Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
This fiction is a sequel to Hato Chiisai's “Seto's Nightmare Before Christmas”
Chapter 1
Ryou sat in Seto's study, across from his boyfriend, doing his homework. He glanced up to see how Seto was doing. "Ummm... you got that one wrong, Seto...."
He pointed out the mistake on Seto's homework. Seto looked at the problem like it had just slapped him in the face as he shook his head; he had been having trouble concentrating lately. He erased the problem and started again with an exasperated sigh. Ryou was trying not to laugh, knowing that he was dealing a blow to Seto's ego.
“You okay Seto?” Ryou asked softly.
"I'm fine, just tired I guess..." He said leaning back in his chair as he glanced at Ryou giving him a soft smile as the youth tucked his white hair behind his ear cutely.
Ryou flipped through the book until he found the page that explained how to do the kind of math problem Seto was having trouble with.
"Even Bakura can do THAT kind of problem..." He said, teasing his companion. "And he NEVER sleeps."
"Unless Marik wore him out!" Mokuba called from the hall as he walked by.
Ryou's eyes widened.
"MOKUBA!!!!" He scolded.
Seto laughed at his brother's interjection "Like I said I'm just tired, a little over-worked." He said patting Ryou on the head although Ryou pouted at the pat on his head.
"You need a vacation Seto...." Mokuba piped up again. "Let's go to the --"
"NO!!" Both teenagers yelled, knowing that Mokuba was going to suggest paintball.
"That was one of the most un-relaxing day's I have ever had, those paint-ball thingies hurt too." Seto said
Ryou stood and crossed the room, frowning at Mokuba. "Go finish your homework. I'LL deal with your brother." And he closed the door.
He turned and gave Seto a concerned look. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, go talk to Mokuba." Seto said and he sat back down on his chair as Ryou sighed and left. They had a charity event tonight, the main reason he was so distracted in the first place. He knew there would be people at the event that would most definitely not approve his relationship with Ryou. He really did love Ryou and he wanted to be with him for the rest of his life but was slightly worried for his lover's safety as well...jealousy can do strange things to people and he didn't want Ryou to get hurt.
Ryou walked back into the room breaking Seto from his thoughts. "I think Mokuba should have his brother interfere....." Ryou looked halfway between angry and greatly amused. "He got into the chocolate again, and there's underwear everywhere. His, yours, mine, and some of Yami's. How did he get Yami's boxers?" He glared at Seto accusingly.
Seto held his hands up in defense "I didn't do anything with him of all people." Seto said slightly unnerved that Ryou would even suggest that.
Ryou grinned and ran over, leapt onto the desk, slid across and plopped straight into Seto's lap. He giggled and wrapped his arms around the CEO's neck. Seto smiled returning the embrace bringing Ryou's face to his own to kiss the boy in his arms.
"Then why are some of Yami's boxers here? I mean, who else would wear Kuriboh boxers?" Ryou asked, after Seto kissed him.
"I don't know..." Seto said trailing off slightly kissing Ryou again; he didn't want to discuss Yami boxers it wasn't exactly a turn on for him.
The door banged open and Mokuba stormed in. "Come on you two! What do I have to do to get attention around here! I'm being neglected, Seto!!!"
Ryou laughed at Mokuba's attitude. "Maybe we should humor him." He said, grinning at Seto.
Seto shrugged. "Humor him why?" Seto asked
"You remember what happened last time...." Ryou giggled at the memory of Seto chasing paper around the front yard that Mokuba had tossed out the window.
"He was lucky you were home, I was likely to kill him." Seto grumbled; it had taken him hours to get everything organized again.
Ryou laughed again and slapped Mokuba's hand away from Seto's homework. "Stop it, Mokuba. Why don't you call a friend over?" Mokuba grinned, looking evilly at his brother.
"Can I call Yugi and Yami? And maybe Bakura and Marik and Malik? And Joey?"
Ryou covered his mouth to keep from laughing and looked to see what Seto would say.
Seto was about to say 'no' when Mokuba gave him puppy eyes making him falter.
"Fine...but if I find anyone else's boxer around the house we'll be having a talk." He said not caring who came over as he shooed Mokuba out of his room wanting to kill the cook for even allowing him into the kitchen. Unfortunately, finding more boxers was likely to happen. Marik, Malik, and Bakura had sex everywhere they went, and since Yugi and Yami were dating Joey, well….. who knew if they would have the guts to be like Marik and Bakura and screw in the Kaiba house, but you never knew when yamis were involved.
