Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Angel ❯ Darkangel in the City ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zephyr: I have one day before school starts so I'm trying to get as much done before they lay the heavy assignments on me… Especially German class… I have to make a video for German later in the year… feh…

Soujiro: Lovely…

Zephyr: Isn't it? Though I don't see why they had to make our school start on a Thursday… WHO STARTS SCHOOL ON A THURSDAY????? It's only two days till the weekend! Grrrrrrrrrr…

Soujiro: Calm down idiot…

Zephyr: Heeeeeeee…

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh. I am gonna go see the movie however… even thought the SO SCREWED WITH YAMI AND YUGI'S VOICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some dude from Shaman King does their voices… one of the Dead Enders… ::sobs::

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~ * My Guardian Angel * ~

Chapter 8: Darkangel in a City

Ryou stared at the dark aura in horror, watching as the figure pulled himself out of the space-rip. He looked a little bit different. The man still had dark black hair with a black witch's hat that was raggedy and all patched up. A large black trench coat was pulled over his body. Red eyes stared out from under the rim of his hat. He was still struggling to get out. Yugi had moved to Yami's side and buried his face in Yami's chest, away from the sight. He was crying lightly while Yami comforted the little angel.

"Whoa! What is dat thing?!" Jou asked, pointing to the immerging figure.

"That, Jou, is the darkangel who caused us to fall here. I don't know what he wants though." Ryou explained carefully.

The darkangel pulled its foot from the rip and stood freely. The space-rip closed and the aura faded. He looked around for a few minutes before removing his hat and trench coat, which disappeared from his grasp in a cloud of dust. Now dressed in a pair of baggy black pants with strips of cloth hanging from the sides and a black T-shirt adorned with a white skull on the front. His dark black hair fell in his face, framing his face. Red eyes blinked from behind his dark locks. And he walked off in the opposite direction of the Kami Game Shop. Walking in the direction of the Domino High School.

"Ummm Ryou? You can breathe now," Jou gently tapped Ryou on the shoulder, startling him and making him soar to the corner of the room.

"He's gone now Ryou…" Yami comforted and returned to Yugi.

"Oh… sorry Jou."

"'S okay."

"So that was the darkangel?" Yami stared out the window in the direction the man walked off.

"Yes, people are sure to be more aware of him now because he has changed his clothes to look more like normal human clothes. But we have still have got to be careful now. Yugi, we've got to hide our wings now, okay?" Ryou explained to the small angel in Yami's arms and stroked his back softly. Yugi dried his eyes and nodded, putting a strong smile on his face and concentrated his energy on his wings. They glowed a few moments before shrinking into small, thin, clear wings. Ryou focused his energy as well and his wings shrank to the same size and shape as Yugi's. Yami fingered Yugi's new wings lovingly, examining their structure.

"They're weaker in this form and tend to damage easier, so we must be more careful around everywhere. But now we look more human to others than we did. We should blend in perfectly." Ryou clued Yami and Jou in.

"Sweet, now you shouldn't have ta deal wit that darkangel guy for a while," Jou replied happily.

"Yes, it should hide us for a while."

"Okay, who is hungry?" Yami announced. He was answered with a chorus of "yes's". "Then shall we go out and eat?"

The four of them walked out of the shop after Yami filled his grandfather where they were going and that he'd need to take care of the shop for a while. They decided to go out for Chinese food, for it was the closest and the buffet was available at the time. Ryou cast an uneasy look toward the high school direction before shaking it off. The walk initially took five minutes to walk and it was a treat for Yugi. He hadn't gotten out much from the Kami Game Shop since he arrived, nor Ryou for that matter. So they enjoyed their time out and with their friends.

Darkangel POV

I walked down the street of this strange area. Humans walked past me back and forth. Some stared and others ignored my presence thinking I was just some random Goth teen walking down the street. My wings were in a smaller form, thin and almost clear, tinted black a bit. They were folded up against my shirt to avoid confrontations. Those angels were around here somewhere; I was going to find them. Even if I had to strip this whole city of all its buildings. I needed them for my collection. I lifted my hand up and examined the chain around my wrist. Various gems hang from the chain and sparkled in the light. Each from a rare creature. A chimera, a dragon, an undine, some various types of nymphs, a few demons. Angels were next on the list. I was only after one part of them, the prettiest little piece of their body. To join my nearly complete collection. They had wised up; they must have felt me come through the rip so they masked their energies. I will sniff them out. They can count on that. By my name, I will find them. Like I did with their little friend. The smallest gem, white in color with little wing branches, blinked and dimmed. `They're close…' my mouth twisted into a fanged grin as I turned to the left and towards the scent of Chinese food.

