Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave for All Time ❯ Malik ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

—Sorry it's been awhile. The college work really piles up, plus working on the weekends and I'm searching for a new college to transfer to this fall. But I have not given up on Mediaminer! I love this site and all my readers. I will try my hardest and I appreciate everybody's patience with me.
Chapter 5 - Malik
(This chapter is told through Shimon's POV, since he's the one telling Yuugi.)
Today was another glorious day in Egypt. As usual, I stayed by the Pharaoh's side and advised him on what documents and such needed his immediate attention. Pharaoh Atemu had always seemed so unhappy to me. Akunadin, Seto, and Karim talk of a bride for the Pharaoh, but I know better. I've seen the look our great leader gives young men swimming naked in the Nile. He prefers men instead of women.
Seto is right, though. In order to produce an heir to the throne, the Pharaoh will have to wed a female. There are many wealthy Egyptians who would practically throw their daughters at the Pharaoh, saying, “She's single, she's yours, good luck to you both.”
“Shimon.” said the Pharaoh to me.
I looked over at him and said, “Yes Pharaoh?”
“I could use some company.”
“Company, my lord?”
“I need someone to run little tasks for me. Fetching my daily meals and running other small errands for me.”
“We can have a kitchen boy do that, sir. Or one of the servants.”
“I need a servant all my own, Shimon.”
“A slave, you mean?”
The Pharaoh regarded me with displeasure in his eyes and a scowl on his lips. “You know I disapprove of such a thing.”
“Tale has a son about your age, my lord. Shall I see if we can employ him?”
“I didn't know Tale had any children. Yes. Tell her that we will pay him well for his services.”
Tale came by with her son, Malik. Malik had the face of one you could trust instantly, so innocent and smiling. Like his mother, Malik had lavender eyes and pale yellow hair. Unlike Tale, who was always had a formidable air about her, Malik was thin and lean with a quiet voice and a shy aura. I liked him right away. He spoke politely and honestly. Tale had raised the boy well.
From what I could tell, the Pharaoh was quite taken with Malik. He had a strange gleam in his eye ever since he first saw him. After speaking with Malik, Pharaoh Atemu suggested they talk a walk around the courtyard.
“I'd like to speak with you, Malik, man-to-man, of course.”
Malik bowed his head. “Yes, my Pharaoh.”
I interrupted briefly, saying, “We will discuss your payment at a later time, Malik. All you need do is say when.”
“Yes, Master Shimon, sir.”
Tale tucked an arm around her son's shoulder and whispered something to him. Malik nodded at whatever she said and left with the Pharaoh. Tale and I followed and watched them walk across the courtyard from the overhanging balcony.
Malik and the Pharaoh walked together and appeared to becoming fast friends. Atemu occasionally laughed at something Malik said or make Malik laugh in return. It did my heart good to see the Pharaoh so happy. I thanked Tale for what she had done. Tale smiled, which was something she rarely did, and said to me, “Master Shimon, it is our duty to serve the Pharaoh. Atemu has grown into a marvelous ruler, just like his father.”
I nodded. “Yes. The gods have smiled down upon Pharaoh Atemu's rule. I pray they continue to bless Egypt.”
Tale looked down at Malik talking with the Pharaoh. “So do I, Shimon.”
Many days passed and Pharaoh Atemu seemed content with Malik as his personally servant. Malik was paid well for her services to the Pharaoh and often said to me how kind the Pharaoh was to him. I was glad to hear it and told Malik that if he ever had any problems with his job, he should come and tell me.
Malik smiled when I said this and replied, “Oh don't worry about me, Master Shimon. I'm perfectly happy with my job. My employer is ever-so kind to me and treats me almost as his equal instead of a servant. My pay is good and my meals are filling and my clothes are decent. Honestly, sir, I couldn't ask for a better life!”
I wish I had consulted Isis after that talk…or even before it! Gods, I could've prevented the events that followed. A few days after my talk with Malik, I began to see signs of discomfort in Malik. I also saw signs of the Pharaoh's affections towards the boy. Atemu would often caress Malik's arm or back and the boy would shiver and step out of his reach. He looked helpless and even frightened at times.
I would ask the Pharaoh if something was wrong with Malik, but he would shake his head and whisper, “Nothing, Shimon. He's just shy around me.”
Malik had never seemed shy around his majesty before. Why now? I did not dare say such a thing in front of my king, so I decided to take Malik aside and ask him how everything was going. I looked everywhere, but couldn't find him. I went out onto the balcony over the courtyard and my answer hit me straight in the face.
Down in the courtyard was the Pharaoh and Malik. But it was apparent that something was wrong. The Pharaoh had Malik wrapped in his arms and kissing the life out of the poor boy. Malik was struggling, but to no avail. Malik was finally able to pull away and took several steps away from the Pharaoh. I could hear them talking.
“Malik, where do you flee to? Come here, little one.” Atemu was saying. “I want to run my fingers through your hair. I want to touch you again.”
I wanted to stop this, but my feet were rooted to where I stood. Malik was shaking his head and looking at the ground. The Pharaoh held him close and put his hands inside Malik's shirt. I could just barely hear Malik whimper in displeasure. Atemu pressed the boy closer to him and Malik shrugged out of his grip.
Finally I uprooted my feet and came down into the courtyard. Malik saw me and ran to hide behind me. I was his shield. The Pharaoh only stared at me as though I'd done something I shouldn't have.
“My lord, is there some trouble?”
“No Shimon. Leave us.”
