Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Moonlit Lover ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: My Moonlit Lover
Part: 10/??
Author: Murasaki Rose
Beta: None
Genre: AU/Romance/Supernatural/Horror
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: YAOI/Anthro/MPREG/Violence
Pairings: YYxY, SxJ, YBxR(established), YMxM(established)
Spoilers: Yami no Yugi's real name.

Disclaimer: Here we go. Yu-Gi-Oh and all it's characters are the property of Kazuki Takahashi, Shueisha, Konami, Toei, and unfortunately, 4 Kids Entertainment. All mentioned characters from the other series are also not mine, they belong to their respective creators. In other words, I don't own them and I'm not making any money off of this, I'm just a fangirl having some fun.

A/N: "text" = speech, 'text' = thought, ((text)) = telepathy, #text# = English, (((text))) = Arabic

Summary: In a world where supernatural beings live hidden amongst humans, you never know who or what's eye you might catch! Humans Yugi Mutou and Katsuya Jonouchi have their world turned upside-down when two werewolves choose them as their lifemates


"Jonouchi!"  Yugi squealed in delight as he spotted the blond emerging from the other cave.

Smiling when he caught sight of the small teen, Jou stood to wave, only to be brought up short as a bolt of pain ripped up his back.  Gasping sharply, he tottered off-balance for only a moment before he was scooped up into the secure embrace of his mate.

"Ya gotta stop carryin' me like this.  I'm not a girl," he grumbled, snuggling closer to the brunet in spite of his protests.

Seto raised an eyebrow at the blond, "Would you rather I carried you over my shoulder then?"

Scowling, Jou re-directed his attention to his best friend, who was trying to get his boyfriend to bring him closer to the other newly-mated pair.  Much to the small teen's irritation, his possessive mate was actually moving further away, watching Seto with wary crimson eyes.

"He's not going to let many people near you right now Yugi," Ryou explained from where he was standing with Bakura ... a good 2 meters away.  "Newly-mated werewolves are extremely possessive of their mates and will rarely allow anyone close. The only reason Malik and I were able to speak with you this morning was because he needed someone to watch over you while he hunted."

"You also already have mates," Bakura added, hugging Ryou just a little closer to his side.

"What about the kids?" Jou asked.

"Pups are no threat to anyone's mate," Marik replied.  "They're also Seto's siblings, so they're even less of a threat."



The trip back to the pack's home proved to be an even bigger lesson in how possessive newly-mated werewolves could be.  The beauty and warmth of the bright, early afternoon sun glinting off the thick snow had drawn many people out of their homes to enjoy the day.  Unfortunately for Atem and Seto, the unusual number of people out was making them increasingly anxious.

To alleviate this, the rest of the pack had spaced themselves around the mated pairs to help keep others from getting too close.  Unfortunately, they could do nothing to stop people from gawking at the sight of two male teenagers being carried in the arms of two more male teenagers.  Seto would sneer or curl a lip at the ones who made eye contact.  This, coupled with Jonouchi's own glare, tended to make most onlookers turn away.

Atem wasn't so lucky.  While his disposition was just as dangerous and his glare just as dark as the other's, his mate was far too adorable to avoid attention.  At first, Yugi had just buried his face in Atem's chest from sheer embarrassment, but soon realized he'd have to give up that tactic.  He tried glaring like Jonouchi was, but to others it looked more like a pout, triggering more attention instead of less.  As Atem's growling grew louder, Yugi knew he had to do something before a human noticed.  Thinking fast, the small teen started nuzzling Atem's throat, nibbling his way up to his ear.  "I didn't know you could actually growl in human form.  It's sexy," he murmured, nipping at the lobe and rubbing a hand across his chest.  The distraction worked, a satisfied smile replacing the dark scowl on Atem's face while Yugi cuddled closer.

When they finally arrived home, Atem and Seto headed straight for their rooms, setting their new mates up comfortably in a nest of pillows and blankets on their bed; Both soon-to-be former humans insisting that their mates didn't need to fuss over them so much.  Of course their protests fell on deaf ears, as both werewolves were quite insistent that they take care of their sore mates.


