Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Yami ❯ Switch ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Sam: Ok... This fanfic kinda contrasts to my other fanfic 'The New Authoress' but I'm currently don't have any ideas there cos it's up to you folks whether I carry on or not. Don't own Yugioh never have and never will. Happy now?

Yami: YES!!!!!!!!!! *Sam gives an evil glint*

Sam: Anyway enjoy the fic. *to Yami* IT'S TIME.... *Sam draws out a pack of Duel Monsters cards*

Yami: *(o_0)?.......(^()^)* Yay!!!!!

Sam: *(o_0)? throws the cards aside and draws out a couple of tubes and bottles of medicine (^()^)* FOR AN ENEMA!!!!

Yami: *(O.o)......(O()O)!* NO!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!! NOT ANOTHER ENEMA!!!!!!!!!!!! *Sam drags him as he struggles* AIBBBBBBOUUUUUUU!!!!!! HEEEELLLLPPPP MEEEEE!!!!!

Yugi: *(-,-)zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

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He lay shivering on the littered floor of broken glass and debris, the pain scorching every cell in his body. His clothes were cut up and his hair was matted. A tall dark shadow hovered over him as he cowered bracing himself for more torture. The figure to whom the shadow belonged to gave one more swift kick to his lower abdomen making him cough up a mixture of blood and saliva before resting for the night. Breathing heavily as silent tears stung the open wounds of his cut up face in the cold and cruel darkness, Ryou heaved himself up as the glass dug deeper into his mutilated flesh. He supported himself on the wall and proceeded to clean up after his Yami's destruction of the insides of his apartment. It was nearly 2 o'clock when he finally finished and he went to his soul room to dwell miserably in the expectations on future prospects. More beatings.

Ryou shuddered at the thought. The same cycle had went over and over every day since he received this accursed ring. He had tried to throw it away yet it always came back to him. Why? 'I wish my Yami was like Yugi's' he thought. He hadn't really told his friends that his Yami had made a comeback mostly because his Yami had threatened him with something much worse to what his experiencing at the moment. Once again the tears welled up and blurred his vision. Once again he sobbed quietly to himself. He went to get his mirror and pick out bits of debris that had stuck on his face. There before him was a pale boy of 16 with bleary brown eyes and matted white hair. Cuts and bruises appeared all over his porcelain face. Sometimes he dreamed his Yami would be like Yugi's Yami. Strong yet kind and most of all a Yami that would never hurt him. Though sometimes he noticed that Bakura (whom I shall call from now on cos it's getting confusing of which Yami is which) would hesitate. These flashes however were rare. Bakura enjoyed hurting him. He had that thought pounded into him. Ryou wanted out. "But could I?" Ryou mused to himself as he pulled out a piece of paper. He had jotted it down from an old spell book he had found once. It was a simple procedure. 'No... I can't...' he went to put the precious paper away but hesitated. 'but... I don't deserve this...' He looked at the door which he knew before him would the room to his Yami's room. Determined to do so he set himself up.

Meanwhile Bakura lay wide awake. He had stopped tossing and turning but that let the guilt settle in. Bakura shook his head, the little worm's weakness was rubbing off on him or... had this feeling always been there? He stared at his door which led to his Aibou's soul room. 'No, the little wimp needed to be toughen up. It had always been like this when he was young. He took it well and so should the young one'. "I'd be doing him a favor" he replied to his own question. Satisfied with the argument in his mind. He drifted to a dreamless sleep.

Candles were placed at each point around the roughly drawn pentagon on the floor of Ryou's soul room where the atmosphere became dark, silent comfortable. Ryou was hesitant but persisted to his plan lighting the last candle. He proceeded to the first stage by carving a slanted X on his soul room door with a screwdriver. Then he reopened the newly formed scabs on his hands as the red liquid leaked out again from under his skin. Squeezing hard the droplets turned to a thick red mini puddle in his palm. Using his free hand he dipped a grimy finger into the puddle and painted over the carved rune on his door. Nauthiz (A/N: I got it from a book. The Forbidden Game by L. J. Smith in the Point Horror series. He, he, he can't be bothered to research myself) The rune of constraint, preventing travel in any direction. This'll stop his Yami coming in here. Wiping away the excess blood on his torn shirt leaving a new ugly stain on it. He stood in the middle of the pentagon, the precious paper containing the spell that would release him from his Yami's wrath trembled in his hand. Taking a deep breath he stopped to clear his mind and started to chanted the words on the paper focusing on the prospects of getting rid of his Yami and regaining his life back. Sweet memories with a smile and renewed confidence he chanted the words more clearly and precise. The foreign language rolled from his tongue like water and as soon as he finished a strange mist seem to fill his eyes with an unnatural hazy grey. A mystical breeze blew out the little lights plunging the room into darkness and Ryou's body fell with a dull thud on the floor

Red appeared in his vision. Morning. `Did it work?' he thought with hope but it was dashed when someone called him. "AIBOU!!!". He wanted to die at that point but was too exhausted to even get up. Let Bakura beat him. He didn't care anymore. He braced himself as he heard heavy footsteps. The door opened with a little creak as the footsteps strode in closer and closer towards him. "AIBOU WAKE UP!!!" his Yami shouted. Reluctantly he made himself wake expecting to meet Bakura's cold brown eyes but found himself staring at hard but warm amethyst eyes which showed a degree of panic. His eyes widened as he stared at the figure with black spiky hair that was tinged with red and golden bangs portraying his face. He looked around his `room'. It was a warm room with toys packed in their respective boxes and the desk littered with work books but there was no sign of the chaos that he was used to. What came as the most astonishing was the mirror on his open closet. He saw a small boy with spiky tri colored hair and large, cute round amethyst eyes.

`It worked'

Sam: Well what did you think? Was it too predictable? Should I carry on? Please review if you want me to carry on? *looking anxious she takes out a paper bag and starts to hyperventilate*

Yugi: Where's me? *looking a bit panicky*

Sam: Don't worry you'll be up in the next chapter.

Yugi: ^()^