Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother and I ❯ Welcome, Girls! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~ My Brother and I ~

~ Chapter Three: Welcome, Girls! ~

"So, what do you think?" Honda looked at everyone seated at the table, nervousness etched on Jou's and his faces.

Bakura frowned and Marik gaped at Jou and Honda like they were crazy. Seto coughed softly, hiding a few words in that space. Ryou, Malik and Mokuba looked at each other, suppressing their giggles. Yami was the only one who spoke.

"Yugi. Is there a chance of him being in danger?"

"Er… Slight chance," Jou stammered, "but he's in danger al-"

Yami glared at Jou, and the councilor flinched. "Forget it, even if it endangers Yugi even the slightest…" The former pharaoh stood up, the heels of his chair slamming down hard on the floor.

"Where are you going, Yami?" Ryou asked softly, surprised by Yami's hidden outburst.

Yami cast a brief glance at Ryou, smiling at the snowy-haired teen, try as he might to stop. He grabbed his cloak. "Since no one here has a good plan, I'm going to get Yugi back my way."

"How?" Seto asked, standing up and blocking Yami's path to the door, his eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Making it up as I go," Yami replied, shrugging. "Move over, Seto."

The former priest of Egypt stubbornly stood in front of Yami. "No."

"Move it, Seto!"

"NO!" Seto bellowed, pushing Yami back into the wall. The two exchanged a silent battle of words with their eyes. "Fine," Seto relented, letting Yami go. "But don't expect me to help you if you're in trouble. You can go rot in hell for all I care."

"Seto!" Mokuba cried, stunned at Seto's cold words towards his friend.

Yami held back the tears that threatened to fall as his best friend and childhood friend kept talking.

"You're the one who brought us where we are. If you had kept your relationship secret, then Otogi wouldn't have known, and we'd all be living happily at the palace. If friendship is making your friend's life a living hell, then I don't need it. If friendship is like that, then I don't need it-" Seto spun around when he heard the front door slam shut. Yami…

Yami's heart clenched and unclenched painfully as Seto's words rang in his head. If friendship is like that, then I don't need it. He and Seto had been friends ever since they had met. He was the to-be-pharaoh, and Seto was the to-be-priest, so both had grown up together, firm friends despite their differences and dreams. Did you really mean that, Seto? Was I just someone that helped maintain your happiness?

The tri-colored ruler paused to catch his breath, leaning against a house. He could think about Seto later, right now, he needed to find Yugi and help him escape. And this time, it won't end in disaster. I promise that.

A low rumble from the skies alerted Yami of the downpour that had began. Pulling on his cloak, Yami began to run towards the castle.


Yami turned around; making sure his hood was covering his face. In front of him, a girl about three years younger than him with brown hair up to her back was looking at him curiously.

"It's raining hard out there, how about coming in?"

Yami hesitated, but the loud clap of thunder jolted him into entering the house. "What's your name?"


"Well then, thank you, Shizuka. I'll be staying just for the remainder of the storm."

The teen shrugged. "Suit yourself. Hey, Anzu, come down!"

As the said woman appeared, Yami sighed. Who on earth were these people?

~ At the Castle ~

Otogi smirked, watching Yugi squirm under his body. "So restless, Yugi? We haven't even began yet."

Yugi winced as Otogi pulled his head towards him, yanking on his hair. "Onegai, can you do something for me?"


"Negate your law about out-ruling incest, and then I promise I'll stay with you."

Otogi surveyed Yugi, pondering the younger teen's offer. "If you promise to do everything I say, with no objections."

Yugi nodded, holding back a few tears. I'm so sorry, Yami.

Otogi purred. "Then it's a deal." Otogi forcefully pushed Yugi onto the bed, kissing his soft lips, moving down his neck and lavishing kisses upon his torso. Otogi smiled, glad that he had received no struggle. He took one of Yugi's nipples into his mouth and sucked upon it making it erect as he gently nipped it with his teeth moving to the other one and doing the same. "You can be very obedient if you need to," Otogi whispered in Yugi's ear as he undid Yugi's sash, massaging the younger one's length slowly but effectively. "I wonder if Yami did this to you too…"

Yugi felt the first tear slide down his cheek at the mention of his lover. Please, stop, I don't want to hear about Yami, not right now…

Yugi's thoughts were diverted as Otogi's mouth encircled Yugi's length, sucking hard on it. Whimpering, Yugi tried pushing Otogi away with his hands. Growling furiously, Otogi grabbed a coil of rope in his drawer, and binding Yugi's hands on the bedpost. "Don't forget our deal, Yugi."

