Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Report on Vampires ❯ Meetings ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

As Yugi walked down the street(careful not to bump into anyone), he read the small newspaper article in his hand.

Recent Vampire Sighting in Domino

A local man has claimed to have seen a vampire at Henna Cemetery outside of the city.

"He wasn't a scary lookin fella like you see in the movies. I couldn't get a good look at his face or anything. I just saw him sitting there on the tombstone feeding off a rat (Which made me sick by the way). Then he just ran off. I walked over to the tombstone and the rat he was feeding off of was dead as a doornail. It looked perfectly normal except that it had two fang markings on it. I have never seen him since then."

Authorities have looked into this and said it was just a prank pulled off by local kids. "Henna Cemetery is known to be a hangout for most gangs," an officer said. "The dead rats all over the place could have been killed by stray cats."

Is this real or just a prank? This has been one of first known reported sighting in Domino. You decide.

Wow. Yugi thought. I've never seen this before. But what if it was true? Could there be a vampire right here in Domino? He mentally slapped himself. Of course not, Yugi. It was just a silly prank. ..Or was it? Maybe I should go to Henna Cemetery and check it out for myself.

A cold raindrop splashed on his face.

Rain? I guess I didn't notice it was getting dark. I'd better hurry home. Yugi hurried home as fast as he could, since he was still sore from the run in with Naguru.

By the time he arrived at the front door of the Kame(Turtle) Game Shop, it was storming. The clouds roared and streaks of light were flashing across the sky.

Just in time. Yugi took the time to catch his breath. He then entered the game shop where his grandpa was waiting.

"Yugi, just where have you been? I was getting worried about you when the storm rolled in," asked a very concerned grandfather.

"I was at the library getting a book for my English project, see?" He held the book up.

"Oh, all right. Why is there a small scratch on your face?" He pointed out.

"This?" Yugi tried covering it with his hand. "I… Errr.. Tripped when I was… trying to get out of the rain." He laughed nervously.

"Oh," Grandpa didn't quite believe him. "Why don't you go upstairs and change while I get dinner ready? I don't want you catching a cold from running in that rain."

"Okay," Yugi hurried upstairs.

Sugoroku watched as his grandson went and sighed while wiping up the counter. I hope Yugi didn't run into one of those bullies again. If only he had a friend. Someone who would care for him.


Yugi sat at the dining table wearing a loose white shirt with blue pajama bottoms. He placed his chin in his hand and began stirring the rice and chicken around on his plate. On his mind were the plans he was making for the next day. I have to go to Henna Cemetery, but how? Grandpa would never let me stay out that late. I just want to find out if that vampire is real for some reason. He sighed and continued to stir more of the food around.

Sugoroku spotted what his grandson was doing. "Yugi, is something wrong? You've been quiet all night and you haven't touched your chicken. Is my cooking that bad?"

Yugi looked up and grinned, "No it's not that. I'm just thinking about my project that's all."

"You really shouldn't push yourself. I know your mother and I said to do well in school, but you don't have to think about it 24-7." He took a bite of his chicken. "What's your new project anyway?"

"I have to do a paper on vampires. That's why I went to the library. I want to finish it early."

"Vampires, that's… interesting. Like I said, don't push yourself, alright?"

"Mhmm," Yugi started to eat. "Grandpa, you were right. You're cooking is bad"


"I'm kidding… I'm kidding,"


The next morning Yugi woke up late. He had trouble sleeping, because he had no idea of how to get passed Grandpa and into Henna Cemetery. Yugi slowly walked down the stairs from his room rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes. He dragged himself to the kitchen to make a bowl of cereal. When Yugi placed his cereal on the table careful of not spilling it, he spotted a note from his grandpa.


I didn't want to wake you so I left a note. An old friend called late last night and it turns out that he will be needing my help on his new project. I'll probably be gone about two weeks since he lives far away and says this is a huge archeological project. I should arrive home the same time your mother gets back from visiting your sick aunt.

You don't need to open the shop. Business is slow and I want you to relax. I need to restock and do a little cleaning anyway. There's money in the register and in our secret cookie jar when you need it. Take care. Spare keys in the junk drawer.



Yugi felt sad and disappointed for a moment when he suddenly realized something. "I can go to Henna Cemetery! Tonight!" he exclaimed.

This is too perfect. He sat down on a chair and began eating his cornflakes But what am I going to do all day? Vampires come out at night. I guess I'll go relax and play video games. Grandpa was right. I have been pushing myself lately.


Yugi, who was wearing his usual school uniform, hopped off the bus and out into the cold night air. Chills ran down his neck and spine. It was completely dark with an exception of a streetlight or two and the moon. Yugi turned on his flashlight shining it on the main entrance gate. Along with his flashlight, Yugi decided to bring a few things: a small notebook and pencil, a flashlight, and the newspaper clipping he found. He felt his pocket just to make sure his things were still there.

I might as well do this. He began to proceed into the silent cemetery. All Yugi could see were tombstones, old trees, and cobwebs.

Veeery creepy. He heard footsteps along the grass.

"What was that?" he quickly turned around and saw by the moonlight that it was just a cat. "Phew… thought it was something else." He wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and continued on the worn-out trail he was following. Unknown to him was a pair of amethyst eyes curiously following his every move.

There were suddenly whispers coming out of the bushes. "Maybe it's the vampire," Yugi said to himself. He turned his flashlight off, tiptoed over and peeked through.

Unfortunately, it wasn't the vampire. It was even worse. Naguru and his gang were there planning who knows what.

Oh no. I better get outta here! Yugi started to back away quietly, but then he stepped and tripped on an old twig. Snap!

Naguru and his gang hushed. "Mairu, go check it out." The leader ordered. A skinny tall man headed toward where Yugi was. He reached with his hand into the shrubs.

Oh god! He's gonna get me! Yugi tried scrambling on all fours, but it was too late. The guy grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him out.

"Hey, it's the puny punk that ran into me yesterday," Naguru marched over and took Yugi into his own hands while the rest of his buddies watched. " Spying on us, eh? "

Yugi struggled against his grip, but it was no use. "N-no I wa-wasn't. I heard there was..." His notebook and pencil fell out of his pocket.

Mairu picked it up and examine it, flipping through the pages. "Hey! I bet he was taking notes on us boss! Probably rat us out!"

"You liar!" Naguru looked Yugi straight in the eye.

"No! I came here c-cause I thought there was a vampire here!" Yugi yelled still struggling against the firm grip.

"Oh. A vampire" The bully taunted. He turned to his gang. "Hey guys, this kid thinks there's a vampire around here."

The group burst into laughter.

"A vampire! What a chump!"

"What does he take us for?"

"This kid must be going nuts!"

"Yeah! What an excuse!"

Yugi looked down to see his feet inches off the ground. "B-but I thought…"

"You thought wrong punk. For that you're going to pay the price." Naguru readied his fist.

"Leave the him alone!" A man called.

"Huh?! Who the hell are you?" Naguru yelled at the man. His fist stopped in midair right next to Yugi's cheek