Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Promise ❯ Childhood Saga: My promise to you ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

5 Childhood Saga: My promise to you.
There are some Japanese words in every chap.
The Japanese words which are mostly used in fics I WON'T name. If you don't know a translation, just look in earlier chaps to find their translation. With these words I mean hai, iie, gomen, yami, hikari, etc. etc.
For the people who don't know any difficult Japanese words, here's the translation of them who are gonna be seen in this chap;
Matte yo: Wait!
Doush'tano: What is the matter?
Sugoi: Whoa/cool/weird
Bakamono: Stupid thing.
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh. I don't own Ryou Bakura, and others.

“Ryou-chan, why are you eating so slowly? Aren't you hungry?” Daddy asked, while eating a piece of the steak on his plate.
I, on the other hand, stuffed 2 peas in my mouth in response -this is fun ... LAUGH MY LOYAL FANS, LAUGH! HAHAHA! I'm so funny sometimes!-. I turned my head a bit to the left -in a way mommy and daddy wouldn't think I was doing it- and saw Bakura sitting on the ground.
Since mommy AND daddy couldn't see him -We figured that out when daddy came into the living-room and didn't see Bakura standing with his whole body in front of the TV, staring in disbelieve to `Casper'- but COULD hear him -When he yelled `STUPID GHOST!' daddy wondered why I just insulted my favourite ghost- he just sat down on the ground, and when my parents didn't look, I gave him my fork, where some food was stuck on.
After 3 times doing this, I figured out Bakura liked the meat best. So every time I gave him my fork, a piece of my meat was stuck on it, instead of 3 peas or a salad-leaf.
# That's right, my locking-innocents-up-in-a-TV-friend. Meat is my best friend ... after you then! # And he snatched a handful peas from my plate. Too bad he never heard of table-manners, since he stuffed all food in his mouth with his bare hands. Hmmm.
Mommy's response was a smile, thinking I ate really fast. When I asked another portion, daddy looked up in surprise, but smiled and gave me another piece of meat, and some more peas.
# Iie! No more green alien-stuff! #I heard Bakura mentally mumble, after seeing a next pile of peas.
-Those things are called peas, Bakura- I mentally stated back. He snorted -mentally of course- and pulled at my jeans -which made my jeans all sticky and stuff, since his hands weren't clean anymore-, his way for asking another piece of meat.
I sighed -mommy gave me an odd look, but when I mumbled `I think I missed Shin chan', she nodded well-knowingly and ate further- and passed my fork to Bakura, who licked off his lips by seeing another piece of meat.
# I think I have a great taste of picking out friends! # He smiled mentally, and stuffed the meat in to his mouth.
I sighed once more, while mommy said `Shin Chan' hadn't started yet, cuz it wasn't 6 o'clock yet ... I, on the other hand, couldn't care the slightest thing for Shin chan, cuz after dinner Bakura promised me to learn me how to play -according to him- `a REAL duel, not the thing you learned from your presents-bringing-dad'.
# That's right, my very bestest best Cecilia-lover-friend. But before I'll teach you, can you pass me some more meat ... I'M STARVING DOWN HERE! # He yelled telepathically to me, and I asked my third portion, `til the surprise of my mommy, cuz I never wanted more than one portion per day and I would make a drama if I got more.
“Which cards do you have, my very bestest best pea-loving-friend?” Since Bakura was my friend, he made up the strangest nicknames for me. The strangest nickname he gave me, was `my very bestest best not-helping-friends-outta-snow-and-who-has-a-chush-on-a-locked-up-screaming -lady-who's-named- Cecilia -and-is-a-slut-cuz-she-did-it-with-the-brother-of-Claude-friend'.
# I asked you something ... go talk some other time to your stupid fans #
“At least I HAVE fans ... I can't say that for you! ... And my cards are here.” I gave my cards to Bakura, who examined them carefully.
Just to not make you wonder, when dinner ended, I ditched cleaning up the table, and ran to upstairs, while Bakura snatched the last part of meat. Since we both were sure now my parents couldn't see Bakura, he took the best outta his invisibility, and waved every time hatefully to daddy or mommy, already knowing they couldn't see him. Then he evilly laughed mentally, and waved some more.
