Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Life As A Teenage Popstar ❯ Let's get this show on the road, shall we? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Life As A Teenage Popstar
Ryou hummed softly to the tune of Linkin Park's 'Breaking The Habit', when someone entered his room. "Hello, dear. What are you listening to?" Ryou smiled at his mother. She was always kind and cheerful, and the only one that wasn't bothered by Ryou's love for rock. "Linkin Park, mom. I love their song 'Breaking The Habit'. Mrs. Shiroi smiled warmly at her one and only son. "That's wonderful Ryou, but you should get ready, we're leaving to Domino soon." She walked to the door, but stopped and turned back to Ryou, giving him a blank CD. "This is the 'no vocals' for your new CD, dear. Listen to it, ok? You should practice more. You know your father is strung up on you, listening to rock."
Ryou nodded. "Thanks mom." When the woman left the small teen hopped of his bed and moved to the dresser. His shoulder-length, white hair, swished behind him, as his chocolate brown eyes darted around the room. He reached with his delicate, pale hand and grabbed his bag, stuffing his clothes and other thins inside, when his manager came in.
"Ryou-sama?" Ryou smiled at her. Mai was a very nice person, even if she did have an attitude to go with her beauty. She had long, blonde hair and full, curvy figure. Not to mention, a big bust. "Mai-chan. I told you. Call me Ryou, or Ry. However you like. Sama, just sounds too formal." Mai nodded and smiled, sitting on the boy's bed. "Anyways… Ryou. I just had a talk with your father and producer, and they want to make a live show, with you as the star." Ryou cringed. "I've had a bad feeling this would happen. For a long time…"
Mai sighed. Ryou was just fifteen. It wasn't good for him to be exposed this early. Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do. "I'm sorry Ryou, but it seems, you have no choice." Ryou sighed. "It's ok, Mai. It's not like I ever HAD a choice."
Bakura grunted, as someone shook his shoulder. "Bakura! Wake up, damnit!" Bakura swatted the offending hand away. "Leamme alone…" He muttered. His white, mid-back long hair, falling onto his arms and covering his pale face. Suddenly, someone shoved him, real hard and Bakura found himself sprawled out on the floor, next to his desk. "OOW! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?"
The whole class snickered, when Bakura heaved himself up and yelled at his best friend, Marik. Marik was a tall immigrant from Egypt, with sun bleached, blonde hair and lavender eyes. He was a constant troublemaker, with Bakura, Malik, Jou, Honda, and sometimes-even Yami.
Marik grinned. "Finally. What did you do last night? Watch porn, until midnight?" Bakura smirked. "No. Actually, it was until four in the morning." Marik chuckled. "I swear to god, Bakura. You're fucking hopeless. But that's beside the point. I wanted to tell you that class is starting and we're having a transfer student." Bakura perked up. "Oh, really? Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me. Tell me what you know?" Marik was also known for knowing the latest, before anyone else. He smiled at Bakura. "Calm down. From what I heard, it's a boy, but he's supposed to be really hot." Bakura punched the air. "Score!"
Marik continued. "He's going to be in our class and he's an international pop star." Bakura blinked. "Huh?" Marik snickered. "You heard me, man. A pop star." Bakura grabbed Marik by the collar of his leather tank top. "What's his name? What's his name? What's his name? What's his name? What's his name, damnit?!" Marik pried Bakura away from his shirt. "Um. I think his name was… R-Ry-Ryou! That's it! Ryou Shiroi!" Bakura blinked. "You mean that kid, that looks like me?" Marik smirked. "Well, I don't know Bakura. From where I stand, I'd say, YOU look like that kid, not the other way around." Bakura growled. "Shut up."
The teacher chose that exact moment to enter the classroom. "Good morning class. Before we start our daily schedule, I'd like to introduce, our transfer student. Ryou Shiroi." The whole class went quite, when Ryou walked in. Ryou smiled and waved nervously. "Hi." The girls squealed and surrounded the bewildered teen. "Oh my GOD! It's like a dream come true! It's you! Can I have your autograph?" Ryou smiled. "Um, sure, but maybe during lunch, or after school. I think that would be more convenient." The girls quieted down and returned to their desks.
"Shiroi-san? Could you tell us something about yourself?" Ryou nodded. "Sure, as you already know, my name is Ryou Shiroi, but I prefer, when people call me Ryou. I like to sing and my preferred music is rock." A few girls gasped and Ryou sweat dropped. "It was my original goal to be a rock star, but things turned out a little differently. Though I like different types of music." The teacher nodded and told Ryou where to sit.
