Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Report on Vampires ❯ The Appearance ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A man stepped out the tree's shadows. His black cape flapped against the cold breeze as his amethyst eyes gazed at the intruders. "I said leave him alone," he strongly stated.

"Hey! He just looks like the kid, boss!" Mairu pointed out. Naguru examined the stranger. He indeed looked like the punk he had in his clutches. Only there was a confident look to him and those eyes… Those eyes were piercing right threw him.

"Who the hell are you? His big brother coming to his rescue?" He said haughtily. "Gonna fight the big bad bully?" The gang snickered.

The stranger just stood there with his arms crossed against the smooth dark purple shirt he was wearing. "For your information, I just happen to be the vampire the he was talking about. Now, as I said before, let him go or else."

Yugi heard what was going on. A vampire that looks like him? He couldn't believe it. I have to see for myself, he thought. Yugi tried getting a glance of the mysterious man, but he still couldn't move. Naguru was just too strong and had him by the collar.

"Or else what? You're going to suck my blood?" Naguru's gang laughed at his joke. The leader then turned around with Yugi still in hand. "Get this asshole outta here." He ordered. All four members slowly approached the stranger with fists.

"Is that your choice then?" The man looked at each person approaching him. None were stopping. "So be it. You will regret this."

Mairu swung at him recklessly with his right. The vampire ducked below, and Mairu took a hard blow in the stomach. The tall man held his gut and stumbled to the ground. The vampire smirked at his victim. Another gang member crept up from behind and aimed for the back of his head. The swift vampire dodged, turned, and punched the guy's face making him fall flat to the ground…

Finally getting to see, Yugi eyes widened when he saw the vampire took out all four people. Dodging, jumping, and everything. It was just amazing. Right there in the flesh… The vampire.

Naguru, holding his arm around Yugi's neck, was watching as well. His buddies fell one by one by the stranger's hand. Sweat was covering his forehead. The vampire was now looking right at him. He gulped.

"For the last time, leave him alone," The vampire growled, a taking a step closer.

Unsure of what to do, Naguru came up with an idea. He grabbed a pocketknife out his back pocket and threateningly held it up against Yugi's neck. Yugi held his breath and hoped this wasn't the end. Looking at the vampire with his violet eyes, he pleaded for help.

"Take one step closer and he dies," Naguru threatened and pressed the blade firmly on Yugi's flesh. Yugi winced, feeling the cold metal against his skin.

The vampire stared into Yugi's eyes, trying to reassure the teen that everything will be all right. He then turned to the Naguru. "Look, just let him go and I won't hurt you."

Naguru looked uneasy. He wasn't the type to trust people too easily and then again… "Okay, I'll let him go, but before I do…" He quickly slit Yugi's throat and pushed the teen's small body at the vampire. Then ran for his life, carelessly leaving his knife behind.

"YOU BASTARD!!" The vampire caught and tightly held Yugi to his chest before he fell to the ground. Eyeing the knife the idiot left, he grabbed it and aimed for his back. With one smooth move of his arm, Naguru lied lifelessly on the cold dirt with a dagger sticking out of his back.

Yugi moaned at the pain he was feeling. It was terrible. All he could do was clutch onto the stranger's shirt that was now getting covered in blood. "I-it h-hurts," he whimpered hoarsely. Tears fell as his eyes fluttered shut.

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay," The vampire lifted Yugi's legs up and held his face tightly to his chest. Yugi moaned and held on as best as he could. "I'm just going to take you to my place where I can properly heal you," Yugi nodded. He didn't care where he was going. He just wanted the pain to stop.

The vampire quickly ran down the worn trail, the same one Yugi took into Henna Cemetery. In an instant he was out on the street speeding towards the city. No one noticed him or the boy he had in his arms for he was too quick to be seen by the human eye.


In a split second, he was in front of an old apartment building along the edge of the city. Instead of going into the front entrance, the vampire went straight into the alleyway on the side. He didn't want anyone to see him.

Focusing his eyes upon an open window on the fifth level, he leaped windowsill from windowsill until he reached his destination, knocking a potted plant or two along the way. He jumped through the dark curtains and looked about in the half-empty living room. The vampire was home again. He gently placed Yugi on a blanket and pillow spreaded out across the carpet floor.

Yugi slowly opened his eyes and looked straight up at the ceiling. Everything was hazy. He moaned at the sharp pain he was feeling. Blood can be felt trickling down his neck. The vampire knelt over Yugi's body was face-to-face. He wiped the blond bangs out of Yugi's face. "Everything is going to be alright," he whispered. "Just relax and I'll take care of everything."

"I-I can't," He was having trouble breathing. "I-It just… hurts,"

"Shhh, I said relax," The vampire stroked Yugi's cheek and stared right into his violet orbs, never blinking.

Yugi looked deep into the vamp's crimson eyes. He almost lost himself into those pools of amethyst. "Re-relax," he said in a dazed tone. Pain seemed nothing to Yugi now. All he wanted was to hear that soothing voice again. Yugi closed his eyes and drifted off to a deep sleep.