As for now, I was sitting on my bed, leaning into a huge pillow, while Bakura sat on my carpet, playing with the carpet itself. He didn't see the need of having a pillow, cuz `I'm used to nothing', as he told me earlier.
# Like I thought before ... I suppose these cards don't have a soul? # He looked up from my cards to me, while I gave him an odd look.
“Cards don't live ... Except in the cartoon `Card captor Sakura'. Those cards come alive, but that's cuz some magic-thingy.” I nodded well-knowingly, imitating my mommy perfectly when I sighed cuz she thought I missed Shin chan.
# Then you missed a lot. The game's fun, but it would be even cooler if the cards had a soul and could come alive. In my time cards had souls ... too bad they also had personalities, which made them disobey if you couldn't control them. But almighty me could handle them all! #
I nodded again, only this time not well-knowingly, probably more confused.
“You mean you played with real monsters in your time?” I asked again, admiring his stories.
He sat up from the floor, and stated -while his words were obviously dripped in a bath full of pride-: “Of course I did! I was nearly the best duellist in my time, if not the best! Only that damn Pharaoh beat my ass once ... but that was long ago, and I learned from that duel. The next time I see that damn idiot, I WILL win!”
“Okay then ... but you said before you lived many years ago ... didn't the Pharaoh die in that time, since you were just locked inside the ring?”
He suddenly smiled widely, and cheered, while grinning like madly: “You're right! He's dead! WOOHOO, the bastard's dead! Dead, dead, dead! ... how many years did I spend in the ring anyway?”
“Dunno ... Perhaps daddy has some looks of what Egypt looked like in old times ... then you can say which picture fits best to how your land looked like before you got locked inside the ring!” I cheered, jumped up from the bed, and wanted to run downstairs to ask daddy a picture-book of Egypt, wasn't it for Bakura to stop me.
# Do that some other time, kid. As for now, I'll learn you how to duel for real! #
“Okay ... but then we'll ask about it daddy tomorrow ... or tonight.” I gave in. I walked back to my bed, sat down again, and looked to Bakura once more.
He was still holding my cards, and now I looked more carefully, the `Change of Hearts' was laying on top.
Suddenly he gave me the pile.
# Shuffle it ... and don't show me the pile #
I nodded, confused, and shuffled the cards through each other. Then I gave him the pile back. He also shuffled the cards, and put the pile between us.
# Pick up the first card #
“Why only one card? I thought you needed 5 cards in the beginning?” I asked, even more confused.
# This is a test. To see if you and I are ... well, if you and I are one, if you put it in that way #
“Now I totally don't understand it anymore. Can you please explain why `we are one'?”
# Shut up and grab the card, baka! # He snorted angrily and looked to the other side.
I nodded once more, slid off my bed, and grabbed the first card ... `Change of hearts'.
He turned around, and looked at the card I got.
# IIE! I KNEW this would happen ... I think I'll have to explain some things # He stated, and grabbed the card.
Then he put in between the other cards, shuffled the deck once more, grabbed also the uppermost card, and creepy enough he got also `Change of hearts'.
# This is one reason we are one. Don't think I just declared love to you, it's just that we are one, that means you and I belong to each other. You can't live without me, and I can't live without you. This also explains the fact I can read your thoughts, and you and I can hear each other thinking. And it explains also the fact you're the only one who can see me #
“Okay ...”
# You don't understand it, do you? Doesn't matter, as long as you remember that as long as you and I stay together, nothing can happen to us #
“Okay then ... does this mean we'll stay friends forever?”
# Hai, that's the simplest thing for us to do. But the relationship master-slave is also fine by me -I blushed, but Bakura remained talking-. But I said I'd teach you how to duel, so now we'll play #
If you would compare the explanation of my dad and Bakura, then you'd see a great difference. Daddy explained the things like I was still a toddler, and didn't know what a monster was, or a non-monster-card. Bakura instead, already knew I knew basic-rules. So he started explaining tactics which fit exactly in my style of playing.
# SO if you combine these cards, you can even beat a `Blue eyes white dragon', to name a powerful monster. And if you've already used that card, you can use the effect of this monster, and you'll win with no doubt! #
I nodded, and saved all information I received in my mind, hoping I would never forget these things.
# And don't forget, the `Change of hearts' is one of your best cards, so use it wisely! Although it looks weak, it can be very annoying for opponents # He grabbed my favourite card, and started explaining another tactic.
