Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Yami ❯ Turning ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]



Angry Reviewers: o_0

Sam: *bawling out like Niagara Falls* WAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! *back to normal* Ok that's enough

grovelling… On with the show…

Yami: *moping around*

Sam: Yami? I'll love you forever if you do the disclaimers for me…

Yami: *love hearts still floating around him and his eyes* Madyamisam doesn't own Yu-gi-oh

Sam: You got that right bub…

Yami: o_0?

Sam: BTW THANK YOU Drunken Panda!!!! THANK YOU LONE SPIRIT FOR THE LOVELY PREZZIES!!! First with Drunken Panda. She got Yugi a fruit cake.

Yugi: *insane look* FRUIT CAKE!?!?!?!?!? WHERE!!?!?!? WHERE!?!?!? *runs wildly looking for it*

Joey: *burps* Excuse me. *Yugi's lips quiver and he burst into tears* Sorry… Yug…

Sam: *fuming that Joey ate Yugi's present then finds something else. She gives an evil grin* Oh Joey… Drunken Panda's got a present for you too… *she lets out the dreaded underpants stealing gnomes from South Park*

Joey: *gnomes swarm over him then rips his pants away while he was still wearing them* AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Yugi stops crying then starts laughing*

Sam: Now from Lone Spirit, she got Yugi a cell phone, *Yugi blows a kiss followed by floaty hearts* Yami's got a Golden Pyramid… *looks at Yami strangely* o_0?… paperweight…

Yami: *inspects the paperweight and comparing it with the Millennium Puzzle which surprisingly exactly the same* Cool a spare Millennium Puzzle. I keep losing the original. Thanks LS.

Sam: o_o' Anyway… *delves into the bag* Ryou's got a Change of Hearts plushie. *Ryou hugs it* Bakura's got some Ancient Egyptian scrolls.

Bakura: At last… the Scrolls of Armageddon!!!! YAY!!!!!! *runs off to invoke the end of the world*

Sam: o_oU Joey's got a dog collar…

Joey: HEY!!!!!

Sam: ^____^Hehe… gag gift. You also get a locket with a picture of Serenity.

Tristan: Can I have that? *Joey starts fuming and about to pound him* Eep…

Sam: I think you might need this… *hands him his present which was a helmet. Tristan and Joey disappears in a cloud of smoke* Seto's got a new computer…

Seto: I'll add that to my collection. *opens a vault filled with computers and places it in a space among them* ^________________________^ Stamp collecting is just too common.

Sam: O_O'… Er… Awwwwww… how KAWAIII!!!! ^()^ Mokuba's got a puppy!!!! *looks at name collar* AND IT'S CALLED JOEY!!!! *Mokuba hugs him tightly whilst Seto snickered*

Puppy Joey: Woof… arf…

Human Joey: Woof… arf…. This dog collar suits me doesn't it?

Sam: O_O' (Mental Note: These people are insane) Next present… Isis has got a box with the picture of the goddess Isis on it how ironic is that? Malik has a Golden dagger. *Malik twitches* Tea's got a book on How Not To Annoy People With…. Look LS I know you mean well but there is just no solution to Tea's annoyingness. This book does not work. The only way to solve her problem is just this. *takes out a gun and shoots Tea*


Tea: X~X

Sam: Mally's got… *a disappointed tone* an anti-love gun. I've got… a love gun!!! ^()^ LOOK IT'S EVEN GOT MY NAMES!!!!! *shows Madyamisam inscribed in gold on one side and Sam inscribed in silver on the other* SAM., MADYAMISAM, SAM, MADYAMISAM… *alternates before going into a gun battle with Mally* R&R people and thank you so much DRUNKEN PANDA and LONE SPIRIT!!!!


