Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Angel ❯ Falling From the Heavens ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zephyr: =^-^=

Soujiro: Ehhhhhhhhh… ::scoots away from Zephyr::

Zephyr: =^-^=

Soujiro: New story…

Zephyr: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soujiro: ::sighs::

Zephyr: ::starts skipping around in circles::

Soujiro: What're you so happy about?

Zephyr: Gravitation!!!

Soujiro: O_o

Zephyr: Shuu-chan and Yuki-kun are soooooooooooo kawaii!!!!!!!!!!! But I can't read the second volume cause the mean book store has my order on backhold or somethin like that… ::sniffles::

Soujiro: ::sighs::

Zephyr: Sou-chan!!!!!!!!!! They won't send my manga!!!!!!!!!!!! ::cries on his shoulder::

Soujiro: ::sighs and hands her a Pepsi Vanilla::

Zephyr: ::snatches Pepsi Vanilla and runs to a corner:: My precious… my precious…

Soujiro: She's obsessed with Pepsi Vanilla…

Zephyr: It's the only Pepsi product I drink! I only drink Sprite Remix, Vanilla Coke, Pepsi Vanilla and Dr. Pepper… I used to have Livewire on the list but it was a summer edition only….


Zephyr; Shaddup… you like to drink tea… sit on some mountain top and sip tea all day long…

Soujiro: XD

Zephyr: Anywho… I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!! Cause in the summer the two sequels of Kingdom Hearts come out and then soon Advent Children comes out!!!!!!!! YAYNESS!!!!!!!! Cloud……. ::drools::

Soujiro: What about Sephiroth?

Zephyr: He cut his perdy silver hair!!!!!!!!! ::cries:: And I've heard rumors about Vincent being in it too!! YAY!!!!! Vincent… ::drools::

Soujiro: ::starts pacing around shaking his head::

Zephyr: Anywho, I do NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh. I have had this idea in my head for a while and didn't see any other story like it so I decided to write it!!!! ^-^ Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: (Again? Oh well) Do I look like I own Yu-Gi-Oh??? If I did, I'd be living at large!!!!! But gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ah………

WARNINGS!!:: (See, I'm putting a warning up! I can't get in trouble!!!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!) YAOI!!!!!!!!!!!!! FLUFF, WAFF, and all the stuff in between!! Maybe lemon later on if I get enough reviews… ::ponders::


Malik/Ryou (Main)




PREVIEW: (Prepare yahselves for the SUCKIEST preview ever!) Ryou and Yugi are angels that lived high up in the clouds with their friends. It is forbidden to leave the sky and if you do, you'll never be allowed to come back. One day, Ryou and Yugi fell off the clouds due to a fight and fall to the world below.

Zephyr: The preview sounds kind of stupid a bit but do read on! And without further ado, On with the story!!!!!!! ::swirls finger around and cheesy music and light blue and silver clouds appear and they disappear::

My Guardian Angel

Written By: Zephyr Luana Minamino

Chapter 1: Falling from the Heavens

Ryou rubbed his head as he slowly sat up. His head hurt, his body hurt, heck… everything hurt. Ryou looked around at his surroundings in wonder. He was lying in an alley, his silvery white hair was dirty and ratty, his white robe was torn and not so white anymore, and his snowy white wings felt like one was broken. He tried moving one but a sharp pain verified the broken wing. Ryou sighed as he stood up and stumbled around trying to get out of the alley and find somewhere to go. As he stepped out of the darkness, he was momentarily blinded by walking under a street light. He looked around amazed by the sights he saw. It was nothing like his home. He started up the sidewalk, unaware of the strange looks he was receiving from people that passed him. It wasn't everyday that there was a young albino boy with white wings walking down the sidewalk dressed in a white robe. Ryou didn't care; he just needed to find somewhere to sleep for now. His feet took him to a small park near a game shop. Not caring where he slept, he found an enclosed spot in the brush and settled down to sleep.

