Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother and I ❯ What Went On In the Castle Today ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~ My Brother and I ~

~ Chapter Two ~

Otogi sat at his throne, his cold, emerald eyes boring into the so-called `entertainment' his councilors had arranged for him. He was utterly bored right now, since he was required to spend an hour of free time with his counsel, before attending even more dull business discussions. His High Councilor, Marlic, had weeded out the best entertainers to come and perform for the new pharaoh. Otogi, however, did not enjoy the performance. He could think of ten better things to do right now, all of them revolving around Yugi Moto, the younger brother of Yami. It wasn't fair, he had thought to himself, that Yami had both a beautiful and innocent lover and held the title of Pharaoh of Egypt. So he had blackmailed Yami with the knowledge of making love with his brother. However, Yami had relived himself of his title, and had left with Yugi also. Which proved huge problems to his grand-master plan. If he had Yugi, everyday would be heaven. Otogi could almost picture the lithe form of Yugi cuddled against him, screaming his name when he made love to him…

"Your Highness?" Marlic ventured, snapping Otogi from his blissful daydream, "I hope all is well. Is their anything you require? The meeting should start quite soon…" He trailed off as Otogi glared at Marlic.

"Everything is fine, Marlic," Otogi remarked sarcastically. "If cheap-ass performers were what I ordered!" Frustrated, Otogi got to his feet and glared at Marlic. "Get these dirt-low demons out of this castle!"

Marlic mentally growled in frustration: Yami never was this finicky. He dismissed the performers with a wave of his hand, and turned to Otogi. "Your Highness," he began, signaling to two guards in the room. "We have something for you." Otogi sat up straighter, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. Marlic heaved a sigh of relief. "Bring him in!"

The door creaked open, and Marlic made a mental note to have it oiled.

"Pharaoh Otogi?" A guard entered the dining room, saluting the ruler. "There is someone who is here to see you."

Otogi slumped back in his seat, dejected. It was probably another peasant with a complaint, it always was.

"Should I send him to your room, Pharaoh?"

"Yes, why not? I'll have fun torturing him."

Everyone present winced, they would need to make their doors sound proof tonight.


Otogi heaved a sigh as he walked back to his room after the tiresome meeting. Being pharaoh was tougher than it looked, as he now realized. As Otogi opened the door, a beautiful sight greeted him.


Yugi wiped away a few tears that were falling fast down his cheeks, as his feet pounded through the now deserted streets. He wasn't aware that he could feel so much hate coursing through his body, but now it felt as if this emotion had encased all of his body. He hated Otogi, hated Otogi for tearing Yami and him apart, for causing so much grief to everyone that had been harshly affected by the law. But Yugi knew that if he offered himself to Otogi, the Pharaoh would repeal the law he had just posted. And then Seto, Mokuba, Ryou and the others will be happy. But Yugi wasn't looking forward to becoming Otogi's bedslave. He had had a hands on experience with that, when he had become Yami's bedslave, just to see his older brother. Yami had made love to him that night, but he did it with the consent that Yugi enjoyed it also. Just the remembrance of Yami's warm embrace had subdued the hate in his veins, and Yugi felt more soothed. Maybe, he thought, standing outside of the castle, maybe I can see Yami again, at some point in the future…

"Yes?" A guard opened the door, looking suspiciously.

"Hello, I'm here to see Phar-"

"His Highness is busy a the time being, maybe later kid." The guard made to shut the door, but Yugi managed to force it open.

"Please!" he begged, "I need to see him!"

The guard sighed heavily, and allowed the boy to enter. "Follow me then," he commanded, as the two set off. "The castle can be very treacherous, Pharaoh Yami-" The guard stopped in mid-track, and Yugi could see longing in his eyes. "You're not to mention this to anyone, you hear me? If word got out that I had mentioned his name, who would care for my family?"

"I promise I won't tell, if you say his name," Yugi replied, glad that someone in the castle still remembered his brother. "Saying his name really helps me, it feels as if he is giving me strength."

"You are a good kid, you know," the guard replied, "and you have a striking resemblance with Yami…"

They had reached the dining room now, and the guard knocked on the door. "Ready?" he asked Yugi, as the door opened. Yugi nodded. He heard the guard greet Otogi, and he heard the reply from Otogi: "Yes, why not? I'll have fun torturing him."

The guard left the room, gazing sympathetically at Yugi. "I am ordered to escort you to Pharaoh Otogi's private chambers."

Yugi nodded, his reserve strengthening when he thought of how his friends would benefit. The guard led him to room with double doors carved out of fine, smooth, glossy wood.

"Before you enter," the guard said, turning to look at Yugi. "Could you tell me how you look like Pharaoh Yami?"

"I'm Yami's younger brother, Yugi."

The guard opened his eyes wide with surprise. "Then, could you tell me if his Highness is still alive?"

"Yes," Yugi replied, "Yami's still here."

"Why'd he leave in the first place?"

Yugi looked down, ashamed. "He fell in love with me… And then Otogi found out and he told Yami that he would tell everyone that Yami was having an incest and yaoi relationship with me… He also told that to Bakura, Seto and Marik too."

The guard bent down and looked Yugi into the eye. "He didn't need to hide it from us, everyone already knew."

"Then why didn't you tell Yami that you knew?"

"We didn't want him to feel awkward knowing that we knew, but none of us ever expected him to have stepped down and handed Egypt to that tyrant."