Normal POV

Ryou, Yugi, Jou, and Yami stared up at the building marked as "Imperial Chinese-American Restaurant" in awe. Ryou, Yugi, and Jou more than Yami since Yami had been to Imperial before.

"Wow… you'd a though I'd have been here before but I haven't! The food smells incredible!" Jou exclaimed with a happy grin.

"I didn't know restaurants were this big," Ryou mused as he took in the size of the building.

"It's not that big inside actually, it just seems that way. Shall we go in now or would you rather stare at the size of the building?" Yami grinned and lead the way into the restaurant.

"Hey Yami!! Wait for us!" Jou called after, rushing to catch up. Ryou and Yugi sweatdropped and followed the two at a relaxed, slower pace. Yami had ordered the buffet table for four. The waitress, a shy looking British girl, wrote down their order in her small book and led them to a table for four in the back by the buffet.

"What would you like to drink, sirs?" She asked in her British accent.

`Kawaii!' Ryou thought about her accent. "Lemonade please, miss," he ordered, in his own British accent.

"Dr. Pepper."


"Make that two," Yami finished and the waitress strolled back to the kitchens to fetch their drinks.

They waited for their drinks to arrive and thanked the British girl. Then they sauntered off to pick out their dinners. Ryou and Yugi scanned the many dishes of Chinese foods curiously. Several dishes looked extremely delectable and others just worried them, wondering if they ate it would they keel over and die. After several moments of deliberation, Ryou chose rice and a topping of beef strips, water chestnuts, onion, peppers, broccoli, carrot slices, and bean shoots soaked in a steamy seasoning. Yugi chose some flounder marinated in a lemony sauce. They both also picked up a few sugar rolls, they looked like smooth cheese sticks without the cheese and covered in sugar. Returning to their table, the two of them sat down and waited for Yami and Jou. Yami and Jou came back with their plates full and sat down to eat.

"Itadakimasu!" The four of them chanted and dug into their dinners.

"So… what will you do about the darkangel?" Yami asked.

"Well… we're not sure yet. I don't know much about him so what can I do?" Ryou replied, munching lightly on a bean shoot.

"He didn't seem like all the darkangels I've heard about. They usually stay in their own areas. Most don't come around our parts. Maybe he's that collector that the others have been talking about," Yugi piped in.

"Maybe… what do you know about this… collector…" Yami asked looking over to Yugi.

"Well, he goes around searching for rare creatures and beings. Though no one knows what he does to his victims. All they know is that the victim has never been seen again after confrontation." Yugi explained.

"Sounds like bad news, dis here darkangel," Jou muttered, biting into a piece of sesame chicken.


They ate in silence for the next few minutes. Yugi looked up from his food to say something, but the jingle of the door's bell sidetracked him. The waitress's soft voice asked for the man's order. The reply was a smooth velvety voice asking for the buffet as well. Yugi's head shot up and over to the door. There, walking behind the waitress, was him. The darkangel had followed them to the restaurant. Yugi stared in horror at the man, but quickly turned away as the man looked in their direction.

"What's up Yug?" Jou murmured.

"He's here…" Yugi whispered and dipped his head low to avoid eye contact with the man.

"Who?" Jou asked.

"The darkangel!" he squeaked quietly.

Ryou nearly dropped his fork as he heard Yugi's answer. Looking out the corner of his eye, he scanned the tables spying the darkangel several tables away from them. He tried to shake it off and started to eat at a faster pace, Yugi as well. Jou and Yami looked at the two angels worriedly and picked up their pace as well. Jou lifted his hand into the air, signaling for the bill. The British waitress returned with her pad and scribbled down some more things before ripping out the paper and handing it to Jou. Yami, and Ryou hastily pulled out some money for the three of them and handed to Jou who moved to the front desk and paid for their dinner. Yami, Yugi, and Ryou made their way to the door, unaware of a pair of red eyes watching them from a table.

Darkangel POV

I walked towards the direction the sphere was responding to. It led me to a restaurant. I was a little hungry from the trip so I decided to scout it out and get some Chinese. As I walked in, I instantly recognized the aura of the two angels I was seeking out. The waitress led me to a table several tables behind a group of teens eating at a table. `Those two look familiar…' I thought as I studied the two smaller ones of the group. A tri-colored short teen and a silver headed teen. They looked normal enough and I was about to bypass them when a shimmer caught my eye. There, in the middle of the silver teen's back was a pair of small clear wings.

"I've found them…" I whispered and watched them hurry out of the restaurant.

Normal POV

"Is he following us?" Yugi whispered from his place on Yami's back.

"No, I don't think so," Ryou comforted, walking beside Yami.

