Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Moonlit Lover ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: My Moonlit Lover
Part: 3/?
Author: Murasaki Rose
Beta: None
Genre: AU/Romance/Supernatural/Horror
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: YAOI/Anthro/MPREG/Violence
Pairings: YYxY, SxJ, YBxR(established), YMxM(established)
Spoilers: Yami no Yugi's real name.
Disclaimer: Here we go. Yu-Gi-Oh and all it's characters are the property of Kazuki Takahashi, Shueisha, Konami, Toei, and unfortunately, 4 Kids Entertainment. All mentioned characters from the other series are also not mine, they belong to their respective creators. In other words, I don't own them and I'm not making any money off of this, I'm just a fangirl having some fun.
A/N: "text" = speech, 'text' = thought, ((text)) = telepathy, #text# = English, (((text))) = Arabic


It's not unusual to find teenagers hanging out in a fast food restaurant. Burger World was no exception to this phenomenon as the after-school crowd of teenagers filled the place with a lively atmosphere.

Seated directly across from his best friend, Jonouchi chuckled to himself as he watched Atem nuzzle Yugi's hair. The Egyptian teen had pulled his smaller love interest into his lap the instant they sat down and had refused to relinquish his hold on the Japanese boy. Then, despite Yugi's protests, he insisted on feeding the amethyst-eyed teen his fries.

Yugi had attempted to escape by appealing to his friends, only to have them all turn traitor and side with Atem! Hopelessly trapped and with his options severely limited, Yugi finally chose to retaliate by feeding Atem his fries.

Still smiling at the pair, Jou shook his head in resignation, it seemed that everyone could see that Yugi and Atem were in love except Yugi! For the last couple of weeks, Atem had been pulling similar stunts at a steadily increasing pace, yet Yugi still seemed clueless. That didn't mean Yugi wasn't adverse to the attention though; the smaller teen seemed to be constantly, albeit unconsciously, encouraging Atem's seemingly outrageous behavior.

The affection between the two had gotten so obvious that the blond had even taken it upon himself to give Atem the "big brother" talk. Once assured of Atem's honest intentions towards his small friend, Jou had given the Egyptian his blessings and had even offered his help if needed . . . and from the look of things, it was. Luckily, Anzu had also noticed Yugi's cluelessness. The cheerful brunette had mentioned to him and Honda earlier that she planned on catching Atem alone as soon as possible to give him advice to help push the couple along.

Jonouchi's thoughts on his romantically-challenged best friend were abruptly interrupted by a loud, overly-dramatic cry that pierced the comfortable atmosphere (and a few unlucky teen's eardrums) violently.


Groaning and rolling his eyes, Jonouchi braced for the impending impact. Sadly, he wasn't disappointed as Otogi Ryuuji, his recently self-proclaimed long-time admirer, vaulted over the back of the booth he and his friends were sitting in and straight into Jonouchi's lap.

"Miss me?" Otogi purred, wrapping his arms around the blond's neck.

"NO!" Jou snarled, trying to disentangle himself from the raven-haired teen. "Damn it Otogi, get off of me! I ain't interested in ya!"

Watching from his seat across the table, Atem forced down a growl. Even though the blond was the chosen mate of one of his pack, Kaiba hadn't claimed him yet, so he couldn't intervene unless Jonouchi asked him to. But damn that kitsune had nerve! He'd seen other wolves put transgressors in the hospital for even appearing to show interest in their chosen. 'Kaiba's control over his instincts is far better then I thought!' he thought admirably. But watching Otogi nuzzle against the increasingly annoyed Jonouchi made his own irritation overshadow his pride for his newest packmate. To help calm himself, he glanced down at his own chosen mate and was very surprised to see anger simmering beneath the surface of his normally gentle expression.

Still perched on Atem's lap, Yugi was forcing down his own ire at the raven-haired intruder. He'd always been a very patient and understanding person, (Anzu often said he was too understanding) but really! Otogi had been doing things like this on a steadily increasing basis, yet each time Jonouchi pushed him away. So why wouldn't the other teen take a hint and knock it off?!