Yugi sighed in exhaustion after clearing up the chaos from the fight that he had had with Bakura hours before. The unconscious Yami was now lying down on the only bed there was in the shack, sweat broke on his brow as an oncoming fever had arisen. Yugi felt his head then placed a cool towel before settling down next to a stove and a cup of tea. Well the good news is the fact that Bakura really planned ahead should any of his plans went wrong, the shack was fully stocked with food and next to a good water source though perhaps it was Ryou who rented the place and the food. They weren't gonna go hungry for a while at least. The bad news… was what'll happen once Bakura woke up and in full health. Yugi was too tired to think about that now. He might as well enjoy the peace while it lasted, staring into the fire of the stove he picked at any pieces of glasses that had still been embedded to his back. (A/N: Ouch…)


The group sat in silence in the park just a few yards away where it happened. The blood in the spot where `Ryou' lay dying had longed dried up and blended in with the muddy ground. Yami was holding on to the unconscious `Yugi'. The torture of seeing his friend commit suicide was still contorted on his innocent face. Filled with guilt of not being able to realising and preventing the situation, Yami could do nothing for Yugi but hold him closely to provide any comfort to his torment. Tea finally broke the silence.

"So… is he? I mean is he really?" Tristan added.

"Yami… you know more about this stuff than any of us… Is Ryou really… gone?" Tristan asked pleading that everything will be alright. Yami looked away with guilt.

"I… I don't know…" Yami replied. "I'm sorry" Tristan sank back down his last shreds of hopes dashed. Yami spoke up again. "I need to take Aibou home, guys…"

"We'll come with ya… this stuff is just too much for Yug, he needs us now… more than ever" Joey spoke out. With that they got up, Yami still cradling `Yugi' in his arms and walked back to the Turtle Game Shop. Grandpa looked up to see the sombre mood noticing Yugi in Yami's arms. With horror he rushed to his grandson's side.

"He'll be alright… in time…" Yami replied solemnly.

"Tell what me what happened" Grandpa said quietly.


Bakura slowly stirred from his sleep and found `his' Aibou was sitting next to the warm fire from the stove.

"Still here?" Bakura said weakly with a sly smirk on his face to frighten `Ryou' up a bit. He was shocked to see that `his' Aibou merely turned his head to him, no trace of fear on his face, nothing… but a simple polite smile before turning back to the fire.

******************BAKURA'S POV**************

What's going on? Why is he like that? Ever since this morning he'd been acting all strange then that incident when he was willing to kill himself just to safe his friends and then defying me. Just yesterday the little runt would whimper if I even touched him but now… Have I been too hard on him? What am I saying? I've done him a favour. "I figured you'd be gone by now… or is the forest just too scary for ya?" I sneered at his cowardice. At least I thought it was. Why else would he hang around? This would have been the perfect opportunity.

"Nope… I'm just fine with the forest" he replied.

"So why not run runt?" I prodded. He used to be so predictable. Now he's like one of the Pharaoh's tombs where they put traps all over the place which did make life more difficult.

"Your sick…" he replied. He's still afraid of me… yet his still willing to stay and heal me? I think I HAVE pushed him into the wall a little bit too hard. "Pathetic" I said. "Never have soft spots for anybody. They always stab you in the back in the end"

"Do they? So you don't trust anyone?"

"I trust myself. That's all that counts" I growled back at him.

"Oh that policy is sure working now isn't it?" he remarked sarcastically. I stared with curiosity of what he had to say.

"Are you trying to lecture me, pup? I think I need to remind you, I am older than you… By far… 5000 years older in fact… I can very well take care of myself" I growled.

"Can you?" he retorted "You maybe Mr King of The Thieves for all I know back in your time but that… WAS your time" I opened my mouth to argue back accompanying it with a fist in his mouth but closed it again as I found myself unable to speak against his words. Because it was true. I maybe a renowned tomb robber back then. I knew everything that went on in the streets but now I didn't know how to even get around in my Aibou's shelter and how those blasted bread burners worked (A/N: Toasters people toasters)… I looked down on the floor as my realisation sunk in. I couldn't go anywhere without my Aibou without ordering him to tell me everything about my surroundings. He was the one to even buy all the stuff here.

