Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Fair Yami ❯ A Brighter Future ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Brighter Future

Sam: Yay another update…

YGO Cast: Shock, shock, horror, horror, shock, shock, horror, horror.

Sam: Shut up!!!! *they shut up*

LS: Madyamisam doesn't own Yu-gi-oh, she doesn't get any money out of it.

Sam: Though I wish I could.

LS: Well now you know and everything's sorted so that's that!!!! GOT IT!?!?!?!?!?!? *holding a huge megaphone to disclaimer lawyers that are tied up*

Lawyers: *nod meekly*

Sam: ^___________^ On with the show


As the vortex closed, Bakura rushed to `Ryou's' side checking for injuries. "Are you alright?" Bakura asked seriously. Yugi stared with Ryou's eyes taking in what just happened before. The Duel Monster Silver Fang had appeared in the woods where he and `his' Yami were hiding out in with his injured mate and the entity that had caused their injuries appeared ready to kill. Yet… it didn't… It almost seemed to fear Yugi despite his helpless position, then it hurried away through a strange vortex that had appeared before them. From this another Duel Monster Gaia the Fierce Knight another character of Yugi's old deck appeared and helped the two Shadow wolves go home.

"I'm fine…" Yugi replied in Ryou's voice. Reassured that `his' aibou was unharmed, Bakura looked back to where the strange swirling portal to the Shadow Realm disappeared.

"What was that thing that attacked us?" he mused to himself.

"You don't know?" Yugi asked worried.

"The energy it possesses is indescribable. I sensed that it could even rival with Exodia's power…" Bakura replied "but the powers are foreign to me… and to the Shadow Realm" He went deep into thought. Yugi stared again at where the vortex had been and noticed the disturbance of the dry soil directly underneath it. There he saw a signature of some kind that was drawn upon the floor. He noted of the specific markings and symbolic curves. It looked like Japanese yet it was different. Unable to decipher it himself he nudged to Bakura. Bakura followed his gaze and was going to analyse it. "I've never seen such markings before…" he said

"…It looks familiar…" Yugi mused. Bakura looked at him surprised.

"I didn't think you'd know this kind of stuff" he remarked.

"I don't… I just got a feeling that I've seen this before…" He looked down again but then a mysterious breeze slowly blew upon it like sand and the dents became shallow before the signature had vanished as if it had never existed. The whistle from the breeze died down to the whispers among the trees.

"We're leaving in the morning" Bakura began. "I'd rather risk facing the Pharaoh rather than hang around here…" They started back to the warmth of the shack where the fire was welcoming.


Ryou sat staring at the figure in the shadow. He knew Yami wouldn't hurt as he had said but he couldn't help feeling scared of him. Gathering any courage he had at all… he crawled to squinting his eyes a bit seeing that streams of tears were running down Yami's face. "Yami…?"

"Just… leave me alone… " Yami replied weakly choking on the build of tears in his throat. Ryou closed his eyes painfully, then determination took over. He came closer to Yami in an attempt to at least provide comfort if any.

"Yami… you said to live out this life well…" Ryou started "I can't do that without your help…" Yami's face came further into what light there was. His handsome face looked worn as if the Duel Monster Time Wizard had cast it's spell of forwarding 1000 years. Yami stared down at the floor as the tears kept flowing down his tanned cheeks.

"I could have done something… then maybe… Yugi…" he started. His throat closed on him before he could continue.

"We'll never know… but like you said… we gotta keep going… For Yugi?" Ryou replied. Yami stared at the mahogany eyes for a moment before he finally broke down. `He was a proud pharaoh and yet he could feel so much sorrow for this one person' Ryou thought. `Yugi was dear to him and I took him away…' Tears started to feel his eyes as he blinked them away. "I'm not Yugi… but I'll do whatever I can…" Ryou said. They embraced. (A/N: The hug was just a comfort hug. NOTHING MORE YOU HEAR ME!?!?!? THE PLOT IS COMPLICATED ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!) "Yami… For Yugi…"

Yami took a couple of deep breaths before he stopped crying… "For Yugi…" he whispered. Ryou sighed and wiped his own tears away… "We'll tell everyone else in the morning…" Ryou said quietly. With that Yami went to his soul room.