Once they were settled in and lunch had been eaten, Yugi decided it was time to address the other part of his conversation with Ryou and Malik.


"Yes aibou?"

"When exactly were you going to tell me about Hathor's Gift?"  he asked sweetly.

It was that sugar-sweet tone of voice that had Atem's danger senses going wild.  His mate was not happy and if he did not tread carefully, he would have to face his wrath.  "Did Malik and Ryou explain what Hathor's Gift is?"

"Yeessss," the smaller teen drawled.  "And on a hunch, I asked them about some of the side effects and how it's cast."

Atem immediately hunched his shoulders and assumed a more submissive pose.  He was in very, VERY dangerous territory now.  "Aibou?"
Having already accepted that what was done was done, Yugi kept himself calm and waited patiently for Atem to answer, having no idea that he was making his mate much more nervous by doing so. 

Atem meanwhile was carefully weighing his choices:  Lying was appealing but simply not an option.  For one it wasn't within his character to openly lie to his beloved and two it would not only be an extreme offense to his little mate, but would surely damage the trust between them and hurt the smaller teen.  His only real options were to tell the whole truth or at least a partial truth now and the rest of the truth later.  Deciding that he wouldn't be much of an partner if he wasn't fully truthful with his mate from here on out, Atem decided to tell the whole, potentially painful (for him), truth.

"I had always intended to talk with you about it before the weekend was over," he began cautiously.

"Why did you cast the spell before I became your mate?" Yugi countered, deciding to hit the heart of the matter directly.

Atem shifted nervously, THAT was the very loaded question that he had been dreading.  Alpha females (even those that were physically male) were notably very touchy about this subject.  His father swore up and down that his mother was the one who gave him the scars on his chest when he got her pregnant with Atem and his sister.  What scared him more was that when he asked her about it, his mother never denied that she was responsible.

"Well... you see...There are several reasons why I wanted to cast the spell before we became mates."

Yugi raised an expectant eyebrow.

Taking a deep breath, Atem continued, "The idea of having pups with you started forming in my mind around the same time we started dating.  I cannot remember if it was before or after.  I would see Malik and Marik playing with their pups or Bakura holding Ryou and rubbing his growing stomach and could not help but imagine myself doing the same with you and our children."

Yugi couldn't help but smile at that statement.  That had to be one of the sweetest things he'd ever heard his lover say.  His softened expression relaxed Atem, but only a little as he still hadn't revealed the rest of his reasons.

"Also, my instincts as Alpha coupled with the moon's influence had a say in my decision:  I had picked the perfect mate, one strong in mind and heart, one I could work and fight alongside to protect our pack and keep order within, and I had not claimed him or pupped him.  Instinct demanded I rectify the situation, thus our conversation.

And when you spoke so passionately about having children of your own, I HAD to try the spell.  I could not resist...and when I realized it had worked...I could not contain my happiness as a human or my pride as an alpha.  It can take months or even years of trying before both mates are truly ready for pups...that you and I were ready so soon...it's truly a blessing from the gods."

Taking in this new information, Yugi couldn't really say he was surprised.  After all, it lined up with everything else that had happened lately and with what he knew of Atem personally.  What bothered him was that he wasn't as angry as he thought he should be.  Sure he knew that he would've forgiven Atem, he loved him after all and the werewolf had not acted maliciously, but he should at the very least be mad at him!


"Yes, aibou?"

"I want to be angry with you.  I SHOULD be angry with you, but I'm not.  What's wrong with me?"

Sagging in relief, Atem pulled his worried mate into his arms to reassure him.  "Nothing that won't be fixed on the next full moon."

"What do you mean?'

"It's something I nearly forgot about.  You see, when a werewolf takes a mate they bite one another to show the equality in their relationship.  It has been this way in our tribe for centuries and is practiced in most, but not all packs worldwide.