The vampire was pleased. His hypnotic powers worked. Slowly he lifted Yugi's chin to the side to inspect the cut on his neck. Thankfully it wasn't that deep, just long and thin. Hesitantly, he leaned in closer to the cut. He had to be careful. The uncommon smell of human blood was making his vampire instincts go crazy since he usually feeds off rat blood. Lavishly his tongue licked every drop of blood off the teen's neck. The bleeding stopped from the saliva.

Getting back up on his knees he savored the sweet taste. Realizing what he was doing, he shook his head. "No," he quietly scolded himself. "I won't take him. He's the only person that I have gotten this close to and I won't lose that." The vampire then placed his index finger on Yugi's skin. He ran it firmly along the wound and it began to heal. All you could see left of the cut was a very faint scar. The healing was a success.

The vampire then got off and sat against the wall closest to Yugi. He smiled at the small teen lying now peacefully on the floor. He closed his eyes for this had been a busy night.


A few minutes later the teen shivered. His small hands tried to find some sort of cover or blanket, but there wasn't any. Yugi got up and rubbed his eyes. The first thing that came to his mind was his confrontation with the bully and the vampire look-alike saving him. Oh, my neck! Yugi felt his neck to find that there wasn't anything there. That's weird. Where am I? He looked around.

The living room barely had anything in it. There was a small TV with a broken antenna, an old torn couch and chair, and a scratched up coffeetable. There was a very dreary look to it.

"I see that you're awake."

Yugi almost jumped out of his skin and turned around. He became speechless at what he saw up close. The vampire was sitting there inches away from him wearing black leather pants, a dark purple shirt, and a black cape draped over his shoulders. Yugi's heart skipped a beat at the sight.

"There's no need to be frightened."

"I'm not scared. You save my life." Yugi quickly said when he caught his voice back

"Hmm?" The vamp raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I mean I would probably be gone by now if you hadn't rescue me and…" Yugi eyes wandered as he again felt where his cut once was. "And healed me." He whispered. Yugi looked back at the man. "My name's Yugi, by the way."

"Mine's Yami," He scooted towards the boy's legs. "What were you doing at Henna Cemetery anyway? It's very dangerous place to be at night, especially for you."

Yugi sweated at the question and searched through his pockets. "I… I guess you can say, I was looking for you." A puzzled look was shown on Yami. " See, I'm doing a small report on vampires, and I found this in the book I checked out from the library." He handed over the newspaper clipping. "And I guess' curiosity got the best of me." He laughed nervously.

Yami took the wrinkled piece of paper and skimmed through the article. He looked back at Yugi with pleased eyes. "You know, you're the first person who has actually gone looking for me."

"I-I am?" Yugi felt heat creeping up to his collar. Yami gave the piece of paper back to him. Unknowingly to him, a faint tint of pink appeared on his cheeks when he touched the vampire's warm hands. Yami noticed this.

"You're kind of cute when you blush like that," Yami purred.

Oh my gosh! Yugi tried hiding his face. Why am I acting like this? I only met this guy!

Yami felt that it was time to change the subject. "So, I guess since you're here, you would like to ask me a few questions, then?"

Yugi snapped out of his panicked state. "Uh, yes. It would really help me on my report if it isn't a problem. Let me just…" He tried looking for his notebook, but remembered that he had lost it at the graveyard. "Darn it" Yugi said to himself.

"Is something wrong?" Yami crawled over to see if he could help. Seeing the young one frustrated made him concerned.

Yugi sighed. "I did have a notebook and pencil in my pocket, but now it's gone. You wouldn't happened to have a pencil and paper would you?" Yugi wasn't even sure if vampires even carried that sort of thing.

Meanwhile, the vampire was eyeing Yugi in interest. The boy intrigued him. Here was a person in his home who knew he was a vampire and yet wasn't frighten of him. Yugi even blushed when they touched hands. Could it be that they were meant for each other? He fell in love with him at the moment he saw Yugi walked into Henna Cemetery. It was as though fate has finally granted his wish. To finally be close with someone.

"Er, let me go check." Yami got up and went to the kitchen.

Yugi took a deep breath and placed his hand on his chest. He could feel his heart pounding so hard that it could probably be heard across the room. Why do I feel this way? Yugi asked himself. Was it because he saved me? Nobody has ever done that to me before. Or is it something else? But he looks like me! He's a vampire! His pondering was interrupted by a clock's chime. Ding-ding. Ding-ding.

"Um, what time is it?" Yugi asked. He couldn't see where the clock is and with the curtains closed, it was hard tell whether if it was still night.

Yami looked at the clock facing him from the dining room. "It's two o'clock. Why?"

Yugi was shocked. It felt like he was asleep for hours. "Two o'clock? I thought it would at least be six or seven." He got up and looked out the porch window. Sure enough, it was night.

