Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Yami ❯ New Life ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

New Life

Yami: *(XoX)*

Sam: *groan* Disclaimers. Their getting on my nerves. Yami?

Yami: (Xo@)

Sam: *shakes him gently* Yami…

Yami: *(Xo@)*

Sam: *annoyed she types up a megaphone* YAAAAAAMMMMMMMMIIIIII!!!! *Yami wakes up*

Yami: What… what!? *looking around*

Sam: *annoyed* Disclaimers…

Yami: *weary* Ok… Just… as long as you stop doing those… *whimpers* enemas.

Sam: Enemas? I never do enemas. You and Yugi are my favourite Yu-gi-oh characters in the world. I would never do such a horrible thing.


Sam: Really…? *(o.0)?*

Yugi: Uh huh…

Sam: *realises* Ah… That must be my other personality.

Yami: *(O.O)* Your… other personality? *Sam nods her head*

Sam: Uh huh… I think they call it schizophrenia.

Yami and Yugi: *(0()0U)*

Sam: *waves her hand over their shocked faces, she sighs* I knew I shouldn't have gone into this area. *looking depressed* Don't own Yu-gi-oh…


Ryou made himself snap out of his shocked state to find out what Yami was so panicky about.

"What's wrong Yami?" he asked noticing his voice did not sound like his own.

"Are you alright?" Yami asked cautiously. He looked pale with fright. What could have scared him?

"Yeah… I'm fine…" Ryou replied with his strange new voice. Noticing that Yami was shivering he placed a small warm hand on his. "Yami… you look like you've just seen a ghost"

"I-I… was calling you through our mental link but… you didn't answer… I couldn't feel your presence at all…" Yami explained gravely. For a moment there was silence. Ryou felt exposed and frightened under the glare of those hard amethyst eyes. `Has Yami already figured it out?' he thought. Yami stared intently at his `Aibou' then he gave a rare smirk expressing his relief that `Yugi' was ok. Ryou smiled Yugi's smile and felt the happiness well over him like the tears down `Yugi's' face.

"Aibou… your crying…" Yami started. Ryou realising this wiped them away.

"It's nothing Yami… I just…" Ryou couldn't think of an explanation when something wafted into his room. "What's that smell?". Yami smelled it too.

"YAMI!!!!!!!" a voice who could only be Yugi's grandpa screamed downstairs. Yami's eyes widened and he rushed down the stairs. Relieved that Yami had not inquired any further but curious of what was going on downstairs, Ryou followed. He stopped to stare at `his' reflection. It felt so strange as he saw large round eyes which were not his own stare back at him. The reflection's movements corresponding with his mind, a small smile crept on `his' face. Ryou let a giggle bubble inside him. Then a feeling came over him. Regret? No… How can he regret it? He was finally free from his Yami. He shrugged it off forgetting the price that had to be paid.

Yugi slowly woke to find the first thing that came to him was the pain. He tried to get up but he collapsed again onto the grey cold floor. `What's wrong with me today? Why do I feel so weak?'

/Yami…? Yami…?/. He tried calling through his mental link. No answer. He couldn't even feel his presence. `What's going on?' As he became fully awake the pain became more excruciating. He looked around and realised that it was not his room. He wasn't in his warm bed but surrounded by a shattered pieces of glass that had been quickly swept aside leaving a small space where he was. He stared at his mutilated hands that were trembling uncontrollably, one particular ugly scar carved from one side of the palm to the other on his left hand. He noticed candles plotted at different points all around him on a star like pattern on the lifeless floor. Fear rushed in his veins throughout his body turning the silence around him into a deadly hunter. Then finally he noticed something worse than what he ever imagined. Staring at a cracked mirror opposite sat many figures of a 16 year old boy with brown eyes and silver matted hair. There on `his' face were more horrible gashes. Bruises swelled at one of his eyes and lips. Dried up blood puckered his pale skin. On the torn up shirt was a disgusting brown stain where the owner had wiped a residue from his bloody hands on it. Tears had started to roll down his face when heavy steps approached him. A menacing growl echoed through the closed door of `his' desolated room and Ryou's body started shaking out of Yugi's control. The door burst open where cold, malicious eyes stared down on him. "Good morning Aibou… you piece of shit" Bakura growled.

