Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Ocean Love ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: My Ocean Love

Author: Yamiyugikun

Disclaimer: I don't own those chars.

Rating: R for mild lemon

Pairing: Mako x Joey

Setting: In Domino city, right after the duel between

Mako and Joey in the Battle City Tournament.

Chapter 1,

* * * Mako's POV

After fighting an honorable duel with Joey at the Domino City Aquarium, I decided to visit the beach, below the cliffs in one of the most beautiful, secluded areas. In my bare feet, I made my way down the rocky cliff trail leading to the beach below. If I lost my footing it'd be a 100-foot drop unto the sharp rocks of the sea! And I'm not even wearing shoes. I fear nothing from the sea's harsh winds, to her rolling stormy waves!

I alighted on some sharp rocks below, crossing them to reach the sand. A normal person would have gashes, scrapes and bruises on the soles of their feet, but I'm no ordinary person, Mako Tsunami of sea! The silky white sand felt far more comfortable on my feet, caressing my callused soles as I walked.

I took a deep breath, inhaling in the freshness of the salty sea air. I lay down, sprawling out on the sand below me. The cry of seagulls carried by the wind, was music to my ocean ears, blending in with the crashing of the waves crashing up the rocky shores nearby. Whenever I heard this harmony melody of sounds, I felt at home, happy, like a child of the sea.

Amongst the beautiful melody, I heard another sound, the shuffling of feet in the sand. I opened my eyes to see the person I least expected here, Joey! He stood a few away from the darkened wet area of sand, where the tide ebbed and flowed, leaving behind a line of bubbly foam, by Joey's feet.

He closed his eyes, taking in the freshness of the salty sea air. The sea breeze pushed his bright golden bangs behind his ears, revealing his handsome face. The way the light of the setting sun hit his skin, cast highlights of rose and gold on his olive skinned face. The rose accented his cheeks, bringing out his high, lovely cheekbones. The gold light reflected, in his opened eyes, showed the depth, beauty and deepness of his chocolate pools. I melted into his pools. He turned to face me, smiling broadly, delighted to see me.

"Hey, Mako!" he called out, in his rich baritone voice barely audible, among the sound of crashing of the waves.

"Hey!" I called back, still sprawled out, relaxing on the sound.

He knelt by me, offering me a hand to help pull me up. I grinned, smiling playfully, as I took his hand in mind. With a strong heave, he pulled me up to a sitting position. He returned my smile, settling down on the silky sand beside me.

"What are ya doing here?" he asked, in his beautiful baritone voice.

"Oh, just resting," I replied, admiring his lovely features. "I feel my father's spirit when I'm here."

"Really?" he answered, fixated on the sparkle in my eyes. "Whenever I come here, I remember the days when Serenity and I played here as kids."

"Doesn't it make you happy?" I questioned, resting my head on his sloping shoulder.

"Yeah, it does," he said, leaning his head against mine.

I smiled, feeling the warmth of his fleshly cheek press on mine. "I feel happy too, when I'm here, Joey."

"I'm glad." He nodded, grinning sweetly at me. I loved the he smiled. During our duel, I was so focused on fighting; I wasn't able to appreciate his smile, until now.

* * * A few minutes later.

I heard Joey's stomach growl. "Ya know, I'm hungry," he grumbled.

"I'll catch us some dinner! Gather some driftwood for a fire, Joey." Saying that, I threw off my jean shorts, ran into the waves, and dived in.

//No briefs or boxers!// Joey gasped, wide eyed, catching my jean shorts. "Right, the driftwood!" He paced along the shore looking for dry driftwood, washed up by the waves.

By the time he gathered a few large pieces, I resurfaced with a large, shiny fish flipping in my mouth, feeling it whack my face as it wriggled. Joey dropped his driftwood, staring at me.

"Ya caught it with yer mouth, man!" exclaimed he, surprised.

I grinned sheepishly, taking the fish in my hands, as I walked up onto the beach. "Hold this for me." I tossed him the wriggling fish.

He caught it by the tail. "Slimy, and slippery!" he murmured, holding it away from himself, so it wouldn't smack him.

I chuckled lightheartedly, watching him hold the flopping fish. The fire, I forgot. I scooped out a depression in the sand, placing the driftwood inside. I gathered two dry sticks, rubbing them together to start a fire. I rubbed them, furiously! A spark, then some smoke. I place them under the driftwood, blowing gently to start the fire. Within a few minutes, a small fire started.

Joey tossed me the fish, which I impaled on a long pointy stick to roast over the fire.

"Gruesome man," remarked Joey, as he saw me impale the fish.

I laughed, amused by his reaction. "Ya never seen a live fish speared, eh?" teased I.

He shook his head, sitting down by the growing fire besides me.

"It'll be done soon, roasted by its own natural oil," I explained, turning the long stick that the fish was cooked on. Ten minutes later, a delicious aroma filled the air.

"Oh man, smells good!" Joey grinned at me, licking his lips, ready to eat it.

