Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Moonlit Lover ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title:  My Moonlit Lover
Part:  2/?
Author:  Murasaki Rose
Beta:  None
Genre:  AU/Romance/Supernatural/Horror
Rating:  NC-17
Warnings:  YAOI/Anthro/MPREG/Violence
Pairings:  YYxY, SxJ, YBxR(established), YMxM(established)
Spoilers: Yami no Yugi's real name.
Disclaimer:  Here we go.  Yu-Gi-Oh and all it's characters are the property of Kazuki Takahashi, Shueisha, Konami, Toei, and unfortunately, 4 Kids Entertainment.  All mentioned characters from the other series are also not mine, they belong to their respective creators.  In other words, I don't own them and I'm not making any money off of this, I'm just a fangirl having some fun.
A/N:  "text" = speech, 'text' = thought, ((text)) = telepathy, #text# = English, (((text))) = Arabic


The following Monday found Seto walking to school alongside his new Alpha, Atem.  After meeting the entire pack that first night, then learning exactly what the Egyptian wolves called "Hathor's gift" was and that it truly did work, Seto had eagerly returned home to talk with his brothers.  To his surprise, instead of being nervous about the new wolves the two boys were thrilled at the prospect of joining a pack, and one with pups younger than them too!  Then when he had explained "Hathor's Gift" to his brothers, the boys all but ordered him to join!


"Then you can finally claim Jonouchi!" Mokuba cheered, glomping onto his brother excitedly.

"And stop all your moping and growling around the house," Noa continued, nimbly dodging a swat from Seto's hand.

"Aaaaand make us uncles!" Mokuba caroled, giggling happily and beating a hasty retreat with his littermate before his blushing and frozen older brother recovered from his embarrassment.

*end flashback*

"Are we close?" Atem asked, shaking the taller wolf from his memory.

Taking stock of their current location, Seto nodded, "We should hide.  He'll be along soon and he doesn't know that I've followed him to and from school before."

Sure enough, the two teens had barely gotten undercover before the human's scent drifted their way.  Catching the excited gleam in Seto's eyes brought a smile to the Alpha's face.  Atem only hoped that the boy would prove to be a worthy mate for his newest packmate.

"Ah crap!  I can't believe I overslept again!"  Were the first words Atem heard from the tall blond teen literally running down the street.  As fast as he was going, Atem wasn't able to see much, but from what he had seen, the human was handsome, with shining golden hair, inviting honey-brown eyes and a lanky, athletic build.

"I can see what drew you to him initially.  He-" Atem cut himself off abruptly as a new scent wafted in their direction.  It was so indescribably good that the Egyptian teen could only classify it as 'ambrosial'.

"Matte (1) Jonouchi-kun!  I can't run that fast!" a bright tenor voice called out, drawing the Egyptian wolf's attention to the petite human running after Seto's chosen.

"Beautiful," Atem breathed, taking in the sparkling amethyst eyes and creamy pale skin that graced the slender form of the divine being racing to catch up with the blond.  "Who is that?"

Chuckling at the Egyptian's love-struck expression, Seto answered the obviously smitten teen, "Mutou Yugi.  And you're in luck Atem-," the brunet paused to smirk, "-he's best friends with my Katsuya."


"All right class, settle down.  We have a new student joining us today.  He's an exchange student originally from Egypt, but the last school that he attended was in England."  The teacher's over-enthusiastic speech had done its part and now the whole class had their eyes riveted on the door.  "You can come in now, Meti-san."

"Arigato."  That single, slightly-accented word already had girls swooning before he'd even walked into the room.  Striding smoothly to the front of the class, the transfer student bowed to his new classmates.  "Hajimemashite (2).  Meti Atem desu."

There was a deafening silence as the class took in the newcomer's appearance.  One that was quickly broken by none other than Katsuya Jonouchi.  "Holy shit!  You look just like Yugi!"

