Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Yami ❯ Payback ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Disclaimer: I said I don't own it. I said God knows how many times. I mentioned it TWICE IN THE LAST 2 F***ING CHAPTERS!!!!!!!! *hyperventilating*

Yugi: *whimpering*

Sam: *huggles him rocking him back and forth like a baby* Oh it's ok. It's ok. Shh.

Yugi: *still crying* But your gonna get me raped.

Sam: I never said you were gonna get raped. Besides your in Ryou's body anyway. So technically it would have been Ryou who gets raped.

Yugi: o_0?… Oh yeah… ^()^

Sam: *sighs with relief*

Ryou: O.O' *whimpering and tearing up* Me…?

Bakura: Hehehe.

Sam: *groans* Oh brother…

A/N: There is actually a slight and I MEAN slight lemon. It's more than a lime but less than a full on lemon. o_0? You'll see why… hopefully… >_<* Damn plot lines. Anyhoo, if you want me to write a full lemon. I'll consider it but not in this ficcy unfortunately. Enjoy. (I hope)


"You…" Yami snarled at Bakura. "How did you escape?"

"I have my ways pharaoh" Bakura drawled back. He stared at little `Yugi' clutching `his' Millennium Puzzle terrified of his presence. Yami saw the lust in his eyes and shifted himself to shield `Yugi' with his body. He stared intently on the smaller of the two tri coloured hair boys.

"This'll be so much fun when I get that puzzle. Having two little puppies to play with" his teeth glinted in the rays of the sun.

"Leave Yugi out of this!!!" Yami gritting his teeth at the menace before him. The cold laughter chilled Ryou to the bone, the familiar fear he thought he no longer had to face hit him again at full force. He couldn't help but freeze to the spot where he stood.

"As I said `pharaoh'…" Bakura spat at the word "Your getting soft. You can't even control your own hikari… At least I have mine under my thumb" Ryou whimpered at the statement. Realisation came to his mind and the horror of what he had done.

"What have you done with Ryou? Where is he?" Yami demanded. Ryou shook his head with disbelief of his own cowardice but forced himself to listen to his former Yami.

"At home. Like the little bitch he should be. Waiting for me to come play with him again" Yami narrowed his eyes to a threatening glare. Both of them prepared themselves for a fight.

"You owe that boy EVERYTHING to be able to walk on this Earth again!!!" Yami yelled angrily at the tomb robber.

"I owe him nothing. I was so close…. So close to getting the power of the Shadows… BUT YOU!!!… YOU JUST HAD TO DRAG ME INTO THIS F***ING RING!!!! You'd forgive me for being a little cranky after being trapped for 5000 years. Since you seem to be able to evade me so well. Who else would you think is gonna be my punch bag?" He stared at `Yugi' and smile with lust. Ryou couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't stand the memories that flooded back and who was now suffering at his Yami's hand. He dashed away.

"YUGI!!!" Yami yelled back to him for that split second he was distracted Bakura struck him with a dark energy ball, knocking him unconscious. Bakura stood above him shadowing his still figure.

"I'm going to enjoy torturing you when I get that puzzle" he sneered. Bitter and hateful he kicked Yami in the gut before he went after `Yugi' and `his' Millennium Puzzle.

Yugi staggered pass the streets ignoring the concerned people passing by. He remembered that `he' was suppose to meet his friends at the park today perhaps he could find Yami and get help. `If I'm in Ryou's body then I guess Ryou must be in mine. I just hope that Bakura hasn't got to them first'. Yugi dragged himself on, everything was aching in his body but the strength of his will forced him on. He found himself wondering in a very secluded area of the park. No one ever came here or so he thought. Someone bumped into him and he found himself staring in shock… He saw himself… in tears.

Ryou couldn't believe seeing his old body so broken and wounded. He couldn't believe to even see the soul that was in his body.

"Ryou…?" Yugi asked. Tears streamed down both their faces as they had to face each other.

"Oh, God Yugi…" he sobbed.

Yami slowly woke as his friends stood over him concerned. "Hey Yami…" Joey said. "Man, what happened bud?" Yami was dazed and confused, he rubbed at his temples trying to think of the recent events when it all came back to him.