"I guess I was… angry. Being trapped for so long. You would too if you were stuck in this stupid thing for 5000 years" I replied meekly. That was a first. What was happening to me?

"I'm sorry that you lost your life back then" my Aibou replied "But you can't take mine for compensation, it doesn't work that way" he scowled and I found I was beside myself with guilt. There was a moment of silence between us with only the warm fires crackling in our shelter that made any noise at all.

"Why do you beat me up for?" My Aibou asked breaking the silence. I looked at his mahogany eyes with surprise "Do you take pleasure… in other's suffering?" I smirked.

"Partly that. But mostly to make you stronger. All this sentiment is a liability"

"All this sentiment is what makes one human and stops us from being mindless monsters" I chuckled at the ridiculous concept.

"Oh really?" I remarked sarcastically.

My Aibou argued back "The only reason why I fought back today was because I was standing up for my friends… not for myself" I stared at him who glared back at me "This weak sentiment sounds quite strong if you ask me…" I laughed again but started to cough and felt dizzy. He felt for my head then renewed the coolness of the cloth with water and replaced it back on my head. "There's this old saying that has been passed on from generations in the family. Strength brings weakness whilst through weakness… you learn strength… Being strong has it's strengths whilst being gentle has others… Sounds logical… maybe you should give it a try"

"You can't change me dear aibou"

"I'm not… That's what your suppose to do"


Grandpa listened in shock as the gang laid everything on the table. The fact that Bakura had escaped the Shadow Realm, `Ryou's' absences at school and finally `his' sacrifice. Everything was told except for the last words `Yugi' spoke before he passed out. Grandpa squeezed Yugi's hand gently as if it would comfort him. "Oh, Yugi… My Yugi… "

"Man… I taught I was gonna be sick when I saw it… Yug didn't deserve ta see that" Joey added. Yami held onto `Yugi' tight. `It could have been him' he thought as he buried his face in `Yugi's' wild silky mane. `I could have lost him today… if it weren't for Ryou… I'll make sure that Ryou didn't die in vain. I'll promise that I will never let this happen ever again' he glanced at `Yugi' again before getting up.

"I… I'll go talk to him in his soul room" Yami said quietly then carried him to his room.

"Do you think it'll make it any better?" Tea asked.

"I don't know if it will… But it's the only thing I can do…" Yami replied before continuing up the stairs. He lay `Yugi' down then disappeared to his soul room. He hadn't been there for quite a while for he had been greatly enjoying the freedom of walking in the world again. He even slept outside the puzzle sharing Yugi's bed (A/N: AND IT'S NOT THAT KIND OF SHARING!!!!!!) watching him as he slept. Trapped for so long in the puzzle made him appreciate every little thing he had. He walked down the old ruins of his soul room which had become considerably darker than he had ever seen before. He then walked down the corridor that linked Yugi's soul room to his. He twisted the door knob but found it difficult to open. "Strange… our soul rooms could never be locked" he thought aloud to himself. He pushed against the door hard yet to no avail. Confused and annoyed that he was locked out, the sennen eye on his forehead glowed brightly and shone upon the door revealing a the hidden rune that was keeping him out. `Nauthiz?' Yami thought as a slanted X appeared brightly in a mysterious red light glowing brightly on Yugi's Soul room door. `How does my Aibou know how to perform this rune?' Unable to answer the question he concentrated hard, his hand hovering over the rune which slowly started to fade and then disappeared altogether. With the rune gone he opened the door to his Aibou's soul room. To his horror, he didn't see the little nursery like room filled with toys and brightly coloured walls of yellow and the floor littered with toys. He didn't see the little innocent angel he always knew. The soul room was a mess of chaos, the floor littered with glass, the putrid smell of burning and blood flared in Yami's nose, the place was shattered just like the very soul who resided in it. His eyes widened as he saw the quivering figure curled in a little ball at the corner of the room, tears streamed from his mahogany eyes down his pale face.