The last threesome of lovers was comprised of Mikado, his yami, Ahmose, and Ryuuji Otogi, but THEY had the decency to screw in their own home and no-where public. Seto thanked the powers that be that there was ONE sane yami in their midst, even if he did insist on calling Seto “Sethos”.
"You handled that quite well, Mr. Kaiba." Ryou said with a playful smile.
"You do the same thing to me when you want something, you can't talk." He said
"Maybe we can have them baby-sit Mokuba tonight, and you and I can have a date."
"We have that charity event tonight remember?" Seto said
Ryou blinked. "We do? Since when?" He looked genuinely confused.
"Since last week..." Seto said "I told you about it over dinner last week." Seto said
Ryou blinked, and then glared. "And I fell asleep sitting up at the table, remember?" He glared when Seto snickered, remembering this quite well. "It's not funny..." Ryou pouted, and got out of Seto's lap and stood staring out the window.
"Yes it was, you got Mokuba's punch spilled in you hair and it turned pink." Seto said not suppressing his laughter as he slipped his arms about Ryou's waist and kissed his cheek affectionately.
Ryou glared at Seto. "So when is it, and do I have to wear a tux?"
"Yes you have to wear a tux, do you need one or do you have one already?" Seto asked
Ryou glared at Seto. "Oh, stop goofing off, you gave me five and you know it."
Ryou still looked quite irritated about being teased about the pink hair incident. His own yami couldn't even look at him without cracking up. His hair had only returned to normal two days ago.
Seto rolled his eyes at him, "Sorry." He said "We need to leave by seven and be there by eight." He said glancing at the clock "That should give the others enough time to come by so they can watch Mokuba for us." Seto said as Ryou nodded and headed to the door, still pouting. Seto snaked his arms about his waist. "Don't pout love." He said giving him a gentle kiss, "You looked really cute with pink hair." He teased making Ryou try and glare at him but failed miserably making Seto smile.
Seto kissed Ryou's forehead. Ryou could always make him smile. Ryou grunted, still trying to pout, if only to get more of the affection that he loved. He would sit in Seto's lap and cuddle all day if he could. Right now, he was going to play hard-to-get, so he pulled away and headed down the hall, acting pissed. Seto frowned following him picking him up halfway down the hall making the youth gasp in his arms.
"Be mad if you wish, but we still need to get ready for the event tonight." He swung Ryou over his shoulder "We both need to take a shower." he said giving Ryou a playful slap, making him yelp.
Ryou could feel his face heating up, but felt his heart pounding, and knew that Seto could as well. "I don't need to take a shower." He said. "YOU do."
"Sure you do." Seto said as he walked back in his room and into the bathroom setting Ryou down on the counter and kissed him before he could interject with another comment. So instead, Ryou simply gave him a sharp slap on the backside. When Seto jumped and glared at him, Ryou grinned.
"Serves you right." He said smugly, and sat on the counter, swinging his feet while Seto got the shower ready.
"You're awfully rebellious today." Seto said
"Like yami like Hikari." Ryou said, sticking out his tongue.
"Planning to use that later?" Seto asked grinning at him "And you and Bakura are hardly alike." He said
"Maybe." Ryou said, ignoring the latter comment. He simply sat, swinging his feet, and watching Seto.
Seto just smiled removing his jacket and walking up to Ryou unbuttoning the youth's shirt lavishing affection on the newly exposed skin as Ryou purred contently wrapping his slender arms about his neck. Ryou was quite content right where he was, and was almost loathe to leave it to head to the shower.
Seto tapped the tip of Ryou's nose as he began to shed his own clothing, "Come on." He said stepping in the shower.
Ryou smirked and folded his arms over his chest, still in a playful mood. "No." He said.
"If you want me, come and get me."
"You are being very difficult today." Seto scolded folding his own arms. He heard a high-pitched squeal indicating that at least Yugi had arrived. Ryou picked up his shirt and was about to leave when Seto closed the door before he had a chance to walk through it. "You want to play today?" He asked giving him a smirk
Ryou grinned. "You'll have to convince me." He said, teasing Seto to no end. "Convince me that it's worth my time, otherwise I'm going to go hang with Yami." Ryou waited patiently for Seto to take his bait.