"Yugi!!! Ryou's Yami's come back and he's after Yugi" Yami got up swaying a little before he and his friends rushed to find `Yugi'.

"Please… Ryou, I need… your help" Yugi pleaded with Ryou's voice. He was on the brink of passing out. Collapsing on his knees into `Ryou's' arms.

"I…I-I can't…I can't go back… I don't want to be hurt again… Yugi" he sobbed. Yugi through Ryou's eyes stared, his energy wasted from his struggle to the park.

"Please…" he begged barely whispering. "Please…" Before Ryou could reply rough hands grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him against a tree then pinning him against it. The same rough hands covered his mouth from screaming then forcing him to see the cruel, lustful, curl of Bakura's lips that he knew all too well.

"I'm surprised Aibou… Really surprised" Ryou widened his eyes. So he knew all along? No… Ryou found that Bakura had referred to the weak figure that lay behind him. "You don't usually come out… but it's a good thing it came to my advantage" A muffled whimper came from `Yugi's' mouth. Bakura's teeth glinted in the rays of the sun as Ryou could see the hunger of lust in his dark mahogany eyes. Yugi tried to push himself up but found he had no control of Ryou's exhausted body anymore.

`Ra… where could he be?' Yami was now panicking. He couldn't stand the thought of losing his Aibou. The terror tore at him as he and his friends searched everywhere. Soon they saw a tall boy with silver hair and cold and cruel brown eyes looming over the small figure of a boy with large, round and innocent, amethyst eyes behind them lay a shivering body where it was badly mutilated with cuts and bruises. "Yugi!!!" Yami screamed ready to attack Bakura. The silver-haired teen grabbed the small boy gripping him tightly like a shield. "Let him go!!!!"

"You know… The puzzle can't be mine until the original possessor is killed…" Bakura hissed whilst producing a long army knife preparing to slit `Yugi's' throat. "And you? You can't exist either without your hikari. Killing two birds with one stone… how ironic" Bakura laughed maniacally. Yugi heard everything. `No… Yami… Ryou… I can't… I can't let either of you die… I can't' Tears filled his eyes, he felt so helpless. `I can't let this happen… I WON'T let this happen…' Yugi forced Ryou's body to wake. Shivering he felt the glass that was still impaled to his back. "Maybe…" he whispered to himself. Gripping it hard he ripped a piece out from Ryou's flesh. The red dripped from the transparent dagger. A fire had been rekindled and strength had returned to him. He dragged himself closer to the scene seeing the army knife glint from the afternoon sun in Bakura's hand which came closer and closer to the throat of the small boy…

"STOP IT!!!!" Tea screamed as she was about to witness `Yugi' die before he eyes.

"Say goodbye…" Bakura whispered. Then an incredible pain plunged in Bakura's chest. His grasp around `Yugi' was loosened and before he knew it Ryou was in Yami's protective arms. He turned to see what happened, he wished he hadn't. Bakura clutched his heart and was in pain but the youth wasn't paying attention to his former Yami but to the other boy with silver hair. A large, deep gash was carved across his wrist and a piece of glass rested limply in his other hand, the blood dripping slowly onto the crisp, green grass. `Yugi…'

"No…" Ryou echoed in Yugi's voice. Bakura struggled against the pain of his body being taken away whilst Yugi started to feel sleepy.

"Take care of yourself Ryou…" Yugi whispered in Ryou's voice feeling sleepy and closing his eyes.

"NO!!!" Ryou screamed struggling in Yami's arms who held him back to keep him safe.

"B*tch!!!" Bakura growled as he forced himself to ignore the pain, grabbing `his' hikari and retreat to save the boy's life as well as his own freedom. Everything became quiet again and there seemed to be no sign of such an attack asides from the blood stain on the patch of grass and a few shards of glass. Yami still held `Yugi' in his arms. His face buried in Yami's jacket. Yami released `his' Aibou to see the contorted torture on his face, tears streaming down his face as wrinkles of torment and guilt filled his soul.

"Yugi… it's ok" Yami said reassuringly however the words seemed to cause even more pain as Ryou let it out. Yami could do nothing but embrace hoping it will bring back some remnants of the happy Aibou he always knew…

"I'm not Yugi… I'm not Yugi…" Ryou cried to Yami's jacket, his voice muffled though Yami and the others heard every word of it.