Sam: Muwhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! A cliffy!!!! Muwhahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!


Sam: Kidding….

Reviewers: o_0?… >_<`

Sam: Hehe… ain't I a stinker?


Yami stood in shock of what he saw "Ryou… w-what are you doing here?" Yami stuttered. Ryou stared up at Yami still shaking before staring back down on the floor. Yami walked closer to him whilst Ryou shrunk further into the little corner. "Where's… Yugi?" Yami said as calmly as he could. Ryou's eyes widened but he still refused to answer Yami. "Please…. Tell me… Where's Yugi?" Yami tried once more walking towards him until he was only a few inches away from his face. Ryou shook even more than before and his breaths came fast and short as his eyes darted around everywhere except where Yami wanted them to be looking at. Yami in tears shook him gently. "Ryou please… where is he?" Ryou finally looked him in the eye, the terror still in his eyes. Yami's voice had become barely audible "Please… tell me". Tears filled the Ryou's eyes as he sobbed shaking his head a small piece of parchment gripped tightly in his hand. Yami couldn't take Ryou's silence any longer. "TELL ME!!!!!!!!!" he screamed whilst shaking Ryou hard.

"I'm sorry… Please… don't hurt me" Ryou whispered. He gripped the parchment tight until his knuckles turned white.

"How did you… get here?"

"A spell… I thought… it would… get rid of my Yami and… and let me have a Yami like you" Yami's eyes widened as Ryou finally began to spill out the truth "I…I-I didn't mean for this to happen…" Yami closed his eyes and took a couple deep breaths before he spoke.

"Let me see this spell" Ryou opened his tight hands slowly and Yami took the crumpled piece of paper and opened it out again. "This is a soul switching spell… If your soul's… in Yugi's body then Yugi's soul is…" He fell down to his knees as his greatest fear had been realised. Ryou switched his and Yugi's souls which was the reason why he couldn't talk to Yugi through his mental link and why he was acting so strange. Now… Yugi's soul was lost at the moment he had committed suicide to save Ryou. It all made sense.

"I'm really sorry… Yami… Please…" Yami glared at him tears streaming down his face. This made Ryou shrank back in terror. Yami's glare softened as the boy wept bitterly before him in his corner. He blinked away his only tears before he spoke again.

"I noticed there was something different… but… I ignored it" Yami turned to Ryou "Yugi gave you his life…. He wouldn't want me to take it away. Live it out well… else I swear I'll make sure that being with Bakura will be like paradise when I'm done" Yami sat back down dwelling in his sorrows of losing Yugi.


Meanwhile Bakura had recovered quickly from the fever, though now he made sure that he was a little more cautious with `his' Aibou now. He didn't want another suicide attempt or a knee to his vulnerable area, in fact he was even helping out to make sure that his aibou wasn't going to get pushed to the edge again to start threatening him with his life.

"HOW DO YOU WORK THIS THING!!!!" Bakura was getting a little more than agitated with trying to handle the can opener. Yugi giggled at the so called tomb robber before opening it for him.

"Maybe you should cut the wood" Yugi said in `Ryou's voice. Bakura muttered some Egyptian curses before going out. "Hey!!!!" Bakura turned to growl at Yugi when a red jacket was held in front of him. "It's cold out there. Tough guy or not, that fever can still come back" Bakura stared for a moment at his Aibou who was busy with the washing. `I never realised he could care so much…' he frowned at the thought. He realised he never gave him a chance to. The sun was starting to set and bathe the sky in a orange glow just peaking at the tops of the trees. They sat down to eat supper. Bakura glanced at `Ryou' eating politely as ever and blushed slightly for the coming question he was about to ask. "Do you… make any of those… um biscuits anymore…?" `Ryou' looked surprised.

