Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Angel ❯ Snowbunnies ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zephyr: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ::hopping around madly wearing Auron's jacket::

Ascot: She's been like this all afternoon...

Soujiro: Yup... she found Auron's jacket on the couch from when he visited two nights ago and she's been obsessed ever since...

Ascot: But I don't know how she's missed it for the past two days... and why he hasn't picked it up... ::sighs::

Zephyr: MWA!!! ::mauls her dad::

Ascot: Why did you maul your dad...

Zephyr: HE'S NOT LETTING ME ORDER A PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAH!! ::cries::

Ascot: XD

Soujiro: ::takes out sword and goes hunting for Zufu's dad::

Zephyr: GRRRRRRRRR ::foams::

Ascot: Heh... Okay, Zufu-chan doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh. She only wishes she did so she owned Malik and Ryou.

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~* My Guardian Angel *~

Chapter 5: Snow bunnies

"How do you two know each other?" Yami asked as he held the slumbering Yuugi in his arms.

"Well, before we fell here, Yuugi and I lived in the city of Tenshi no Hikari that floats high in the sky. It's a peaceful city full of angels. One afternoon, Yuugi, Tohma, and I were visiting some nearby ruins. Yuugi and Tohma were playing an airborne version of tag and I was sitting on a pillar nearby. We were attacked by a darkangel and Yuugi and I fell here. That's about the gist of it..." Ryou explained.

"Wow, I never would have suspected that, Yuugi didn't remember anything so I didn't get any information on where he came from," Yami mused, sitting down behind the counter of the game shop.

"Mmm... I didn't expect him to, let alone meet him here. But I am grateful that you're taking care of him. Thank you Yami," Ryou bowed softly before shifting his wings.

Malik watched his angel as he talked with Yami, admiring every part of him. His broken wing was practically healed so he'd be able to fly strongly soon. He hoped that he wouldn't leave after he healed, but it wasn't up to Malik to make that decision. He knew Yami wasn't about to give up the petit angel in his arms either. But he didn't think too much on it because the door of the game shop opened and in stepped Bakura and Marik and their entrance had diverted everyone's attention to them.

"Don't let us break up the party... continue on," Bakura smirked as he walked up the group.

"Who's this? Huh, who is it Malik? Tell me tell me tell me!!! I won't stop annoying you until you tell me!" Marik whined as he ran up to Malik and Ryou.

"What do you want Marik?" Malik glared at the Egyptian, who was currently looking Ryou over.

"And what are you holding in your arms Pharaoh?" Bakura snapped as he poked Yuugi's head.

"Oh grow up you two. That's Yuugi and this is Ryou. Didn't Isis tell you about Ryou? Or haven't you gone home yet?" Malik pulled Ryou close to him as he chewed the two out.

"No..." Marik simply replied.

"Why do I bother?" Malik mumbled and shook his head irritated.

"Is that snow!?" Ryou's voice called out, interrupting Marik from answering.

Malik walked over to the window where Ryou had moved to and peered outside. Sure enough, small snowflakes were drifting lazily down from the sky and settling on the roads, sidewalks, and yards.

"Looks like it'll be a storm. Come on Ryou, let's get back to the apartment." Malik grabbed his stuff, said bye to Yami and led the way out the door.

"How are we getting home?" Ryou asked as he walked out the door.

"We'd better go to, if Malik says a storm's coming, then there's probably a storm coming. Come on Marik." Bakura waved at Yami and dragged Marik out the door and towards his house.

Yami sighed deeply and walked over to the doors. Making sure that they were locked, he switched the `open' sign to `closed' and headed up the stairs after shutting off the lights. Malik and Ryou were walking down the sidewalk, slowly yet surely making their way back to the apartment. Ryou was happily running around in the freshly fallen snow, giggling happily along. Every so often he would stop and pick up some snow and throw it up in the air before running around again. Malik smiled softly at his actions as he watched the happy angel romp in the snow. Ryou was currently crouched down in the snow and making something. Walking over to him, Malik peered over his shoulder and saw Ryou shaping an oval shape out of his snowball. He stuck two long pieces of a tree leaf in the sides and made two eyes. When he was finished he looked up to see Malik watching over his shoulder and smiled widely. Holding out his creation he giggled and handed it to Malik.

"What is it?" Malik asked turning it over in his hand.

"It's a snow bunny silly!" Ryou chirped happily.

"A snowbunny?" Malik asked.

"Yeah! A bunny made of snow!" Ryou smiled happily and bent down to the ground and started making another snowbunny.