"Aibou… what are you saying?" but Ryou could do nothing but repeat the same statement over and over again.

"I'm not Yugi… I'm not Yugi…"

"Yugi… please… your scaring me" Tea said her voice tensing up. They all knew that Yugi was overly sensitive and wouldn't take these kind of situations very well but… what `Yugi' was saying now really disturbed them. Ryou cried harder before everything went black. "Aibou? AIBOU!!!" Yami said shaking him to wake.

"YUGI!!!" the others cried in unison.

"You little b******. I swear I'm gonna make you suffer when I'm done" Bakura was sweating profusely as he concentrated his energy to healing the open wound in `Ryou's' wrist. Bakura had magically teleported them both outside of town and found an old shack deep in the woods. Finally the flesh had been wielded back together and the pain in his chest had lessened then soon disappeared. He had sustained the little one's life and kept his freedom. Only the Gods would know how long he would have to wait until another possessor comes along if he let Ryou die. He sat back breathing heavily staring at `his' hikari who was now asleep. He thought he had pounded the idea into Ryou that defying him would end up in a lot of pain. Obviously he needed to be beaten a lot more than he thought. After taking a break to regain his energy he looked down at `his' Aibou. He did looked scarred, the porcelain face was badly mutilated with bruises and cuts. Carefully and almost tenderly Bakura brushed the hair from the little one's face. He had to admit `his' Aibou was quite beautiful even with the bruises. Then he remembered what he was about to do before the Millennium Ring interrupted him. He grinned as he felt himself starting to go tense and hot. He closed his eyes whilst massaging his groin and felt himself start to harden.


He splashed water at Ryou's face and watched him come round. He saw his Aibou look confused and then horrified when he realised he didn't die. Bakura smiled lustfully.

"You think you can get away from me THAT easily?" he bent down above him whispering licking the tears from his Aibou's face. "So innocent… so naïve… so pathetic" As he spat out the last word he grabbed Ryou's wrists and pressed his whole weight on top of him. "I'm gonna make you pay Aibou…"

"Please… I'm sorry…" his light quivered sobbing. Bakura ignored him placed the two wrists above Ryou's head and held with one vice grip like hand then tying them together. He then forced entry to his Aibou's lips playing roughly in his mouth whilst ripping away both their clothes. He felt his light struggle and writhe under him which only made him become more aggressive as he went down to strip Ryou's trousers then boxers only stopping to suck on the nipples. Swirling his tongue around the hardened cock. He could hear his light scream.


Ignoring his pleas straddled his Aibou's thighs and pushed his throbbing member into his entrance and paused to listen with glee to the piercing scream echoing from his light's lungs before continuing more damage of the assault, each thrust harder than it's predecessor. The screams from his light continued and echoed into the night.


Bakura smiled as he came from his fantasy. He stopped masturbating when he realised he nearly reached his peak. Cum had already started oozing out. He looked at the still unconscious `Ryou' and smiled as he was going to turn his fantasy into reality.

He splashed water at `Ryou's' face and watched him come round. He saw `his' Aibou look confused and then horrified when he realised he didn't die. Bakura smiled lustfully. As he repeated the scene from his fantasy. "You think you can get away from me THAT easily" Yugi couldn't believe it. He was still alive but Ryou's body reacted to Bakura's gaze and informed him what was about to happen. He remembered that morning when Bakura was about to force himself upon him. No… into him. The confusion before was replaced by terror and he prepared to run.

"So innocent… so naïve… so pathetic" Bakura spat out the last word before grabbing `Ryou's' wrists and pressed his whole weight on top of him. Yugi knew what was coming and his eyes widened as Bakura proceeded to rape him.

"Please… I'm sorry…" he sobbed. Bakura ignored him and continued the process with tying his wrists together, whilst forcing his tongue into `Ryou's' mouth. Yugi recognised the vulgar taste and felt like he was going to throw up. He had to do something quickly before Bakura went any further. Obviously the fire that had kindled within him in the park was still in a full blaze and he was determined that he wasn't going to be beaten into submission by this psychopath. Yugi started making circles with his hands so Bakura was finding it hard to keep his grip. Then Yugi bit down hard and fast. He heard the muffled scream of pain as the coppery taste of the Yami's blood entered his throat. It tasted sweet by comparison to before. Yugi released his bite, breaking free his wrists from Bakura's hard grip then scrambled from under him. He quickly glanced around the area and found himself to be in an old shack. Outside he saw only thickets of trees. He wouldn't be able to find any help. So the only option now… was to fight.