The woods were now dark where the moon cast a slight luminescent glow across the treetops. Bakura and `his' aibou sat close to the flaring fire. "It's getting late…" Bakura suddenly said. "We should turn in for the night"

"You take the bed. You've only just recovered from a fever…" Yugi said. Bakura trudged and lay down on the bed waiting for sleep to envelope him. Yugi stared in the fire a little while when he noticed a small puddle of blood on the wooden floor which was slowly soaked up by the sawdust. He noticed that the blood was coming from his arm as a small trickle leaked down his left sleeve and dripped away from his fingers. An old wound must have opened during the struggle earlier. A sting on his shoulder meant he'd have to take his shirt off to bandage it.

********************BAKURA'S POV*******************

That thing… I just couldn't figure what it was… I'd had hoped to find some information in my library but I'm not that much of a soul caster… There was possibly one person I know that would know a little bit more about this than I do and I shuddered that I had to go back just to ask him. As I couldn't sleep I resorted to stare at my aibou who was quietly sitting by the fire. I was surprised that I had managed to stop myself from the usual habits of beating my aibou today. I even managed to quell my erotic fantasies and decided to play… how you say… `straight'. I've never really done something honest in my life and personally it felt kind of boring compared to what I was used to. There he was sitting innocently by the blaze. I felt angry of it, his… innocence and wanted to get rid of it, make him stronger… then as I watched… a little longer… do I really want to do that? Do I really want to beat him up because he was so… innocent? It was the first time that I've ever questioned my methods. I guess I've had my doubts but I ignored them in the past. What's making me feel this way? This… loneliness that I've never encountered it before. I remembered there had been something about my aibou the moment I felt his presence. Something that seemed to flow in my veins and keep me warm inside, it was probably why I was finding it slightly… guilty whenever I beat him. He has grown strong though… but whatever it was that he had about him was gone now… I lost that warmth. I feel cold. I watched on as his porcelain face reflected the orange glow of the fire. It made his skin so smooth… with the colour of honey. Then I noticed something. A spot of red had started to bloom through his sweater. He noticed it too and went to take off his shirt. There I saw…. huge cuts were scattered across the smooth back and I realised… I've realised why he's changed. Why that sense of warmth that I get around him has burned out. The wounds were destined to be permanent scars upon his back, mutilated and defaced forever. There was one that had opened, must have been when that… thing attacked and my aibou. He sat tenderly bandaging it up though knowing that they would never fully heal again. I felt my throat start to close on me as the guilt pierced my very heart. It was a worse sight that I've ever experienced. I got up and did something I thought I would never do, at least without some benefit in my part. I lay my hand on his rough back and I concentrated my powers, one by one the wounds started to knit together and disappear leaving a smooth patch of skin on his back. "Yami?"

"Hold still…" I said as sweat started to break on my brow.

"Yami, you don't have to it's not life threatening"

"I know" I replied "Hold still"

"Yami… save your strength…" he cried.

"Just shut up…" I growled. He sat still and soon the wounds had been healed. Finally I got to the last one where the wound gaped open like a mouth screaming. I concentrated harder and slowly I forced it to close again. The outer skin started to melt the little crease away and then the wound was gone. All that was left was a bare and smooth back… Like a new page in a book. Then… he turned his head towards me and I found out I was wrong about not doing it for my benefit. The fiery glow of the fire captured the very essence of his beauty and the light reflected from his silver hair. A warm glow radiated from his body… I felt the hope of feeling the warmth that I always got from his gaze… my hopes were dashed when he looked down politely then he covered himself up. "Thank you" he said. I didn't reply. I could still feel the coldness, I was exhausted and I found myself shaking. He quickly responded with helping me to bed. "Oh… now you've used too much energy… I told you… it wasn't necessary" I lay shivering uncontrollably on the bed and he covered me up with a heavy and warm blanket. I however was still freezing. Ryou rushed to cover me up but there wasn't anything else. I grabbed his hand and held it tightly drawing him in. "Stay…" He blinked at me… "P-please" I indicated to the bed I was lying on. He blinked unsure but gave in and crawled under the blankets. The physical chill had melted away when his body lay next to mine yet inside I was still cold. We faced each other and there was silence besides the dying fire nearby… dying… just like my hope of seeing the Ryou that I know…