From his seat next to Jou, Honda groaned and prepared to remove the raven-haired lamprey from his best friend. This was getting ridiculous! Fortunately he was saved the trouble when a savage snarl from behind them made Otogi's arms loosen in surprise just before he was yanked off of Jonouchi's lap and hauled out the door.

Jou blinked in shock at his sudden freedom, who had-?

"If you hurry you can still catch him and say thank you," Anzu commented, bringing Jonouchi out of his daze.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah! Thanks Anzu!" the blond replied, moving quickly to track down his savior.

"Mind filling me in?" Honda asked the giggling brunette seated across from him.

"You'll never believe who just rescued him . . ."


Darting out the door, Jou suddenly realized that he had no idea in which direction his rescuer had gone. Crossing his fingers mentally and hoping for the best, he headed to the right of the restaurant. He knew he'd chosen well when he caught sight of Otogi running out of the alley ahead of him. From the looks of it, the raven-haired teen had just lost a fight.

Cautious now, Jonouchi slowly edged around the corner of the building hoping to catch sight of the other first. He yelped in surprise as strong arms suddenly locked around him, pinning his arms to his sides and pulling him back against a solid chest. Panicking, Jou began kicking and squirming violently to get free while cursing his would-be attacker soundly.

"Calm down puppy," a familiar voice growled, freezing his movements and cutting off his colorful tirade.

"KAIBA?!!" Jou yelped, twisting his head to stare at his captor in shock, "Why would yo-mmph."

Warm lips pressed down on his, cutting off the blond's impending question. Having Jou so close to him after so long without contact, proved to be far too tempting to the brunet wolf and he had to have a taste. Jou on the other hand, was frozen in shock, his amber eyes going painfully wide. After years of taunting and fighting, and the more recent ignoring, Kaiba Seto was KISSING him!

Happy to be kissing his chosen mate, but not with their current position, Seto reluctantly pulled away from the blond. Chuckling at Jou's wide-eyed expression, the brunet turned the blond to fully face him before wrapping his arms back around his chosen and pressing them close together again. The still-stunned but compliant Jou fit perfectly against him, his wonderfully heady scent stronger now, but there was something wrong with it this time . . .

Kaiba snarled when he recognized the problem, the scent of that filthy kitsune was on HIS chosen mate! "You are mine! No one else may touch you like this," he growled before sealing his lips against Jou's once again.

Incensed at the other teen's possessive attitude, Jonouchi decided to give him a piece of his mind. Jerking his head back, he glared angrily at the brunet, "What the hell do y-oommph!" His attempt to protest Kaiba's claim fiercely cut off by a severely possessive wolf who had no intention of sharing HIS chosen.

This time, Jonouchi whined slightly before giving in and melting into the embrace, his hands rising up to grip at the back of Kaiba's jacket. Granted, he was still angry at the brunet but mostly he was completely confused, Kaiba wasn't acting normal at all. Oddly enough the blond found that he didn't care. All he knew for sure was that he liked it. A LOT.

Pleased with Jonouchi's reaction, the brunet wolf reluctantly broke their kiss, determined to leave HIS scent on the blond. He just had to be careful not to go too far. Still, he allowed himself the pleasure of overpowering Otogi's scent by pressing Jou as bodily close as possibly while leaving a wet trail of open-mouthed kisses leading from under Jou's jaw and on up to his ear. The blond human shivered in pleasure, but made no attempt to stop or escape the other teen, vocally or otherwise, even going so far as to unconsciously arch his neck to accommodate him.

Smirking against Jou's neck, Seto carefully slipped one hand under the blond's loose shirt to stroke the soft skin beneath while pushing his open jacket off of one shoulder to gain better access to the tempting flesh revealed by his wide-necked T-shirt.

