Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ Birthday Present ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Here's the second chapter. Now I know the first chapter was not-so-goodin terms of lots of bloodshed and stuff, but it'll get better, I promise. On a lighter note, I just want to wish all my readers a Happy Holidays and a Merry (insert your holiday here)!
—Also, I don't know if they had birthday celebrations in ancient Egypt, so if they didn't, then let's just pretend that they did. If they really did, then yay me!
Chapter 2 - a Birthday Present
Anzu was already gone by the time Yugi awoke. The masters herded what was left of the slaves to the nearest town. There, they traded all but two of the girls for gold, food and water. Anzu and Shizuka were the last girls. Then a wealthy man came to the masters and offered lots of food and gold if the masters made Anzu and Shizuka perform for him.
Yugi looked away as Anzu and Shizuka were forced to strip for the man and dance around him very suggestively. The wealthy man even demanded that Anzu and Shizuka kiss and rub against each other. The slave boys looked away, but the masters watched with great interest. Yugi could feel the girls' shame as though it had a physical form.
They set up camp outside the little town and the girls did not eat. They didn't hate each other for what had happened, but Anzu couldn't stand looking at Shizuka for the rest of the night. Yugi let her have his blanket while he sat under the stars…under the suspicious eye of one of the masters.
Five days passed and two slave boys died from fatigue. Shizuka became ill and Anzu did her best to help. But Shizuka didn't improve and on the sixth day of travel, one of the masters found out about the girl's failing health. He dragged Shizuka off and by nightfall he returned alone.
Anzu wept with Yugi and other three boys. She had found out that the master had dragged Shizuka far away and killed her. He was heard saying that sick slave girls fetched absolutely no price and the other masters applauded him for what he'd done. One of the other boys stole a spare blanket and gave it to Anzu. She slept next to Yugi that night.
“My lord,” said the captain of the royal guard, “there is a band of slave traders who wish to sell some fine slaves to the palace.”
“How many?” asked the young Pharaoh seated atop his mighty throne on its luxurious dais.
“They want to sell all of them to you. Four boys and one girl, my lord.”
Hardly seems like enough, thought Atemu. “Are they all in good condition?”
“The girl had some fading bruises on her face and arms, but she looks healthy. One of the boys has some scars on his legs.” the captain reported.
If they all look healthy, then they can be put to work as servants, not slaves.” Atemu told him. “Purchase some and bring them into the palace. I'm sure you can find them suitable jobs, my captain.”
The captain bowed and left. An old man with a spiked, white beard and off-white robes with a lavender colored sash thrown around his shoulders approached the Pharaoh and asked, “My Pharaoh, why ever do you wish to bother with buying slaves when you have hundreds of servants?”
“I dislike the idea of slavery. We can always use extra help around the palace. Besides, if someone is going to work for me, they should be paid for it. After all, one does need to purchase things like clothing, food and water.”
The old man, Priest Shimon, nodded. “This is true, my lord.”
A tall young man with narrow, blue eyes entered the throne room dressed in some off-white trousers with a matching cape flowing behind him and a light blue shirt with a golden ankh embroidered on the front.
“My Pharaoh,” said the young man as he knelt before Atemu, “I am pleased to announce that plans for your birthday banquet are being tended to as we speak. I have even found the perfect birthday present for you. Knowing how restless you have been lately, I was delighted to purchase a personal servant for you.”
Atemu stared at the young man. “Priest Seto, I…uh, thank you. I feel…blessed.”
“Thank you, my Pharaoh.”
The palace of King Atemu loomed like a giant, stone monster of statues and tiny guards running across the structure like fire ants. While the masters argued with what appeared to be a superior guardsman, Yugi whispered to Anzu, “I suppose this will be our new home, huh?”
Anzu nodded. “I wonder what they'll make us do.”
“Probably drudge work.” muttered another boy with a zigzagging ponytail and fierce green eyes. “Hellfire, at least we'll have a roof over our head and food in our stomachs. It's gotta be better than traveling across the desert eating nothing but scrapes.”
“That's true, Otogi. I just hope we're treated better.” Anzu said.
“Don't count on it.” said a second boy whose name Yugi wasn't familiar with. “I hear the masters in the palace are just as cruel.”
“Shut your damn mouths!” shouted a master and slapped the boy across the face. “Now listen up. You three are going to the palace.” He pointed a dirty finger at Otogi and the two other boys. He yanked the ropes around their necks and handed the ropes to the guardsman who tugged Otogi and the two others away.
