Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Angel ❯ Memories ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zephyr: =^.^= I feel luffed!

Soujiro: Why?

Zephyr: I've got reviews!

Soujiro: Wirklich?!

Zephyr: Ja!

Soujiro: Wie viele?


Soujiro: O_O

Zephyr: Well onto Chapter 2! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: ::looks in secret money stash:: You think I own Yu-Gi-Oh!? Hahahahahahahahahaha! You're joking right? ::points at stash:: It's empty! ::runs around laughing maniacally::

WARNING: FLUFF ALERT!!!! =^-^= YAOI!!!! THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE!!! Don't like.. don't read… ::storms off::

My Guardian Angel

By: Zephyr Luana Minamino

Chapter 2: Memories

Ryou sat atop of a piece of white marble, watching Yugi fly around happily with their friend Tohma. In his hands was a piece of half-carved wood and a sharp pocketknife. It was to be a wooden angel when he was finished. Continuing his work, he carved out the face as Yugi and Tohma played a short game of tag. Just as Ryou put the finishing touches on the angel's face, Yugi came crashing down on the young albino.

"Oops, sorry Ryou. Didn't mean to fall on you," Yugi smiled up at Ryou as he lay sprawled out on Ryou's lap.

Ryou smiled and gently shoved the tri-color haired angel on the ground and continued on his angel. Yugi pouted at Ryou, who stuck his tongue out and returned to his carving. Yugi shrugged and flew back to Tohma. Ryou carefully carved out the feathers on the left wing, making sure that each one was perfect.

While Ryou was finishing up his angel, Yugi and Tohma were flying around, still absorbed in their game of tag. Tohma was chasing Yugi around the broken pillars of the Maracello Ruins when Yugi suddenly stopped. Tohma slammed into Yugi and knocked both of them into a nearby pillar.

"Oww, what'd you do that for!?" Tohma moaned as he held his throbbing forehead in pain.

"Hey Tohma?"


"Is that normal?"

"Is what normal?"

"That," Yugi pointed into the distance where a figure with black wings stood. Tohma stare at the figure for a while, eyes widening in recognition.

"No, but if it doesn't come any closer, we're fine." Tohma flew over to Ryou to inform him on the mysterious figure in the distance. Yugi propped himself atop the pillar Tohma and him crashed into and watched the figure with the darkened wings. The figure opened his wings and took flight. Yugi thought that he'd just fly away, but after a few moments Yugi realized that it was coming closer.

"T-T-T-Tohma-a," Yugi stuttered as he kept his gaze on the figure.

"What Yugi?" Tohma sighed and looked up at the small angel. "It's coming towards up," Yugi whispered and pointed. Tohma followed Yugi's gaze and gasped. He flew up, snatching Yugi around the waist, and dove towards Ryou.

Ryou had just finished his wooden masterpiece when Tohma swooped down and grabbed him around the waist and started flying off towards the city. Ryou gripped onto his creation as Tohma increased his speeds to escape their pursuer. He looked behind him to see the figure only about five feet away. He had silver hair that was short and loose and clear eyes that seemed to pierce the soul. He wore a black robe with a large serpent design on the front and around to the back. His dark wings beat mercilessly as he caught up to us. Tohma, seeing this, started zig zagging everywhere in hopes to loose him but it didn't help either.

`Reckless Tohma, reckless!' Ryou scolded mentally as he narrowly dodged a pillar. Glancing back at the figure, he noticed him starting to gather some energy in the palm of his hand.

`He wouldn't' Ryou thought. And the figure threw the dark energy ball towards them. Yugi cringed and curled up the best he could. Ryou's eyes widened in fear as the figure fired multiple spheres of dark energy towards them. Tohma swore under his breath as a ball went by his wings. The figure hurled sphere after sphere, determined to shoot them down out of the sky.

"Tohma… what is that?" Ryou gasped as Tohma barely dodged another sphere.

"It's a darkangel," Tohma gasped as a sphere grazed his shoulder.

"Oh… what's a darkangel?" Ryou asked looking a Tohma's face.

"Their a group of fallen angels that AHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Tohma was cut off by a sphere hitting one of his wings and twisting it every which way, surely breaking it multiple times. Tohma screamed in pain as his grip on Yugi and Ryou loosened. The boys fell from his grip and onto a bunch of broken pillars. Ryou was instantly knocked out from the impact, while Yugi barely achieved consciousness. Both were on separate pillars, but Ryou was slipping fast. Yugi tried crawling over to him but he knew he wouldn't make it in time. Just as he reached Ryou, Ryou fell from the pillar and towards the world below. Yugi watched as his friend disappeared among the clouds. As Yugi was pulling himself up, he felt a sharp pain in his back and blacked out. Falling to join Ryou below.