Yugi smiled softly, as he hugged the guard. "Thanks, I just wish Yami could have known…"

The guard ruffled Yugi's hair. "I have no power over Otogi, so all I can do in your present predicament is to wish you good luck."

"Thank you, I'm sure Yami will figure out what he's missed, and come back to reclaim his title!"

"I hope so too. Anyway, you better get going. I'll see if I can help you more." The guard gave Yugi a nod, and pushed open the doors. "Good luck, Yugi, I'll see you later."

"Wait! What is your name?"

The guard turned around, his green-brown eyes staring into Yugi's. "Honda, Hitoro Honda."

"Hitoro Honda, thank you."

Honda nodded, and gave Yugi a reassuring smile. "Yami's going to come back, I hope. Where does he live, anyway?"

"Near the outskirts of town. Seto, Mokuba, Ryou, Bakura, Malik and Marik all live there too."

And with that, the guard closed the door, leaving Yugi inside Otogi's bedchamber, alone with no protection. Yugi sighed softly, lying down on the bed, weary from today's events. Just a while ago he had left Yami and the others, and now… "I know Yami will come back…"


Honda made his way back to the front entrance, back to his post.

"Hey! Hitoro!"

Honda turned around saw Jonouchi, a councilor of Yami's -now Otogi's- council. "Hey Jou, what are you doing here?"

"Where were you Hitoro? I passed your post and couldn't find you," the sandy-haired boy leaned against the wall, his brown eyes boring into Honda's.

"I was escorting Yugi to Otogi's chamber-"

Jou yelped. "Yugi! The one who looks like Yami?!"

"Yes Jou, don't get so pissed off." Honda pinned Jou's arms against his sides. "Relax pal!"

Jou took a couple of deep breaths, and turned away from Honda, so his friend couldn't see the wounded look in his friend's eyes. "I'm fine Hitoro, I just need to get some fresh air."

Honda nodded, and made to leave.

"Wait! Hitoro!"

The guard turned around, surprised when Jou pinned him against the wall. "Listen, Hitoro! Get out of this mess as soon as you can. Please Hitoro, everything's going to get really messed, really soon."


"No time to talk, you need to get away from this castle!"

Honda shook his head. "If it is really this dangerous, Jou, I'm not leaving you." Honda lowered his head. "Besides, my girlfriend left me… I'm not going to sit back and watch my friend get warped into something this dangerous!" Honda rolled over, and pinned Jou on the wall. "I won't let the one person I love to die…" They drew closer to each other, and Honda sealed the remaining space between them. He kissed Jou, as Jou's arms unconsciously wrapped his arms around Honda.

Jou allowed Honda to explore his mouth with his tongue, softly moaning as Honda's tongue came in contact with his own and softly teased the top of it. Shyly at first, Jou responded to Honda by playing with his tongue using his own. The kiss deepened, and Honda ran his hands over Jou's body, feeling the nipples under Jou's shirt. They surfaced for air, Jou's cheeks turning a rosy red color.


"Yes, love?" Honda asked, pressing his forehead against Jou's. "What is it Jou?"

Jou leaned into Honda's embrace, "Please, call me Katsuya."

"All right Katsuya, what is it?"

"I have to see Yami and the others again, it was partially my fault that they left in the first place…"

"Then let me come with you," Honda said, slipping Jou's hand into his. "I know where Yami and the others live."

"Then what in Ra's name are we waiting for then?! I'm going to get Yami back here!"


There was knock at the door, and Mokuba came to answer it.

"Hello there," Jou greeted Mokuba, "is Yami here?"

"Who is it Mokie?" Seto asked his little brother. He looked at Jou and Honda, and his eyes opened wide. "What are you two doing here?"

"We need to speak with Yami."

Ryou poked his head from the kitchen, where he was preparing dinner. "I'm sorry, but Yami's upstairs being comforted by Bakura, and Marik."

Malik glared at Jou and Honda. "Besides, why do you want to speak to Yami?"

Jou glanced sternly at everyone. "Yami! Get your lazy bum down here!" he called, as Honda held Jou back from running upstairs to haul the former pharaoh down himself.

Yami wearily walked downstairs, followed by Bakura and Marik who shook their heads at Seto and Ryou, indicating that they hadn't been able to help Yami.

"Jou?" Yami asked in astonishment, "what are you doing here?"

"It's about Yugi," Honda answered gravely. "Jou and I have a plan to kill three birds with one stone."

"Let's hear it then."

Everyone gathered around Honda and Jou, as the two began outlining their plan. "Here's how it goes, we'll fix the problems along the way…"


millenniumspirit: Huzza! Second chappie finished! I know that I was going to do a Jou/Shizuka pairing, but I decided against it. Please review!

Honda: We've got the best plan ever!

Marik: *snorts* yeah right

millenniumspirit: At least you tried to listen to him *glares* Now say it…

Marik: Fine. Please Review or else the dumb-er-I mean talented authoress will kill me

Bakura: Suck up

Marik: Shut up

Bakura: Make me!

Yugi: I wonder what Devlin will do to me?

Yami: If he lays one finger on you… *growls*

Duke: And I wanted to be the bad guy…

Honda: At least I'm not the evil one! And I got to kiss Jou! ^_^

Seto: This is all VERY disturbing. Let's get this over with, Mokie

Mokuba: Okay Seto! Once again, please review!