Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ The Slave Boy Before ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

—Heh, glad thatYugi's slave name is amusing, because that's what I wanted. I personally think “Nkuku” is funny to pronounce. “N-coo-coo” is how I sayit. *laughs* Anyways, here's the newest chapter and I just had a brain fart, so my mind isn't working right at the moment.I had to make several revisions to this chapter before I could actually post it.
Chapter 4 -The Slave Boy Before
Yugi was half asleep throughout his slave duties. His sleepiness was either from boredom, the fact that he barely got any sleep last night, or both. All day he was kept in chains and sat beside the Pharaoh's throne. The only times he was released from his shackles was to run a quick errand for Atemu. When he sat next to the throne, his spiky hair came up to the throne's armrests. At one point, Yugi imagined Atemu stroking his hair. But it was only his imagination.
During midday meal, the Pharaoh ate with Yugi and Shimon in a private dining room. Atemu and Shimon ate at a long, elegant table with chairs. Yugi sat in a corner on a cushion, but a servant had given him the same food that the Pharaoh and his right-hand priest were eating. At least, he thought, I'm eating thisinstead of crumbs and scrapes.
Priest Seto entered the room and spotted Yugi immediately. The priest looked from him to the Pharaoh and said, “Lord Pharaoh, I see you haven't played with the toy I brought you.”
“What toy do you mean, Seto?” Atemu asked.
“Your slave boy, my lord. He hasn't made you happy?”
“He is not a toy, Seto. He has pleased me by doing what I've asked him and not running away. I think I'll keep him off his shackles more often.” Atemu replied. He wanted Yugi to hear that and the boy felt a bubble of cheer swell inside him.
“I meant has he pleased you sexually?” Priest Seto asked.
Yugi and Shimon both choked on their food and coughed harshly. Shimon was the first to recover and stood up angrily. “Seto, that is the most appalling thing I have ever heard you ask!”
Atemu made a disgusted face and glared hard at Seto. “I have not taken him to bed.”
“But that is exactly the reason I gave him to you. Besides, you do like boys, don't you, Pharaoh?”
The poor slave boy's eyes grew three times their original size. The Pharaoh preferred men as his sex partners. Now Yugi was extremely worried that Atemu might touch him while he slept. Perhaps, he thought, it would be a good idea to sleep with a blunt object nearby.
“Do not push me, Priest.” Atemu growled.
“Remember your place in this court, Seto.” Shimon warned. “What the Pharaoh does with his slave is no concern of yours.”
Priest Seto shrugged and looked at Yugi. He smirked and walked over, grabbing the boy by the chin and hauling him to his feet. “You'd like the Pharaoh to touch you, wouldn't you? It sounds good to hear that he'd bed with you, doesn't it? Answer me, Nkuku!”
“His name is Yugi. Get your hands off him!” Atemu snapped, standing up.
“No it doesn't.” Yugi whimpered. The priest's hand was around his throat now and closing in slightly, making it harder for Yugi to breathe.
“But I'm sure you'd like to bed down with the ruler of such a great kingdom. Especially after what he's done to the last slave boy.”
“Seto, that's enough! Guards!” Atemu bellowed. Several guards came forward and pointed their spears at Seto. The whole room breathed with silence. Atemu pushed passed the guards and smacked Seto's hand from Yugi's throat. He acted as a shield, standing between Yugi and Priest Seto.
“Guards, please help Seto find the door. Apparently, he's lost his way.” Atemu said in such a cold voice that all the guards flinched.
Priest Seto frowned a little. “I'll show myself out, my lord.”
After midday meal, Atemu asked that Yugi run a quick errand for him to ask about the entertainment for an ambassador that was coming in three days. Yugi beamed slightly because the entertainment was dancing girls. That meant Yugi would get to see Anzu.
“Yugi…” said Atemu before the slave boy left.
“Yes Pharaoh?”
“Do not let what Priest Seto said frighten you. I wouldn't violate you.”
Yugi gulped and nodded. He hurried off to the dancers' wing before the Pharaoh could say more. I wonder what he did to the last slave boy, Yugi thought as he wandered the corridors and hallway labyrinth of the palace. Maybe Pharaoh Atemu rapedthe slave boy. I mean, he's attracted to men. Whatever it was,Atemu looks pretty guilty about it.
