Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Guardian Angel ❯ Let's Meet Yami!! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zephyr: I swear, I'm so on a role…

Ascot: Why do you say that?

Soujiro: She's delusional… ::munching on a carrot::

Zephyr: Why're you eating a carrot?

Ascot: Sunday's easter…

Zephyr: So?

Ascot: ::shrugs:: Trying to get into the easter spirit… I guess..

Zephyr: ::blinks:: …. Anywho… thanks to all who reviewed! We still luff you!!! ::tosses out bags of candy to all::

Soujiro: ::still eating the carrot::

Ascot: Now onto chapter 4!!!!!!

Zephyr: Right on!!!!! ::huggles Ascot::

Ascot: Heh he..


My Guardian Angel

By: Zufu-chan!

Chapter 4: Let's Meet Yami!!

"Soooo… what do you wanna do?" Malik asked as he unlocked the door to his apartment.

"I dunno, what's there to do?" Ryou leaned against the wall to steady himself. He still wasn't stable from the motorcycle ride.

"Well we could see where Bakura and Marik went… they're probably at the Game Shop making Yami's life a living hell…"

"Let's go!" Ryou grabbed Malik's hand anxiously and dragged him out of the apartment once again.

"Enthusiastic aren't we?"

"We aren't riding your `baby' again are we?"

"We don't have to…"

"Good! We'll take a much safer mode of transportation!" Ryou chirped and dragged Malik off to a bus stop.

And so Malik and Ryou ended up riding the bus to the Turtle Game Shop to meet Yami and the other people. They were sitting in the back and were squished between 3 different people. There was this one woman with a child who was sitting next to Ryou and staring at his wings curiously. The child, however, didn't have any self control and immediately grabbed onto Ryou closest wing and stuff it in his mouth. Ryou cringed as he felt his precious appendege being soiled by saliva and instantly jumped practically 3 feet in the air. He practically landed in Malik's lap. Ryou tried to wipe the slobber off as neat as he could but it didn't go well.

"Ugh… baby drool… my poor wing…" He whined as he took out a hankerchief and wiped the drool up.

"You'll survive. A little drool isn't going to hurt you," Malik dragged Ryou over to him and plopped him down in his lap.

"If it makes you feel better, you can sit here… away from scary monstrous drooling babies…"

"Haha… that's so funny I forgot to laugh…" Ryou glared and relaxed in his seat upon Malik's lap. Needless to say, he was enjoying himself.

`I wonder if I'll find Yuugi somewhere… he did fall before me…'

The bus ride was at least 10 minutes. And during those ten minutes many different events happened. The drooling baby and it's mother left but they were replaced by a rather large woman caring a huge purse that was stuffed with practically everything. Her purse kept banging Malik in the head and Ryou was being crushed against Malik unintentionally. The guy next to them kept talking to himself. Something about stalkers and hijackers. That unnerved Ryou a bit as he shivered at the thought of a bus hijack. But eventually the bus reached the Turtle Game Shop and Ryou and Malik hurriedly exited the bus and started towards the front doors of the shop.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it?" Malik ran a hand through his blonde hair and looked over to his angelic friend.

"Oh nooooooo, that was just peachy… I really loved being squashed between two people in a confined area…" Ryou spat, voice dripping with sarcasum.

"I thought so…"

Malik made his way through the doors of the Game Shop and looked around. Standing behind the counter was a teenage boy that was about the same height as Malik. The boy had black and magenta hair with gold bangs and was clad in a leather getup and a lot of buckles.

"Obsessed much Yami?" Malik called and walked up to him.

"What brings you here Malik?" Yami replied nonchantingly and continued to count the money in the cash register.

"Is Bakura or Malik around here somewhere?"

"No… if they were I think the world would be eternally scarred. They were last at the park if I recall."

"Gee, real talkative… and we came all this way to say `hi'"

"Who's we?"

"If you'd look up once in a while you'd notice…"

"Shut it…"

Yami shifted his gaze from the cash register to the figure standing behind Malik. His violet eyes widening at the sight of the angelic figure. `Another one!? I wonder if…' Yami shut the cash register and walked out from behind the counter and towards Ryou.

"Who's this?" He asked and circled Ryou taking in his figure.

"My name's Ryou," Ryou replied slightly mesmorized by the appearance of Yami. `He looks like Yuugi!'

"Hmmmmmm… He looks awfully like Bakura… that's weird. Reminds me of …"

"YAMI!!!! WHERE ARE YOU??" A small energetic voice rang out.

"In here!!" Yami called back.

Ryou head snapped up in recognition as he traced the voice to the speaker. In the doorway stood a small childlike teen with the same hair color scheme as Yami, except less spiky. Instead of fierce looking violet eyes, there were innocent ones. From his back, sprouted pure white wings that were smaller than Ryou's.

"Y-Yugi? Is that you!?" Ryou stammered as he walked forward to reach his friend.

"Ryou!" Yuugi cried and ran to the older angel and cried in his chest. "I've missed you!!! Where've you been!? I swear I've searched this entire city for you but I couldn't find you. I thought you'd died or something."

"No, Malik found me and took me in. I've been worried about you too." Ryou comforted the smaller angel and looked up to the other two teens in their prescense.

"You know him?" Malik asked pretty surprised.

"Yes, we're friends, we in the same city." Ryou replied and rubbed Yuugi's back comfortingly.

"So you're the one he's been looking for… Ryou right?" Yami asked and took Yuugi into his arms. The little angel was fast asleep.

"I guess. I had no idea he was here. I thought I'd never see him again. I didn't even think we'd survive!"

Zephyr: Hahahahaha! Sorta cliffy!!!!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeee… this chapter's going out late, after Easter..

Soujiro: ::Drinking coffee::

Zephyr: Why're you drinking coffee now?

Ascot: I dunno…

Zephyr: Oh well… I guess I could introduce my newest muse now…

Ascot: ::sighs::

Soujiro: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! NOT HIM!!!!!!!

Zephyr: What's that mean?!

Soujiro: ::mumbles something cohersively::

Zephyr: Anywho… my newest muse is gonna beeeeeeeee ::drumroll: Ryuichi!!!!!!! Wheeeeeeeee!!!

::Ryuichi runs in holding his stuffed bunny Kumagoro and glomp tackles Zephyr:

Ryuichi: Hahahahahahaha!

Zephyr: ACK! Heavy.. ::faints::

Ryuichi: ::blinks:: COLOR!!!!!!!! ::rips out a package of crayons and starts doodling everywhere…::

Soujiro: Well… R+R! Ja!!

Ascot: ::pokes Zephyr with a random carrot::