**********************NORMAL POV******************

The rest of the night had passed quickly and the morning light slid through the windows gently waking Bakura from his lumber. He cracked his eyes open slowly greeting the warmth of the sun. A soft breath touched his skin and he stared at the other silver headed boy lying next to him. He was so peaceful… The white locks sprawled against the soft pillow. He gently brushed a stray lock from the beautiful porcelain face. A small smile had crept upon his lips, his dreams were obviously pleasing him. `Ra I never knew he could be so beautiful'. Bakura thought then the guilt settled. `I never gave myself the chance'. `Ryou' frowned as the threads of consciousness was disturbing his pleasant dream and soon he slowly woke too. The heavy lashes fluttered and opened revealing the beautiful chocolate orbs. Yugi was surprised to see the way Bakura was looking at `him'. He saw emotions of… guilt? And… passion? Before he knew it Bakura leaned closer to him until their faces were millimetres from each other. Bakura hesitated wondering… `Should I? This might… bring him back…' his longing overcame his doubts before cupping `Ryou's' face and gently brushing his lips against his hikari, the kiss was light at first then it became more passionate. Yugi widened `his' eyes from this sudden come on… He quickly drew back and pushed Bakura away. He got up and backed away seeing now a despairing Bakura. "I-I'm sorry… but…" Yugi started. Bakura merely looked down ashamed from his rejection.

"It's ok… I… shouldn't be surprised…"

"What do you mean?" `his' aibou asked obviously confused.

"You've changed… It's the look in your eyes… in the past… the way you looked at me no matter how much I beat you up… I should think it was better that your stronger but… it's not…"

"What? Now you wanted me to stay weak and pathetic so you could beat me up and treat me like the b*tch you've always have?" he scoffed.

"IT'S NOT THAT!!!!" Bakura cried despairingly. Yugi was shocked… He had never seen Bakura act this way and what was more surprising was the tears streaming down the tomb robber's face. "It… I don't know what it was…" Bakura brushed his hair back stressfully. Yugi softened his tone and thought what Bakura might have been referring to this strange feeling that Ryou gives him.

"It was love" Yugi answered in Ryou's voice.

"Was that it?" Bakura chuckled at himself half sniffling then calmed himself down. "I thought it was sign of weakness… that's why I tried to beat it out… I never realised… I kept beating it away and now it's gone and… I can't get it back… no matter what I do…" There was a moment of silence before Bakura started again "It's gone…isn't it? The love?" Yugi stood silent not knowing what to say. `If only Bakura knew' "It's not coming back is it?" Bakura strained at the last statement. Yugi wasn't sure how to answer it so went with the only plausible reply he could think of.

"I don't know…" Bakura looked down blinking away anymore oncoming tears. He took a deep breath.

"We should get packing" he said defeated. He turned away from Yugi and started to put any essentials for their journey home. Yugi stared taking in the outbursts of emotion. `I thought he was this big bad mean tomb robber' Yugi thought. `Yet now as I see him, I realise how vulnerable and scared he is of this world' And from that moment… any of Yugi's fiery hate towards the silver haired tomb robber died away like the cold ashes near the fire place. Silence was all there was between the two boys whilst they packed the necessities and set off on a silent journey back to Domino City. Unbeknownst to them were eyes watching them hike back home through the huge woods.

***********************RYOU'S POV*****************

I woke from a feverish sleep and found the guilt had chased away all traces of the happy dreams I was having… if there were any. Today I was supposed to tell everyone about… my secret. Something that I've dreaded in deepest of my conscience. How will they react when they find that the person they see as Yugi isn't really Yugi…? I took a few deep breaths before I got up to face the music and went to take over `Yugi's' body. Then I remembered Yami and returned to see him in his soul room. Come to think of it I've never gotten to see it. I wonder if the room is anything like my old Yami's soul room? Cautiously turning the knob to my door I saw a corridor which led to the Yami's soul room. I found Yami still asleep but troubled in a foetal position on his bed. Here was the once proud pharaoh, who I always thought as head strong and confident as if nothing could scare him. Now as I get to know him… I find… he was like a lonely child… an orphan… so frightened of what the worlds become around him and having no one to teach him of our ways of life. This must be what Bakura feels too… inside. Maybe that's the reason why he beats me. Maybe he was so angry to be suddenly plunged to this alien world. I bet this place would seem like a civilisation on Mars to them. Sighing slightly, I slowly nudged him awake. He cracked his eye open his face puckered slightly from the dried up tears.

"Yugi…?" he whispered which caused another clot to be formed in my throat as I forced myself to bring him back to painful reality.

"It's Ryou… Yami" Yami stared at me for a moment before the hope of seeing `his' aibou was dashed.


"We need to get up now… tell the others and check the news to see if… they've… found the… body or not" I strained at those last words. He sighed wearily.

"Just give me a moment…" he replied staring at a fairly rumbled photograph of Yugi and himself.

