Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My life ❯ A boring day in school ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Angeldust: Well hello people! Well, im doing a fan fic that I am in the series! Ill will be portraying an extra character named Amber kiczys (pronounced kicks)

Yami: Whos yami am I?

Angeldust: Yugis. Im adding another item.

Yami & Yugi: WHAT!?!?!?

Amber: Calm down!

Chapter 1 - A boring day in school..

(this is all from my pov)

"*sigh * What fun." I looked at my friend Jaclyn " Where do you want to go for lunch?"

she just shrugged, " Under that tree over there?"

"Sounds good, lets go." We headed over, only to get ambushed by the high-school bullies again. They were always after me, why? I do not have the slightest clue. They held my arms behind my back and knocked Jaclyn out. `Oh Ra! My only chance of getting out of here is now diminished.' Suddenly a fist hit my perfectly tanned face. I'm from Egypt. Beautiful weather, its freezing here if you ask me. Even in the middle of summer. I had long wavy tan hair to match my skin, and green with silver streaks eyes. Everyone teased me because I had darker skin then them, but it isn't my natural colour, its tanned. I was thrown backwards into the tree. `That hurt!!!' But I was lucky, a teacher was passing by and saved me from a bunch of broken bones……again. I felt arms pulling me up to my feet. "Are you ok ms. Kiczys?" I was able to place the voice to mrs. Uperhand.The principal. I couldn't talk, I felt like I was about to throw up. Good thing I hadn't eaten my lunch. I tried to shake my head clear, but I had no such luck. Then someone picked me up and carried me inside. That was all I could remember.

When I woke up I was at home in bed. A pile of school work by my bed. No surprise there. "Mum" I asked weakly, I had hardly any voice. But then again I was held up by my throat.

My mom came running in, "Oh Amber! I'm so glad to see you awake." She came over and hugged me tight….too tight.

"Mom, I cant breathe" I managed to gasp. She immediately let go. "Sorry honey"

"Its ok." I replied.

"You really should get some sleep."

"OK." I said and fell asleep instantly.

The next day.

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 3:00 in the morning. But I couldn't sleep. Oh well, I got out of bed and went downstairs to watch some TV. Maybe that will wake me up. So I went and turned on the TV. Well what luck, Yu-Gi-Oh happened to be on. It never was on at 3 in the morning, but I watched it anyway. After about 10 minutes I got up for a drink, I tripped and hit the TV breaking the screen. Well my life was completely different after that…

Amber: Well? Short I know, but I have this fan fic, plus my other one, the new item to maintain. Anyway plz review!

Yami: Shut up! But hten again your other is pretty good…..

Amber: Well thank-you. READ and REVIEW!!!