"Jonouchi!  Watch your language!" the teacher snapped at the blond teen.  Atem just chuckled, he'd seen Yugi before and honestly couldn't blame the blond for his outburst.  Sighing and shaking his head, their teacher returned his attention to the Egyptian transfer, "Just take a seat anywhere you'd like."

Immediately, hands shot up as several girls tried to catch the handsome teen's attention.  Atem ignored them all, instead heading directly for his potential mate-to-be; Yugi.

"Mind if I join you?" Atem murmured, gesturing to the empty chair beside the small teen.

"Not at all!" Yugi chirped, excited at the prospect of a new friend.  "My name's Yugi, but I'm sure you've already guessed that," he said, grinning wryly at the Egyptian.  "And these are my friends, Anzu, Jonouchi, and Honda."

Yugi could hardly wait as his friends exchanged greetings with Atem before engaging him in conversation once more.  "Sooo, Atem-kun . . . . do you like games?" he asked, amethyst eyes sparkling with hope.

Unable to help himself, Atem grinned at the other teen, "Yes.  Yes, I do." he responded and was quickly drawn into a deep discussion of their favorite games, with Honda and Jonouchi chiming in now and then.  This gave Yugi's self-appointed big sister Anzu an excellent opportunity to study the two "look-a-likes".  While both boys shared some striking characteristics, mostly in their spiky, star-shaped hair, (Kami, what were the odds?!) they were really quite different.  Starting with their hair, Atem's was black tipped in red and had more blond in it, with three lightning bolt-shaped streaks rising up above the blond bangs framing his face.  Yugi's own black hair was magenta-tipped, and while he too had the blond bangs, he also had an additional lock hanging in his face that he was constantly blowing out of  his eyes.  Speaking of faces, Anzu noted that Atem's features were much sharper while his eyes were angular and deep crimson in color.  Yugi's features were soft and more rounded, and his huge amethyst eyes were a softer, round shape.  Anzu also knew that Yugi was 153 cm tall, so she figured Atem was around 158 cm tall.  They both shared the same petite build, but Atem was more muscular than Yugi.  And to top it all off, Atem's skin was a rich tan caramel while Yugi's was a pale ivory cream.

"You two don't really look alike at all," she finally spoke out, smiling at both tri-color haired boys.

Atem smiled back, "I was thinking the same thing," he replied before catching Yugi's hand in his own.  "And I couldn't be happier," he purred, twining fingers with the startled teen.

Anzu stifled a giggle at Yugi's red face, while Jou and Honda gaped in shock, and Atem's new fangirls bemoaned their loss.  Why were all the good ones gay?!


By the end of the day, Yugi didn't think he'd ever stop blushing.

Atem had been incredibly affectionate to him all day, holding his hand, hugging him around the shoulders, smelling his hair, and when they were changing and showering during gym he swore he could feel the other teen's eyes on him . . . although he could just be being paranoid.(3)

Jonouchi hadn't been much help today either.  Kaiba had been driving his best friend up the wall all day.  By ignoring him.  Why this bothered Jou so badly was anyone's guess, Honda even going so far as to say that Jou ought to be dancing and doing cartwheels over this break from their usual animosity.

At any rate, school had ended and their little group, plus one, was walking home like always.  This time though;  a confused Honda was trying to cheer up a sulking Jonouchi, while a flirtatious Atem kept a possessive arm around an embarrassed Yugi, and an overly cheerful Anzu walked behind them casting knowing grins at Yugi the whole time.

One by one, the little group split off, finally leaving Yugi alone with Atem.  "Ano, where are you living Atem-kun?"

"Just a few blocks down this street," the Egyptian replied, feeling a bit sad he'd have to part from the smaller teen-

"Hontou ni? (4)  I live on this street too!"

-or not.

"Then allow me the honor of walking you to your home," he proclaimed, releasing his hold on Yugi to bow.