"NEVER!" Yugi screamed, as Otogi began to remove his own clothes. "Why do you want me? Tell me!"

"Yami has everything, wealth, power, and a good personal slave. And I don't have anything. So I decided it was time to change things around here…" Otogi straddled Yugi's hips, one hand tracing patterns on the younger's inner thighs. Untying Yugi's wrists, Otogi turned Yugi onto his knees. "I want you to fuck yourself," he whispered, bringing Yugi's hands to his behind. Yugi's eyes were brimming with tears now. No, I can't! "I can't," he whispered, his voice growing louder. "I can't!"

Otogi narrowed his eyes. "Then…" He pushed Yugi flat onto the bed, positioning himself. "I wish I had some lubricant, but this'll have to do." Yugi's eyes widened.


Otogi's length pressed against Yugi's passage, and was about to plunge in when…

A knock came from the door.


millenniumspirit: See, I didn't have Otogi rape Yugi fully. I couldn't live with myself if I had. Well, I'm tired, so I'll just sign off…

Everyone: No!

Yugi: I was just saved from being raped! I want to know my savior!

Yami: WRITE!

Millenniumspirit: Eep! Okay then…


Another knock came from the door, followed by a female voice. "Otogi! Please open the door!"

"Oh, shit." Otogi paled, and quickly shoved Yugi's clothes into Yugi's arms, then pushed the boy under the bed. "And don't say a word," he hissed.

Yugi tugged on his pants and shirt, and secured his sash around his waist, proceeding then to duck under the bed. As he did, the double doors were flung open.


"Want more?" Shizuka offered Yami another bowl of her `special, homemade' porridge.

Face turning green, Yami politely refused. "Er… Thanks, but no thanks, Shizuka, I'm already full."

"Yeah, so lay off, Shiz," Anzu said, grabbing the bowl and dumping its contents into the pot.

Yami chuckled, and Anzu and Shizuka turned to look at him.


"Nothing, you just remind me of my friends," Yami replied, his smile sliding off of his face. Seto…

Anzu sighed, and sat across from Yami. "You know, you shouldn't cover your face when in a persons' house. I'd think you were a thief."

"Yes," Shizuka agreed, taking a seat next to Anzu. "Ever since Pharaoh Yami left, Otogi's left this land to rot."

"Pharaoh Yami?" Yami asked, wanting to see what these two thought of him. "Who is he?"

Shizuka and Anzu goggled at him. "You don't know who Pharaoh Yami is?! You must be a foreigner."

"Pharaoh Yami is the greatest ruler in all of Egypt's history," Shizuka said, as Anzu added onto her sentence.

"When he was the ruler, theft was rare, everyone was content."

"And wars never occurred, either. Pharaoh Yami forged treaties with our surround countries." Shizuka nodded.

"Then, he stepped down, and handed Egypt over to that, evil thing," Anzu explained, a look of utter disgust on her face.

"Why?" Yami asked, his voice eager and urgent.

"Well, everyone knew that he was having a relationship with his younger brother, Yugi. Yugi's so adorable, and looks just like Pharaoh Yami, except for their hieght, eye color, and how their bodies are built. Anyway, I suppose he felt uncomfortable and afraid that we would figure it out. Of course, we already knew, but we didn't tell him because we were worried that he would feel uncomfortable around us. But none of us expected him to leave…"

Yami noticed that Shizuka had been quiet ever since Anzu had mentioned Yugi, but he didn't stop to consider that. "So, he didn't need to give up his throne?"

"No," Anzu said, "we'd be fine if he fell in love with his brother, or anyone. We could see that he was unhappy until Yugi came, so we matched pieces together. And if he was happy, so were we." The brown-haired girl sighed. "I just wish he knew…"

"He might," Yami replied, pulling down his hood. "I am Pharaoh Yami."


