Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Report on Vampires ❯ The Story ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When breakfast was finished, Yugi suggested that they conduct the interview in the living room where it was more comfortable.

"Alright Yami, are you ready? He asked as he plopped on the couch. Yami took a seat next to him and nodded solemnly. "Okay then…" Yugi took his library book out and flipped through the first few pages. "I'm just going to ask you a few questions so this shouldn't take too long." Again Yami nodded.

"Let's see… are you a sanguine or physic vampire?"

"A wha-?" A puzzled look was shown.

"Are you a vampire who feeds off blood or energy?"

Yami didn't know how he could answered this. "I guess sanguine since I drink blood." He paused and quickly added. "Rat blood though. Not human blood. And I only do it when I have the urge."

"Urge?" Yugi began to scribble some notes.

"Yeah," Looking down, he twiddled his fingers. " Every week or so, I get these urges to drink blood and I have no choice but to kill a rat or two. After that I feel completely fine until it comes back again." He suddenly stopped and remembered that he was overdue his weekly feeding. That's why he was at the graveyard last night in the first place. It must have slipped his mind when he saw Yugi. He made a mental note to do it later when this was over.

"Okay..." Yugi turned to the next page in the book and scanned the page to see if there was anything good to ask. It felt kind of embarrassing asking a vampire whether he drank blood or not. "So... How about your powers? Do you any other abilities besides greater speed and strength?"

"Well.. Uh," It has been so long that he was a vampire, he wasn't quite sure that he could remember what was "human" anymore. "I know that I have better hearing and smell. I don't think my vision change though. I also found out that I have some healing powers that I can use to heal wounds faster." He did have hypnotic powers, but he decided it was best for Yugi not to know.

Yugi stopped and looked up when he "healing power." A real vampire rescued and healed him? This was too much. A tint of pink came to cheeks. "Thank you Yami, again."

"No, problem." Yami smiled and laid back. The interview was going better than he expected. "It was my pleasure." He licked his lips.


"I mean, it was an extreme measure. It had to be done." He quickly added. Why the heck did thatcome out of his mouth?

Yugi blinked and thought up a new question. "So what do you do everyday? Do have a job or any hobbies?"

Yami sighed. His life was like a bum's. "No, I usually don't do anything much. I do a few odd jobs once in a while to get money for some food and water." (Actually it was more like hypnotizing the cash register, but he wasn't going to say that.) "I sleep mostly in the daytime, but sometimes I go out for a walk. At night, I like to stroll around the city and watch what people do. It's a living I guess."

Yugi jotted some notes and flipped to the next chapter. That doesn't sound like fun. Maybe I should take him out to the arcade. I don't anything to do today.. he thought. Looking down back at his book, he saw what the next chapter was and his eyes went wide in horror. It said, "Ways to Kill a Vampire."

Yugi quickly shut the book and threw it over his shoulder . "Well, that's enough questions from there. How about more of the basic stuff like... how old are you?"

Yami did some mental calculations. "I'm around 600 years old."

Yugi gagged. "600? Are you sure? You look like you're my age! I know vampires can be that old , but...

"I was around your age Yugi when I was bitten by vampire." Yami calmly stated as he looked away. Maybe the interview was going to be as he expected.

"You were bitten? I thought you were just a regular vampire."

"I almost wish that I was born as a vampire than turned into one. All those painful memories ...." He whispered.

Yugi watched as Yami wiped a tear away. "I'm sorry, Yami. I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I didn't know..."

It's all right," Yami cut him off. "You have a report to do. Asking questions is what you do. Besides, I feel better that I'm talking to someone, especially you, Yugi."

"Yami..." Yugi whispered.

"Plus, you need to know how I became a vampire. That's almost an essential thing to being one,"

"I guess... but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I can always write something else," He scooted next to Yami and readied his pencil.