Malik sighed as he walked out the door of his house. Isis was bitching about him not helping around the house and that Marik wasn't any better. He knew that this would go on for a while so he just left. Marik wasn't even home; he was over at Bakura's house doing who knows what. Walking to somewhere secluded and quiet, he found himself at the entrance of the park. `Much better…' he sighed as he started down the sidewalk towards the center of the park. As he neared the fifth park bench along the sidewalk, he heard something breathing silently in the bushes. Leaning over, Malik peered into the brush to come face to face with a young teenage boy sleeping. Not only that, he was beautiful… and that coming from Malik was something. `He looks like an angel… are those wings?' Malik asked himself as he watched to slumbering boy. The boy twitched as he slept and sleepily opened his eyes to come eye to eye with a pair of lavender eyes. His eyes snapped open and he backed up against the side of a tree in attempt to get away from Malik. "It's alright… I'm not going to hurt you," Malik said in an effort to comfort the boy. The boy looked at Malik with eyes full of fright and loneliness. Malik kneeled down and held his hand out to the boy and said, "Come on, you can stay at my place, I'm sure Isis won't mind, is that okay?" The boy cautiously took Malik's hand and stood up, giving Malik a full view of him. Malik stared at the wings as if they were dangerous and asked, "Are they real?" The boy nodded and slightly twitched them to prove it. Malik moved forward and tentatively reached out his hand and lightly touched them. They were soft like silk and feathers. "Okay then, I'm Ishlar Malik, what's your name?" "My name is Bakura Ryou, thank you for your hospitality. I really appreciate it." Ryou smiled and walked out to join Malik on the sidewalk. "My house is only a few blocks away, can you last that long?" "I should be able to." So Malik and Ryou started off towards Malik's house for the night. Malik hoped that Isis would allow him to stay and Ryou hoped that his wing would heal right.

::Momentary Flash to Bakura and Marik::

Marik and Bakura sat on the sofa in Bakura's living room watching something on TV. "Man… I hate soap oprahs… change the channel man," Marik moaned as his eyes were straining to stay open. "Changing…" Bakura said as he rose the remote and changed the channel to random channels. "Soaps, soaps, soaps, Spongebob Squarepants, Pokemon, more soaps, commercial…" "Wait! Turn it back! Hot chick!!" Marik snapped as he changed the channel back, only to see the end of the commercial. "Man, now look what you did!" "Fuck off…" Bakura replied and continued to flip through the channels. "Soaps, Supermarket Sweep, Bachelor, Fearfactor, Digimon, Fairly Oddparents…" "Hey change it back to Fearfactor…" "Okay." And so, Bakura and Marik shut up and watched Fearfactor.

::Back to Malik and Ryou… yay!::

Malik walked up to the front door and slowly placed his ear on the door. Sighing happily as he heard peace and quiet and no Isis bitching around for no damn reason. Malik opened the door and walked inside and went straight to the fridge. Ryou peeked into the apartment and peered around cautiously. When Malik noticed that Ryou hadn't followed him in, he poked his head around the corner and saw Ryou slowly walking in the door. Malik smiled and walked over to him with a sausage in his mouth. Seeing this, Ryou instantly started giggling and leaned against the wall as Malik shut the door and looked at Ryou questionably. Ryou pointed at the sausage and giggled again. "You look funny!" he gasped between breaths. "Hey, don't die on me now," Malik retrieved a glass of water and handed it to Ryou, who downed it in three seconds. "And don't choke either." Ryou smiled and set the glass down looking around the room. "What a weird place. Doesn't look at all like my home," Ryou whispered as he leaned against the back of the couch. A sudden pain jolted him back up as he leaned on his broken wing. He tenderly rubbed it in hopes to make it feel better. Malik walked into the bathroom and fetched the First Aid kit that Isis had stuffed in the already crammed full of junk bathroom cabinets and sat down on the couch, patting the space beside him for Ryou. Ryou sat down and faced him as he watched Malik open the kit and take out some gauze. `What is he doing?' Ryou thought as he watched him run around trying to find something to support the break. Malik snatched two rulers and signaled for Ryou to turn around. Slowly turning around, Ryou tensed up out of fright and pain of what he was going to do. Malik tenderly felt around the wing for the break. When Ryou cringed slightly he took the two rulers and placed them on both sides of the break and then wrapped the gauze around the rulers and the broken wing. When he finished, Ryou stood up and slightly stretched his wings just to get the feeling back into them. Malik then led him to the guestroom and let him get some sleep, partially wishing he could join him.