"I hope you're happy, Seto," Mokuba said, growing angry. "He's your best friend! And then, right when he needs you the most, you crush his hope! How could you?!"

Bakura looked from Mokuba's red face to Seto's vacant gaze. "Mokuba, leave him alone for now, he needs t-"

Seto stood up, his chair clattering on the ground. "I get it, Mokuba," a few tears brimming over his eyes. "It was my fault, all right?" He pulled open the door, turning to face everyone again. "So I'm straightening it out." Seto stepped out, slamming the door behind him.

Marik looked at Bakura. "Think we should follow him?"

Bakura nodded. "He'll need some, definitely."

"Well, I'm coming too!" Mokuba cried, as Honda looked at the teen in amazement.

"One minute ago, your were yelling at him, and now you want to help him? Make up your mind, will you?"

"If Mokuba's coming," Ryou piped up, "then so am I!"

"And me!" Malik called out.

Rubbing his temples, Jou pulled out three items from his pocket. He handed one to Malik, Ryou and Mokuba. "This'll protect you from magic attacks mostly, and almost everything else, just in case something bad happens."

"Thanks, Jou!"

Marik pulled open the door. "If we don't hurry up, we're going to loose track of Seto."

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"


A woman of around twenty with yellow blonde hair appeared at the door. "Hurry up, Otogi! Marlic has scheduled another meeting for you, and you're going to be late if you don't hustle!"

Growling furiously, Otogi threw on his clothes, and leapt out of bed. He scribbled something on a piece of parchment paper, and thrust it in the woman's hands. "I'm going now!"

As Otogi's footsteps faded from sight, the woman poked her head under the bed, smiling warmly at Yugi. "Hey there, hon, you can some up, now."

"Thanks," Yugi breathed a sigh of relief. "You saved me back there. What's your name? Mine's Yugi."

"It's Mai," Mai answered, helping Yugi up. "I haven't seen you for quiet some time, kid."

Yugi looked at Mai, puzzled. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember you."

Mai rolled her eyes. "That's just like Yami, to forget to introduce his brother to me." She eyed Yugi, then took his arm. "Let's get you cleaned up, Yugi, and then we can chat."

"I'm sorry." Yugi pulled away from her. "But I have to stay here, or else Otogi won't repeal the law regarding incest, and then Yami and I and all of my friends can't be together."

Mai sighed. "No one's told any of you, eh?"

"Told us what?'

"Never mind," Mai answered. "However, Otogi won't repeal this law. Besides, if he does, you'd just go back to Yami, right?"

Yugi nodded.

"So, let's go to my room. I'm sure we can think of something else, right?"

"Sure, but will you tell me what nobody told us?"

Mai grinned at Yugi. "Now is not the time."


"Well, thanks again," Yami said to Anzu and Shizuka, who were bursting with happiness to meet the former pharaoh.

"No, really, thank you," Shizuka said, smiling sweetly. "We'll be even more happy when you become Pharaoh again!"

"Right, so tell us when you are!"

"We'll know when everyone's dancing in the streets, celebrating, Anzu," Shizuka reprimanded. "Good bye, Pharaoh Yami! It was a pleasure to meet you."

Yami bowed low. "Please, it's Yami, and I'm sure the pleasure was all mine. Maybe I'll bring my younger brother, Yugi, to visit you two sometime."

Shizuka's face fell.

As Yami disappeared from view, Anzu turned to Shizuka. "You've been quiet every time Yami mentioned his younger brother, Yugi. Is something wrong, Shizuka?"

Shizuka shook her head. "Nothing's wrong, Anzu." But I have a feeling it soon will be…


When Anzu and Shizuka's house had disappeared from sight, Yami began walking faster now, intent on regaining Yugi and his throne. I just wish that I could have known sooner.


Yami turned around, surprised to see Seto running towards him. If friendship is like that, then I don't need it… Seto's comment ran through Yami's head again, and Yami turned away from Seto. He didn't want to face him just yet.

Seto tried to get close to Yami, but as he did, the former pharaoh turned and ran.

~ End Chapter ~

millenniumspirit: So, what do you think? Please review!