Ryou rushed downstairs and saw Yami looking a bit flustered. Confused he went into the kitchen and found a small blaze starting up as Yami desperately tried to put out the fire out


A little explosion blew the loose metal casing in the air which landed with a clatter on the kitchen floor. Grandpa had grabbed a fire extinguisher and a grey cloud enclosed the small fire suffocating the flames. Soon it was finally put out and Grandpa sat down with exhaustion the canister lay next to his side. Two black lumps popped up from the remains of the toaster. After taking a breather he almost screamed at Yami.

"Yami… That's… the 5th time that you've destroyed our toaster this WEEK!!!!" Yami pursed his lips.

"Sorry…" Was all that came out. Grandpa went red with fury.

"For someone that's suppose to be a ruler of a great country and has the title of the King of the Games. You can't even make TOAST!?!?" Grandpa screeched.

"Well… I've… never had to cook before…" Yami explained. "I mean back in my time… food was… just… there… on the table…" Yami looked away from Grandpa's death glare. He tried to lighten up the situation. "And… besides… who'd want a contraption that burns up bread right? Huh? Eh heh, heh…" Grandpa was not amused.

"Clean up this mess" he growled.

"Ok…." Yami proceeded to cleaning up. Grandpa wearily got up and prepared to go back to work at his shop. Ryou giggled at the entire scenario.

**********************************OUT OF STORY******************

Yami: Just like to tell you that no bread burners were hurt in the production of this fic.

Yugi: Toasters. Their called toasters.

Yami: Whatever. I'd also like to tell you that I've LEARNED how to operate… *goes to Yugi for help*

Yugi: *whispers* toasters…

Yami: Yeah… toasters safely.

Meanwhile there was an explosion and the Turtle Game Shop was in flames. Fire fighters had put out the fire and checked what started it.

Fire fighter 1: Arson?

Fire fighter 2: Nope

Fire fighter 1: Gas leak?

Fire fighter 2: Nope.

Fire fighter 1: Cigarette?

Fire fighters 2: Nope *holds up burnt remains of a toaster*

Fire fighter 1: *o_0?* A toaster? What kind of a dumb schmuck is able to set a huge fire like that with a toaster!?!?!?


Yami sighed wearily whilst Ryou couldn't help but giggle. He was used to cleaning up but this time he had never felt so happy to do it.

"I don't see what's so funny of me getting told off Aibou" Yami pouted at Ryou.

"Hehe sorry Yami…" Yami frowned at `his' Aibou's peculiar behaviour but shrugged it off. Maybe he was just particularly happy today.

"At least hurry up and help me clean this mess, we said we'd meet our friends later today" Yami scowled. Ryou stopped working hearing what Yami just said to him. Trembling with excitement and surprise. He had friends? He never had friends. He couldn't believe it. The rush of happiness flowed in his veins.

"Friends?" Ryou mused at the new discovery, lost in the paradise that he had found. Yami stared at him awkwardly.

"Yeah… Tea, Joey, Tristan? The same people that went with you to the Duel Kingdom" Yami said encouragingly. `Had Yugi hit his head or something? Why is acting like this? His like a different person' Yami thought to himself. Ryou realised that Yami was getting suspicious and tried to cover his tracks.

"Oh friends. Of course… I… er… just… forgot" Ryou replied hastily. `Oh that's really going to throw him off. Ryou' He thought to himself.

"Aibou… are you sure your alright? We could cancel…"

"No, no I'm fine… Let's… hurry and… meet… OUR friends" Ryou said excitedly. Soon the floor cleared away with only a burned up stain on the wall where the toaster used to be. "I'll see you later… er…. Grandpa…" Ryou said.

"Have fun Yugi…" Yugi's grandpa called back cheerfully before resuming to his post at the counter. Ryou giggled then ran outside to join Yami who was waiting. They walked together to meet up with their friends. Ryou looked about a broad smile spread upon `his' face. They were quiet for a while when they came upon a building which Ryou knew… and dreaded. Fear struck like a chord in his soul and he drew closer to Yami holding his arm. Yami who was surprised looked down at `his' Aibou seeing the intense terror in his eyes. `I don't understand…' Yami thought. `Why would Aibou be scared of this building? I've seen him go past this place all the time and he seems perfectly fine about it in the past'. Though he questioned this his instincts to protect `his' hikari was aroused so he wrapped his arms around Ryou drawing him close. He felt the little one tremble in his arm. `He's so frightened but why can't I feel his fear through our mental link?' Questions seem to pile on in his mind, he stared at the building longing to go inside and see what `Yugi' was so afraid of but then… he didn't want to leave `Yugi' alone. Reluctantly he moved on to meet their friends. As they walked further away, `Yugi' stopped trembling and he seemed to be a lot more relaxed. Yami sighed with relief at this and soon forgot about it as the day went on.