Yugi's face turned cherry red.  What was it with this guy?  They'd just met today!  Still . . .

"Okay, but only if you let ME have the honor of walking you home," the Japanese teen declared, bowing in perfect imitation of his new friend.

Atem's lips curved into a smile, "Of course."


It wasn't long before Atem brought them to a stop in front of a rather large home a few blocks away from where the houses began fading into the small business district.  "Your family lives here?!" Yugi exclaimed, eyes wide with surprise as he took in the expanse of Atem's home.

Chuckling at the pale teen's reaction, Atem shook his head.  "Not exactly."  At Yugi's questioning look he went on, "My parents are still in Egypt.  I live with my two friends and their ma- . . . -boyfriends."

"Could I meet them?" the small teen asked hopefully.  He really wanted to know more about the Egyptian teen and knew that meeting his friends would be helpful.  After all, his own friends hadn't had any trouble answering all of Atem's Yugi-related questions.

While Yugi's mind wandered off, Atem took advantage of the time to do some quick thinking.  He had no problem introducing Yugi to Marik and Bakura, or even Malik and the twins, but Ryou on the other hand . . . Atem had no idea whether the pregnant boy would be downstairs or not.  He did intend on introducing them eventually, but it probably wasn't a good idea to do so on the first day.  He had to be one-hundred percent sure that Yugi was "the one" before he did.

Speaking of Yugi, the smaller teen was smiling patiently, albeit a bit worriedly, at him.  Atem melted, Yugi was just too damn cu-

BANG!!  Both tri-colored teens jumped and stared at the front door which had just flung open as a tall, tanned, silver-haired male darted out into the yard, followed closely by an equally tall and tanned, sandy-blond haired male.  "Bakura!  Get back here so I can kill you!!" Marik roared, swinging a broom over his head as he ran after the other teen.

'Saved by the lunatics,' Atem thought in relief as he and Yugi watched his friends race around the yard.  "How about I visit your home today?"

"That sounds like a good idea," Yugi agreed, chuckling nervously.  "Are they always this bad?" he asked, wincing as Marik tackled Bakura to the ground.

"Only when Malik and Ryou aren't around."

Yugi looked shocked for a moment, "Oh.  Uh, okay . . . So, my house then?"

Atem wrapped an arm around Yugi's waist and pulled him to his side, "Lead the way, Yugi."

Yugi turned bright red.  Again.


"Tadaima!" Yugi called out cheerfully as he pulled a slightly baffled Atem inside the Kame Game Store.

"Welcome home Yugi!" Atsuko Mutou greeted her child from where she was making shelf space for a new puzzle game.

"I see you've got a new friend!" Sugoroku Mutou noticed, smiling brightly at the two boys from his spot behind the small glass counter.

Nodding happily, Yugi stood proudly next to his new friend, "Uhn!  This is Meti Atem!  He's from Egypt!"

Both elders eagerly greeted the quiet teen, Sugoroku commenting that it seemed that the Mutou's weren't the only family with crazy hair, and were pleased with his polite response to both the greeting and comment.

Feeling a bit confined in the small shop, Atem kept his responses short but polite, moving closer to Yugi anytime he felt himself tensing up.  Much to his delight, Yugi never stepped away and eventually, the Egyptian teen was able to slip an arm back around his closer-to-positive-almost-one-hundred-percent-sure-would-be-mate.

It wasn't until Atsuko suggested that Yugi show him the upstairs that the Japanese teen noticed that Atem's arm was once more around his waist!

Squeaking in embarrassment, Yugi pulled away from the Egyptian wolf, glancing nervously between his mother and grandfather.  Relief flooded through him when he saw no signs of disapproval from either, instead catching a happy, knowing grin from his mother.

Feeling his face reach levels of red he couldn't possibly imagine, Yugi snatched Atem's hand and practically dragged the other teen upstairs to the relative safety of their living room.