A bite mark does more than simply label a werewolf or human off limits, it also signifies the dominance of the biting werewolf.  Our inherent magic, the same that makes us able to transform, then influences the one with the bite mark, making them submissive to their mate."

Yugi's eyes grew wide with panic; he didn't want to be controlled by magic!

"Calm down aibou!  It won't stay that way I promise!" Atem was quick to soothe his mate.  "Let me continue and you'll understand, okay?"  Yugi nodded, the panic fading some from his eyes.  "As I said before, most werewolves bite each other, usually on the same night, to keep their relationship equal.  There are a few unscrupulous wretches that will try and stop their mate from returning the bite, but those matings are usually dissolved."  Atem hesitated to tell his mate how, Yugi never was one to condone killing, even when the cause was right.  "Now when a werewolf takes a human mate obviously the human doesn't have the magic to give their mate a proper return bite.  At least, until the next full moon..."

Smiling at Yugi's curious expression, Atem brushed his bangs behind an ear and kissed his forehead.  "After you successfully make your first transformation, your first instinct will be to finish what we started last night.  You will mount ME and mark me in return, making us equals as intended."


In their room, Jonouchi and Seto were having a similar conversation though their's had had a less than innocent start.  Picking up on his mate's depressed mood, Jou had started trying to distract the brunet from his worries.  Normally, Seto would have been delighted by the blond's turn of behavior and more than happy to accommodate him, but this time he knew better.

Grabbing the blond's hands, Seto pinned him to the bed, forcing a scowl when his mate mewled temptingly at him.  "Stop it Katsuya."

"I'm only trying ta make ya feel better."

Sighing heavily, Seto knew he had to explain things to the blond.  "You don't really want to do this Katsuya.  At least not like this."

"Yes I do!"

"No you don't" Seto explained patiently, "My bite mark is already influencing you, making you submissive and wanting to please me."

"But this will make you feel better right?"

"This is what I'm talking about!" the brunet roared, rolling off his mate.  "Clear the fog from your head and you'll understand."

Scowling, the blond did as his mate told him, thinking over the entire situation in his mind.  The sudden urge to punch the other teen reared up again, only to be stifled before he could carry through.  "What the hell is wrong with me?!"

"It's a temporary side effect of my bite." he answered simply.

"How temporary are we talking about?" the blond demanded, damn he was getting tired of being thrown all these curveballs!

"Just until the next full moon."

"Why then?" Jou asked, although he had a healthy suspicion as to why.

"Because after your transformation you are either going to claim me as yours, or kill me and be free of our mating bond." the brunet explained simply.  "You'll still be a werewolf, but in that case you will no longer be bound to me."

"Are you crazy?!  I can't kill you!!" the blond was horrified.  Sure he was mad at Seto but not enough to kill him!  That was just insane!

Seto gave him a sad smile, "Under the influence of your first transformation you can.  If you truly do not want me as your mate, you will try to kill me and unless my instincts override my wishes, I will let you."

Jou gaped at the brunet in shock; he couldn't believe that the other teen could talk so casually about dying!  Especially by Jonouchi's own hand!   "You crazy bastard, get it through your thick skull that I'm not gonna kill ya and tell me what I'm gonna do!"

Seto couldn't help but smile at the blond's insistence.  He only hoped he had chosen his mate as well as he believed he had.  "If you do not kill me-" he shrunk a little under the blond's deadly furious glare, "Then you will return my bite and complete our mating, making us equals once again."

Nodding, Jou crawled into the brunet's lap and settled comfortably against his chest. "Katsuya-"

"Shut up and hug me you big jerk."

Smiling, the werewolf complied, nuzzling the blond's soft hair.

"Say Seto?"


"Are you gonna keep me in here all weekend?"

Seto chuckled, "No.  You're not in heat like Yugi is, so I have no reason to do so.  I will be staying by your side as much as possible though."

Jou nodded, before the oddness of Seto's statement sunk in.  "What do you mean, Yugi's in heat?"