"When did you take that?" I asked…

"A few weeks ago… Tea bought in this contraption that flashed in your eyes then a painting pops out of it. A camera?" he questioned me for confirmation. I merely smiled. He got up and I felt Yugi's body shudder as Yami started to separate from him. I got changed and splashed some water in my face. I stared at the mirror at Yugi's face. Touching it my hand shook in contact. This face… it'll haunt me until the day I die. I turned away and marched downstairs. Yami followed slowly. The others had stayed overnight and had just woken up. They sat in silence staring at me, pity in their eyes.

"Yugi" Tea broke the silence. Grandpa placed a comforting hand on my shoulder though it actually wrenched at my heart.

I paused for a moment then took a deep breath before I relive the horrific moments of my story and reveal my deepest darkest secret.

*****************NORMAL POV*******************

They noticed the bedraggled look upon `Yugi's' poor innocent bedraggled face. `Yugi' looked as if dreading to speak to them. "Yug if there's something you need ta talk about… you can tell us" Joey said. `Yugi' was going to open his mouth when the door burst open in and a little figure with black messy hair rushed in.

"Hey guys!!!!" Mokuba almost yelled as he burst through the door. The cheerful boy was followed by his sombre brother. Seto merely blinked at the gang as his way of acknowledging them. Yami merely glanced before going back to the little world he was in.

"What do you want Kaiba?" Joey said.

"For your information Chihuahua, Mokuba wanted to see Yugi" The gang did say anything to argue. Mokuba shifted his gaze to each of them with depression.

"Whoa… did somebody die or something?" There was silence. "Somebody `did' die then" Mokuba's voice immediately became serious.

"What's going on…?" Seto asked. The others stared at him.

"Ryou something happened" Tristan answered.

"If there's been a problem why don't you talk to him? Mokuba and I just saw him earlier this morning" Yami snapped his head at the information given.

"Big brother and I were going fishing" Mokuba smiled happily. Yami rushed and grabbed Kaiba by the collar.


"Hiking down from the Fiji Woods. His probably at home by now" Seto rasped. "Now let go of me" Yami released on his type grip around Seto's throat then stood there brimming with happiness. The others cheered and whooped. `Yugi' felt as if a miracle had happened.

"Alright!!!!" Joey yelled. "His alive man!!!"

"Come on we gotta find him" Tea shouted. With that the gang rushed out of the shop leaving it empty with only the two Kaiba brothers. Seto rubbed at his throat… painfully staring at the group who dashed away.

"'Hello Kaiba, how are you today?' Fine thank you. `By the way thank you for the information'. No problem" he said to himself. "Freaks" Mokuba giggled before he went to observe the cards in the small game shop.

Tea asked "Bakura's probably expecting that we still think his dead"

"Well, he's gonna be da one bein' surprised dis time" Joey remarked. ""Where's his apartment?" Yami turned to `Yugi' who led the way. When they arrived to the desolate ruins of Ryou's apartment they found it was still empty. `Ryou' and Bakura obviously aren't back yet… the perfect opportunity to spring a trap.


The two boys finally made it to their broken down apartment and dropped down sitting side by side on the couch. The bell rang and the both of them groaned. "I'll get it" Yugi said in Ryou's voice. He went to open the door. A pizza delivery man stood there, his cap over his eyes.

"Pizza delivery!!!" he croaked. Yugi was confused.

"I didn't order a pizza" he said. The man smirked then looked up exposing a glint of amethyst eyes.

"I know" the man said before he grabbed `Ryou's' wrist and pulled him out.

"WHOA!!!" Hearing `his' aibou's cries, Bakura got up to investigate.

"Aibou…?" He noticed as his Millennium Ring started to glow. "A millennium item" he whispered. Flinging open the door he saw the delivery man with a firm grip on `Ryou's' arm. He growled as the man removed his cap and the tri-coloured mane bloomed. (A/N: Ok Ok the rescue doesn't sound very original, but I've been sugar deprived and the mad ideas have been rendered to nothing). Yami smirked at the tomb robber's fury.

"The element of surprise. It does feel good to have the upper hand doesn't it tomb robber?" Bakura growled at the former pharaoh when something smacked him at the back of the neck and he crumbled to the floor. Standing over him was Joey with a bat in his hand.

"Man I taught I'd gonna be stayin' in dat bathroom forever" (A/N: How did they get in? Ask Ryou. Ryou: Spare key under the door mat. Everyone else: -_-` so cliché)

"Quit yapping Joey and help us out before he wakes up" Tea scowled then smiling at `Ryou'. Yugi stared in shock taking in everything that had just happened when Yami placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Are you alright aibou?" he said gently.

"I-I'm fine Yami but I" Yugi's `eyes' widened. `Wait did he just call me aibou?' "Huh?" Yami chuckled then indicated to `Yugi'.

