Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Moonlit Lover ❯ Chapter 9

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: My Moonlit Lover
Part: 9/??
Author: Murasaki Rose
Beta: None
Genre: AU/Romance/Supernatural/Horror
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: YAOI/Anthro/MPREG/Violence
Pairings: YYxY, SxJ, YBxR(established), YMxM(established)
Spoilers: Yami no Yugi's real name.

Disclaimer: Here we go. Yu-Gi-Oh and all it's characters are the property of Kazuki Takahashi, Shueisha, Konami, Toei, and unfortunately, 4 Kids Entertainment. All mentioned characters from the other series are also not mine, they belong to their respective creators. In other words, I don't own them and I'm not making any money off of this, I'm just a fangirl having some fun.

A/N: "text" = speech, 'text' = thought, ((text)) = telepathy, #text# = English, (((text))) = Arabic

Summary: In a world where supernatural beings live hidden amongst humans, you never know who or what's eye you might catch! Humans Yugi Mutou and Katsuya Jonouchi have their world turned upside-down when two werewolves choose them as their lifemates


Letting out a cute yawn, Yugi snuggled closer to the source of warmth next to his body.  Strong arms pulled him closer, eliciting a content sigh from the smaller teen; he loved waking up in Atem's arms.  Yet despite his best efforts to resist, awareness stubbornly seeped through the comfortable fog of sleep bringing memories of the previous night along with it.  Bolting upright in shock, Yugi hissed in pain the abrupt movement caused and collapsed back onto the pallet.

"Are you all right aibou?" a worried Atem asked, crimson eyes reflecting his concern.

"I guess last night wasn't a dream was it?" the smaller teen murmured softly.

Shaking his head, the Egyptian wolf smiled nervously at his mate.  "No aibou, it was all real.  Are-" he gulped nervously, "-are you all right?"

Shifting to a more comfortable position, Yugi fixed both eyes on his werewolf lover.  "My lower back is aching and I'm still hurt that you didn't tell me about this sooner, but other than that, I'm fine."

Breathing a sigh of relief Atem reached over to pull a water bottle from the cooler and a packet of aspirin from his discarded bag.  Taking the offered items gratefully, Yugi couldn't help but admire his lover's thoughtfullness.  "Wow, you really came prepared for this huh?" he commented.

"I wouldn't be a good alpha if I could not provide for my mate, "Atem replied, the casual arrogance of his statement belied by the faint blush on his cheeks.

Downing his aspirin, Yugi set the water bottle aside, "Why didn't you tell me you were a werewolf?  Did you think I'd leave you?"
Wrapping his arms around his knees, Atem nodded miserably, "I've seen it happen to other wolves in my pack back home."

"Silly werewolf," Yugi chided him, tugging his boyfriend to his side by the arm, Atem readily complying.  Still amazed by his tremendous good fortune, he wrapped his arms around the small teen and inhaled Yugi's wonderful, arousing scent.  After a few minutes of snuggling, Yugi started talking again, this time asking the question that was really bothering him.  "Why did you want to have sex with me in that form?"

Nervous, Atem shifted in place before answering.  "It's...tradition."


"Yes.  Werewolves in our pack always claim their mates on the night of the full moon, whether the chosen mate is human or werewolf."


"On the night of the full moon, our instincts are the strongest and we are unable to deny our true nature.  It is considered the purest of ways to join with your lifemate."

Yugi blushed at the term 'lifemate' but prodded Atem for more information.  "Is that all?"

"No, it is also when we give our human mates the mark," he continued, brushing his fingers against the scar that marked where he had bitten his mate.

One of Yugi's hands joined Atem's on his shoulder.  "Does this mean I'll change into a werewolf too?"

Atem nodded, "Your first transformation will be on the next full moon.  After that, I'll be able to teach you how to transform at will."

Yugi nodded absently, his thoughts elsewhere as his lover's words sunk in.

Worried that the his mate wasn't taking the news well, Atem nuzzled Yugi's neck and placed a gentle kiss to his mark.  "It will be all right Yugi.  I'll be right by your side throughout your entire transformation.  I promise that you will love the freedom that comes from running with the pack."

Shaking himself from his stupor, Yugi focused on his next question, "Will I be able to visit my family?"

"Of course you will!" Atem was surprised that his beloved thought he would have to give up his family.  "Even if we leave Domino in the future, you'll still be able to come back and visit them."

Smiling in relief, Yugi cuddled up against Atem and squeezed him tightly.  "I'm sorry.  I guess I've watched too many horror movies."

Atem chuckled, "You'll learn quickly enough that real werewolves are nothing like the mindless beasts you see in movies or read about in books."