Yugi and Anzu looked at each other. Anzu mouth, `What about us?'
Yugi mouth back, `I don't know.'
“You two are coming with us.” the master growled angrily. “You're both worthless! The Pharaoh only wants good, clean slaves. You two are about as foul as horse shit!”
“You there! Slave trader!” said a regal voice. A young man a little older than Yugi and Anzu came forward. He was dressed in very nice clothing and carried a golden rod with a strange eye on the top.
“Ah!” the master immediately looked bright and cheery. It was his customer face. “Lord Priest, have you come to see my stock? Afraid all I have is these two. I just now sold three to the captain of the guards.”
“I see. Then let me inspect what you have.” the priest replied.
The master pushed Anzu forward and showed her to the priest. “This woman would make a fine playmate for any lucky man, my lord. See how finely curved and how perfect her breasts are.” To show this, he squeezed one of Anzu's boobs. She tensed and tightened her hands into fists.
The priest saw this and swatted the master's hand away. “She looks bruised. What have you been doing to this poor girl?”
“I have done nothing, sir.” the master glared at Yugi. “It must have been that boy! He must've raped my prized slave girl when I wasn't looking.”
Yugi's eyes widened in shock at what this man had accused him of. “I—” He immediately closed his mouth when another master smacked him upside the head.
The priest was taking all of this in. Clearly, he thought, these people are mistreated. Well slavery is harsh and so is life. “I will take both the girl and the boy. The girl, when properly groomed and fed, would make a fine court dancer. The boy…I think will do for the Pharaoh.”
The masters stared in astonishment at the priest. Yugi and Anzu shared an equally bewildered glance as the priest grabbed the rope around Yugi's neck. He looked at the nearest guard and said, “Take the girl to the dancers' wing.” The guard saluted and dragged Anzu by the elbow with him.
“Uh, my lord.” said one of the masters. “There is still the payment.”
“I was getting to that, fool!” the priest fished a bag of gold from his trousers and handed it to the masters. “Take your gold and leave this place. Don't bother coming back either.”
Yugi watched as the masters grinned and thanked the priest. One master called, “That there is Nkuku. Take good care of him!”
The priest led Yugi towards the palace, but the boy tried to pull back. “Sir, please! You can't let those men enslave more innocent people!”
“Be silent! You are now the personal slave of King Atemu. Whatever he commands, you gladly give! No protests and no refusals, understand?”
Yugi's face fell. “Yessir.” He followed the priest obediently inside the palace gates. The courtyard was decorated with brightly colored banners and strange plants of different colors.
“What are those plants with the colorful leaves?”
“Those are flowers, fool. Have you not seen a flower before?”
Yugi shook his head. “No sir. My family lived deep in the desert and the only plants were ever saw were dead and brown.” He wanted to stop and examine these flowers, but the priest hurried him along towards the palace.
The palace itself was a mountain of stones and bricks. Luxurious balconies stood out from the highest places and looked down upon the city and cliffs surrounding it. Such a beautiful place could only house a real king. Yugi suddenly felt small and unworthy to be the Pharaoh's personal servant.
“What will my duty to the Pharaoh be, sir?” Yugi asked.
“Call me `Master Seto' and your job will be to do whatever King Atemu commands. If he should tell you to fetch him some food, you will do so. If he tells you to make his bed, you shall do so. If he tells you to get his slippers, you will do so. Even if he tells you to bed with him, you shall do so.” the priest said firmly.
Yugi shivered at the last statement. Bed with the Pharaoh, he thought. No I would not fulfill that. I'm not that kind of person.
“My lord,” said Priest Shimon over the music of the celebration, “you don't seem to be enjoying yourself. You are now of seventeen years. You should praise the gods that you are alive and well.
“I do, Shimon. Every day I praise the gods for blessing me with such a beautiful kingdom and for the health and loyalty of so many.” Atemu replied.
“Perhaps you could ask the gods to bring you a wife. At some point, my Pharaoh, you will have to give Egypt an heir to the throne.” Priest Shimon said.
Atemu sighed heavily. He had heard this line before. Since he took the throne nearly a year ago, many of his advisors had pressured Atemu to take a wife or at least produce an heir of some sorts. “Shimon, as I have told you, I will wed and have many heirs for you to choose from in good time.”