Isis grumbled as she walked up to the elevator with her arms full of groceries. `Malik better be home or I'll skin him alive and feed him to Marik. And he better help me with the groceries…' After about 5 tiresome minutes of waiting for the elevator to reach the bottom floor, she clambered on and after staining to push the 4th floor button, relaxed as she waited to get off. As the little elevator bell dinged, Isis gathered her groceries back up and walked to room 425 and turned the doorknob. Slightly surprised at it being unlocked, she called for Malik to come help her. After a few seconds she got a bit frustrated and started yelling threats at Malik if he didn't open the door and help her. The door rushed open in two seconds flat and there stood Malik with no shirt on and brushing his teeth. "Well well, you're two seconds and three minutes late… and aren't you the site to behold," she growled as Malik glared at her and relieved her of two of the bags and headed towards the kitchen. "Would you be quiet… there's someone sleeping," Malik whispered and pointed towards the guestroom. "What? Marik… I don't care if I wake him! He needs to pull his wait around here, not go parading around the city at night with Bakura," Isis snapped and started putting the groceries away. Malik smacked his face and retreated back to the bathroom to clean his mouth out of toothpaste. Setting his toothbrush in the deranged mutilated holder whom Marik got a hold of, he silently tiptoed over to the guestroom and peered inside. Ryou was sleeping like a baby inside. Malik sighed and quietly shut the door and turned around only to face Isis. She was smiling a little to big for comfort. Malik cocked an eyebrow, shook his head, and walked off. Isis peeked into the room and saw the albino beauty sleeping on the bed and sighed. `Bout time he finds someone… are those wings?' Isis crept into the room and looked at the wings carefully and reached out to touch one. They felt like silk, soft and slick. Pulling her hand away, she looked carefully at his face and was mesmerized by how innocent he looked. `Nobody's that innocent… wonder where he came from. I'll ask Malik later.' Walking back to the kitchen she got a glass of water and retreated to her bedroom and laid down and read her novel on the bedside until she fell asleep.

Malik sat on the couch watching TV waiting for Marik to get home. Or at least call to say he wasn't coming home… but that wasn't going to happen so he walked over to the phone and dialed Bakura's number so he could go to bed. Bakura answered the phone and told him that Marik was still over and that he'd be staying. Malik sighed and agreed and put the phone down and retreated to his room, glancing over to the guestroom where the angel slept. Shrugging he crept into his bed and let sleep take him away.

Zephyr: Awwwwwwwww isn't it sooooooooooo cute? ::coos::

Soujiro: Yeah sure whatever… ::sipping tea::

Zephyr: ::glares:: Nobody asked your opinion..

Soujiro: I know! I just give it freely…

Zephyr: Smartass… (e=mc2) ^-^ I saw it on Adult Swim…

Soujiro: Shut it

Zephyr: Nooooooooooooo can't a girl talk about stuffs…

Soujiro: But you're a neko!

Zephyr: I know what I am! I'm ½ neko, ¼ inu, 1/8 koorime and fire demon! So there!

Soujiro: ::sips tea::

Zephyr: And besides, tea is for wimpy people! Margarita is better! ::pulls out a glass of Margarita and sips it::

Soujiro: Don't get drunk…

Zephyr: I'm not an alcoholic dimwit…

Soujiro: ::shrugs and sips his tea again::

Zephyr: Well, how'd you like it? R+R! Push that little cute button that says review… errr go! I know you want to!

Soujiro: Whatever…

Zephyr: ::grabs Soujiro and runs out the door:: JA!