"Pardon?" he replied with a little quiver.

"Well… it was back when you first had the Ring. I didn't come out like this right away but I could sense everything you did and I recalled once you… um making this buiscuits… Ginger Snaps you called them"

"Ginger Snaps?" `Ryou' replied uneasily. Yugi didn't know how to make ginger snaps and he was feeling a little bit uneasy of `his' Yami's request for such a delicacy. "Erm… well we er… don't have any ginger to make ginger snaps. Maybe next time huh?" Bakura looked disappointed by this but smirked understandingly. Yugi mentally sighed with relief. They finished their supper then cleared up. Yugi went outside to gather some water not noticing a dark figure approaching him. Yugi caught sight of the sound of panting and the scraping of clawed paws.

The figure crept closer to Yugi leaving huge paws prints on the ground. Yugi's breath became short and fast as the fear arose and his senses sharpened. The scraping of the paws came bounding to him. He turned to see a huge shape of white fur. A wolf. He stood fixed to the spot with terror as the wolf stared at him. Yugi was about to scream when suddenly Bakura leapt pushing the wolf away then rolling to the side. The wolf started to growl maliciously at Bakura ruffling it's fur.

"Wolves? There aren't any wolves around here"

"That's a Shadow creature…" Bakura growled "… but how did it get here?"

"That's Silver Fang the duel monster?" Yugi mused out loud. Bakura nodded not keeping his eyes away from the creature in case of another attack. The Silver Fang bent low, his fur ruffled to make him look even larger than he already was. His teeth bared back showing huge canines and a visoucious growl escaped through his teeth.

"Stay back" Bakura warned as he prepared to be in with a fight with the creature. Yugi then noticed the wounds on the wolf. Come to think of it, the wolf wasn't really threatening him until Bakura pushed it.This wolf was badly hurt and scared.

"Let me handle this" he said as pushed in front of Bakura. He crouched down slowly not breaking eye contact with the Silver Fang. Yugi concentrated in staring at Silver Fangs eyes then suddenly Silver Fang started to glow and the visions of Silver Fang's memories flooded his mind.


Silver Fang and his mate were bounding happily together playing when suddenly they noticed something strange as the ground beneath them started to shake. Before they knew it a swirling vortex began to tear open and a figure appeared through it. 4 huge legs followed by a spiked tale appeared before the two wolves the creature towered above them. A double edged sword was hovering next to it gleaming at them with a lust for blood. Massive bat like wings waved slightly in the breeze of the Shadow Realm. Instincts took over as the male Silver Fang placed himself between the mysterious and potentially dangerous entity and his mate. He stood growling at it in the hope that he would ward the thing away. The entity returned the aggression with a deadly hiss before striking a blow with it's sword knocking the wolves back with tremendous force and disappearing through another vortex that ripped open. The female Silver Fang shook her head from the blow but came too close to the swirling vortex and was suddenly dragged into it. The male Silver Fang gave chase and entered the vortex and then carried by the tunnel of immense power swirling and spinning him violently around. Finally the other side of the vortex was reached and he came out slamming into a tree. Confused and injured he staggered around searching for his love. A soft whimper reached his sensitive ears and he soon found his love lying down in pain. Her leg was stuck in a huge trap where a single stone was lodging the mouth from fully shutting. One false move and the trap could snap her leg off altogther He rushed to her aid but found it made things worse as the stone started to dislodge and the trap clamping more painfully around her leg. The female Silver Fang eyes quivered with fear and was extremely stressed. Her mate paced up and down not knowing what to do before wondering away to see if he could find help.