Yugi felt a presence from behind and turned around. "I'm afraid I don't any paper or pens." There was a discourage tone in his voice.

"That's okay. Maybe we could do it some other time then?" Yugi looked back out the window. "By the way, where are we? I don't think I recognize this part of the city."

"We're just a few blocks away from Henna Cemetery." He slyly placed his hands on Yugi's shoulders.

Yugi shivered at the contact. Why was Yami touching him? It felt nice though, to have someone near him. "Gah, I my house is miles away from here and I forgot to bring extra money for the bus!" He smacked himself on the head.

"I could take you home."

"What do you mean?" Yugi questioned.

"I can carry you on my back. I am a vampire after all."


"Sure, it could even give you an idea on my abilities. Come on." Yami took Yugi's hand and led him out the door.


"Yami, are you sure about this?" The two boys were standing near the edge of the building's rooftop.

"Yes. You did see me defeat those gangsters, didn't you?"

"Yeah…" Yugi still wasn't sure of this. He looked down below and saw that they were about ten stories up. The butterflies in his stomach started to flutter.

"So which direction do you live in.?" Yugi turned his head left and right. A familiar building caught his eye.

Yugi pointed straight ahead. "Over there. Somewhere near that skyscraper with the big antenna.

Yami followed Yugi's finger. "That's easy. Here hop on my back." Yami kneeled down.

Yugi was nervous about this, but he knew he could trust Yami. He wrapped his arms around Yami's neck and firmly placed his legs around his body. Being this close, Yugi could smell the vampire scent. He couldn't quite describe it, but it smelled like the darkness. Like the time when you come out at a clear night and smell the fresh air, seeing the moon and stars above. It was comforting and Yugi held on close.

"Ready, Yugi?" Yami walked back three giant steps and firmly held Yugi.

"Yeah, I think so," He buried his face into Yami's hair. He didn't want to see what would happen.

"Okay, then. Just hold on tight. I'm going to leap for the building right in front of us." Yami started to run towards the edge. Yugi held on as tight as he could.

'I can't believe this is happening,' he said to himself.

Yami sprinted off the building and was soon in midair. Yugi peeked with one eye and saw all the tiny lights below from the cars and streetlights. He squeaked and turned away.

In the next second, Yami landed with ease on the rooftop. "You okay back there?" He asked. The shaken teen nodded.

"Y-yeah, just keep going."


Building after building, Yami leaped. From a tall skyscraper to a lowly mini-mart, they finally arrived at the game shop. Yugi hopped off and thanked him.

"Wow, that was so… amazing! It must be great being a vampire."

Yami looked sadden by the comment. Being a vampire was more like a curse. He was about to object, but a roar of thunder interrupted him and he decided it was best not to say. "I'd better get going." He turned around.

"Wait!" Yugi called. A few raindrops fell.

"Don't worry, I'll come back tomorrow to answer your questions."

"I know, but it's not that. I want you stay. You can catch a cold if it's starts to rain." Yami was surprised to hear this. He didn't know what to say. "Come on, Yami. My mom and grandpa aren't around and you're more than welcome to stay."

The vampire faced Yugi with a big smile. "All right. I'll stay. Only because you want me too."

Yugi unexpectedly gave him a hug. "Oh, thank you Yami!"


Yami stepped into the living room and sat himself on the couch and placed his feet on the table. "So you live above a game shop, huh?"

"Yep," Yugi sat plopped right next to him. He took his school jacket off and threw it to the other chair. The VCR clock caught his eye and blinked 2:16. Yugi's hand searched through cushions and emerged with a remote. "I know it's late, but since I don't have school tomorrow, you wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure." Yami answered. A movie sounded nice. He didn't watch tv too often.

Yugi turned the television on and surfed through the channels. He found a late-night movie playing and coincidentally it was about vampires. "Er, maybe not this one…" Yugi was about to change the channel when he felt someone's hand over his.

"No, it's fine. I'm curious to see what this world thinks of vampires."

Yugi looked taken by this. "Okay… if you really want to." He threw the remote on the table next to Yami's feet. He hugged his knees to himself as the horror flick played.


For about thirty-five minutes the movie played and ended. Yami thought to himself about at he just saw.

The movie had vicious vampires attacking every person they could get their claws and sucked their victim's blood to death. All of them were screaming for their life. Some even raped their victim.

"I would never do that to Yugi." He said to himself.

He looked at the snoozing boy leaning against his shoulder. Yugi fell asleep just as soon as they started watching. Yami smiled to himself. The boy did look purely innocent.

Carefully he placed his arm around Yugi and let the teen snuggle in his lap. Worried that Yugi will get the chills, Yami took his cape off and covered him the best he could. With a satisfied smile, he played with the soft golden bangs and caressed Yugi's cheek. The teen sighed against the touch.

After a minute or so of playing, Yami yawned and closed his eyes, thinking of what could happen tomorrow.