************YUGI'S POV***********

I know I hate fighting. I always have but now I have no choice. I prepared myself as Bakura screamed his curses at me.

"YOU F***ING B******!!!!" he screamed wiping his bloody mouth. I merely stood there glaring at him with such a hate that I never knew that I could ever posses. "Never break eye contact" Yami had told me whilst trying to teach me how to fight. I had only half listened to him because I never knew I would be in this situation. I was starting to regret not paying more attention.

Suddenly he lunged at me and I moved out of the way grabbing his arm and making him slam into the wall. I smiled inwardly as I went to the other side of the room. The fire built within me as I shouted at him.

"I'm not taking your abuse any longer Yami!!! I'M TAKING ORDERS FROM NO ONE!!!!" I screamed at him.

"You're nothing but a PATHETIC B*TCH!!!" he growled menacingly. I knew I was treading on dangerous territory. Hell, the guy kill's people before breakfast for crying out loud. I didn't care.

"Well… it's a good thing this pathetic b*tch is doing something about it. Taking beatings from a leech? I know I'm better than that" I smiled as he took the offence badly.

"Do you think I'm gonna take that… from trash like you?" Bakura livid as he was.

"I tell you what I think. I think you should take your precious little Millennium Ring and shove it… up… your… f***ing… ASS!!!" I surprised even myself from the comment. The shock in his face quickly turned into fury as he launched at me again. I ducked and pinned him down. "Face it Yami, if it weren't for me… you'd still be sitting in that little piece of shit of yours, twiddling your thumbs for another millennia or two" Bakura now looked badly hurt from my words. He knows I'm right. He did owe Ryou a lot. I found his hurt was short lived as he flipped me over. Oh dear.

"Your gonna regret ever defying me" He hissed viscously. I smiled which shocked him even more.

"And your gonna regret THIS for the rest of eternity!" (A/N: O.O Wow… it rhymes) I retorted accompanied with a sharp knee into his vulnerable area. He screamed as he keeled over to the side. Third law of the universe, everyone has a weakness. Searching around I found a pretty sturdy plank of wood and with all the strength I had I swung it at his head completely knocking him unconscious.

*************NORMAL POV**************************

Yugi breathed heavily still staring at the fallen Yami. He held it near him in case he ever woke up. He searched the shack but found no map, or phone. He knew he couldn't runaway. He would get lost and plus this Yami would be able track him through the Millennium Ring. Throwing it away would be out of the question too. Some poor soul might get it. `Great, I'm stuck' Yugi thought to himself.

Sam: Oooh that was a bit violent. Me watch too many violent films lately. Bad. Bad… Baaaddd *sounding like a sheep*

Yugi: o_0? I don't get it… Did I get raped or not?

Sam: You got raped… *Yugi whimpered* but only in Bakura's sick, small and twisted mind. You see I kind of wanted to add a lemony rape scene but I also wanted to put a Yugi Kicks Ass scene. Hence… I made the rape scene into a demented, delusional and dumb fantasy in the mind of a psychopathic, schizophrenic, maniac. Try saying THAT three times fast.

Yami: *snickers*

Yugi: O_O… Oh… ^()^ Yay!!! I didn't get raped.

Bakura: *ice pack on his groin* Did you just had to get him to knee me… THERE?

Sam: *unemotionally* Yes. Why? Did you want him to castrate it?

Bakura: O()O NO!! NO!! Kneeing's fine, just don't… do it… too often…

Sam: ^_^ So… very sorry if it was too violent folks, but that's the only violent part in the story… Again please, PLEASE REVIEW… I have to know whether my work is good or baaadd. Compliments or flaaaames I don't caaaarre. *sounding like a sheep* Why am I sounding like a sheep? *she checks her clock* 2am in the morning? No wonder… See?… I work hard for you people!!!