"And you were accusing me of messing with Yami's boxers?" Seto said pushing his against the door pressing, their bodies flush against one another.
Ryou whimpered and rested his head on Seto's chest. "Hey, I don't live here, remember? It's your house, and the boxers are IN your house."
"Hush." He said softly pressing his lips against Ryou's not avoiding the question simply stopping Ryou's debate as he ran his hands down Ryou's body making him whimper softly as he rubbed Ryou's length through his jeans thumbing open his pants not once removing his lips from Ryou as he deepened the kiss slipping his tongue into Ryou's mouth.
Ryou went completely limp. He never could resist when Seto got started like this. Right now, only being trapped between Seto and the door was keeping him from collapsing on the floor. He wrapped his arms around Seto's hips and pulled them into his own.
"Okay..." He panted as Seto moved back to let him breath. "I'm convinced....."
Seto laughed. Seto took Ryou's wrists in his hands placing them on either side of his head "I thought you wanted to resist me, what happened?"
"Resist?" Ryou panted. "Who's resisting?"
"Not now obviously..." Seto said kissing him as he moved down his neck and stomach removing Ryou's pants and boxers from his body letting his fingers dance across Ryou's length. Ryou groaned and slid to the floor like a puddle of goo, making Seto laugh at him.
"Ryou, you are such an uke......." He snickered.
Ryou glared. "Oh, bite me....." He grumbled.
Seto complied with the remark pushing him to the tile floor latching his teeth onto Ryou's shoulder who gasped at the sudden movement.
"S-Seto?" Ryou whimpered.
"Hmm?" Was his only reply.
"I'm sure that you're very happy where you are, but this floor is FUCKING FREEZING!!!" Ryou glanced at the still running shower. "And you're wasting water......."
Seto looked up sighing as he lifted himself off Ryou helping him off the floor. "Will you cooperate with me now?" He asked leading Ryou into the shower turning Ryou around so he was directly behind him.
"Maaaaaaaybe........" Ryou teased, hugging Seto. "What do I get if I'm good?"
"Usually whatever you want." He said as he grabbed the liquid soap placing some in his hand as he took Ryou's length into his hand as he began to easily stroke Ryou's hardening length.
Ryou yelped and groaned. "That's... not what..... Oh God......... never mind.........." Seto snickered at Ryou's inability to form coherent thoughts.
"Good." Seto whispered seductively into the other's ear as he used his other hand to keep Ryou on his feet.
"We, we're not gonna make it to the party on time, are we?" Ryou asked.
Seto straightened up and stopped, making a face. "You just had to go and spoil the mood, didn't you Ryou Bakura?!" He demanded, and Ryou gave him an evil grin.
"Patience is a virtue, Seto." He said smiling
Seeing that Seto was genuinely irritated, Ryou began to wash his hair for him. "We'll make it." He said relaxing as Ryou's fingers massaged his scalp as he returned the favor for Ryou and soon enough they stepped out of the shower and went to go put on their suits.
Of course, it was more like SETO went to put on their suits, since Ryou was still in a teasing mood. Ryou, of course, had to choose Seto's cologne for the evening, and Seto insisted on choosing Ryou's.
"Try to be in a more civilized mood tonight love." Seto said kissing Ryou's forehead "I don't want them thinking were some crazy mental patients or something." He said straightening his hair.
"You're telling this to someone who has spent years living with Bakura..." Ryou teased.
"But okay."
"Thank-you." Seto said gently as he helped Ryou put on his suit
"Seto, we're running late." Ryou pointed out as Seto searched for his dress shoes in the closet. Ryou was ready to go, but Seto just could not find his shoes.
"You know, it's a wonder you get anywhere....." Ryou teased
"You'd think I would remember where I put my own shoes..." Seto grumbled spotting his shoes under the bed as he put them on hurriedly "And your not one to talk." Seto said playfully tapping him on the nose as they went outside to the awaiting limo
………………………&# 8230;…
Ryou scared the crap out of Seto when he suddenly dove over to the side, ending up sprawled in his boyfriend's lap with his head in the little refrigerator. "Want anything?" Ryou called. He reappeared with a grape soda and a cute smile on his face.