Yami took a deep breath as he began to tell his tale. "About 600 years ago, I lived in a small village. There were always rumors and superstitions about vampires and such being spread around that many people didn't take them too seriously, including my parents. Everything was fine until..."


"Mother! We're home!" shouted a Yami in peasant clothing. He stumbled through the door with an armful of chopped wood.

A lady ran up to him and caught him. "Yami! Be careful! You could hurt yourself rushing in like that!" She took half of the wood out of her son's hands.

"I'm sorry, Mother. I promise I won't do again." They both the piles wood next to the fireplace.

"That's quite all right, Yami." she smiled as she wiped the dirt off with her apron. "I just don't want you tripping and breaking your neck." She turned her head as if she was looking for something. "By the way where's your father? He went with you didn't he?"

"He still down at the village. Should I go get him?"

His mother went to the pot and stirred the contents within it. "Yes, please. Tell him that dinner is about ready I-" She turned and saw that there was nobody there.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yami..."


Yami sprinted down the worn dirt road with the wind in his hair. In his sights was a small village. He ran until he saw his father who was among a crowd gather I the village square.

"Father!" Yami waved.

"Shh, an outsider from the next village says he has some urgent new." His father whispered.

"About what?"

"I don't know. That is what I'm trying to find out. Listen."

In center of the crowd sat a hooded man on his horse. His clothes were torn and ripped and his eyes were weary. The poor horse had its head to the ground gasping for air. Both seemed like they were going to drop dead at any moment.

"He's coming..." the man hoarsed.

"Who's coming, old man?" A peasant yelled.

"H-he t-the vampire is coming," As he raised his head, his hood fell off. The crowd gasped in horror. The terrified man was deathly pale and had gashes all over his face. Some were still even bleeding. He continued, "He's heading this way right now to take your blood and kill you!" With one last breath he screamed, "My family is gone!" and he fell off his horse.

A man rushed over and put an ear to the stranger's chest. "He's dead," he confirmed.

The crowd murmured. What should they do? They're has always been rumors about vampire roaming the countryside, but this was the first attack. No one has even seen this before.

Yami glanced up to his father. "What should we do?"

"I don't know, my son. For all we know, he could have been insane and was attacked by bandits. But still..." He stared at the body lying on the ground. "This has been the first."

Yami nodded. Chills ran up his spine when he remember the stranger's cry for his family. I just hope that doesn't happen to me. All alone...

"Come, Yami. We better get home before your mother gets mad." Yami nodded and followed his father.


Yami sat at the dinner table quietly eating his dinner. He sipped his soup as he starred at the table.

"Yami, is something wrong?" His father asked.

Yami looked up from his soup. "I was thinking about the man in the village. Shouldn't we be doing something? You know, to at least be prepared if there was such an attack?"

"Attack?" His mother question. "What are you talking about? Was that why you two were late?"

"Yes, dear." Yami's father explained about the incident in the village. "But I seriously doubt that a vampire will come out here. It's too remote out here with the mountains and forests. And even something were to happen my son, I will kill this vampire with my own two hands before it gets to you and your mother."

Yami nodded as he went back to his soup. Ok... if you say so...


Later that night, Yami was sleeping soundlessly in his bed. The man on the horse and shocking news of a vampire on the loose made him awfully tired and worn out just thinking about it.


Yami lifted an eyelid open and grumbled in his sleep. Did he leave his window open again? Pushing the covers away, The sleepy boy grumbled as he got up and closed his shutters. There was suddenly a small sound of footsteps in the hallway. Yami froze. What was that? The vampire? He slowly turned around s if his legs were stuck to the floor and to his surprise a dark looming figure was standing over him.

"Why hello little boy. Don't be frightened."

Yami stumbled back against the window. When he finally caught his voice, he shouted. "Stay away from me you damn vampire!"

"My, my such a feisty little one. And a such a pretty face too." The figure slowly stepped forward.

"I said stay away from me!" Yami reached for the wooden chair beside him and threw it at the vampire.