Ryou moved to the back of the class and sat by the window. He jumped, when someone behind him cleared their throat. He turned around to stare into the deep brown eyes of the pale teen. A feral smirk crossed his features, making the boy look very much like a demon. "Hello sexy." He purred. "I'm Bakura." Ryou smiled and shook the offered hand. "Hello." He said, disregarding the 'sexy' comment. Shivers ran up Ryou's spine, as Bakura leered at him. "Why does a little pop star like you, has to go to school?" Ryou shrugged. "Because I don't want to be a stupid, 'little pop star'." Bakura grinned, his features softened. "You're different, aren't you?"
Ryou raised an eyebrow. "Could we talk about this later?" Bakura shrugged, his grin firmly in place. "Sure."
It was lunchtime and Ryou was surrounded by herds of fan girls. Even though his front was cheerful, his thoughts screamed for the fan girls to simply 'fuck off'.
Bakura watched, grinning like an idiot from under the shade, the big sakura tree was giving. "God. I feel sorry for the kid." Marik snickered.
"Oh, shut up, Marik." Scowled Yami, as Yugi, his little lover, clung to his arm, giggling softly. "You know what Yami? I think Marik has a point." Yami rolled his crimson eyes. "You, shut up too, aibou." Yugi pouted cutely.
Malik jumped onto unsuspecting Marik's back and giggled, when they toppled over. "Ow! What was that for?!" Malik lay on Marik's back, as the other tried to get up. "I'm bored and bothering you is my way of entertaining myself." Marik growled. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that?" Malik giggled in childish glee. "Sooo? Do I look like I care?" Marik scoffed. "I can't see how you look, if you're sitting on my back." Bakura snickered. "Face it Marik. He has you… How shall I put this? Pinned! That's the word I'm looking for!" Everyone laughed, as Marik muttered curses under his breath.
Bakura turned, when he heard an unfamiliar, tinkling laughter, beautiful as bells. He turned to see Ryou standing there. "I see the rush is over, huh?" Ryou nodded. "Yes, thankfully. What was that you wanted to talk about?" Bakura blinked, as he remembered. "Oh, that. It's nothing really important." Ryou shrugged. "Um, I have nothing to do. Could I hang out with you?" Bakura blinked and everyone else quieted down. Malik looked up. "Why?" Ryou blushed. "Um, if you don't want to, I can go." Yugi jumped up, as Ryou started edging away. "It's ok. Don't worry. He just meant, why would you want to hang out with us?"
Ryou blinked. "Why shouldn't I?" Bakura chuckled. "Well, let's just say that the bunch of us, don't have the best reputation."
"Why? What did you do?"
Bakura sighed in a long-suffering fashion. "Let's sit down. It's one fuck of a long story." Ryou complied, as Yami began. "Anyways. My name is Yami. This is my lover Yugi." He said pointing to the boy sitting in his lap. Ryou smiled. "You're not homophobic, are you?" Yugi asked, his big, violet eyes, pleading. Ryou shook his head. "Nope. That's all right. I don't mind. I'm a bi myself." Bakura blinked. "Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle." Everyone stared at Bakura, different degrees of amusement in their eyes.
"This is Jou." Yami continued, pointing to the sandy blonde boy, with amber eyes.
"Honda, or ice cream cone head, or Bakura's favorite, shark boy." He said, referring to the boy with brown hair, styled into… let's be honest, an ice cream cone.
"Marik, criminally insane psychiatric ward escapee, or psycho, for short, or porcupine." Yami pointed to the tan boy, with messy, extremely spiky hair.
"Malik doesn't really has a nickname, but he does PMS a lot."
"Hey!" Pouted the boy, similar in appearance to Marik, but his flaxen hair fell naturally down his back.
"Seto, the prick, cold hearted bastard, Mr. inferior being attitude, with the stick up his ass, that had grown into a tree a long time ago." Ryou giggled, at the cold glare, the brown haired boy, with cerulean eyes, sent to Yami.
"Otogi, the dice master, over confident pain in the ass." Yami pointed to the raven haired boy, with emerald green eyes, with his hair tied in a high ponytail.
"And last, but not least, Bakura, the devil's incarnate." Bakura smirked. "That I am."
You wanna know what happens next? Than send those pwetty weviews… =3
Bakura: Jeez, what's up with that?
Ryou: Bakura? Please, just let it go.
Bakura: *goes away, muttering about my inability to write*…
Heh. ^^;;
R&R minna-san… Press that review button… you know you want to…