Casually, Atem perused the comfortable room, taking note of the homey decor.  Then something caught his eye that made him take a double take:  A small wooden box with a very unusual symbol carved into it.   'Could this possibly be . . .'

"Pretty isn't it?" Yugi replied, noticing where Atem's interest had been caught.  "It belonged to my Grandma.  Grandpa and Mama have one too."

"Yugi . . . do you . . do you know what this symbol means?" Atem asked, being careful to hide his excitement.  This could make a huge difference in everything!

The smaller teen shook his head, "No, but Mama said she and Grandpa would tell me all about it after graduation."  He tilted his head curiously, "Do you know what it means?"

"I'm sorry little one," Atem lied, unwilling to take that right away from Yugi's family.  Yugi's disappointed pout was nearly his undoing though and to resist temptation the Egyptian wolf found himself pulling the other teen into his arms for a comforting hug.  "Graduation isn't that far away," he murmured reassuringly, pressing a feather-light kiss into the Japanese teen's hair.

Yugi however wasn't thinking about the box, or even graduation for that manner.  His attention was completely taken by the strong arms and warm, inviting chest he was snuggled up to.  He was so caught up in the embrace that he failed to notice the other's kiss, but he did notice when the other teen took yet another deep inhale from where his face was buried in Yugi's spiky locks.

'Well if he can do it then I can too,' Yugi thought indulging in Atem's own intoxicating scent.  The Egyptian teen didn't seem to wear any kind of cologne leaving him to enjoy the other's unique scent:  a wonderful masculine scent of sun-baked earth with a faint musky undertone that the small teen couldn't identify.  Humming softly, Yugi nuzzled the other teen contentedly only to freeze in shock and embarrassment when he felt the rumbling laughter from Atem.  Horrified at his behavior Yugi jerked upright and pulled away, stammering an apology as he tried to step out of the comforting circle of Atem's arms.

Atem wasn't having any of it though and calmly placed a finger on Yugi's lips to silence him.  "Earlier today you mentioned you had quite the game collection.  Why don't we play something for a while?" he suggested, releasing Yugi's waist in favor of his hands.

Eager for a distraction from what had just happened Yugi jumped at the chance to move on.  "Ah, yeah.  Yeah!   I've got tons of different games!  C'mon and I'll show you!"

Pleased his distraction had worked, Atem was more than happy to let Yugi lead him through his home . . . after all, Yugi hadn't noticed he was still holding onto one of Atem's hands as they walked.


Meanwhile downstairs in the shop a different conversation was going on . . .

"Do you think he's one of those new werewolves Kaede mentioned?" Atsuko wondered.  "His aura didn't feel human."

Sugoroku nodded in agreement, "There's no doubt about it.  He did seem a bit friendlier than normal with Yugi though.  Werewolves are usually more stand-offish around new people."

Atsuko Mutou giggled at her father-in-law, "That's because he's fallen in love with him!"

Sugoroku was stunned, "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely.  Didn't you see him put his arm around Yugi's waist?  And the way his eyes softened every time he looked at Yugi?"

The elderly shopkeeper shook his head, "No, I hadn't really.  I was too busy reading his aura.

You're not worried?" he asked, knowing that even people within their group didn't approve of such unions.

Atsuko smiled reassuringly, "No.  Werewolves mate for life and are notoriously loyal, devoted, and protective of their chosen mate.  I couldn't think of a better match for our Yugi!"

The old man chuckled, his daughter-in-law was right;  in the supernatural world, there were few creatures that would make such an excellent match with his grandson.  Suddenly, something else occurred to him, "Judging from all the blushing, I think Yugi would agree with you."

Atsuko sighed resignedly, "I suppose we'll have to help reduce temptation and keep them chaperoned as much as possible," she said giving her father-in-law a wry smile.


    re-edited August 26, 2009


1 - wait
2 - Pleased to meet you (formal)
3 - Yeah, you keep thinking that Yugi.
4 - Really?