand. "You're getting them riled up, Marik; Otogi'll hear the commotion for sure!"

"May we help?" Shizuka and Anzu were standing at the gates, grinning.

"Can you murder Otogi and his rightful followers without guilt?"

Shizuka and Anzu nodded.

"Then welcome. Now, here's how everything's going to work…"


"Hold still there," Yugi winced as Mai dabbed a type of healing substance on both of Yugi's wrists, where the rope had dug into them during his stay in Otogi's room.

She wrapped bandages around them, and stepped back to survey her work.

"Are you sure it'll heal?" Yugi asked, trying to rotate his wrists.

Mai shrugged. "It should, but, then again, it's my first time…"

Yugi blanched, and Mai laughed. "Just a joke, kid. I'm a Healer. So," she said, sitting on the bed next to Yugi. "When you were coming over here, did you see or meet a girl of around fifteen with long, light-brown hair?"

Yugi shook his head. "No, I'm sorry. If it's any of my business, why do ask?"

Mai leaned over to Yugi. "Remember the thing I wouldn't tell you?"

Yugi nodded, hoping Mai was going to tell him about the secret.

"Well, my friend also knows about it."

"What's her name? If you're looking for her, I'm sure Yami can help you when he gets here…" Yugi faltered. "If he ever gets here…"

Mai tsked. " Chin up, Yugi. I'm sure wherever Pharaoh Yami is, he's doing his best to find you."

Yugi nodded. "So, what about your friend? How much doe she know? How come both of you know, and no one else does?"

Mai laughed. "I said it once, kiddo, and I'll say it again. It's not time yet for you or anyone else to know. Shizuka and I were entrusted with the knowledge from-"


Mai shook her head. "No more questions for the time being. Now, you should get some rest."

Yugi opened his mouth to argue, but Mai silenced him. "Your wounds need to recover, and the best way is to rest. Unless you'd rather I give you some nasty-tasting potion to lure you to sleep…"

Yuig shook his head, and lay down.

Mai sighed softly when she saw Yugi fall asleep. "You do need a rest, Yugi. This may be the last carefree one you will have for a long time…" She gazed out the window, towards the town. "Oh your majesty, do you think it right to tell Yami and the others about their real identities toward one another? Maybe it would be better if Shizuka and I didn't…" Mai smoothed out Yugi's hair, smiling to herself. "They all seem so content. What if the news will bring utter chaos?" Mai hesitated. "But that was your dying request… I suppose Shizuka and I will tell. But when?.."

A breeze ruffled through her hair, whispering to her. Soon, soon…


Yami slammed a sentry against the wall, his eyes narrowed dangerously. "Where's Yugi?" he hissed through his teeth.

"I-I'm sorry, sir, but I'm not permitted to inform strangers where guests reside in the castle…"

"How soon we forget," Yami said, a smirk brushing his lips. Yami yanked down his hood. "Am I a stranger?"

The guard dropped down on his knees, hugging Yami. "Your majesty, thank Ra you're back! It's been chaos without you!"

Yami looked stunned. "But-how-I thought-you-what?"

The guard bowed at the former pharaoh. "You never needed to leave. We are all fine with the fact that you love your little brother."

Yami flushed. "It's more than a brotherly love…"

The guard shrugged. "So? You've done so much for Egypt, that we all love you as our ruler. If you're happy then we are happy. But we never thought you'd be worried about us figuring out how much you loved him… And leave Egypt in his hands."

Yami's head was spinning. "So I never had to leave?"

"No. It never was necessary."

Seto's words flashed through Yami's head, and he realized that Seto was right. It was his fault that they had lost their positions and that they had to live in a whole different place. It was entirely his fault. If I had only gotten the facts straight, he thought bitterly.

"Anyway, if you're looking for Yugi, I remember Mai telling me that she had carried Yugi from Otogi's private chambers-"

Yami had clenched his fists, his teeth gritted. The guard could almost see the flames of anger rising off of him. "What did he do to Yugi?"

The sentry shook at Yami's rage, and Yami suddenly felt ashamed. Yugi wasn't the only person he had to take care of, this guard, and everyone else in Egypt, were his subjects also. "I'm sorry," he apologized, glad that the sentry seemed more soothed. "Now, how was Yugi?"

