Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Ocean Love ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2,

A/N: Thank you everyone, for your feedback and reviews! ^_^ Please let me know what you think of Chapter 2, arigato, minna-san(everyone).

* * *Mako's POV

That night, after the sun set it broke my heart when Joey left. I returned, feeling glum, to my houseboat in Domino Harbor. In my quarters I fell in my bed, rocked of the waves, as I thought about Joey.

His eyes. I'd never gazed into such deep, beautiful eyes. In my mind I still see gold light reflected in his pools, dancing about playfully. That light revealed to me such depth, in his chocolate orbs, I melted into them.

The way he smiled charmed me. His smile was genuine and pleasant, full of love. I've never met anyone with such a wonderful smile, such as his.

His voice delighted me, too. I can still hear musical, baritone voice, ringing out, carried by the wind into my ears, to stir my beating heart.

Then, I remembered his body. It glowed in the sunlight, flawless and perfect. When he faced me, showing me his full frontal beauty, my heart really beat. I blinked several times, seeing his image only grow lovelier, each time I blinked. I called out his name, uttering it, yearning, only to be with him. "Joey!"

* * * Joey's POV

When I gazed into his sea blue orbs, I felt something I never felt before, a stirring in my heart, a feeling I never felt before. It lingered in my heart, growing stronger since I left him, making me want to be with him more. As my heart continued beating, laden with this feeling, I fell asleep.

In my sleep, I called out his name, uttering it, longing only to be with him. "Mako!"

"Joey," echoed a resonant, musical voice in my dream, returning my call.

I my dream, I opened eyes, seeing *him*.

"The feeling in your heart is love, Joey, you've fallen deeply in love with me, as I have with you," whispered his affectionate voice, calming the feeling in my heart.

I chuckled, lightheartedly, embracing him tenderly. "Love? This is what love feels like?"

He grinned playfully, exciting me with his wonderful smile. My heart thumped, beating to the return of that stirring feeling again.

"Before we kissed, there was something I wanted to tell you before," he said warmly, with sweet ardor in his eyes. A twinkle danced in his eyes, making that ardor even sweeter. "Joey, I love you, from the bottom of my heart."

"Mako," I whispered, hearing myself say his name breathlessly. "I---"

He cut off my words, silencing my lips with a deep, heartfelt kiss.

"This kiss can last forever, as long as we're dreaming, because in dreams, we don't need to breath," he said lovingly, in his thoughts.

Ah, it was just what I desired! It was long, deep, beautiful kiss capturing each other's hearts with love. I sang to him in my thoughts, returning my love:

~Oh my love, my Ocean Love,

I love you so much~

"Oh Mako, I love you so much! Don't ever stop loving me!" I cried out to him in my sleep.

"Joey, you know I love you deeply and I'll never stop lovingly you, for we've loved each other from the beginningless past to the endless future." He whispered gently to me in his thoughts, without breaking our kiss for a single moment.

Beginningless past to the endless future? What did that mean?

"Your heart understands what I'm saying, but to your mind, it doesn't make sense. When your heart opens up to your mind, you'll understand, Joey," he said tenderly, embracing me in his love. "I must go now, Joey, goodnight."

"Goodnight. When will I see you next?" I asked in my thoughts.

"Morning, at your house, I'll be there," he promised, seeming a bit forlorn in his thoughts, as he left my dream.

* * * Middle of night, Joey's POV

I woke up after my dream ended in the middle of the night. Why did he seem so melancholy? Was he going to leave me like a petal cupped in my hands, stolen, lifted by the wind? I wouldn't let the wind take him, my ocean love. He means everything to me!

My feelings of love for him, beating in my heart, spilled out filling my entire being with grief. "We just met! I know you're going to leave me, and that's why you seemed forlorn, Mako! I won't let the wind steal you from me, I'll follow you wherever you go, because, I love you, Mako." I burst out into tears, crying into my pillow. My eyes stung, and my sinuses grew stuffed. "Mako, Mako."

* * * Morning, Serenity's POV

A/N: Serenity calls Joey "Onii-chan" in the Japanese version of the show. It means "big brother" in a cute, way, used by kids.