Yugi laughed and started to ask another question when his stomach suddenly rumbled in complaint.

"It sounds like someone is ready for breakfast," Atem commented teasingly, releasing his mate to retrieve his bag again.

"What are you doing?" Yugi asked.

"Getting something to clean you up, aibou." Atem replied, pulling out a container of pre-wetted cleansing cloths.  Nudging his mate's legs apart, he gently wiped away the evidence of their mating, lovingly cleaning every bit of skin.

To Yugi's dismay, he felt his body growing aroused again from his lover's gentle touch and just knowing that Atem was able to see exactly how he affected him, made it that much more embarrassing and arousing.

Finished with his grooming, Atem gave his mate a sensual grin then bent down and took Yugi's weeping cock into his mouth.  Gasping and moaning, Yugi threw his head back as his mate played his body like an instrument, bringing him to climax and drinking him down.  Lifting his head, Atem licked his lips with a satisfied smile, "Thank you for the snack love.  It's just what I needed before I go out to catch our breakfast."

Yugi pouted up at him, "I'm NOT a snack Atem."

"But you ARE delicious."

"Argh!"  Yugi flopped onto his back and waved the werewolf away.  "Go on, go on.  Go catch our breakfast."

Chuckling Atem padded towards the cave entrance, "I'll send Ryou and Malik in to keep you company."

"What about Jonouchi-kun?"

"You don't need to worry about Jonouchi.  He'll have Mokuba and Noah to keep him company while Seto hunts for them."

"Oh.  Okay." Yugi replied, watching in fascination as Atem shifted into his full wolf form and padded down the tunnel.

A few minutes later, the large silver wolf and one of the gold wolves walked into the cave and shifted into their human forms. 
Giving his friends a shy smile, Yugi suddenly turned bright red and eeped, diving for the blankets to cover himself.  The two now-human werewolves chuckling as Yugi tossed blankets at each of them.

"What is it with humans and their modesty?" Malik asked, wrapping the offered blanket around his waist and taking a seat on the edge of the pile of furs and blankets.

Wrapping his own blanket around his waist with a bit more difficulty, Ryou sat beside Yugi.  "It's how we're raised Malik.  You shouldn't expect Yugi to get over his modesty any faster than I got over mine."

"You were human Ryou-kun?"

Ryou nodded, "I was . . . until Bakura claimed me as his mate much like Atem claimed you."


"Yeah.  Except I knew it was Bakura from the start."

Malik grinned, "Of course Ryou here was just as reluctant as you at first, but for a completely different reason."

Blushing faintly in embarrassment, Ryou saw Yugi's curious expression and decided to come clean.  "I was afraid of being in a homosexual relationship."  Taking Ryou's hand, Yugi squeezed it sympathetically.  "My mother and sister know I'm gay and are both supportive, but my father . . . if he knew I was gay, he'd disown me.  As far as he knows, I just became a werewolf to be with my new friends."

"His mom and sister are great," Malik added.

Yugi grinned, "What about you Malik?"

"Me?  I was born a werewolf and raised in a pack just like the others."

Surprised, Yugi stared at the lavender-eyed teen before exclaiming, "I didn't know you could be born a werewolf!"

"That was my reaction too!" Ryou confided to the small teen as Malik nodded in reply.

"What about Kaiba-kun?  Was he turned into a werewolf?"

Malik shook his head.  "No, he was born one too.  We met him shortly after we arrived in Domino.  He and his brothers are the last of the Japanese werewolves."


"Yeah.  Apparently hunters came through ten years ago and tried to wipe them all out.  The watchers managed to stop them, but not before there were only three left."

Horrified, Yugi felt his jaw drop "That's terrible!  Why would they do that?!"

"Kaiba said he never found out.  He thinks the watchers know why, but they haven't told him yet."

Ryou hugged Yugi, "But now he and his brothers are a part of our pack, so he's not alone anymore."

Yugi giggled and hugged the silver-haired teen back, pausing when he felt a strange bump on Ryou's abdomen.  A bump that pushed back.  Squeaking in surprise, Yugi jumped back and stared wide-eyed at something he should have noticed right away had he not been panicking over being naked.  "Ry-Ryou-kun?"

Blushing, Ryou placed a hand on his enlarged stomach and grinned sheepishly.  "This is why I always wear baggy shirts."

"I figured that, but wh-why-..?"  He shook his head and tried again, "Why did it move?"

"Because I'm pregnant with Bakura's pups."

"Pregnant!  You can't be pregnant you're a boy!"  He had just seen the pale teen completely naked after all.