“Arigatou, friend.” I mumbled, while he explained the difference between to almost-the-same effects of 2 magic-cards.
I didn't know if he heard it, but seeing a tiny-whiny-minuscule-small smile, I think he did.
“Good night, my sweet boy.” Mommy whispered, and kissed my forehead. She stroked some hair away form my face, and smiled one more time to me.
“Kaa-san, can you tell me a story?” I asked softly.
“Iie, honey. Daddy waits for me downstairs. Tonight's movie almost begins, so Gomen nasai, sweetie. Sleep well, and have sweet dreams ... but seeing your new dream-catcher -she pointed at my Ring, hanging above my pillow on the wall- Tou-san gave you, I think you'll have no problems with that.” She kissed my forehead once more, stood up and walked to the exit.
“I'll close the door, then you won't hear us talking.” She whispered, and closed the door totally, while I grumbled cuz I didn't agree with it. I immediately grabbed the ring off my wall, and put it on. Bakura appeared in front of me again, and a second after that he duck under some blanket. He yawned a bit, and lay down. I, on the other hand, wasn't anything nearby tired.
# What's wrong, my sweetie-pea-friend? # I heard Bakura ask. He was currently sitting on the other side of my bed, while a blanket was wrapped around his body. Since mommy couldn't see him, it would be really strange if I asked for another bed in my room. So in the end Bakura decided he would sleep on the other side of my bed. And since I was too small, I didn't mind it.
“I ... don't like the dark.” I whispered softly, hugging my fluffy bunny. I ducked away some more into my blanket, only to feel my foot touch Bakura's legs.
# Keep your feet at your side, dirty baka! And if you don't like the dark, then make some magic-light with those magically look-a-like suns on the ceiling #
“Those things are called `lamps' Bakura.”
“RYOU-CHAN! GO TO SLEEP!” I heard mommy yell from downstairs. I ducked a bit deeper into my blanket, only to receive a hit from Bakura, cuz my feet touched his legs again.
# Make some light then, bakayarou! # He stated another time.
-I can't. Mommy would notice I have my lights on, and be pissed off and punish me-
# Then you have a problem # He snorted, lay down, and closed his eyes, wasn't it for my feet touch his legs for the third time today.
# Got lost, bakamono! You're acting like a little whore! # He snorted, but didn't move away from my legs. He was probably too lazy for moving away.
“Can I ask you something, Bakura?” I suddenly whispered to the other side of my bed, only to receive another snort.
# I thought you wanted to sleep? Or did the little baby change his stupid mind! #
“I not a baby!” I whispered back, while hoping mommy didn't hear me. When both my parents didn't yell I had to go to sleep, I sighed and smiled a bit to nothing specially.
# I thought you wanted to tell me something! So ... what is it! # I felt Bakura duck some deeper under the blanket I gave him. Immediately I got another kick, although this time it was his fault our legs almost touch.
“I know it sounds corny, but I wanna thank you.” I continued whispering.
# ... Thank me ... for helping you surpass the wimp-level or what! Why on earth would someone wanna thank the almighty tomb-robber! #
“For wanting to be my friend.”
# Getting soppy, aren't we! Please stop thanking me, cuz I HATE peeps who wanna thank me! Now sleep! # He kicked me once more, though I didn't do a thing, probably closed his eyes, cuz a second later I heard him snorted peacefully, which meant he was pretending to be a sleep.
“But Bakura ... You owe me something now! -I immediately felt Bakura tense ... wow, scary guy!- Since the only thing I ever wanted was a real friend, and you were the one who wanted to be it! So I guess I owe you something. But I don't know anything I can give you!” I whispered a bit sad, but I couldn't oversee Bakura huge grin while he was sitting up straight now.
# Peeps who owe me something, are great peeps! I think I can create a great friendship with you ... in return I only want all 7 millennium-items, ruler-ship as pharaoh, your never-ending loyalty as a personal servant, and off course the funky box downstairs for myself! #
“Emmm ... Bakura, as much as I like you, I'm just a child, and I can't give you these things ... I was more thinking of something I AM capable of to give you.”