Onii-chan sat silently across the breakfast table from me, staring into the empty space before him. In his chocolate pools, peering out from underneath his bangs of golden honey hair, I saw emptiness in his soul. He was so happy yesterday, elated, telling me he met the love of his life! His eyes twinkled! Now, they were empty like a night sky devoid of stars.

"He's leaving you, isn't he, Onii-chan?" I asked, worried sick about the dear brother I loved.

He closed his eyes, sighed deeply, and merely nodded solemnly.

"Oh, Onii-chan! I'm so sorry!" I cried, jumping out of my seat to hug him.

He wanted more than anything to cry in my arms; only he'd cried so much during the night, there were no more tears left to cry.

Ding dong! Rang the doorbell! I left Onii-chan, running to get it. I opened the door, Mako!

* * * Joey's POV

Author's Note: In Japanese, "Onii-san" means big brother, used by younger to older males. Serenity calls Mako that since he's close to her brother, but also calls him that as a sign of respect. Serenity calls Joey Onii-chan and Mako Onii-san. I thought it'd be cute to have Mako call Serenity, Miss Serenity^_^ Minna, means everyone, minna-san is politer.

Japanese lesson: Iku yo is the regular, gender-neutral form of saying let's go. Replacing yo with wayo sounds very cute, sweet and girly when a girl talks like that. So Serenity says, "Iku wayo!" "Un, Iku zo!" is the manly way of saying, yes, let's go! Adding zo sounds manly. The males in the Japanese Yugioh end their sentences with zo and ze, except Yugi (because he's politer) while females use wayo and wa.

I felt a stirring in my heart. It was him! I raced to the door, stopping behind my little sister to see him there. Before he said anything, I lashed out at him, out of anger and heartache burning in my being.

"Why are ya leaving me, Mako!?" I snapped, grabbing him by the hooked fish necklace he wore around his neck.

"You knew, Joey!" he sniffled, blinking his eyes fiercely to fight his tears. "After we left each other in our dream last night, my people contacted me in another dream saying I must return. That's why I must go, now."

"What about US!? OUR LOVE!?" I hissed, shoving him up against the back of the closed door. My eyes narrowed. My chocolate pools burned with an inner rage I felt deep inside my soul. "Or are you just a bastard who goes around breaking people's hearts!?"

"I LOVE you, Joey!" he cried back again, now sobbing bitterly. "I want to BE with you, more than anything, but I can't! It's killing me like a knife in my heart."

"It's killing me too! Why can't you stay!?" I wailed, burying in my head into his muscular chest, shedding more tears.

"There's a girl among my people who loves me. The village elder said in my dream she's sick, dying from a broken heart." He sighed heavily, wrapping his suntanned arms around my shoulders to pull me closer. "If I don't return immediately and fulfill her hearts wish, which is to marry her, she'll die from a broken heart."

"Leilani, I feel her broken heart, and your grief over this, Onii-san," said my sister in a hushed voice, clasping her hands in the prayer position, over her loving heart.

"How do you know her name, Miss Serenity?" gasped Mako, staring at my little sister in shock, over my shoulder.

"It feels I've known her, and you as well, Onii-san, from like we're one big family, right Onii-chan?" Serenity chimed to me sweetly, her musical, soprano voice, which calmed my troubled heart.

"Right, little sister," I replied, affectionately, wiping away a few tears, smiling widely at her. "Your magical voice soothes Onii-chan's heart." I let go of Mako, to cuddle her in a tender hug.

"Your magical voice has soothed Onii-san's heart as well, Miss Serenity," added Mako brightly, his face beaming with joy. "If you and Onii-chan came with me, Miss Serenity, perhaps your voice might sooth Leilani's heart as well. Then she'd understand I love her as a friend, and Joey is my true heart's love."

"We can COME!?" I exclaimed, flabbergasted, still cuddling my sister.

He nodded, grinning playfully at me again. That loving twinkle in his eyes, illuminating his beautiful sea spirit returned once again.

"Minna-san, iku wayo!" piped Serenity in her sweet, soprano voice again.

"Un, iku zo!" said Mako and I together, the two of us also ready to go.