"Ya want me ta take care of dat creep?" Jou asked.

"No, that's alright. I don't want you to get hurt for us. We'll find a way to stop him."

"I hope so…" Yugi shoved back tears that were threatening to fall. They four of them were walking in the direction of Malik's house. It wasn't too far from the Imperial restaurant. Only a three-minute walk so they weren't surprised when they reached the apartment building so quickly. Ryou walked forward and opened the door of the building and allowed Yami, Yugi, and Jou to enter. Then he pushed the button outside the elevator door and awaited the arrival of the elevator. The doors opened with a ding, announcing its arrival and the four piled in. Ryou pushed the second floor button and the doors shut tight. It rose with a sudden jolt and they waited patiently for the doors to reopen to the second floor. The ding came again and they piled out and followed Ryou to the apartment. Opening the door, he invited them in and closed the door. Malik was lounging on the couch, looking quite bored. He was watching Primetime News after all.

"Malik?" Ryou asked softly, announcing his arrival.

Malik turned to face Ryou, slightly surprised at the other three accompanying him. Ryou looked a little shaken up, like he'd seen a big scare. The Egyptian felt anger for the person who caused the fright but stood up to embrace the older angel.

"I hope we're not intruding," Yami spoke up.

"No, it's been boring here. Isis left again this morning and hasn't been back all day. She's probably annoying Shaadi or something. And Marik and Bakura came around noon to let him know that they was alive and not in jail before running off again," Malik invited them in and motioned for them to sit down. Yami shifted Yugi from his back into his arms and sat down on the couch. Jou took a seat on the couch in front of the TV. Ryou and Malik sat down opposite of Yami and Yugi. Ryou leaned against Malik's shoulder tiredly.

"What happened?" Malik asked rubbing circles on Ryou's back.

"We went out for dinner at the Imperial and witnessed the arrival of the darkangel after Ryou and Yugi. That's about it." Yami replied.

"Hmmm…" Malik leaned his head onto Ryou's and stared at the wall behind Yami for a bit before asking for drinks. A chorus of "water" rang and Malik shifted Ryou to laying back into the couch before getting up and fetching four glasses of water. The door opened and Isis walked in. She hung her coat up and removed her shoes at the entrance, taking notice of the extra shoes, and walked into the main room. She said a quick "hi" to Yami, Yugi, and Jou before stalking into the kitchen and getting receiving the glass of water Malik had poured for her when he heard her enter the apartment.

"Thanks, have you heard from Marik?" she asked, washing her glass out and putting it in the strainer.

"He came around noon notifying that he was alive and not in jail so I don't know when he'll be back. He'll probably stay at Bakura's again," Malik answered carrying the four glasses into the living room and handing them out.

"That idiot… I'm gonna call and see if he'll be back tonight." Isis moved over to the phone on the wall and dialed Bakura's number. Malik sat back down beside Ryou and waited for him to finish his water before motioning him to lie down upon his lap. Yugi was also starting to tire. He leaned against Yami and began to doze off.

"He says he'll be back for tonight before he hung up. I probably don't even want to know what they're going to be doing right now. Are you staying over?" Isis looked over to Yami, Yugi, and Jou. They declined the offer kindly before thanking Malik for the water and his hospitality before heading off to the front door. Ryou looked up and wave tiredly at Yami and Jou before laying back down. Yami and Jou said their good-byes and left the apartment. Isis sat down in the spot where Yami and Yugi had been sitting and relaxed, smiling at Malik and Ryou cuddling before her.

Outside, a pair of red eyes stared in through the window by the door of Malik's apartment from a tree. The darkangel was perched up on a high branch of the tree by the parking lot. He watched the smaller angel and his guardian walk across the parking lot with another teen. Grinning a fanged grin, he jumped off the tree and disappeared from sight.

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Zephyr: I feel so proud of myself!!! I wrote 5 pages and 2,852 words!!

Soujiro: So?

Zephyr: That's a record for this story I think…

Soujiro: You think?

Zephyr: Yep… I gotta enjoy my freedom while I can! I'm writing this at 11:02 PM after all… I'll probably be up all night though. =^-^= Yayness… I'm gonna go cook up my dinner tonight! ^.^ Yummy. Well, R+R my precious readers! I'll be reposting this on FF.net soon… I'm giving out darkangel plushies this time! I think he looks kinda sexay with those red eyes and dark hair… btw… Imperial rocks!! It's food rox my sox!!! Lol. It's uber awesome there! I always eat what Ryou just ate… and those sugar rolls are also uber awesome!! And for all you ppl who don't know much Japanese, "Itadakimasu!" means "It's time to eat" or something like that…

Soujiro: You scare me…

Zephyr: I know…