Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Angel ❯ Appearances ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zephyr: Hehe! Day one! It was extremely hot at camp we're in a building that smells "new" and like paint. Woo hoo! I luv our directors!! They're hilarious!! John is wearing some shirt that says Duh-rector. =^.^=

Soujiro: ::snorts::

Zephyr: Yur just jealous! Feh!

Soujiro: Yeah… I'm just jealous…

Zephyr: I know! I'm glad you agree with me!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, even though it is about ninety degrees Fahrenheit here!

~ * My Guardian Angel * ~

Chapter 7: Appearances

It was a sunny midmorning day in February. Ryou waltzed along the sidewalk happily. His destination, the Turtle Game Shop to visit Yuugi. He had gotten pretty uses to the town, being here for exactly three weeks, so Malik trusted him not to get lost. He hummed quietly to himself as he walked. A song from his home, it was called "Sora's Song"

"Win dein, a lotica. An dragura, vi lon ta."

He arrived at the game shop just as his song ended. The bell chimed as he walked through the double doors. Yami stood behind the counter, leaning upon the cool surface, staring down at the small angel. Yuugi danced happily in front of Yami. They both looked up as Ryou entered the doorframe. Yuugi smiled happily, running to hug Ryou. Yuugi was as energetic as ever. Plus he was like a mini Yami. He was dressed in tight blue pants, a black muscle shirt, with buckles around his neck. His small white wings flowed behind him.

"Yuugi, you've been corrupted…" Ryou tapped Yuugi's nose sweetly.

"Why do you say that Ryou?" Yuugi asked, innocence plastered on his face.

"Ryou's gaze drifted over Yuugi's clothing before returning to the violet orbs following his gaze. Yuugi blushed before pointing to Yami.

"They're not mine. Yami's loaning them to me. I think they look pretty good!"

"Whatever you say Yuugi…"

Yuugi smiled largely and pranced back over to Yami, who was starting over to the two anyway. As Yami crossed the Floor, the shop door opened again and Jounouchi Katsuya entered with a happy grin on his face.

"Hiya Yami, Yug!" he exclaimed loudly.

"Good afternoon Jou. How are you today?" Yami replied.

"Hi Jou!" Yuugi chirped enthusiastically, hugging Jou tightly.

"Who's dis?" Jou nodded towards Ryou.

"This is Ryou! He's my friend from home!"

"Ahh, nice ta meetcha! The names Jounouchi Katsuya, but call me Jou."

"Pleased to meet you Jou." Ryou took Jou's hand, shaking it gently.

"You're living with Isis and Malik, right?" Ryou nodded his head. "I feel for you then. Met Marik yet?" Ryou shook his head "no". "Be thankful you. He's a psycho, I swear!"

Ryou looked up at Jou questionably.

"Wait, I think I have… he looks like Malik, except with brasher figures, right?"

"Yes, you met Marik that day when you first came her with Malik. He was here with Bakura," Yami added.

They chatted amongst themselves in the back of the game shop. A platter of sugar cookies lay on the coffee table in the center of the room, though Yuugi was the one mainly eating them.

"So… you and Yug are from the same place?" Jou started, munching lightly on a cookie.


"How'd… you end up here… of all places?"

"Well, we were at some old ruins and were attacked by a dark angel and fell here."

"Wow… that's one hell of a trip," Jou replied in awe. "What does dis dark angel guy look like?"

"Well, he wasn't very visible. He had black wings… I think red eyes also…" Ryou described, trying to remember.

"Nope, never seen him `round, sorry," Jou sighed, leaning back against the couch.

The group sat in silence for a few minutes. Yuugi moved over to the small circular window, staring out longingly towards the sky. Reverting his gaze to the street, his eyes transfixed to one spot. There at the corner, and aura of darkness was brewing. Someone was trying to come through from somewhere. No one was noticing the disturbance at all. They continued walking along as if nothing was happening. And now a body was starting to pull through the gap.

"Ryou!" Yuugi cried, pointing out the window.

Ryou walked forward over to the window. What he saw made him gasp in fear.


Soujiro: O.O WTF!?

Zephyr: They don't know what Ryou's gasping about!

Soujiro: What is he gasping about?

Zephyr: The Abdominal Snowman dancing in some apartment window…

Soujiro: XD

Zephyr: R+R minna-san!!