Anzu was sitting in a clique of other slave girls. They were talking quietly and giggling about something someone said. Yugi stood nearby, waiting for them to say something. Suddenly, a burly woman with big arms and well-muscled legs stood in front of him. Her breasts—which could barely be contained in her tiny dress—were twice the size of Yugi's head.
“Young man, we are about to rehearse our number for the ambassador's arrival in three days. What do you want?” the woman asked. Her voice was so deep and stern that Yugi wondered if she was a man in another life.
“I, uh, was sent by Pharaoh Atemu. He wanted to know how the entertainment for the ambassador was going.”
“Then tell him that we're practicing and we shall be ready.”
“Can I see the dance to be sure?” Yugi asked.
“The rules are that no one is allowed to watch us practice except high-ranking officials. If the Pharaoh has his doubts, then he can come down here himself and watch us practice.” the woman snapped.
“Yugi!” Anzu stood up, but sat down again when the woman looked back at her.
“Anzu, is this your man?”
“Well…he's my friend, ma'am.” Anzu said. Her bruises were gone and she looked very pretty in the light blue robes she wore now.
Talk to him if you must, but we need to practice.” the woman said.
“Yes ma'am.” Anzu stood and walked over to Yugi. They sat down out of the way and Yugi told her about what it was like working as the Pharaoh's slave boy. He left out the part about nearly attacking the Pharaoh and Atemu possibly raping the last slave boy.
“I heard from Otogi too. He's learning a lot about fighting and weaponry from being a slave of the guards.” Anzu said. “And I'm a dancer, Yugi! I've never felt so free and happy. Dancing is so much fun.”
“I'm happy for you, Anzu. I'm happy for Otogi too. We were the lucky ones.”
Anzu put a hand on his shoulder. “I miss our friends and families too, Yugi. Last night I cried for them all. I prayed to the gods that they were all safe and happy in the afterlife.”
“They are. Jounouchi's spirit visited my dreams last night. He told me that the Underworld was like a paradise. And I saw my parents too! They were smiling and looked so happy.”
Anzu wiped a little tear from her cheek. “I'm glad they're all at peace now.”
“So am I.” He stood and said, “I have to get back. I can't wait to see you dance, Anzu.”
Anzu smiled, her cheeks turning hot. “We'll be ready, I promise.”
“You look like you've just been through a sandstorm.” Atemu said when Yugi had returned to their chambers.
“The dancers will be ready in time for the ambassador's arrival. But…there's this woman that startles me.”
“Startles you? How so?”
“She's huge! She must be at least ten feet tall with a chest you could practically make a balcony from!”
Atemu doubled over with laughter. “That was Tale. She is the dancing teacher. She used to take care of me when I was a child.”
Yugi just couldn't picture a giant like Tale caring for a small child. “You weren't scared of her?”
“At first, yes. But everyone else was afraid of her too. She was and still is the strongest woman in all of Egypt. No man would dare mess with her and that's why she made a decent bodyguard for me too.”
“Why isn't she continuing to be your bodyguard?”
The Pharaoh's face fell and he looked away. “I can't say. But she hates me now.”
“Why? What did you do?” Yugi asked.
Suddenly a knock on the door startled both of them. Atemu called for the person to enter. It was Shimon who bowed slightly and asked, “Pharaoh, I was wondering if I could borrow your slave boy for just a minute. I have something I need to bring to Isis, but it's a bit heavy and my old muscles aren't what they used to be.”
Atemu looked at Yugi. “Go and help Shimon and then come back here.”
“Yes Pharaoh.” Yugi said and followed Shimon out of the Pharaoh's chambers.
“Thank you, young Nkuku. Or…oh, Yugi was it?”
“Yes…Master Shimon.” Yugi said, heaving the cloth covered crate up by its bottom. Lift with your knees, he thought. That's what Father always told me.
“Thank you so much for helping me. That dreadful thing is far too heavy for a man my age.” Priest Shimon said, waiting until Yugi had a good grip on the create before showing him the way. “Don't worry, it's not very far.”