Ryou jolted up from the bed he was sleeping in drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. `What a dream… or was it a memory? Or how I got here…' Ryou got up and stretched his wings slightly to avoid pain. Looking out the window, he saw the sun starting to rise and the sky becoming a light rosy pink color. He stared out at the sky in awe for a few minutes before quietly opening the door and peering into the hallway. Seeing no one around, he silently walked down the hall to what looked like a bathroom and entered. It was a bit different from the ones back home, but still alike in ways. Just arranged differently. Staring into the mirror he laughed at the sight out his reflection. `I need a shower…' he thought as he quickly washed his face. As he walked out the door, he ran face-first into a figure.

"Oh sorry! I wasn't watching were I was going," A female voice apologized s he focused on the person in front of him. She had long black hair that shone a bit in the light, bluish grey eyes that said that she'd just got up. She was wearing a long rob-like gown that looked like something from his home.

"Anyway, I'm Isis. Do you have a name?" She inquired as she walked by and into the kitchen.

"Ryou," he answered as he watched Isis get some things out of a cabinet.

"That's a pretty name, are you hungry?" Isis pulled out a large frying pan and placed it on the stove, turning the heat on a medium flame.

"Yes, famished," Ryou said as he walked over to the stove.

"What is this?" he wondered aloud as Isis cracked four eggs into the pan and put a tablespoon of butter in.

"It's a stove, don't they have them where you're from?"

"No, we have something a bit different I guess," Ryou ran his hand along the side of the stove in awe.

"Weird." Isis shrugged and popped some toast into the toaster and went to the fridge.

"And this is the fridge," Isis smirked as she grabbed a gallon of mild and poured two glasses, then handed one to Ryou.

"Tell me about your home," Isis said as Ryou took a sip of his milk.

"Okay… well…"

Malik growled as the sunlight poured into his room. Pulling a pillow out from beneath him, he buried his face into it. `Stupid sunlight…" he growled as he threw his pillow against the wall and went to his closet to get something to wear. He chose a pair of jeans and a loose black T-shirt that said, "I got out of bed this morning, what more do you want from me?" Running a comb through his blonde hair, he walked to the bathroom and washed his face. Grabbing a nearby towel, he walked out to the kitchen and stabbed the left over eggs, bacon, and toast left on the counter and laid them on a plate. Grabbing a glass and filling it with milk, he sat down at the table and started eating his breakfast. After a few minutes Malik swore he heard the TV on. So he hopped up, carrying his plate with a piece of bacon sticking out of his mouth, and walked towards the living room diagonal to the kitchen.

`Marik better not be home… I'll chase him out the door!" Malik growled as he chewed on the bacon and peered into the room. On the couch were Ryou, bandaged wing and all. He was watching T.V. with a bored look. Malik couldn't blame him. He was watching a soap opera.

"Hey, mind if I change the channel?" he asked as he sat down.

"Hmmmmm? No, not at all…" Ryou sighed as he tossed the remote at Malik. Unfortunately, Malik was shoving some eggs in his face and it hit him in the face, causing him to drop his plate on the carpeted floor. Ryou smiled slightly and giggled at the sight of Malik leaning against the edge of the couch with the remote on his face and his plate on the floor.

"Greeeeeeeeeat… I'm getting beaten up by a remote and my breakfast… how embarrassing," Malik sighed sarcastically and grabbed the remote and started flipping through channels. Ryou just picked up his nearby glass of milk and sipped it slowly.

"Soaps, soaps, Spongebob, Law and Order, Fairly Oddparents, soaps, cooking, cooking, soaps, commercial, commercial, Pokemon… there is nothing on! Wanna watch a movie?" Malik whined and looked over to Ryou.

"Sure…" Ryou snuggled into the couch as he watched Malik go to the cabinet above the T.V. and grabbed a movie.

"I hope you like X-2, it's a pretty good movie although I think they messed up Jean Grey's look," Malik leaned back in the recliner and started the movie. And for the rest of the morning they watched X-2.

Zephyr: Awwwwwwwwwww isn't it soooooooo cute!

Soujiro: ::cocks eyebrow::

Zephyr: HAKUMA MATATA!!!!!

Soujiro: XD

Zephyr: I'm watching Lion King!

Soujiro: Oh…

Zephyr: You don't know what I'm talking about do you?

Soujiro: Not a clue…

Zephyr: GREAT!!!! Then we can watch it! To the living room!

Soujiro: Dear lord…

Zephyr: Well! R+R!!!!!!! Ja!!!!! ::drags Soujiro off towards the living room::