Seto smiled "I'm fine." He said pulling Ryou in his lap and nuzzling his face into Ryou's soft hair. Ryou popped open the soda and let out a little yip as it foamed more than he expected, so he slurped the foam before he ended up with purple stains on his and Seto's
"And you were yelling at me earlier." Seto said taking away the soda
"For what?!" Ryou whined, trying to get the soda, but Seto held him in place with one arm, and poor Ryou's arms couldn't reach the soda that Seto was holding away from him. "Heyyyyy........." Ryou pouted
"You're going to end up staining something, maybe this time you would like to have purple hair instead of pink?" Seto said jokingly although Ryou looked un-amused but Seto wasn't about to let Ryou live that little incident down.
Ryou growled, trying to look menacing, but really couldn't pull it off. "That wasn't my fault!!! Gimme my soda!" He whined, trying again to retrieve the stolen beverage.
Seto smiled taking a small drink and kissing Ryou allowing the liquid to pass from his mouth to Ryou's without spilling a drop of it "Don't spill any on yourself, we'll be there soon." Seto smiled at him.
Ryou simply nodded, a bit dazed by what Seto had just done, but was content to curl up in Seto's lap and silently slurp his now returned soda. Seto smiled hugging Ryou, he would have been content to just sit with him in the limo all night but he knew that eventually they would have to move as the driver informed him that they had arrived. He gently removed Ryou from his lap and got out of the car taking Ryou's hand gently as they approached the building together. Ryou followed, still slurping his soda. At least until Seto gave him a look and took it away, dropping it in a potted plant as they passed on their way to the front door. They were bowed into the hotel ballroom by a bellman, to be met with the sight of tuxedoes and evening gowns everywhere they looked. Ryou's eyes got wide and he suddenly became very shy, moving closer to Seto. Ryou almost instantly looked a little uncomfortable with his surroundings
"Don't worry, trust me they are no better than anyone else." He said giving him a reassuring smile as he squeezed his hand.
Ryou nodded slightly, and followed Seto into the mass of people, noticing several older men, and younger women immediately heading towards the tall CEO. Seto inwardly groaned; men hoping to marry off their daughters to him, and daughters hoping to marry him. Or, his fortune, more likely. Ryou blinked and gulped, wondering how things would play out over the evening. Seto tried his best to be polite to the young women and their fathers but he felt like screaming on the inside as he gave Ryou a weary smile trying to find a way out of the situation without making a skeptical of himself and Ryou as he pulled himself from the crowd taking Ryou's hand and sitting down at a table near the back.
"Sorry...trust me I don't want that kind of attention at all." Seto said hoping Ryou would not take it the wrong way.
"Umm...... okay...." Ryou was actually a bit confused, but then again, large crowds tended to make him disoriented anyway. Nevertheless, unfortunately for Seto, there was no escaping other philanthropists in a ballroom that had nothing BUT philanthropists in it. Soon enough, Seto had found himself cornered by a gentleman, his wife, and, to Seto's disgust, three giggling, blushing daughters.
'be polite' Seto said to himself as he sighed, bored, he was here for the soul purpose of appearances...although it might not be the appearance they wanted he would up hold it without resistance. He was not here to sign contracts or make deals and most defiantly was not here to find a girlfriend. He pushed himself away from the crowd again only to have them sit down with him at the same table at least he could sit next to Ryou and listen to their annoying drabble.
"It's been a while, Seto." The man was saying, while his daughters kept trying to catch his eye. His wife was eyeing Ryou cautiously, and Ryou was staring at his lap, nervously. "How have you been?
"Fine, the event seems to be going well, I must have forgotten what the charity was for though." He said noticing instantly how the wife was watching Ryou but trying to ignore it as he took Ryou's hand underneath the table hoping to make him less nervous.
The man blinked a few times, but then plastered a smile on his face. "Raising money for a new park in the down town area." He said. "Of course, you remember my wife...?" She put on a false smile, and held out her hands to Seto. "And my daughters." They all smiled, giggled, and batted their eyes. Ryou, watching this, wanted nothing more than to burst out laughing at how utterly stupid they looked. He bowed his head, hiding his reddening face behind his hair, and so that he could no longer see those ditzy daughters.