**********************END FLASHBACK***********************

"Take me to her then Silver Fang" Yugi replied in Ryou's voice to the wolf's plea to him. They three of them dashed off not noticing a huge shadow slowly creep cross the floor. Yugi tried keeping as close as he could with Silver Fang who sprinted off immediately. Soon enough there lay shivering was Silver Fang's mate. `Where in the world did that trap come from?' Yugi thought but pushed it out of the way for more important duties at hand. He struggled as he pushed the trap apart. Quivering slightly from the strain. He shouted to Bakura. "MOVE HER FOOT!!!!!" Bakura hesitated at first. "HURRY!!!!!" Bakura then gently slipped his hand into the opened mouth and gently lifted the leg away. After everyone was clear. Yugi let the trap clamp shut then it disappeared. Yugi wiped the sweat off `his' brow whilst watching with satisfaction of the male Silver Fang leaping about with joy then rubbed noses with his mate as if they kissed. The happiness was abruptly ended when the ground started to quiver under their feet. 4 huge legs slammed into the earth, knocking down many trees, leaving huge crater like footprints. Bat like wings wavered around a little and a double edged sword hovered nearby. It was the entity that attacked the two Silver Fangs in the vision. It's face mauled and aligned with huge razor teeth and slit eyes, the skin was badly mauled. The male Silver Fang bared his teeth at the entity and went on the defensive. Bakura got ready to obliterate the monster as well. Without so much as breaking sweat the creature swept them both away slamming them into the trees. The creature gave a cruel sneer at the younger silver headed boy and the injured wolf beside him before raising his huge sword for a kill. In a last effort the weak male Silver Fang gathered all his strength to launch a bite at the monsters face. It a let out a roar of fury and pain as the male Silver Fang clawed at his already mauled face, struggling to hold on and the remains of his strength ebbing away, one clawed hand grabbed Silver Fang by the tail and flung him to the ground. Roaring it prepared to strike the beaten wolf who collapsed in utter exhaustion. It's blood stained blade glinted down at him before dealing out the final blow. "NO!!!!!" Yugi screamed before shielding the blood soaked wolf with his body the blade came fast and down ready to slice at the helpless boy. Closer and closer…

The entity gave a sickly grin when the boy's face turned to face him. It gazed into the innocent eyes and look deep to his terrified soul before it struck.

`What?' It thought The soul wasn't of a silver headed boy with mahogany eyes. His soul was of another. It saw a small boy with large, amethyst eyes, silky black hair tinged with a fiery red and golden bangs hanging on his childlike face. The entity's evil sneer turned to a expression of surprise and recognition as the sword hovered centimetres from the boys head. Condensation collected on the menacing blade as Yugi's breathing came short and fast. It gave a fearful hiss before lifting the sword away and disappeared through another vortex and everything was silent. After calming down, the two wolf lovers licked each other's wounds and `Yugi's' face in a gesture of relief. The vortex lingered when something else appeared. Yugi prepared again as another adrenaline rush coursed his veins again. This time though the two Silver Fangs yelped and barked with joy. Out came a man elegantly dressed in heavy armour riding a stallion also heavily armoured.

"Gaia, the Fierce Knight?" Yugi whispered. Gaia gave a relieved smile of finding his two friends as the two Silver Fang barked happily of his presence. "Gaia must have noticed you two were missing and decided to look for you two" Yugi said happily. Gaia got of his horse then gathered up the injured female Silver Fang then bowed down to Yugi with gratitude before getting on his horse and riding back through the vortex he came through. The male who was still able to walk followed as the three of them disappeared. The vortex then slowly closed behind them.


Sam: Ok, you must be thinking `WHAT DA H*** IS THAT THING!?!?!?!?!?!?' Well you wanna know…? Ha not telling ya!!!!! It's linked in to another story I'll be doing when I finished with this story. I like that in my ficcys. Take it like it's some kind of a taster but I did give you a clue that it has something to do with Yugi so If you want this story to exist put it in your review. There's also another fic `Child' that I've done that has a little teaser in there to this new ficcy I'll be doing. So read and review and I'll be finishing this ficcy real, real soon.