Yugi screamed as Bakura twisted at `his' arm before throwing him against the wall. The coppery taste of blood filled his mouth as a the shadow hovered over `his' aching body.

"So young, so innocent… so pathetic. Why I ended up with a piece of shit like you I'll never know" Bakura sneered. He grasped the already torn shirt and threw Yugi across the room. An unbroken glass coffee table (which miraculously was still intact at the time) shattered under `Yugi's' weight. The cool smoothness turned into burning transparent teeth as they dug deep into `Yugi's' back. Too weak to move Yugi could not stop the next onslaught. Bakura grabbed him again with a menacing lust and threw him against another wall. Forcing the glass embedded in `Yugi's' back to impale themselves further into him. A scream rose from his battered lungs but quickly died down again as the beating had come to an end… Or had it? Bakura stopped for a break staring at his victim and the blood staining the wall as Yugi slid down collapsing onto the floor.

*******************BAKURA'S POV****************

What's with him today? The look in his eyes. His scared but… I can't explain it… his fear looks… different… why couldn't I feel his fear through our mental link? Suddenly these questions started to overwhelm me and make me doubt of this person before me… this was still my Aibou… right? I don't know… I thought with a sigh. Then it came to me. A burning desire that I guess I've been keeping myself restrained from doing it before… I stared at those brown and bleary eyes who watched me with terror. I felt a smile creep upon my face as my lust started to fill every cell in my body………Why not?

The sheer horror filled my Aibou's face and I craved every bit of it as I moved slowly towards him. I knew he was too weak to stop me. He always was. I wrapped my fingers around his neck pressing my weight against him.

"Why don't we have a little bit of fun?" I whispered in his ear. He tried to struggle and I laughed at his pathetic attempts. He tried to scream when I forced my lips against his shutting his voice to a muffled whimper. I quickly went to undo the clasp on my trousers when the ring emitted it's light…

A Millennium Item was nearby.

I growled annoyed that I was interrupted… but then again, the little puppy is still gonna be around when I get back. I'll play with it later…

***************************NORMAL POV**********************

Though he was exhausted he lifted `his' eyes watching Bakura finally leaving the room after the light of the Millennium Ring shone brightly. The heavy footsteps became faint and he heard the door open, a bright light shone into his eyes but plunged into shadows with a slam. With Bakura gone Yugi got together what just happened. The look in his eyes had pierced into `his' own. The sly smile and a glint in his gaze. Bakura was just about to do something to him. He remembered trying to get away but was pinned down by Bakura, the glass had dug deeper into his back. He tried to scream for help when Bakura silenced him with his lips. He had been paralysed by Bakura's weight, pain scorching his back whilst the vulgar taste of Bakura's tongue played roughly with `his' own. Horror and despair filled his soul when he found Ryou's body became aroused by the assault. He saw Bakura becoming hard and swiftly reaching for the clasp on his trousers. `If it weren't for the ring I would have been' he concluded on the recent events though he couldn't finish the thought.

"I've got to get out of here" Yugi said to himself. "I have to find Yami. He can help me" Too weak to walk he resorted to crawling towards the door. Though the cells in Ryou's body screamed in agony for Yugi to stop and rest, he ignored it and grasped the door knob to pull himself up. He collapsed to the floor as Ryou's body forbid him to move on. With all the strength he could muster in his mental mind he got up again and twisted the knob. The door fell open revealing the brightness of the day. Yugi squinted as the light blinded him. Yugi sat letting Ryou's body get used to the light before continuing on.

Something nagged at Ryou as he thought of what happened. Just the other day his Yami had been torturing him causing him so much pain and despair. Now he was in the safety of friends and a Yami who actually cares yet there was something that he could not get over.

"Hey! Earth to Yug" Joey called bringing Ryou from his dream like state.

"Huh?" Ryou said in Yugi's voice. "What?"