“But my lord—”
In…good…time.” Atemu said, stressing each word and staring hard at his chief advisor.
Priest Shimon bowed his head and said no more on the topic. Although he would occasionally point out how lovely one dancer was or how another dancer glanced their way. Atemu pretended to be interested, but he wasn't amused. He needed something. Perhaps my birthday gifts will amuse me, he thought.
As if on cue, the gong ringer struck the gong hard and the echoing clank made the banquet guests jump and the party came to a halt. People cleared the way as Priest Seto walked towards the throne bearing someone behind him.
“Pharaoh Atemu, on this joyous day, I ask the gods to always smile down upon you and Egypt. I present a gift to your health and your just rule.” Priest Seto stood aside and Atemu saw a small boy with the same spiked red, black and blonde hair as he had. The boy was about a year younger than he was, but there was something about him that struck at the Pharaoh's heart.
His eyes were closed and a white veil was draped around his childish face. He was very skinny, having obviously not been well-fed. He wore a white vest that exposed a chest mingled with baby fat and still-growing muscles. He also wore off-white trousers that were rolled up at the bottom. The trousers must have been too long for him. Keeping his trousers up was a sash of yellow-orange and the same material was embroidered on his little shoes.
Yugi opened his eyes and blinked in wonder when he saw the Pharaoh. King Atemu was much more handsome than he had pictured. The young ruler had Yugi's spiked hair with a golden crown atop his forehead and golden ankh earrings hanging from his lobes. The beige, sleeveless top he wore displayed the contours his well-muscled chest and stomach perfectly. He also wore matching, loose trousers with black boots embroidered with gold and blue thread. Around his neck hung an upside down pyramid with that same eye that was on Master Seto's rod. On his wrists were golden bracelets and golden rings adorned his third and fourth fingers (the ring finger and the middle finger), though Yugi couldn't tell the exact design of the rings.
“Pharaoh Atemu, this is Nkuku. He is my gift to you. Nkuku will be your personal slave boy. He has orders to do whatever you wish him to.” Priest Seto said.
Yugi was too frightened to move. He stood there with his whole body trembling. What should I do? Should I speak? Maybe I'll just stand here and wait for the Pharaoh to speak to me. Wait, why would the Pharaoh say something to me?! Finally Master Seto put a hand on his shoulder gently, but firmly pushed his into a bowing position.
Atemu snapped out of the trance he'd gone into while staring into the boy's eyes. “Seto, what have you done? You know I disapprove of slavery.”
“Yessir but let me explain. It is this boy's honor to serve you, sire.”
“Still, I do not wish to keep slaves. If he'll serve me, then he'll be paid. I will not allow slavery in this palace.”
“Why don't you ban slavery from Egypt?!” Yugi shouted. “My whole village was destroyed and my friends were enslaved!” Tears sprang to his eyes. “How can you just sit there and celebrate when those bastards who kidnapped me and killed my parents still run loose!”
Pain shot through his head as Yugi collapsed to the ground from the blow Priest Seto had dealt him. “How dare you speak to the king that way?! Pharaoh Atemu cannot deal with every little matter that goes on. He is very busy!”
Priest Seto lifted a foot to kick Yugi, but Atemu shouted, “That's enough, Seto! If you strike him again, I'll strike you myself!”
The whole chamber was silent as Priest Seto lowered his foot and bowed low to the Pharaoh. “Forgive me, my lord Pharaoh.”
“You are forgiven. But since the boy is apparently now my property I take full responsibility for anything he says and does. So I apologize for his outburst.”
“Apologize…” Yugi grumbled under his breath. “Damn you…”
Atemu gestured to a couple guards. “Please take the boy to my chambers. I will put him to work once the banquet is finished.”
“I might run away.” Yugi whispered quietly as the guards came for him.
Priest Seto heard Yugi and glowered at him. “And go where, exactly? I know your face and your voice. Should you run away, I will personally hunt you down and drag you back here.”
Yugi said nothing, but only glared angrily at Priest Seto. He looked up at the Pharaoh who stared him right in the eyes. Yugi frowned hard at him and stuck his tongue out at the Egyptian king. A childish gesture, but it got the message through.
Atemu felt sorry for the boy and decided that as soon as the banquet was over, he could see one-on-one with this Nkuku. (A/N: Nkuku means “rooster”)
Hope everyone gets the presents they wanted and make sure Rudolph has plenty of batteries for his red nose. Y'know…in case it burns out. xD