Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Angel ❯ Favorites ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zephyr: ::bored look: I think I'm gonna die of boredom…

Ryuichi: Why?

Zephyr: Summer School… ::faints::

Takuto: ::snorts:: Yur fault…

Zephyr: Naaaaaaaa! Takuto! Meanie! ::cries::

Izumi: Ze-chan daijabou?

Zephyr: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!

Ryuichi: ???

Zephyr: ::hiccups:: Anywho, I'd like to take this time to laugh at a retarded reviewer's flame! MWA!!

Me: YOUR CHAPTERS HAVE NO POINT! Retarded Flamer Walking

Zephyr: Look at this flame… they can't make a halfway decent flame… ::laughs:: And they anonymously signed themselves as "Me" how am I supposed to know who me is?! Feh…

Ryuichi: Na no da…

Zephyr: Heeeeeeee!! ::bouncing wildly around::

Takuto + Izumi: Ehhhhhhhhh… ::looks at each other::

Zephyr: Well… I can't disappoint my readers! I'm doin a special event thingie this month! Nice fat ol` juicy long chapter updates per story!! Hopefully around 8-10 pages each! Wheeeeeeeeee!! Leave a nice long review!! Here's Chapter 6 of My Guardian Angel!!! Enjoy!

Ryuichi: ^_^

Disclaimer: Kukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukukuku ::dies::


~* My Guardian Angel *~

Chapter 6: Favorites

Ryou sat, waiting for Malik on the couch. His stomach growled softly, signifying his impending hunger. Malik was finishing up whatever he was cooking in the kitchen. But whatever it was it smelled simply scrumptious. Letting his curiosity get the better of him, Ryou tiptoed over to the kitchen door and peeked inside. Malik was standing with his back facing Ryou, bent over the stove stirring something in a large frying pan. To the side were two empty mugs and two packages of something rested next to them. Ryou retreated back to the couch, collapsing hungrily upon the cushions. Seconds later, Malik entered the room balancing two plates of food and two cups of liquid in his hands. The food turned out to be teriyaki stirfry and strawberry kiwi apple juice. Taking his plate and drink, he took a bite savored the taste.

"Mmmm, this tastes sooooo good!" Ryou took another forkful of stirfry into his mouth.

"Glad you like it," Malik grinned.

The two teens ate the rest of their supper in silence. Every so often Ryou chanced a look at Malik, and Malik at Ryou. It was a never-ending exchange of admiring each other. Finally after the food had be consumed and their drinks emptied, Malik carried the utensils off to the kitchen. When he returned, he had exchanged the empty plates for the mugs that Ryou had seen in the kitchen earlier. Taking the mug handed to him, Ryou peered inside curiously. Sweet, creamy, hot chocolate stared back up at him.

"Thank you," Ryou whispered gently looking up at Malik.

"No problem," Malik smiled and took a swig of his hot chocolate.

Ryou looked quickly away, somehow finding something interesting within his mug, a light blush trailed prettily across his face. He quietly sipped at his drink. Malik turned to the TV and switched it on, flipping through the channels. Seeing as nothing was on, he turned the DVD player on and inserted a random DVD. Preview ran across the screen and finally the title screen flashed up. Malik inwardly groaned at the movie and pushed play. Ryou stared at the screen uneasily. He wasn't too sure about the movie. From the beginning of the movie he knew he wouldn't enjoy it. And seeing a person's internal organs being slashed out and drinking hot chocolate at the same time was enough to gag anyone, namely Ryou. When he saw the lady being hung in the tree, he threw himself upon the nearest being, which were Malik and his pillow.

"Shhhhhhhhhhh… it's just a movie," Malik comforted and ran his hand through Ryou's silver hair. Throughout the rest of the movie, Ryou lay there in Malik's lap. Malik's hand ran fingers through his hair gently and soothingly. Whenever a slaughtering occurred, Ryou would simply hid his face within Malik's chest. Malik just smiled and relished in the attention.

"Is it over?" Ryou asked, timidly looking up from his sanctuary.

"Yep, you can watch now…" Malik grinned.

As Ryou peered up, a person was slaughtered, and once again Ryou hid away in Malik's arms. Malik grinned at Ryou's mumblings and pulled him into a tight, warm hug. He could make out things such as "liar" and "sadist" over and over again. Malik shook his head and returned to the movie, which was soon becoming old. Malik switched his gaze to Ryou, who kept switching back and forth from watching the movie and hiding. He took in Ryou's figure, his silver hair, his white wings… it was torture for Malik's hands. They ached to run through his soft silver locks and caress his white feathery wings. Giving into his temptation, a hand snuck under Ryou's hair and trailed through it. Ryou sighed happily and leaned into the touch. His wings curling around his body, before stretching out again. Malik's hand journeyed down towards the outstretched wings as if in a trance. It touched the strong-feathered limbs, caressing them softly.