Malik watched the angel work, all the while the snow drifting about. They'd have to hurry soon, the storm was coming in fast. But Malik didn't worry too much because they were about 5 minutes from the apartments. But before Malik could think anymore on the subject, Ryou's cheery voice interrupted his thoughts.

"There, now I have one as well," Ryou chirped happily and held out his bunny.

"It's smaller..." Malik mused as he examined and compared both of Ryou's creations.

It was true. Ryou had made his snowbunny smaller than Malik's. Ryou's stood about an inch shorter than Malik's. On the back of Ryou's was a barely visible pair of small wings. Malik handed Ryou the snowbunnny and the two started off towards the apartment in a hurry. The wind had picked up and the snow was falling heavily. It was getting harder and harder to see and Malik could have sworn that he tripped over a body or something. He only hoped that Isis would be home or he'd have to cook dinner.

~ *Meanwhile at the Museum *~

Isis stared at the storm outside of the window. Happily sighing in relief and thanks, she skipped off back to the lounge for employees to do something interesting... or to bug the hell out of Shaadi. At least she didn't have to cook dinner tonight.

~* And so we skip merrily over to Bakura and Marik *~

"So who's cooking dinner?" Bakura asked flipping the channel on the TV

"You should have to, I'm the guest," Marik replied from his relaxed position on the wooden floor. He was reading a Playboy magazine out of boredom.

"You practically live here! And why're you reading that? You're gay..." Bakura flipped another channel.

"Why do you subscribe?" Marik turned the page, smirking slightly at Bakura's nervous look.

"Shut up... I'll cook," Bakura snapped and headed for the kitchen in search of something edible to eat... and something to poison Marik with.

~* Apartment 203 *~

Malik and Ryou leaned against the door of Room 188, gasping for air from running up two flights of stairs. The elevators weren't working at the moment because the power kept fluctuating from turning off and on. After catching their breath, they walked down the hall and around the corner to the Ishlar apartment... aka Apartment 203. Finding the door locked, Malik swore softly and took out his key. With Isis gone, it meant he'd have to cook dinner. All he knew how to make was sandwiches, and he didn't really feel like bologna and cheese. He'd just have to see what was in the freezer. Stepping into the warm apartment, both full of relief that they hadn't forgotten to turn the heater on.

"Mmmmm, it's soooooo warm in here," Ryou sighed and plopped down upon the couch.

Malik closed the door and slipped off his shoes. Heading into the kitchen, he peeked into the freezer and scrounged around for some food.

"Leftover meatloaf, frozen corn, potatoes, more meatloaf, bread, bread, bag of ice, oh ice cream, meatloaf... AGAIN?? Who the hell keeps putting meatloaf in here!"

Malik hurled a bowl of meatloaf at the trashcan and moved to the fridge in hope of something edible. Digging through the shelves, he uncovered more meatloaf, some fruits, carrots, mild, V-8 Smoothies, and random dressings in the door. Malik snorted and was just about to close the fridge when he spotted a bag in the back. So opening the door once again, he snagged the bag and tossed it on the counter. A small note fell out of the bag, of which Malik picked up and read.

`Whosoever decides to eat out of this bag will get an all expense paid trip to the Shadow Realm... Yes, Malik, this includes you...


Tossing the note aside, Malik snapped open the bag and smiled. Inside were a variety of foods. Mainly bags of bloody rare meat but barely visible was a bag of stir-fry.(1)

"What the... stir-fry? Oh well..."

Malik replaced the bag in the fridge and dug out a frying pan out of the oven (2). Dumping in the mix and adding water in, he turned the stove on high (3). As he waited for it to bail, he quickly got out two plates, forks, and cups, setting them aside for later. Turning back to the boiling mixture, he added in the teriyaki sauce and stirred it in while watching the mixture boil boredily.

Ryou laid back against the couch and sighed happily. His stomach was growling softly at the scent of food wafting in from the kitchen. He sighed, delicious scents filling his nose, making his mouth water. Upon opening his closed chocolate eyes, he spotted the snowbunnies sitting together by the door. Not wanting them to melt so soon, Ryou pushed himself up off the couch and over to the door. Picking up the bunnies, he opened the door, quickly wrapping his wings about his body, and set the snowbunnies by the door and quickly darted back inside, where a freshly cooked meal awaited him. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Zephyr: Wow... it's getting good... I'm making a list of things that'll happen in the next chapter... ::peers at and empty notebook::

Soujiro: WTF? ::looks at the list:: There's nothing there!

Ascot: Yeah...

Zephyr: Shaddup... I have to ponder...

Soujiro: Anywho, if you have a suggestion... send `em in!

Ascot: And R+R!!!

Zephyr: Mewl!! ::twitches ears happily::