"Your move" Joey indicated to the assortment of Duel Monsters card placed on the table. He had put his favourite card The Flaming Swordsman (that's the right name right?) in attack mode against `Yugi's' Feral Imp card. Ryou giggled nervously.

"Yugi are you alright?" Tea asked.

"Y-yeah? I-I'm fine" Ryou stuttered still giggling nervously. He started to shake all over. Everyone else stared at `Yugi' with concern.

"Ok… somebody's been having too much sugar" Tristan remarked. Trying to keep everything as normal as possible Ryou forced himself to steady his nerves.

"T-there's nothing wrong. Honest" Ryou reassured them maintaining himself. Yami wasn't so sure.

"I think we should talk… alone" Yami interjected half carrying, half dragging `Yugi' away from the confused group. Ryou stared at Yami who had turned his back towards him. Questions rushed through his mind. `Did he figure it out? Is he going to hurt? Please God no' Ryou started to shake again. A shadow seem to hang of Yami as the silence became unbearable. Ryou was on the edge of bursting out the truth when Yami suddenly spoke turning towards him. "Aibou what is going on with you today?"

"Nothing" Ryou whispered in Yugi's voice. Yami's stared hard hoping that his gaze could try to unveil the mystery to `Yugi's' behaviour. Another moment of silence as he tried to see what was wrong but to no avail.

"I thought we already established that I'll never… ever hurt you

"I I know… Yami there's nothing wrong" The fear started to build within his soul.

"You've never acted like this before Aibou I don't like it" Yami replied honestly trying to keep calm so not to scare his hikari, however it did not help. Ryou was now terrified and stepped back as Yami advanced.

"Y-Yami… I-I told you… there's n-n-nothing wrong" Ryou almost squeaked absolutely petrified. Yami had lost it. He grabbed `Yugi' by the shoulders and shook him hard. (not THAT hard)

"Damn it Yugi!!!! I know there's something wrong NOW TEL ME!!!!" he bellowed.

"STOP IT!!!!" Ryou screamed. Yami stopped letting `his' Aibou speak. "Please… don't" Ryou whispered tears streaming down his face. (ooh) Yami saw the sorrow in his eyes, he saw a tortured soul before him. `What happened?' he thought… however before he could investigate a voice interrupted them.

"Having trouble with that little piece of shit? Dear me pharaoh you're getting soft" a long drawl strung out bluntly at him. Yami growled as he turned to face the one with which the voice belonged to



Sam: Wow… a cliff hanger. Love it? Hate it? Either way REVIEW THE DAMN THING!!!!! *composes herself*

Yugi: How could you do this to me!?!? I thought I was your favourite!!!!

Sam: You are

Yugi: Then why are letting him hurt me!?!? WAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! *bursts into tears Niagara Fall style. Yami tried to comfort him whilst at the same time gave a `do something to cheer him up' glare at Sam*

Sam: Hey… look on the bright side *Yugi stopped* I didn't get you raped. *Yugi starts crying again. While the gang was trying to cheer up Yugi, Bakura sneaks to the computer to change the story. Sam spots him* OI!!!!

Bakura: *sulk* Oh FU!!!

Sam: Look the thing is. Things will get better in the next chapter. *Seto pops up over her shoulder*

Seto: Yeah, your gonna get REALLY RAPED in the next chapter.

Bakura: *(^()^)* YESSS!!!!

Yugi: *(O.O)* WAAAAAA!!!!! *bawls out again. Sam growls and twists Seto's ear*

Seto: OWWW!!!!!

Sam: WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU THAT FOR!?!?!?!?!? *practically screaming to 400 decibels. (in other words very, VERY loud)*

Seto: For not putting me in your fanfic

Sam: I TOLD YOU A MILLION F***ING TIMES THAT I'LL PUT YOU IN ANOTHER FIC!!!! IN THE MEANTIME YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO LOOK AFTER MOKUBA!!!! *towards audience* Whom I will reassure you Mokuba-lovers that he will not be subjected into this story due to the violent content.

Seto: *realises* Oh… oops. *(O.O')* MOKUBA!!!! *rushes back to kiddie room where Mokuba is ALL ALONE!!!*

Sam: *sighs whilst Yami manages to calm Yugi down* I'm starting to regret of putting myself in the midst of this madness.