With a gentle smile on his face, Malik took one of Yugi's hands.  "Yes Yugi, he is a boy and he is pregnant."

Despite his shock and wavering disbelief, the small teen couldn't keep the wonder out of his voice.  "How is that possible?"

"Magic of course," Malik answered.  "For thousands of years, the werewolves of Egypt have used this spell to allow mates of the same sex to have pups together.  The spell is called Hathor's Gift."

"Hathor's Gift?"

Malik nodded, "The legend says that at one time in our history, the werewolves of Egypt were hunted down until only a single pack remained and in this pack, there were almost no women.  The werewolves were desperate to survive, but for safety reasons were unable to go to human villages in search of mates.  In their desperation, they prayed to Hathor, goddess of the moon begging her to show them the way to save their people from extinction.  The goddess herself appeared before them and taught them the spell that would enable their tribe to survive, but she warned them that it would only work if the two loved each other and truly wished for pups.

Mated pairs were formed and thanks to the spell the pack flourished and eventually restored the werewolves of Egypt to their former glory.  Since then the spell has been used by the pack's descendants by any same-sex mates that wish to have children."

The Egyptian teen paused to grin wolfishly at the two human-raised teens, "As you can tell from Ryou here, the spell works on non-Egyptians too."

Ryou nodded in agreement, before scrunching his face up in a scowl.   "You also don't have to know that your mate or mate-to-be is casting it on you for it to work either.  As long as you love each other and want to have children together, it will work."

"Is that what Bakura did to you?"

"Yes.  The big lug did it to me on the full moon before he turned me too," Ryou answered, wondering if he would have to tell Yugi what he and the others knew had happened.

Yugi's eyes widened as the strange events of the last month came back to him.  Amethyst eyes narrowed in suspicion, "Would Hathor's Gift make someone increasingly horny from the time it was cast?"


"Does it involve writing hieroglyphs on someone's stomach with scented oil?"

"Yes, it does."

Yugi paled, but had one more question he had to ask.   "How long does it take before it works?"

"You mean until you're fertile?"

Yugi nodded.

"Thirty days."

"Oh Kami.  He cast it on ME, didn't he?" the small teen groaned.

Both teens nodded gravely.  "It must have worked too.  The whole pack heard him howl in triumph."

Before Yugi could get angry, Ryou quickly added, "He was announcing that his chosen mate had agreed to have pups with him.  It's a very important thing to be proud of, especially for an alpha."

Gripping the smaller teen's shoulder reassuringly, Malik caught his eye and gave him a warm smile.  "Usually it takes years for the spell to work because one or both of the mates isn't ready to have pups yet."

Noticing how pale Yugi was, Malik looked around and spotting the water bottle, handed it back to the teen and ordered him to drink.  Yugi did and after a few minutes, the color started returning to his face.  "So... am I pregnant now?"

Malik shrugged, "Maybe.  Conception doesn't always occur on the first night.  That's why you'll be exceedingly horny and very fertile the next two days."

"I-is that why I was attracted to him even in his transformed state?"

Ryou nodded again, "Uh-huh.  It was the same for me with Bakura.  Your body recognizes their scent and when you look into their eyes you can see the man you love."

Smiling softly Yugi nodded in agreement.

The smell of cooking meat wafted in from the tunnel, alerting the two werewolves to the return of at least one of the two newly-mated wolves.  "Well, it smells like the guys are back with breakfast.  You have any other questions before we go?"

Yugi shook his head, "I don't think I could handle much more.  This is a lot to take in as it is."

Ryou smiled sympathetically at the other former human.  "I know exactly how you feel."

Yugi smiled back, then blinked as an odd thought occurred to him.  "I do have one more question though...." he turned brick red, piquing both werewolves' attention.  He REALLY didn't want to ask this, but if he didn't it would drive him crazy.  "Ano... is his...*cough* penis...going to get "stuck" every time we make love?"

Stunned, Malik stared at the smaller teen for a moment before breaking into wild laughter and falling over.  Shooting the other teen a glare, Ryou gave Yugi a proper answer, as he'd wondered that too.  "No Yugi-kun.  That will only happen when the two of you are trying to make pups.  But it will happen no matter what form he is in."

"So even if he's human...?"  Yugi turned impossibly redder than before.

"Yup.  But like I said, it will only last while your trying to make pups, so two or three days at the most.  After that you two can have regular human-style sex."

Yugi sagged in relief, making the other teens laugh, Yugi joining in moments later.