I pulled the fish out of the fire, breaking the long stick it was on, so we could eat it. Joey and I took turns nibbling on the tasty fish.

"I got a question," Joey mumbled, while chewing on the fish. "Ya don't wear boxers or briefs, so doesn't it hurt ya when you zip yer shorts up?"

I burst out laughing. "You do it umm, very carefully," I chuckled.

Joey cringed, while swallowing. "That thought makes my privates hurt!" he yelped.

I fell over, onto the sand laughing even harder.

He blushed, turning beet-red. His cheeks popped out like red apples. "And doesn't it bug ya, lying around naked!?" he stammered, turning even redder.

"Not at all! I feel free, the way nature made me," I replied, feeling the cool sea breeze caress my bare body. "Free your mind by taking your clothes off, Joey."

"WHA!?" he babbled, falling back on the sand.

I grinned at him. "I won't tell anyone, promise."

He nodded. "Awright." He stood up, taking his jacket off. Then, he turned towards the sea, leaving his back to face me. I saw the back of his arms start from his stomach, working their way up as he unbuttoned his shirt. He let it fall on the sand below him. Next, he kicked his pants and shoes off, wearing only his boxers. My heart thumbed, as he slipped his boxers off.

I'd never seen a more beautiful young man, undressed before me. The light of the setting sun, struck his entire body. It brought out the warm, golden undertones of his olive skin, making it glow luminously. The highlights hit the shiny areas of his body, bringing out his well-toned muscles. Chocolate shadows hid in the darkened areas of his body, in parts below his hair and arms. He turned around, revealing to me his full frontal beauty.

I stared in awe, bedazzled by his beauty. Enchanted by him, I studied every detail of his body. Every honey golden lock of hair framed his face perfectly, with not a lock out of place. His skin too, glowed beautifully, with not a mark, blemishes, scratch or scar on it. It was smooth and perfect, like the porcelain skin of a China dolls.

I on the other hand, was less than perfect. My skin had been tanned, scared, beaten and weathered from spending my days out at sea. I felt so flawed, awed by his beauty.

He smiled sweetly at me. "Ya know, the last time I stood bare at the beach, feelin' the cool breeze against my body, was many years ago."

"How old were you, Joey?" I asked, stunned by his loveliness.

"I was twelve, Serenity was ten. She used to swim out to the rocks off shore, and sitting atop the rocks, she sang. The seagulls gathered by her, and the fish swam in the water below, enchanted by her musical voice. She sounded like a mermaid, whose haunting melody, carried on the wind, soothed the hearts of all present," Joey said, closing his eyes, remembering the time she sang.

"Your voice, is musical like hers," I whispered, standing a hair's width in front of him. "Won't you swim to that rock and sing for me, like she did for you?" I pointed to a large rock, protruding out of the water, about ten feet from the shore.

Joey gulped, charming me with his laugh. "Me? Sing? Are ya kidding, Mako?"

I shook my head. "No, please, sing for me, Joey," I implored him.

He chuckled, lightly. "Well, okay. But don't laugh." He stepped into the water, feeling the cool waters lap against his feet. He waded in waist high water, than swam, paddling with his strong arms out to the rock offshore. He climbed atop it, silhouetted by the setting sun behind him. The waves suddenly calmed, dropping a few feet lower, to allow his sonorous voice to ring out.

He sang:

~I sing this song to you, My Ocean Love

Since the day I laid eyes on you, My Ocean Love, upon your ship, you seem distant

If only I were human, or you a mermaid like me, then I could love you, Ocean Love

And kiss you, My Ocean Love~

Enchanted by his mermaid voice, the seagulls settled on the rocks nearby to listen. The circled the rock he sat on, listening to his song. The ocean breeze, stirred by his magical singing, carried his haunting melody out to the wide sea. A few spouts of water rose up on the horizon, telling me the whales heard him sing. Even the sun froze, in his position behind him, not daring to move until he finished.

As his last note faded, the seagulls took flight, the fish swam off, the waves rose again, and the sun started to sink.

* * * After Joey comes to shore.

"Mako? Mako?" Joey waved his hands in front of my face.

"Oh!" I snapped out of my daydream, surprised. The sunk sank halfway below the horizon. "I was so awestruck by your singing, Joey."

He chuckled, softly. "Really, Mako, I was just okay," he insisted. "Mako? Mako?"

As I gazed into his rich chocolate pools, soothed by the sound of his voice, I felt myself falling in love with him, My Ocean Love. "Joey."

Joey paused, gazing back into my sea blue eyes, drifting into my deep pools. "Mako."

I held the back of his neck with my left hand. With my right hand, I placed it on his lower back, pulling him closer. He came so close I felt his sweet breath hit my lips. I leaned forward, capturing him in a deep, loving kiss.

He wrapped his arms around my neck, wishing more than anything, not to break the kiss.

I held him tightly too, wishing this kiss would last forever. Eventually, we broke it, needing to breath again.

He smiled at me. "I want this moment to last forever."

"Me too." I felt the same way, from the bottom of my heart.