Seto smiled taking her palm gently bowing his head slightly to the girls almost wanting to hide like Ryou but not being able to
"This is Ryou Bakura." Seto said motioning to Ryou but trying to keep the attention off of him mainly because Ryou seemed uncomfortable enough as he quickly interjected before anyone could say anything else. "Your wife and daughters are looking prettier every day too." He said which seemed to work on the husband and daughters but not the wife.
The man's wife narrowed her eyes at Ryou. "I....don't recognize your name. Were you invited, or did you come as a guest?" She asked, and Ryou blinked and glanced at Seto.
"Ummm... a guest." He answered, softly.
"Oh? Who did you come with?" The woman asked, though she obviously knew, she simply wanted to hear it for herself.
"He came with me." Seto said Ryou looked at him a little surprised but no one needed an angry wife on their ass, not to mention she wouldn't care if Ryou had come with someone else.
The woman's eyes flashed in triumph. "Oh? Is he s good friend of yours? I've never seen him before." Ryou blinked and looked at Seto, wondering how he was going to play this out.
"He's my...Ow." Seto glared at Ryou who kicked him under the table as he stood up "excuse us a moment." he said motioning for Ryou to follow which he did "Why did you kick me I wasn't going to lie to them or anything if that's what you thought." He said as he looked at Ryou curiously although Ryou shook his head as if that was the problem "Do you want me to lie or something?" He asked unsure.
"No, it's nothing about that, it's just that...... well..... oneofthosegirlswastryingtoputthemovesonmeunderthetable!!!” Ryou blurted out, and flushed a bright red. Seto blinked, and then started to snicker. "It's not funny!!!" Ryou whined, his voice rising in pitch.
Seto rolled his eyes and cupped Ryou's cheek gently "still, no reason to kick me." He said softly "I'm not exactly sure that question is really avoidable...do you care?" He asked he didn't want to embarrass Ryou further that he already was "What DO you want me to tell them?" Seto said, getting his laughter under control.
"Why ask me? Ryou wondered.
"Because you matter to me more than anyone else." Seto said
Ryou smiled and hugged Seto. "You know me. I never was one to lie. You do what you think you should." Ryou stepped back as the man and his family approached them.
"Is everything alright, Seto?" The man asked, and Ryou gulped and moved slightly to partially hide behind Seto when he saw the venomous look that the wife was giving him.
Seto smiled nodding to mainly himself "Everything is fine." Seto said as the wife repeated her question determined to find out what Ryou was doing even near Seto. "He's not a good friend, he's my boyfriend." He said simply as he locked gazes with the wife and the only good thing was that the girls had stopped their giggling as the wife took her husband's arm and walked briskly away from them no doubt to gossip to the others as Seto shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation but noticed Ryou's concerned expression and gave him a smile.
"Better sooner than later love." He said kissing his forehead gently
Ryou smiled happily at the affection. Seto loved that about Ryou. He was very responsive, especially to touch, and a simple pat on the head would have Ryou purring like a kitten.
Seto chuckled at Ryou. "I spy, with my little eye....." He said, and Ryou looked up at him. "A buffet table." Seto finished, and Ryou laughed.
"Good. I'm hungry." The shorter boy said, and Seto grinned.
"Then let's eat, shall we?" Seto said holding out his arm to Ryou who latched onto it.
"Yes." Ryou said with a nod, and followed Seto to the buffet table.
Seto glared at practically every man or woman who came directly to him to see if the rumor was true, by the end of the night he wanted to scream that he was with Ryou so loud that it would break the window's but knew he couldn't.
"I should just write a check and leave, otherwise I'll end up killing the next person who approaches me about you." Seto growled as yet another man came up to him.
"Hello, my name's Kyo, I'm in the gaming industry too." He said sitting across from him them as he looked at Ryou. "You must be Ryou; I don't see what the big fuss is about really." He said smiling. “I wanted to talk to you about maybe a partnership together." He said smoothly.
Seto looked at him slightly skeptical "What do you have in mind?" He asked
Ryou blinked tiredly, finding the evening to be far more exhausting than he had anticipated. That and he had had a bit too much punch. "Seto? I'll leave you to discuss your business."
"Huh?" Seto asked, as Ryou stood. "Something wrong?"
"No, I just have to take care of some business myself." Ryou said with a wink, and Seto rolled his eyes.
"Funny." He said, and watched Ryou disappear before turning his attention back onto Kyo.