"'Ryou' told me everything" he replied with an affectionate smile. "But first we need to get this spell reversed. Do you still have the spell Ryou?" Ryou in Yugi's body nodded.

"Just follow me to my room" Ryou said in Yugi's voice. They went upstairs and found Ryou's chaotic room. They cleared any bits of debris before Ryou went to renew the faded pentagram. "All we need now… is something that represents us"

"What like a voodoo doll?" Yugi asked. Ryou nodded. He grabbed two pencils then plucked a single hair from `Yugi's' head and `his'. "Hey" Yugi protested of what Ryou did. Yugi took great pride in the style of his unusual hair.

"Sorry but it's the best way to distinguish us" Ryou replied meekly in Yugi's voice. "Hold this" Ryou gave Yugi the pencil with tri-coloured strand whilst he held the silvery strand. With everything set, candles lit Ryou steadied himself then took out the parchment taking a deep breath before he started reading… the foreign language rolled from `his' tongue and the familiar mist started to envelope his vision. (A/N: Make up your own chant people. I'm not that creative). Yami stared when a mystical wind blew the candles out plunging the room in total darkness. He heard the sound of two bodies crumple. Yami immediately switched the lights on to find the two of them unconscious on the floor. Yami went to check their pulse, keeping in mind of the lessons he had been having through Yugi on First Aid. He sighed with relief when both of them checked out with a strong pulse. He cradled Yugi in his arms hoping to Ra that the spell had worked. He watched as the little one's eye fluttered slightly like a pair of pink butterflies before revealing his large violet eyes. //Aibou?//

/I hear you Yami/ Yugi smiled happily. There was a slight groan coming from Ryou. He cracked his eye open. "What have you been doing lately?" As he had returned to his rightful body, he also returned to the painful aches that Yugi now left behind. Yugi chuckled. They went to the next room where Bakura was still unconscious.

"Right… now to send this b*****d back to where he belongs" Yami said as he stood over Bakura, the sennen eye glowing brightly on his forehead. Panicking Yugi grabbed his arm.

"Yami no" Yami stared at him with confusion in his eyes, but he wasn't able to question further when Bakura rolled and locked his legs making him trip. He rolled back up and grabbed Ryou dashing out the door. Ryou struggled and finally wrenched his arm away. By this time the area was pouring with rain.

"KEEP AWAY FROM ME!!!!" Bakura stared in confusion.

"Aibou… we have to" but Ryou cut him off.

"Don't… I'm not taking anymore of this Yami… Just stay away from me" With that Ryou ran off back to his friends.

"RYOU WAIT!!!" Bakura called back running after him. Ryou blinded with tears didn't notice the speeding car as he began running onto the road. "NO!!!!!" Bakura screamed as he leapt over pulling at Ryou and swinging him back. All Ryou could remember was a sudden crash and he watched as his Yami was knocked down rolling over the car before dropping onto the other side. The car screeched to a halt as the shocked woman got out.

"OH MY GOD!!!" she screamed before she started fumbling with her bag and dialling for the ambulance. Ryou rushed to Bakura propping him up. He winced a little before cracking his sharp hardened eyes open.

"Yami…?" Ryou whispered. By that time the others had reached to the scene. Yugi covered his mouth before he turned away not daring to look. Yami held onto his aibou.

"That… look in your eyes" Bakura barely whispered. "I thought… I'd never see it again" he winced. Ryou tried to shush him so he didn't waste energy talking. "Aibou… I wanted to say… I'm sorry" he gasped at the pain. "I'm really, really sorry"

"Yami" Ryou started. Bakura was barely awake now.

"Please… Ryou… please… forgive me" Bakura whispered as his eyes closed and everything was silent except for the heavy downpour of rain soaking everyone to the skin.

"Yami I forgive you… Yami… please… stay awake… Yami" Ryou's tears mixed with the rain water. "YAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed out, his anguish echoing across the whole town.


Sam: ^______^

Bakura: *in shock* O.O You killed me

Sam: ^__________^

Yami: ^()^ YAY!!!!!!


Sam: I do… ^___________^ Except when it comes to people I don't particularly like

Bakura: O.O You don't like me? *in tears and starts bawling like Niagara Falls* WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Ryou: Oh Yami *hugs him whilst he sobs*

Bakura: *bawling* SHE KILLED ME WAAAAAAA!!!!! *Ryou rubs his back comfortingly*

Sam: ^________________^ Before you Bakura fan girls come and murder me. Read the epilogue first.