Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Belongs to You ❯ Eternal Bonds ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1: Eternal Bonds

Pharaoh starred into the starry sky wondering what he was going to do about Bakura. It seemed that slowly his kingdom was beginning to fall apart. He had to find a way to destroy Bakura before it was to late. Just then Pharaoh heard someone knock at his doors.

"You may enter," said Pharaoh.

It was Pharaoh's queen, Kikhara. He watched as she slowly walked up to him, her sapphire eyes glittered in the night.

"Kikhara.." said Pharaoh.

"Hello Yami, is there something wrong? You seemed distracted all day," said Kikhara as she walked to the balcony where Pharaoh was.

"I guess I'm just worried…" said Pharaoh.

"I see… You're worried about Bakura, I'm sure you'll be able to defeat him," said Kikhara.

Pharaoh carefully stroked Queen Kikhara's long golden hair as she starred into the sky. He could tell that even she was a little worried too. He stepped behind her and slowly massaged her shoulders. Kikhara closed her eyes, took a deep breath and tried to relax.

"A lot has happened to your kingdom ever since Bakura has come here. If only there was some way I could help you Yami…" said Kikhara as she gripped her millennium star.

"But you have done so much for me already Kikhara, you've given me someone to love and given me the hope and strength to go on," said Pharaoh as he stopped and put his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

"Thank you, I'll always be by your side," said Kikhara as she starred into Pharaoh's lovely crimson eyes above her.

"And I'll always be by yours, I'll always be with you forever," said Pharaoh.

Kikhara leaned on Pharaoh's chest and they both starred into the sky for a while. After a while they gave each other a kiss and Kikhara left Pharaoh's chambers to return to hers. Pharaoh thought for a moment, thinking he must be the luckiest Pharaoh to have someone as pure-hearted and beautiful as Kikhara. Luckier than his father Pharaoh Akunumkanon. Pharaoh smiled and laid his body in his bed and pulled the sheets over him and went to sleep.

Meanwhile, in Queen Kikhara's chamber, Kikhara was sitting on her bed starring out onto the balcony. She took off her millennium star and put it in her hands and starred at it. Kikhara remembered the day when Pharaoh gave it to her as a gift and had told her whenever she couldn't find her way the star would help her.

Then Kikhara felt a presence approaching her chamber, and heard a knock on her door.

"Come in," said Kikhara.

She turned around to find Priest Seto at her door.

"Pardon he for disturbing you Queen Kikhara, but may I speak with you?" ask Priest Seto.

"Yes, but please, may it be quick I feel quite tired," said Kikhara.

Priest Seto closed the door behind him and sat down beside Kikhara, and held her hands starring into her sapphire eyes.

"Is there something wrong Priest Seto?" asked Kikhara looking confused.

"I wanted to say that I love you, you're the most beautiful person I've laid eyes on." Said Priest Seto.

"I see…is that all you wanted to tell me Priest Seto?" said Kikhara as she turned her attention away from him and starred onto the balcony.

"I wanted to know, was there someone else that you loved before besides Pharaoh?" asked Priest Seto.

"No, there wasn't, Pharaoh Yami will be the only person I will love forever," said Kikhara as she got off the bed and walked onto the balcony. Priest Seto followed her and put his arms around her waist and laid his head on her shoulder and kissed her neck.

"Is there anyway that I can earn your love as well?" asked Priest Seto.

"I…I don't know," said Kikhara.

"I'll do anything for you," said Priest Seto as he pulled her closer to him.

"I realize that Priest Seto," said Kikhara as she put her hands on his and took his hands off her waist. " But Pharaoh Yami and I already have a future together, a bond between us," said Kikhara as she sat on her bed again.

"Well…I can still try. Goodnight Queen Kikhara," said Priest Seto as he kissed her on the cheek and left her room.

Kikhara starred onto the balcony again and laid into bed and went to sleep not knowing what to do. She loved Pharaoh and nothing can change that, she couldn't love Priest Seto in the same way. Too tired to think anymore Kikhara fell asleep.