Priest Shimon led the boy down an archway that opened out on one side to overlook part of the city. The sun was nearly set and the desert looked as though it was afire. Reds, deep oranges and fading yellows washed the city in flame colors. There wasn't much activity going on since everyone was hurrying towards preparing the evening meal. It was so peaceful here.
Yugi had no idea what was in this dreadful crate, but it must have been important. He followed Priest Shimon through an entryway which led into a small hallway and finally into a room with a large fire in the center. Curtains hung in front of a small room off to the left and a bed was hidden in the shadows of the curtains.
Standing in front of the fire was a tall woman in an off-white dress. Her hair was hidden by a matching cloth and gold designs circling her face. Around her neck was a beautiful necklace with the same strange eye that was on the Pharaoh's Puzzle. The necklace was going and the woman seemed to be in deep thought.
Priest Shimon gestured for Yugi to put the crate down. “Isis, I have something for you.”
The woman, Isis, turned to look at them and the necklace stopped glowing. “What is it, Master Shimon?”
Yugi pushed the crate farther into the room for the woman to see. She was a priestess under Pharaoh Atemu's command, just like Priest Shimon and Priest Seto. Isis asked Yugi to open the crate and he did. Inside were many scrolls, tapestries, exotic silks and cloths of a variety of colors. One particular scroll of papyrus sat open on the very top. Yugi picked it up and held it out to her.
Isis took the scroll and read it. Her lovely face changed from impassive to annoyance. “Oh dear…it's the young lord from Giza.”
Priest Shimon seemed to know what she was talking about, because he too looked annoyed and sighed heavily as though he had encountered a naughty child. “I am sorry Isis. I never should have brought it here.”
“It is not your fault, Master Shimon. This young man is going to great lengths to persuade me to marry him.”
“Mahaado will settle him for you, Isis. You needn't worry.”
“My lady…” said Yugi carefully.
Isis looked at him as if for the first time. “Yes?”
“I'm sorry that I helped carry this thing to you. If you don't want it—”
“I truly don't.” She rummaged through the crate and said, “Some of these fabrics you can have.” She took out some cloths of red, blue, gray, off-white, yellow, and purple. “I will send these to my seamstress. If you'd like, she will fit you with some proper clothing.”
Yugi's eyes widened. “Th-thank you, Priestess. You're very kind.”
“Isis, this is the Pharaoh's new slave boy.”
The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed. Isis regarded Yugi with pity in her eyes. “This is Seto's doing, is it?”
“Yes. Seto bought this boy from slave traders and presented him to the Pharaoh at his birthday party.” Priest Shimon replied.
“Seto's doing this just to torment our king. He wants to see if the Pharaoh will make the same mistake twice.”
“What mistake? You mean, what happened with the other slave boy?”
Isis blinked at him. “Have you been told of that already?”
“Well, Master Seto said that the Pharaoh did something to his last slave boy.” Yugi replied. “Then the Pharaoh told me later that he would never violate me. That has me asking if Atemu raped the slave boy before me.”
Isis looked at Priest Shimon. “You tell him. I have something I need to take care of.”
“Of course. Good evening, Isis.” Priest Shimon said and gestured for Yugi to follow him. “Come with me, boy. The story I'm about to tell you is one very much like yours.”
“Can I not hear it from the slave boy himself?”
“I'm afraid Malik does not wish to speak of what has passed.”
Yugi was even more nervous than before. “Before you tell me this story, should I be worried about staying with the Pharaoh?”
“I will tell my story, and then you decide for yourself if you really want to continue what you're doing now.” Priest Shimon led Yugi into a little room just down the hall from Isis.
This room reminded Yugi of the place where his mother sat to mend his clothing. Threads were kept in colored bunches in small, clay bowls and a wooden stool sat in the center of the room. Priest Shimon sat on the stool and gestured for Yugi to sit on the floor in front of him.
“You remind me of my father.” Yugi said, sitting where the old priest indicated.
“I shall take that as a compliment and thank you, young man.” Priest Shimon made himself comfortable and began to tell of Atemu's most recent slave boy, Malik.
—Oh my…I wonder what happened? Well, you'll find out in the next chapter, I promise. I'll post Chapter 5 for this story and Chapter 9 for Awakening.