Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Report on Vampires ❯ Research ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Vampires? I guess that's a neat topic. A little creepy, but cool. Yugi curiously looked around to see what the others have gotten.

"Hey awesome! I got dragons!"

"Ooh, unicorns! Unicorns are pretty!"

"What the hell? Fairies?! That's lame!"

"Sphinxes? Interesting…"

Ms. Hori smiled to herself as her class tried to see who got what. She knew this was a good idea. The teacher glanced at the clock and realized that it was almost time to go. "Since you all seem so interested in this month's project, I'm going to go easy on you. Your paper needs to be well written and I mean well. No sloppy writing that you wrote on the last day. It needs to be at least around two pages long, and it is due in two weeks."

The bell rang.

"Have a good weekend," Ms. Hori dismissed.

As Yugi walked out of the school's doors, he was lost in thought. Maybe I should start early so I don't have to do it later. Yeah, that's it. I mean it's only two pages long, thank god for that. But where should I start? Yugi paused on the sidewalk and crossed his arms. "Hmm…"

"Hey kid, you're in the way," a man said.

Yugi looked up. "Oh, sorry," He stepped aside and leaned against the wall surrounding the school. The library's always a good place to start. I know absolutely nothing about vampires and I'm sure that Grandpa wouldn't mind if I'm home a little late.

Yugi looked around. The sidewalk was empty. Everyone had gone. He sighed and started walking towards the library that was a few blocks away.


"You're doing a paper on vampires?" the librarian asked.

"Yes ma'am. Do you think you have any books on 'em?"

"Let's see," She typed something into the computer. "Yes, we have a book that's still in. Follow me." She got up from behind her desk. Yugi followed her until she stopped at a shelf. The librarian trailed her finger over a few bindings before she found what she was looking for. "Here it is." She took it out and handed it to Yugi. "Will this work for you?"

Yugi flipped through a few pages. He saw some images of vampires and interesting facts about their living style and such. "It's perfect. I'll take it."

After he checked out the book. Yugi immediately began reading the introduction in the vampire book while he walked home.

"There actually two kinds of vampires, sanguine and psi. A sanguine vampire is the kind that feeds by drinking blood, while the psi vampire feeds by taking psychic energy."

"Wow! I never knew that!" Yugi said out loud. Unfortunately since he wasn't paying attention, Yugi suddenly bumped into someone's back. "Oof!"

"Hey, who bumped me!" said a deep rough voice. The tall dark-haired man glared at the boy who was a bit frightened.

"I… I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," he pleaded.

"Well, I'm going to make sure you learn your lesson kid," He cracked his knuckles. Yugi tried backing away, but it was already too late. The man was very quick. He grabbed the teen by the collar of his shirt. Yugi took a look into the cold eyes, the eyes of a ruffian. The bully threw Yugi into an alley. Yugi crashed into some garbage cans. The man laughed with a harsh tone. "That'll teach ya not to mess with Naguru." He walked away.

Yugi moaned as he lied sprawled out among the trash. He hated when this happened. He always seems to run into the bullies or gangsters of the street. He tried moving his arm. Surprisingly the book was still clenched in his hand. He lifted his head and tried to get up. His backside was quite sore from hitting the trash cans.


When Yugi finally got to a point where he could sit up he noticed something sticking out of the vampire book. "What's this?" he plucked the piece of paper out of the book. It was a small newspaper clipping, supposedly months old. He read the title of the article. Yugi gasped at what he just found.