Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My life ❯ The new world ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Amber: Well I am BACK!!! To write another chappie of my fic!

Everyone present: Oh man!

Amber: Shut up or I can torture all of you!

Everyone: -_-`

Amber" That's better…

Chapter 2 - new world

After I had hit the TV screen I had blacked out. When I woke up I looked around `I'm not at home. So where am I?' Well I didn't have to wait long for an answer because just then someone was entering the room. First thing I saw was colours. Lots and lots of colours. OK I admit it! I'm exaggerating! I saw red blonde and black. Immediately I tried to sit up but my head hurt to much.

"It's ok. Lay down. Don't be getting too excited now." It was a soft voice. I knew of two people who could talk that way. But the thing is that he was in an anime show. So I had to ask it. "Where am I?"

"You are in Domino city. Didn't you know?"

"Funny just last night I was in Canada."

"I wonder what happened. Could be magic too." I nodded

"OK. This is weird. Screw it anyway. Wanna duel?" I asked. I knew now that it was Yami. I could tell because of the hair.

Yami was taken aback. "They have duell monsters in Canada?"

"Yeah they do, but not all of the cards. Some have yet to come. For instance I have yet to locate a celtic guardian." I said as I sat up. This time it didn't hurt soo badly.

"K then. Lets duel. You do know I am the king of games don't you?"

"Yeah. I will also beat you into oblivion to." I remarked and took my deck out of my pockets. (don't ask!!!)

Yami fished his out too and they started. OK. /means yamis move/ //yamis words// ///yamis thought/// \my move\ \\my words\\ \\\my thoughts\\\ |score|

\\You can go first\\ //Fine then// /Dark magician in attack mode/ //Work with him// \\Fine\\ \Harpy lady with a face down card\ \\\Mirror wall. This will be too easy\\\ //Harpy lady? Ok then. Attack Dark magician!! // \\Bad move! I played the mirror wall face down!\\ ///Mirror wall? Oh no! That is not good!/// //Fine get rid of my Dark magician// \\I intend on it. But first I'm going to do this.\\ \Face down card with harpys pet dragon\ \\\That stop defence should come in handy\\\ \\Attack the Dark Magician!! Bye bye magician.\\ |1700/2000| //Oh well// /Celtic guardian in attack mode and a card face down/ ///The Spellbinding circle. That should help me./// //I end my turn// \\fine, but I'm not attacking your Celtic guardian.\\ //Why?// \\Because knowing you it is a trap card or a magic card. And you tend to like the spellbinding circle so..\\ ///Damn she knew!///

Just then Yugi came in and stopped the duel. "We will finish this later Yami."

Yugi looked at me "When did you wake up?"

"About 1 hour ago" I answered.

"OK cool. So, what happened?"

"I do not know."

"We found you in an alley way, and brought you here." Yami threw in.