For Jonouchi, waking up was a multi-stage process.  Even on school mornings he was slow to wake, a problem that had nearly made him late to school quite a few times.  On the few mornings he was able to wake at leisure, the blond would spend a good thirty minutes rolling and stretching in the morning sunlight filtering through his bedroom window.  So when he rolled away from the warm body next to his, Jou barely had time to register the fact that there WAS a body next to his before he had stretched to his full length.  An agonizing bolt of white-hot pain shot up his backside brutally wrenching a shout of pain from the blond as he was forced awake.  The body next to his bolted upright at his cry and the pain-wracked blond quickly found himself being held against a strong chest.  "It's all right Katsuya." Seto murmured, nuzzling the blond's hair.

"Kami!  It feels like I've been split in two!"

Seto whined softly, a strange noise to hear from his human form, and held him tighter.  "Gomen ne, Katsuya.  I tried to prepare you as best I-" his apology was cut short by the blond's fist colliding with his face.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you were a werewolf?!"

"Because I thought you would leave me!!" the brunet roared back, heedless of the pain his mate had just inflicted on him.

Not prepared for that answer, Jonouchi simply stared at his stalker in shock.  "You what?"

"I thought you would leave me." Seto muttered sullenly, rubbing his bruising jaw.

"Why...why would you think that?"

The brunet sighed and stared sidelong at his mate, "It's a well-known fact that you're terrified of the paranormal Katsuya.  I knew that if I told you, you would use it as an excuse to put a permanent wall between us."

Jonouchi scowled and turned away, unable to deny the brunet's words.  He'd been fighting a relationship with Seto for weeks, despite how much he enjoyed the other teen's affection and this would have given him the perfect out.  'What the hell is wrong with me?!  I'm no coward!  So why have I been running from what I want!'  Coming to a decision, the blond carefully made his way over to Seto, moving very slowly so as not to aggravate his already aching back, and settled himself at the brunet's side.  "So what was last night about?"

Unable to believe what was happening, Seto stared wide-eyed at the his mate.  Was he really..?

Jou nudged his shoulder with his own, "Well?"

"It's tradition for werewolves to claim their mates on the night of a full moon."


Seto nodded, "Yes mates.  Last night, I claimed you as my mate and marked you as off limits to all other werewolves and other supernaturals."

Jounouchi's hand flew to the now-healed bite mark on his neck.  "This-?!"

Seto brushed his fingers across the scar, a faint smile on his face.  "Yes.  It also means that you will transform into a werewolf on the next full moon."


Any further discussion between them was cut off by the arrival of two hyperactive wolf pups.  Barking and yipping joyfully, the two boys pounced on Jonouchi and Seto, shifting back into their human forms as they knocked the older boys flat on their backs.

"Ni-sama!  Jonouchi-ni!"

"Oniisan!  Jonouchi-nisan!"

Unable to help himself, Jonouchi yelped in pain as the force of the enthusiastic boys landing jolted his back painfully.

"Are you all right Jonouchi-ni?" Mokuba asked, scrambling off the blond, worried he had hurt his new big brother.

"Yeah, kid.  I'm just really sore," the blond explained, not wanting to say exactly how he got that sore.

Noah snickered knowingly, "Gee I wonder how that happened?'

Both Seto and Katsuya stared at the teal-haired boy in shock.   "You're not supposed to know about those kind of things!"

"Yeah, you're way too young to know stuff like that!"

Both boys rolled their eyes.  "Please, we are in middle school you know."

"Yeah, lots of kids our age already know about sex."

"...and when we learned you liked Jonouchi-ni and wanted him as your mate..."

"...we decided to do some research and find out what you needed to do, in case you needed our help!"

Mokuba giggled at his older brothers who were still staring open-mouthed at him and his littermate, they were both so funny! 
"Shouldn't you be heading out to catch breakfast Ni-sama?" he reminded Seto.

Shaking his head and blinking rapidly, Seto recovered from his shock and headed for the entrance to the cave's tunnel.  "I'll be back shortly.  You two stay here with Katsuya," he ordered, shifting into full wolf form and leaving them alone.

"Breakfast?" Jonouchi asked, his stomach growling at the thought of food.

"It's tradition that when a werewolf claims a mate, he or she hunts for breakfast for their new mate." Mokuba explained

"It's to show that he's capable of providing for you," Noah continued.

Noticing the mildly perturbed expression on the blond's face and knowing how independent Jou was, Mokuba elaborated.  "You'll get to hunt for breakfast next month after your first transformation."

Noah nodded in agreement.  "Yeah.  You have to prove you can provide for your mate too."

Pride mollified, the blond relaxed a bit before realizing he had a lot of questions to ask.  "So... how long have you guys been werewolves?"



April 20, 2012
-Edited: May 26, 2013