Having come to terms with the fact that he was quite possibly already pregnant with Atem's pups (He giggled a little mentally at the word.) it didn't take long for him to calm his frantic thoughts down, assisted by the lulling sound of Atem's steady heartbeat and his delicious natural scent.

Of course, with his mind calm it meant his libido was free to take charge and remind him that not only was he still in heat, but that his virile mate was lying next to him on a very comfortable bed.  Slipping a leg in between Atem's and a hand up his shirt, Yugi leisurely stroked the smooth skin while casually dragging his leg along Atem's.  Having caught on to Yugi's shifting mood from the change in his scent, Atem was ready for his little mate and sitting up, threw his shirt to one side before grabbing Yugi's and pulling it over his head to toss it in the same general direction as his own.  Humming in delight, Yugi ran both of this hands eagerly across Atem's chest, then around and down his back.  He loved the feel of his lover's strong, lithe muscles under his smooth satiny skin.

Locking their mouths together in a fierce battle of tongues, Atem made quick work of both their pants, silently thanking the gods that he hadn't bothered with underwear for either one of them this morning.  Instinct driving him, Yugi pushed Atem down on his back and prepared to impale himself on his mate's willing body.

Strong hands gripped his slender waist in a firm grip, prevented him from pressing down.  "Yugi, you haven't been stretched yet."
Shaking his head, Yugi wiggled his hips impatiently, "I know, but I can handle it."

Pulling his tempting mate forward, Atem seated the amethyst eyed teen on his abdomen, bringing his own legs up so he could have Yugi lean back against them.  Keeping a firm grip on one of his stubborn mate's legs, he leaned over and opened up the nightstand drawer, rummaging around a moment before producing a small tube of lubricant.

"I won't let you hurt yourself, just because you're impatient."

"But Ateeeemmm!  Oh!  Oooo," Yugi's protests dissolved into a delighted croon as his wonderful mate carefully stretched him.  Okay, he could wait a little longer...

Finishing his preparation, Atem released Yugi's leg finally allowing the petite teen to position himself over his cock again, this time permitting him to slowly impale himself.  Throwing his head back, Yugi moaned in ecstasy as he felt Atem's length filling him.  He wanted to go faster and slower at the same time, wanting more yet not wanting it to end.  When he was fully seated, he remained still for a moment, wanting to savor the feeling of his lover's cock filling him so completely.   In this moment, he felt well and truly whole.  It was Atem's pained whine that got him moving, starting a slow, steady rhythm as he bounced up and down on his mate.

Unable to take the slow pace any longer, Atem growled and surged forward, putting Yugi flat on his back with his hips raised as he thrust in at a rapid pace.  Yugi squealed and moaned, the new rough pace bringing him closer to his climax.   The strange, now familiar feeling of the base of Atem's penis swelling to seal off his passage told him Atem was nearing his end and just before the movements became painful, the werewolf stopped and howled, jetting his seed deep into his fertile mate.  The sensation of Atem's seed pulsing into his body and directly onto his sensitive prostate enough to send Yugi over the edge in his own release.

Panting as he came down from his high, Yugi smiled and slipped his hands under his back to help Atem support his weight while his cock continued filling him, knowing that the longer they remained joined in this matter, the better chances were for him to have pups.  Finally he felt the Atem's cock shrink and slip free, allowing his mate to lay him down as the smaller teen let out a grateful sigh.

Cuddling up against Atem after trying to start their own family, Yugi could not help thinking of his own.  "What am I going to tell Mom and Grandpa?  They're never going to believe this."

"Your mother and grandfather will understand more than you think," Atem reassured him, thinking back to the symbol he had seen in several discrete places around the Mutou home and shop.  Sliding a bare, tanned leg up Yugi's pale one, he elicited a gasp followed by a pleased purr from the smaller teen.  "I wouldn't worry about that for now though," he continued.

"Why not?"

Brushing his fingers over Yugi's returning erection; he smirked down at his mate.  "You're going to need all your energy to deal with this."



May 29, 2013