With one swipe the chair was shattered to pieces. In the same minute, he grabbed Yami who barely made it by the door, by the wrist.

"You know, I'm usually gentle before I break my victims, but with you, I 'll make an exception."

"NO!!" Yami yelled, trying with all his might to get away.

The vampire pulled the boy's wrist near his mouth. He licked it as if it was time to feast. Yami felt weak in his knee's. It felt so disgusting. "Now don't worry; this won't hurt a bit." Yami cried out in pain when he felt two piercing fangs into his skin.

"Yami, no!!"

The vampire dropped the boy onto the floor and tried to shield his eyes from the bright light. Yami looked up and saw his father and mother standing in the doorway with pitchforks and torches.

"Go, Yami! Your mother and I will take care this monster. I guess this means I should have listened to you."

"But... father," Yami held his injured hand as he hurried out his room.

"No BUTS! I want you to live my son!" He slammed the door when Yami got out and held the door back. "I want you to live your life! I'm not going to let an old vampire ruin this for you!"

"Your father is right." Yami's mother hugged him tightly to her chest. "Just remember that we're a family and we'll always love you." She pulled back and looked into her son's eyes. "I'm just so sorry that this has to happen."

There was some banging on the door.

"The boy needs to go now!" His father shouted, struggling to keep the door shut. Screeches could be heard inside.

Yami's mother kissed him on the cheek. "Good luck my son. I wish you find another life and start anew. Now go."

Yami nodded, but soon as his mother finished saying good-bye, the vampire punched a hole through the door. He stuck his (1) head out and hissed. "There's my prey."

"Back I say , you demon!" Yami's father brandished his torch in front of the vampire while still trying to keep the door shut. "For the last time, GO YAMI!!"

Yami dashed at that instant even though he regretted it. His mother and father were the only family he had. Where will he go now?

As he made his way through the front door, he gasped in fright. Even though he was miles away, Yami could see that the village was in flames. How could this have happen? Yesterday everything was so peaceful, but the next it's... just madness.

"Get back you son of a bitch! Take that!"

Yami heard his father's cry and knew that he should start running.

And he did.


"Wow..." Yugi whispered. "That's just terrible. What happened next?"

"Well, I presumed after a while that it was safe to stop running and lived in few villages. I overheard that the vampire that destroyed my home was killed by a vampire slayer, but then, after a couple of months I experienced a few changes and before a I knew it... bam! I was a vampire!As civilization grew, I decide to stay off the streets out of sight and this is how I turned out for today."

Ding-ding. Ding-ding.

Yugi glanced at he clock and saw that it was already twelve. "Wow it's already lunchtime. You wanna stay and eat? I could make some sandwiches for the both of us."

Yami stood up and grabbed his cape. "Nah, I better get going. I'm done here right?" He starting making his way through the door.

"No wait! I uh..." Yugi ran and blocked Yami's exit. "I really make a good sandwich!"

Yami looked a bit surprised. "I guess I could stay for lunch. It' s not like I have anything else to do"

"Well... actually" Yugi shifted his feet around. "I was kind of hoping that you would stay, stay. After hearing your story, I kinda want you to stay with me and be a part.... of my family, I guess you would say,"

"Really, Yugi?" Tears began to form.

"Of course. Why not?"

"What about your grandpa? He'll just kick me out when he finds out that I'm a vampire."

Yugi looked deep into those handsome eyes. "Don't worry about my grandpa or my mom. I'll take care of it when the time comes. For now, let's get you settle into your new home."

Yami couldn't hold back. This was the best thing that could ever happen in... years. "Thank you, Yugi."

No Yami, thank you. Yugi smiled.


Authors Notes:

(1) If you want to know what the vampire looks like, think of the vampire card Kaiba summoned in his duel with Noa. If you don't know what that one looks like, use your imagination. ^^;

And no, this isn't the ending. There's much more to come. Yami will be turning out well... you've seen the signs.