# Like what ... a promise you give me these things one day! #
“A promise! That's something I can give you ... you can have my promise I ... emmm ... What on earth can I promise you!” While I was thinking of something, Bakura interrupted me harshly, by poking my legs and mentally speaking through my thinking.
# It was only a sick joke! Promises are easily broken! Unless you can prove I'm horrible wrong, you have to be my personal servant for the rest of your life, at least, from the moment I'll become pharaoh of the world! # Bakura snorted happily, and lay down again. I, on the other side, didn't mimic his moves, and stayed sitting up straight.
“Please Bakura, I think I can fulfil a promise to you! You can think of a possible one, because I have NO idea what to promise!” I poked his legs with my foot, only to receive a kick back.
# I don't want anything but the 7 items, ruler-ship all over the world, and perhaps world-domination can be fine by me. And don't look at me if I'm a total psycho, cuz that's probably what I AM! Now sleep, unless you wanna be punished by your blind mother! # He snorted, turned around, hugged some pillow of me, and tried to pretend to be a sleep again.
“But Bakura! This is really important for me! I think I couldn't probably live with the fact I-
# That's IT! Your life! # The evil glint in his eyes meant no good. Not only he interrupted my sentence, but also he was glaring evilly at me and ... what a second ... my life! WHAT DOES MY LIFE HAS TO DO WITH THIS?
# Everything, little Ryou! I think I know something you can give me ... but only if the time comes. You say friends do everything for each other ... then you can give your life for saving me if it comes to that point! # He snorted happily, while hopefully watching at me, probably hoping I would say `yes' ...
“I ... didn't mean ... my life ... I didn't ... I ... my life ... I-I-I didn't ...-
# Perhaps it'll easy your decision of I promise you the same! If your life is in danger, though I doubted a simple soul like you would ever end up fighting for his life, I'll give my life to save you! #
“In that case, I'll promise too if your life's in danger, I'll give my life to save yours ... but only -Bakura's happily face faded away as snow for the sun- if you promise me you'll never use this promise on purpose, like first robbing a museum, and then blame me! Because that won't be a promise then!”
# Okay then. So only with accidentally things you'll sacrifice your life for keeping mine! DEAL! #
“Okay. But don't forget my part of our promise! You'll save my life if I'm in danger too!”
# DEAL! Now sleep, little baka! #
“okay, Bakura. Sleep well, and have nice dreams!” I lay down, hugged a pillow -mimicking Bakura perfectly-, and closed my eyes ... for a small second.
-I can't sleep, Bakura-
# You survived 6 years without me, stupid Ryou. Why can't you survive this night also! # He snorted, but didn't open his eyes.
-Don't you know a bed-time-story?- I mentally mumbled, and pulled the pillow over my head, now completely disappearing for Bakura, IF he had his eyes open.
# Stories are for babies! ... But since you already don't like such a simple thing as dark, I don't think it's a good thing to tell you a story from me, cuz my stories are horrors #
-Perhaps that song you sang this afternoon? You promised me you would explain where that song came from-
# I never promised that ... I promised I would tell a few things another time, and the `another time' isn't here yet. And shut up about promises, I already made too much promises with you tonight #
-NO FAIR! ... can't you sing the song?- I pleaded mentally my eyes, not sure he would see it.
# ... Why not ... My mother sang it for me when I was still little and innocent ... geez, that was quite some time ago! # WOW! I never knew Bakura would actually give in!
I threw the pillow off my head, and lay down normally again. Then I fixed my eyes on my silver-haired friend and nodded to him as a cue to begin his song.
# Don't mention the thing I can't sing ... Else I'll dump you without any compassion! #
-Okay, Bakura ... I won't laugh-
Nemure yo, ii chibi hana! /Go to sleep, you little flower/
As the first words escaped his mouth -he sang it out loud .. I guess he couldn't care if mommy or daddy could hear him- I immediately sank into a dream-world, full of TVs, tree-houses, duel-cards and Bakura off course.
Niwa ya makiba ni /When all are sleeping-/
Tori mo hitsuji mo /Even the birds and the sheep/
Minna nemureba /In the gardens and in the fields/
I think that this was the first real night I felt ... completed. While I sank into a dream-full sleep, I didn't oversee a smile across Bakura's lips, and when he ended the song with a fading voice, he also fell into a sleep, although I didn't know if he dreamt.