I wanted to go, but Malik gripped the sash I wear around my shoulders and a small, choked sob escaped his mouth. I turned to my king and lied through my teeth, “Beg your pardon, my lord, but I have some new clothes to give to Malik. Might I take him to get them?”
“You can bring them by my chambers. Malik and I will be there.”
I had a horrible feeling what he was implying and Malik did too, because his grip on my sash tightened. “Oh, but I promise we won't be long, my lord. I think it would be better to give Malik these fine clothes in person.”
“Very well.” the Pharaoh grumbled.
Wasting no time, I took Malik to this very room, Yugi, and I asked him what was wrong. Malik wiped his tears away with the back of his hand. He said nothing for a while and I repeated my question, without revealing that I had witnessed the scene in the courtyard.
“Malik, my boy, remember what I have said to you. If you have any problems with your job, you should tell me. I will make it right, I swear to the gods.”
Malik took several deep breaths and finally said, “Everything's fine, Master Shimon.”
I stared at him in disbelief. Perhaps my old ears were failing me. “I'm old, young man, repeat what you said…”
Malik looked at me, trying to put on a smile. “Everything is perfect, Master Shimon. I couldn't be…happier.” He nearly choked on happier. He wasn't happy. He was frightened and his smile was simply masking his true feelings. The Pharaoh was attracted to him, but Malik did not return Atemu's sexual desires.
I did not want to see such a good boy in such pain and fear. I took hold of his shoulder and looked him straight in the eye. “Malik, I promise that if this job becomes too unbearable, then I'll find you a new one. But you must trust me.”
Malik only nodded and stood. He left and I did not hear or see any complaints from him for a long time. It seemed that the incident in the courtyard was only a memory. Oh how I wish I had told Tale! How I wish I had come forward with this sooner! But, alas, I cannot change the past.
One evening, I had begun to forget the day I found Malik and Atemu in the courtyard. But that evening, I heard someone crying and strange grunting sounds coming from the corridor that housed the Pharaoh's chambers. Then a scream! Thinking my king was in danger, I sheathed the dagger I hide under my sash and hurried down the corridor. I prayed the assassin was someone I could handle. Akunadin was a more seasoned fighter than me.
I flung open my Pharaoh's chamber door and dropped my dagger at what I saw. The memory of the courtyard hit me like an arrow. My Pharaoh and Malik were on Atemu's bed, both completely unclothed. Malik was bruised and weeping and Atemu…w-was sheathed inside the poor boy. Atemu was sweating and panting and I could smell sexual fluids.
Malik struggled to get away and hurried over to me, grabbing my dagger and pointing it at the Pharaoh. His hand was shaking and he grabbed my arm in a death grip. Atemu only stared at us, mostly because he was regaining his breath.
“Keep him away from me!” Malik cried out. “Keep that bastard away from me! I'll kill you, Pharaoh, if you come any closer.”
Atemu looked hurt and did not move. Before either of us could react, Malik took my dagger and stabbed at his own arm, sobbing and crying out for his mother. Not wanting the boy to commit suicide, I immediately took the dagger from him.
“Give it back! Give it back!” Malik sobbed. “I don't want to live like this!” The scene became worse when Tale arrived, spear at the ready. She dropped it immediately when she saw her son on the floor, naked and bleeding from his arm.
Malik flung himself into his mother's arms and wept. “The Pharaoh raped me! I told him I didn't want to, but he made me. He hit me if I protested or cried for help! I want to die! I want Anubis to take me away to the next life! Oh, Mother! MOTHER!”
Tale held her son tightly and glared at the Pharaoh with such hatred that even I shivered in fear. She wrapped the cloak on her back around Malik. She left him briefly and walked to Atemu.
“And what have you to say to this?”
“I cannot say anything. When he began to stab himself…I wish I could take it back.” At this response, Tale dealt the Pharaoh a hard blow across the head. I started, but knew that if I moved, Tale would pounce at me like Sekhmet herself.
“I've been like a mother to you for sixteen years and THIS is how you repay me?! Violating my only son! If you weren't my great king, I'd kill you here and now!” Tale spat out the word great. To prove her point even more, she hit the Pharaoh again putting him into an unconscious sleep. (A/N: Yeah, Yugi was presented at Atemu's 17th birthday party.)
She turned to me, her kindly eyes afire with rage, hatred and hurt. “Consider this a sign of my resignation. I cannot bring myself to be in this perverted bastard's presence any longer. But don't consider this a sign of disloyal. I swore loyalty to Egypt and Pharaoh Akunumkanon, not his son.”
“Yes, my lady. Should I help y—”
“Don't bother. This is between Malik and his mother now.” Tale said acidly. With that, she cradled Malik tenderly in her arms and left. She never spoke to me again…
—Sekhmet is the Egyptian lioness goddess. She's the angry form of Hathor, the Egyptian goddess of love, dance, pregnancy, and sex. Sekhmet is extremely violent and is also sometimes called the Eye of Ra. Nobody correct me either, I know I'm right about this. I read a bunch of mythology books for fun.
Anyways, heh, thanks to bunny453 for giving me reminders about this fanfic. Thank you Bunny! Odds are I would've almost completely forgotten about it. But I found time to update at 1 in the morning, so yay!
And, how about this…I'll update every Friday, okay? So that gives me a whole week to type up a new chapter…plus it'll be less stressful for me. So…let's see…next Friday is April 21. Expect an update on this fanfic on April 21, everybody! See ya!