"He's cute. Probably why others are so concerned with you dating him.” Kyo said.
Seto scoffed slightly "I've heard enough about my relationship for now, you were saying?" He asked as he watched Ryou disappear in the bathroom.
Ryou finished his business and splashed cold water on his face at the sink, trying to wake up. He finally started heading back towards Seto, but found himself cut off by the first man's wife. She immediately took his arm and led him in another direction.
"So, what was your name again?" She asked.
"Ummm..... R-Ryou Bakura......" Ryou stammered.
"How long have you and Seto been together?" She asked.
"Since, since Christmas." Ryou said, nervously, as she sat him down in a chair at a table, and sat next to him. Ryou blinked as he noticed the daughters sitting at the table too.
"How long have you known him?" The woman asked.
"A couple years." He answered a bit nervously
"Where did you meet?" she asked.
"School” Ryou said, wondering what was up with all the questions. Ryou inwardly groaned when he noticed the daughters ready to start asking questions as well. 'So this is how Seto feels....' Ryou mused to himself.
"Listen, I don't care how much you think he care's about you but I've know him a bit longer I believe." One of the girls said "If you think your more important than his career your wrong, as soon as you start making trouble for him like tonight he'll leave you soon enough." She said snidely
"If not we'll just have to make trouble for you instead." Another said
Ryou blinked. "If you're so shallow and bitter to do that, that's your problem." Ryou said stiffly. "Not mine. I've been through more than you can imagine. I can take anything you throw at me."
He stood, with every intention of leaving, but the wife jerked him back down into the chair. "Now, we're not done with our conversation." She said, voice dripping in honey to cover the venom that Ryou could still easily detect.
Seto looked up noticing Ryou surrounded by the women who started the whole mess, "Excuse me a moment." He said walking up to them placing his hands on Ryou's shoulders "Is there a problem ladies?" He asked glaring at the wife knowing she probably started the whole thing. Ryou wasn't one to go looking for trouble.
"We're just having a chat with your friend." She said sweetly, patting Ryou's hand.
"Yes, we were just finishing Seto." Ryou said, standing. "So, make any new friends?"
Seto blinked at the question, and then gave Ryou a look that plainly said 'None of your games, now.' As he lead Ryou away "They giving you problems?" He asked softly
"No." Ryou said, shaking his head. "We were just talking."
Seto stopped walking "Don't let them get to you Ryou, they would say practically anything if it was to separate us." He lifted Ryou's chin "Don't even think for a moment anything they say is true...okay?" He asked softly
Ryou opened his mouth to answer, but his words were swallowed up a huge yawn. Ryou blushed and lowered his face embarrassed.
"We'll go home now then." He said giving Ryou a gentle hug as he called the limo to come around. "Go ahead outside I'll meet you in a moment I need to say goodbye and possibly set up a meeting with this Kyo fellow, he seems to have some relative ideas." He said as the two parted.
Ryou blinked after Seto's back, and turned, heading for the front door, suddenly aware of all the eyes on him. Somehow, he had a feeling that many of those eyes belonged to minds that were wishing harm upon him, especially the older men and their daughters. Ryou was sure that a few were following him.
One of the older men tapped a friend on the shoulder "That's the kid we were talking about." He said watching Ryou leave as the other shook his head.
"How could Kaiba choose that little boy over my daughters?" He asked. "If it was another girl it would be different..." HE said sighing heavily.
"Kyo seems to have Seto preoccupied...why don't we see the kid off before he leaves?" He asked as the two followed Ryou outside.
Ryou was standing in the front drive, looking for the car. He had absolutely no clue where it was, but he figured that the chauffer would spot him and come get him eventually. Either that or Seto would come out and call the man on his cell and bitch at him for leaving Ryou standing on the front drive.
"So, you must be Seto's new little obsession?" One man said coming up behind Ryou who tensed obviously at the voice.
"Well, I wouldn't say 'obsession'." Ryou said, trying to sound calm, and failing. "Or 'new'. We've been together since Christmas."
"Really?" One said as the other smiled
"What a pretty little gift you are too." He said mockingly smiling at the obvious annoyed behavior of Ryou. "Wonder how long you will last before he gets bored with you." He added after a moment.
"I fail to see when that became your business." Ryou said, eyes darting around for the limo. But unfortunately, though he saw many limos, he didn't know which one was Seto's.