Malik's hands skillfully stroked Ryou's wings. Ryou sighed contently, resting against Malik's chest. He peered up and stared up into Malik's eyes, concentrated on his hand's movements. His face was peaceful as he watched his wings. But then his eyes turned and met Ryou's, his face now only a few inches away. Ryou felt as if he'd been cast into a spell, entranced by those lavender eyes. He felt as if he'd lost all control over his body, as his tongue ran over his suddenly dry lips. To him, Malik was like a god in all eternity.

Malik watched as Ryou subconsciously licked his lips, staring up into Malik's eyes… and then his lips. Ryou's face was so close, his lips begging to be kissed. And against all reason, he wrapped his arms around Ryou's small waist and gently pressed his lips to Ryou's. Ryou's soft pink lips under his.

Ryou gasped as he suddenly felt Malik's lips come upon his. He could feel something wet prodding against his lips, desperately trying to find and entrance to his mouth. Tentatively, Ryou slowly opened his mouth and allowed Malik in. Malik set about, exploring Ryou's mouth as if an explorer in a cavern, desperately trying to memorize every nook, every cranny, every corner… as if his life depended on it. Ryou's tongue slowly went to meet him, shyly and cautiously. Suddenly, it became a battle of dominance. Ryou's arms wrapped around Malik neck, drawing his mouth closer. His wings wrapped around both of their heated bodies.

Malik finally pulled away, air lack had caught up to them. He leaned back against the armrest of the couch and spread his arms open wide. Ryou crawled down towards Malik's open arms and accepted the embrace eagerly.

"Well… that was nice," Malik pulled the angel up against him and covered them with a blanket.

"Mmmm, yes, I quite enjoyed it," Ryou yawned as his eyes began to droop tiredly.

"I'm glad."

Ryou flashed a sleepy smile before curling up in Malik's arms. Malik watched his angel sleep, watched the rise and fall of his chest as he slept. Sighing deeply, he buried his face into Ryou hair and inhaled its scent. Strawberries, sweet summer strawberries. Placing a light kiss upon Ryou's forehead, he curled up around Ryou's body and slept.

Morning light pours in through the window. Birds chirp perkily in the trees. A squirrel shoves and acorn in its mouth and scurries back into its hole. Malik awoke alone on the couch. Blinking sleepily, he looked around. Seeing nothing of interest, he collapsed back on the couch fast asleep. Ryou poked his head in and smiled. He had woken up a half-hour ago and decided to cook breakfast. It was a simple meal, pancakes with sausage. Ryou carefully carried two empty blue plates with plastic cups out to the couch and placed them on the coffee table. Retrieving a third plate full of pancakes and sausages, it joined the plates and cups on the coffee table, followed by a gallon of milk.

Malik slowly joined the living and pulled himself up to the table, inhaling the alluring smell of freshly cooked food. He grabbed a plated and slapped three pancakes onto, covering them in butter and drenching them with syrup. Ryou daintily took a plat e and carefully placed a pancake upon it. He applied a small amount of butter and swirled on a fair amount of syrup and carefully took a small bite, savoring the taste. They ate their breakfast in silence, occasionally the scraping of knives on glass plates broke the silence but there was no talking between the two.

Malik stood up and gathered the plates as they finished. He carried them into the kitchen and set them in the sink. Ryou trailed after carrying the syrup, butter, and milk. He turned to leave, but something held him back. That something was Malik. Turning to look at the Egyptian teen, he felt himself being dragged into his arms, into a tight hug. Ryou looked up at him questionably, into his lavender depths. Malik was staring down, begging silently. Ryou leaned up and pressed his lips softly to Malik's, fulfilling his plea.


Zephyr: Weeeeeeeeeeeell… that was random… I was writing this chapter in mah summer school class cause I was bored and I had nothing better to do other than listen to history lectures which I didn't feel like listening to so I pulled out this piece of paper an-

Ascot: I don't think they want to hear you talk about how you wrote it… get to the point!

Zephyr: Anywho, when I wrote the kissy kissy parts I was all "OMFG did I just write that?! I nearly died of shock cause I don't usually write kissy kissy moments… I just imagine them… let your minds wander… ::drools::

Ryuichi: …

Zephyr: Anywho, don't flame me!!!!!!!!! That was mah first kissy kissy scene… ever… I'm serious… I've never ever ever ever ever written a kissy kissy scene in mah life… just imagine a lemon… ::dies::

Ascot: Ano… let's just leave her there…

Takuto: Sounds good… pizza anyone?

Ryuichi: R+R!!!!!! Reviewers get angel Ryou plushies… AND PIXISTICKS!!!!!!!