Jou would have protested (Really he would have!) to the hand up his shirt if he hadn't been so completely distracted by the soft, suckling lips attached to his neck. A quiet moan escaping his lips as he moved his own hands from Kaiba's jacket to rest on the taller teen's shoulders.

Finally pulling away, Kaiba surveyed his handiwork and, satisfied with the mark he'd left, returned to the blond's lips, enticing the dazed teen into a slow, sensual kiss.

Jou's muffled moan sent a sharp spike of arousal through the brunet and realizing his control was reaching it's limit, the wolf reluctantly released his chosen. "See you tonight," Seto whispered huskily, licking the shell of the blond's ear in departure.

Stunned, Jou could only watch as his former rival walked away, wondering to himself what the HELL had just happened?!


Jonouchi didn't realize just how visibly Kaiba's behavior had affected him until he rejoined his friends.

"Had some fun did we?" Atem asked, clearly knowing the answer. Even if he hadn't been able to smell Kaiba's scent covering the blond, Jou's disheveled appearance, dazed expression, and kiss-swollen lips were a dead give away.

"Wh-what are y-y-you talking about?" Jou tried to defend himself, gaping openly at his friends. He knew he'd pulled his jacket back up so why did they ALL looked like they knew what had happened! Atem was smirking, Anzu and Yugi were giggling, and Honda was staring at him all goggle-eyed. Stunned, Jou continued to stare at them open-mouthed and silent until his oldest friend recovered and decided to speak up.

"Man, Kaiba must be an amazing kisser to make you stop talking," Honda cracked, leering at the blond.

Make that deadest friend. "HONDA!!!" Jou howled, giving chase to his now fleeing friend.


Meanwhile a few blocks away another teen was running about as well.

Darting about the kitchen, Ryou Morgan hurried to complete the last few preparations for dinner. They were having company over tonight and the whole pack would be eating together as well. Even their three newest packmates would be there, so the silver-haired teen had his hands full cooking. Unnoticed by him, another silver-haired teen had entered the kitchen, and was now watching his smaller mate dart about with an admiring gaze.

"Need any help?"

Stopping mid-stride, Ryou turned and smiled at his mate, "No, I've got it under control."

Snorting, Bakura Wati (1) moved to stand in front of his busy love and gently lifted his head to stare concerned into innocent, chocolate eyes. "You haven't been over-doing it have you?"

Ryou shook his head, "No, Malik and Isis helped with most of the preparation. The little that's left I can handle on my own." He grinned, "But you'll have to carry out the stew pots. Malik's busy with the twins and Isis is doing a last minute check of the house."
Reminded of their impending company Bakura growled, "I don't see why he's bringing them over now. Yugi and Katsuya I understand, but we don't know the other two well enough to trust them."

Hoping to calm his mate, Ryou wrapped his arms around the older teen's middle and cuddled close, "I think he's doing it so we can determine whether or not they're trustworthy, before I start to really show." Moving a slender hand to the slight curve of his stomach, he grinned wryly at his mate, " At least I can still cover this with baggy shirts."

"I suppose you're right," Bakura assented, letting one of his own hands join Ryou's on his belly.

"Get a room!"

"Get bent, Marik!" Bakura snarled at the spiky-haired blond, thoroughly pissed at having his moment with Ryou interrupted.

Ignoring his childhood friend, the blond Egyptian continued into the kitchen and headed straight for the cabinets. He had a mission to fulfill and nothing was going to stop him.

"Marik Wosret (2) hurry up! The pups are fussing! Get in here with those bottles before they start to cry!" Malik Ishtar shouted from the living room.

"Oh! Marik, let me help out," Ryou exclaimed, kissing Bakura's cheek before moving to assist the young father.

'This is going to be a long night,' Bakura thought, sighing and heading over to help his mate and his friend. He needed the practice anyway.



October 30, 2007
edit:  July 19, 2008
re-edit:  September 01, 2009


1 - ancient Egyptian for rebel
2 - ancient Egyptian for powerful one