"It's not really our business, more of a concern." He said noticing Ryou not really able to tell the difference between limos although he noticed Seto's right in front of them.
"It's only your concern because Seto chose me over your stupid daughters." Ryou snapped, and instantly knew that he had just made a major mistake.
One man grabbed Ryou by the thick of his arm harshly making the boy visibly wince "You could be nice about all of this, little boy, we could cause you and Seto a lot of problems." He practically growled as the other glared at him.
"You honestly believe you belong with him? Take a look around, you know nothing of the life he lives; you're just the temporary side show." He breathed.
Ryou tried to pull away, and tried not to show how nervous he was, but did not succeed in either. "How would you know?" Ryou gasped. "You don't know Seto at all! A business partner, yes, but nothing about him as a person! You have no idea what he feels, and thinks, so you can't say things like that!"
"You will be feeling a world of pain if you don't listen to us." He noticed Seto walking toward the entrance and released Ryou quickly as he and the other man walked away. Seto approached Ryou looking at him curiously, because of how he was cradling his arm.
“Ryou? Are you okay?" He asked concerned
"Where the hell is the car?" Ryou pouted, trying to look cute to distract Seto. "I'm sleeeepppyyyyy!!!!!!!
Seto frowned and motioned in front of them as he opened the door for Ryou who blushed and hopped inside quickly. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked
"I'm tired......." Ryou mumbled, and cuddled up against Seto as soon as he got into the car. "Next time we have one of these things remind me to take a nap, okay?"
"Sure." Seto said lovingly stroking Ryou's soft hair although he hoped Ryou was okay, the event could have gone worse and he hoped Ryou knew that he would never let anything happen to him.
Of course, Ryou began purring as soon as the stroking started, and he eventually had wiggled around so that he was curled up in Seto's lap, resting his head on his shoulder.
Seto smiled and hugged Ryou to his chest gently rubbing his back continuing to run his fingers through Ryou's hair as the youth eventually fell asleep to the gentle motions as he happily carried him inside setting him on the bed although he seemed to wake up slightly when he separated from him.
Ryou mumbled something as he opened one eye and fixed it on Seto.
"What?" Seto asked.
"We're home?" Ryou mumbled, as Seto began to get undressed.
"Yes." Seto said.
"Oh.... Is Yami here?" Ryou asked, and Seto blinked then made a face.
“Why the hell are you bringing up him?" He asked, annoyed, and then shook Ryou who had dozed off.
"Huh?" Ryou asked, and Seto glared.
"Yami. You wanted to know if he was here. Why?" Ryou sighed and rolled over, kicking off his shoes.
"So we can give him his boxers back." He mumbled, and Seto blinked.
"I didn't see him." Seto said "He probably already went home." He said "Hey." He said noticing Ryou start to doze again "You don't need to sleep in your tux okay, at least change all right?" He said
"Huh?" Ryou mumbled. "Yami's boxers........"
Seto rolled his eyes "The least you could do is not remind me about his boxer's." As Seto took the liberty to change Ryou
Ryou made little halfhearted protests as the removal of his clothing left him a bit cold. "He's spending the night, remember? And if you don't want to find them randomly in the hall next week, then we should return them." Ryou mumbled.
"They are probably already asleep Koi, I'm not about to go looking for them in the hundred rooms they could choose from." He said smiling slightly as Ryou leaned against him for warmth.
Ryou smiled and giggled. "You and I both know that they'll be in the game room. You're just being lazy." Ryou said and rolled over, revealing a new bruise on his arm that had not been there earlier when they had showered.
"What happened here?" He asked touching the bruise making Ryou yelp slightly and pull away meaning it must still be pretty sore.
Ryou's mind raced. He knew Seto worried about him, and didn't want him to. Ryou rolled over again, hiding the bruised flesh. "Um, someone was careless and slammed the door to the bathroom open when I was behind it." Ryou said.
Seto glared at him "You're a horrible liar Ryou; please, even if you think your going to cause trouble if it's for you it's worth it." He said softly.
"It's nothing." Ryou said, and turned and looked at Seto. "Really. Now calm down." He cuddled up to Seto, hoping to end the conversation there.
Seto sighed and decided to let the subject alone...at least for tonight as he happily cuddled up to Ryou and soon they fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.