"His wrists were bleeding, I'm pretty sure they bore the marks of a rope tied tightly around them… Mai wouldn't tell me much, all she said was `I'm glad I got here in time.' She's our most proficient Healer, as your Majesty knows. So your brother should recover. If it is your wish," he added, looking up at Yami, "I can lead you he chambers."

Yami nodded in thanks. "Lead the way. I could never remember where her chambers were." He laughed; glad to be back to the place he called home. Soon I'll bring back Seto and the others, and I'll apologize.


Mai stiffened as she heard a knock at her door. "Who is it?" she asked, placing one hand on the doorknob.

The door was thrown open, and Mai let out a stifled scream as she saw who stood there.


Otogi smirked at Mai, who was leaning against the wall for support. "You actually think you could save him, didn't you?" he hissed, yanking her up by her hair. "Well think again. I'll have to have you carted off to the dungeons…" he paused, an evil grin spreading over him. "Or better yet… A death trial. Of course, everyone will mourn over the death of their best Healer, but, you win some you loose some."

Mai's eyes grew wide. "You wouldn't!"

"Of course I would," Otogi replied, "after all, when you die, so does the truth about Yami and his friends."

"How did you know?"

"That's not important, what is, is that boy over there. And your trial." Otogi strolled over to Yugi, shaking him awake.

Yugi's eyes widened, then clouded with fear as he saw Otogi. "You've been a very naughty boy, Yugi," he whispered in Uugi's ear. "I'll need to punish you later on. But first, I have a death sentence to arrange. Today, if possible."

Yugi froze, daring his lips to move. "W-who?"

"Mai. She tricked me into thinking there was a meeting, just to help you. In the end, however, she hasn't been able to." Otogi bound Mai's wrists and Yugi's, and marched them out the door.


Yami and the guard skidded to a stop in front of Mai's room. One look through the open door revealed to both of them that neither Mai nor Yugi was there.

"Where are they?" Yami asked the guard, more in frustration than anger.

The sentry, Alex, shook his head. Before he could speak, large booming sounds echoed throughout the castle.

Both of them turned pale, recognizing the sound. A death trial, followed by a death sentence was occurring.

"Quick!" Yami called to Alex, "it sounds like it is coming from the Throne Room!"


Seto, Marik, Bakura, Jou and a group of twenty soldiers froze as they heard the steady beat of a hollow drum, coming from the Throne Room.

"Is there a death trial, today?" Ryou asked, everyone else appearing next to him.

A soldier near Malik shook his head. "None of us heard of such a thing."

Mokuba turned pale. "What if it's Yami or Yugi?"

Shizuka tightened her grip on a sword she had borrowed. "Then let's go free them before that happens."


Mai gulped nervously as Otogi sharpened his arrow tip, waxing his bowstring in the process.

Otogi raised the bow and arrow, and then…


Otogi spun around, firing his arrow on the ground by mistake.

The Throne Room has exactly four doors leading in and out of it, and a secret passageway too. Yami and a quarter of his army was standing in front of one door, Seto, Marik and Jou with another quarter of the army at another, Bakura, Honda and Shizuka along with a quarter of the army in front of another door, and Mokuba, Ryou, Malik and Anzu, who was supporting Yugi, and the last quarter of the army at the final entrance and exit.

Otogi turned pale. He was cut off from all sides.

"Surrender, Otogi," Yami called out, glaring at the Pharaoh of Egypt. "Resistance is futile!"

Otogi suddenly remembered the trap door… "I think not, Yami! Guards, attack!"

A small band of Otogi's loyal followers fell on the large group of Otogi's attackers, hacking and cleaving at everyone.

"Battle stations, everyone!" Yami called out, rearranging himself to fit in with the fight pattern. "Someone get Yugi to safety! And untie Mai also!"

Amidst all the pandemonium, no one saw Otogi slip out through a secret path hidden behind the tapestry. No one but Shizuka.

~ End Chapter Four ~

millenniumspirit: Wow! I really hope you guys enjoyed that, I'm sorry that I left it as a cliffhanger, but that way the next chapter fits in perfectly. This story is almost completed; I think two or three more chapters should finish it.

Also, I need to know which two yaoi couples I should write a lemon for, it's your choice! I'm leaning towards Yami and Yugi (obviously) but I don't know who else. Please tell me which couple you want to see in a lemon. Thank you! ^_^