Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Light, Your Darkness ❯ The Invitations ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Violet Eyes: Kuri-kun, what you wrote in the last chapter was really good, where did you get that 'I'm on the...step' idea? It freaked me badly!

Kuribo-kun: Its from an old horror story Mimi-chan told me.

Yugi: Who's Mimi-chan?

Kuribo-kun: My ex-girlfriend.

Jounouchi: What's her number! WHAT'S HER NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!

Violet Eyes: Shut up you perverted bishonen!

Honda: Too right.

Yami: I'm just glad my little Aibou is safe.

Violet Eyes: Not for long!

Anzu storms up with a chainsaw


Is locked up in a strong steel cage summoned by Violet Eyes.

Violet Eyes: There. That should do it.

Anzu: *thrashing* LET ME GO!!!!

Kuribo-kun looks at the reviews and hits for this story

Kuribo-kun: Wow! 9 reviews in 5 days! And 191 visits! They must really like this fic!

Violet Eyes: Yep. And big thanks to all the reviewers. You make my day!

Everyone: AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

Violet Eyes: So Honda? Did you get back your card?

Honda: Yep. For a price. *winks at Jounouchi*

Jounouchi: *wink wink*

Everyone in the vincinity of 5 kilometres ( thats the unit of length for Australians): OH! WE JUST HAD TO KNOW THAT!


Violet Eyes: Weren't you with Mai?

Honda: She left me. *sniffs*

Violet Eyes: Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn'-

Yami: Who's that?!

A man in an orange training suit with shaggy black hair pops in- none other than Goku

Yugi: Excuse me sir! Who are you?

Goku: I'm Kakarot, but everyone calls me Goku. Have you seen my frying pan? ChiChi can't make food, and I'm starving!

Everyone: *Turns around to look at Kuribo-kun*

Kuribo-kun: Erm, is this it? *holds out heavy black frying pan*

Goku: Yeah! Thanks! *disappears*

Violet Eyes: Now, who does the Disclaimer??

Seto: I'll do it, but I must be in this chapter!

Violet Eyes: Yeah. You'll be in this chapter Seto-kun...you'll see...

Yugi: Be careful when she's like that Kaiba. She can be evil!

Seto: Whatever. Violet Eyes and Kuribo-kun do not own Yugioh or anything of Kaiba Land or Kaiba Corp.

Violet Eyes: On with the fic! Reviews are always appreciated. ^.^

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Seto Kaiba was on the computer, he had finished his homework and any business work he had, he went to check his email:

seto_kaiba@kaibacorp.com.jp, when a particular one caught his eye, it was from Anzu:

Hey there Seto,

I'm throwing a party at my place this Friday at 6 pm, wanna come?

Anyway, Mokuba can come too if he wants, so can the whole of Kaiba Corp! The more the merrier!

Anyway, email me ASAP your reply.

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Anzu Mazaki.

He stared, 'that's strange,' he thought, 'how does she know my email?'

"Big brother, can we go??? Puh-leeeeeeeez!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Seto jumped slightly, Mokuba was behind him, apparently he had read Seto's email.

"Mokuba, don't do that!"

"Sorry Oniichan, can we please go!!!!!!!!!!"

"No Mokuba, I'm busy that night."

"Seto, I know you don't have anything on that night, so come with me please!"

"How the heck did you know?" he said, bemused.

"I checked your Palm VII notebook, and I know the password," Seto glared with his icy blue stare, "it's so predictable."

Seto sighed heavily, "fine, little brother, we'll go, but were staying only until 8.30, got that."

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!" Mokuba starts bouncing around the walls.

"Did I make a mistake?"


"...what!!!!!! IT DIDN'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!"

"You got it, so don't count on that Millenium Puzzle!"

"But you only said, I had to do it-"

"And kill him, you s-------!"

Bakura's temper rose, nobody had ever dared swear to the 5000 year old Tomb Robber.

"Anzu, don't call me a s-------! You pathetic Psycho B----!

"You little mother f------ a--!!!"

Ryou just arrived home from coaching. (Kuribo-kun: coaching??? Violet Eyes: Shut up!)

He came face to face with a very-mad Bakura, who seemed like he was going to attack the next thing to walk by as he screeched into the phone

obsenities so he tip-toed up the stairs and into his bedroom.

'Wonder what's wrong with him?'

Ryou picked up the extension in his room to call Yugi and see if he's alright, after all, he was just released from Hospital, until something caught

his attention, something he never expected.

"...do you what 'dead' means you incoherent s---?"

"Well, I tried, that level of cyanide should've killed him!"

Ryou stared into the phone. 'Surely it couldn't be?'

"You should've done it yourself! With a knife driven into Yugi's heart! Watched him die would be more likely!"


A thud echoed through the house, Ryou sat on his bed, completely shocked.

How could Bakura do this? I trusted him! I trusted him enough to give him his own body, and look what he does! Why Bakura! WHY! Tears

fell down his face. He wanted to confront Bakura, but he was scared, its not often you face a 5000 year old Spirit who can send you to the

Shadow Realm. He wanted to tell his friends, but they'd think he was going mental, as nobody dared smalltalk about Bakura, and he didn't want

to get punished.

Click. The bedroom door opened to a very mad Bakura who was mumbling something in Egyptian. Ryou decided to try and talk to him.

"Hey Bakura!"

The Spirit ignored him, it went straight into his Millenium Ring.

/Bakura! You alright? You seemed angry./



Yugi was at his computer, he was typing up a fanfic for his favourite show: 'Zoids Chaotic Century,' (Violet Eyes: Don't even start. Kuribo-kun:

0.0) when a new email popped up onto his screen, it was from Anzu, she invited him to a party on Friday at 6pm and asking him for his reply.

/Yami, do you want to go to this party at Anzu's?/

//I think its a bad idea.//

/Oh, come on Yami!/


He sent an email to her saying, 'Yes, me and Yami are coming, so see you on Friday!'


Anzu sat at her parents' computer, the blinds shut, checking her email.

"Excellent, Yugi and Yami are coming."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kuribo-kun: Coaching??? What were you thinking?

Violet Eyes: You and I go coaching, remember!

Kuribo-kun: Oh yeah.

Yami: What's coaching?

Violet Eyes: Its like another school you go to, to help improve your grades.

Yugi: Sounds boring.

Kuribo-kun: It is.

Seto: I'm in! I'm in! I'm in! I'm in! I'm in!

Jounouchi: SHUT UP YOU BIG DOOFUS!!!!!

Everyone: (-.-)

Seto: No more free food supplies for these fic writers!

Everyone: JOUNOUCHI KATSUYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jounouchi: ARGH!!