Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave Mongrel ❯ Chappie 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Move the hell over!" Malik bumped Marik aside so he could dry his hands. Marik growled and bumped Malik out of the way. Malik got fed up with it and Jumped on Mariks back, so they were both grinning like idiots as they helped each other dry their hands, ignoring the strange stares they got. Finally their hands were dry and Malik jumped off Marik's back. "So where to now?"

"I dunno…" Marik responded as he held the door open for his other and they re-entered the mall. They were scoping out the local town, not that it had much to offer. Word from one of the Hunters stated that the Keeper was here to visit someone, and that just wasn't acceptable, he had Items they wanted (But with out Isis's Necklace they couldn't see into the future to where he would be at next, as they had forgotten to steal it.). The two had lost him Yesterday when they were arrested for truancy. That had turned out to be a big ordeal and Rashid had to come and save them from being enrolled in school, or worse yet, an orphanage or boys home or something.

They strolled around, looking at various shops, then Malik saw something that made his eyes light up, his hands clasp before him and squeal like a girl. Marik watched as his lighter, though still very much insane, half run over to the nearest leather shop. Marik rolled his eyes as his Hikari drooled over an outfit in the window. It was pretty tight, and imagining his Hikari dressed in that tight leather. Put a white shirt with the black vest that matched the pants.

Marik shrugged and went into the store, asking the lady behind the counter if he could have it. `Of course' she said he would have to pay for it, but with a little persuasion she bagged it for them and gave it to them for free, along with a few other things. The two left the leather shop and continued on their way. Why they were walking threw a mall to find the Keeper was beyond Marik, but it made his Hikari happy so he just dealt with it. The fact was he was anxious to find the Keeper and do some damage was his only irritation.

"Lets go get something to eat! I'm hungry!" Malik exclaimed as he headed for the main entrance. Marik shrugged and followed his happy hyper half. Malik was so happy, he got a few new outfits, some new jewelry for both him and his sister, and best of all Marik had agreed to come with him. Marik had even ridden on the motorcycle with him, which the darker half of his soul never did. Till today that was.


Joey was walking down the street, body Guards not far behind him, as he made way to the store. After the incident a few weeks ago Seto wouldn't let him go to the bathroom without the guards right by the door. It was so embarrassing. And at School, if he wasn't in a class with Seto or Duke, the guards were there. This had caused a great many rumors, but the other two didn't care. So neither did Joey. After all they were just rumors.

He was another few blocks from the store, the guards following a short distance behind him to give him his space. He was crossing the road after looking both ways when abruptly there was screaming and people dodging. Joey barely missed the motorcycle, or was that the motorcycle barely missed him. Because suddenly the bike went down with sparks flying everywhere as it slide to a stop. Joey, not one to be a by stander, rushed over as the figure was getting up off the ground. "Hey don't move, sit back down. Are you ok?"

"Oh I'm great!" The figure responded as he took off his helmet with a grin. Pale wild blond hair framed a beautiful tanned face set with dangerous looking violet eyes. The other cocked a grin as he continued. "That was my first time. Hey and thanks for the concern cutie."

"Marik, You dork!" Another bike pulled up with an almost exact twin on the Harley low rider. The other glared at Marik, who was the one who wrecked the bike. "I told you, to slow down you pull the break. Not turn the gas!" The new arrival glared then sniffled as he looked at the wrecked bike, while Joey just stood there confused. "Poor thing, barely off the show room floor and already it's going to the bike yard."

"Aww, I sorry's Malik. I was trying to avoid killing people this time." Marik grinned then introduced Joey who was just standing there a little confused. "But this nice cutie came rushing to make sure I was ok. Isn't he such a sweet darling! I'm so happy I didn't hit him!" Marik grinned in an unnerving way, and Joey just blushed as he introduced himself.

"Names Joey. I was worried he got some serious injuries going down like that." Joey responded noticing his guards not far off, like a foot or two. That gave him some relief these loons wouldn't be able to hurt him too much if they got violent. Joey turned to Marik who was staring dreamily at him. "Uhhh…. You sure you don't need to call a doctor or something?"

"Yeah I'm sure." Marik responded then he hugged Joey. "Well I Gotta go now, hopefully I'll see ya around." With that he jumped on the back of Malik's bike and they drove off, Marik leaning and catching his helmet as they went. Joey waved to them then looked at the guards and shrugged.

"Well that was definitely strange…." Joey shrugged as the guard fused over him a moment, chagrined that they had been caught so off guard. With that Joey continued on his way, his guards following a little closer behind him. Joey shook his head, he would definitely leave the whole hugging part out of his recount of the event when Seto or Duke asked him about it. He wondered briefly how such a reckless driver had gotten his license anyways. Shoving all that to the back of his mind he entered the store, he grabbed a cart and went shopping with his very own credit card. Of Course Seto, Not to be outdone, had gotten him a platinum card with a three thousand dollar spending limit. The temptation to buy things whether he needed them or not was so tempting at times.


"Wasn't he so cute though." Marik said as his lighter self sat down on the bench outside to await his food. Malik shrugged. //And what were you planning on doing, kidnapping him for us?\\ It was Marik's turn to shrug with a devious little grin added. "Maybe. Take him a few times, wipe out his memory and send him home."

//Maybe we will see around town this week or something and you can use your rod on him and get some sort of satisfaction.\\ Malik responded suggestively with a look, not deigning to talk aloud as the car hop brought his food to him. They sat in silence after that, Malik eating his food and Marik sipping on his shake, not that he needed to eat, he just liked the flavour.

A while later they were back on Malik's Bike, Marik had gone to his room to think. Suddenly knowledge hit him like a two ton heavy thing and he popped into Malik's mind. /I know that Blond now!\ Malik responded as he turned down a road, accustomed to dividing his attention between doing and talking to his other self. //Oh and who was he?\\

Marik kicked open his door and bounded around the hall way in his excitement. /Remember that blond kid that defeated Keith, got him kicked off Pegasus's island, then later got him arrested and in the hospital not that long ago after some one broke my control over him and let Yugi keep his puzzle?\\ Malik ignored the babbling and responded Blandly. //Vaguely, yeah. Why?\\ Turning another corner he only half listened to the response, already knowing what Marik was going to say. /That was so him. We have to get vengeance. He got one of our hunters arrested!\

"Just one thing my sadistic other half." Malik spoke aloud, not really caring if anyone heard him or not. "I doubt it was the blond who carved him up like a thanks giving turkey in a homeless shelter." Malik pulled into a parking spot in front of the bar he had pulled up to. It looked like it would be interesting, all it was was a door with a neon sign above the door.

/But he could tell us who it was.\ Marik suggested. He saw the bar through his other half's eyes, and the men standing out side the door were huge, hairy bikers. And they were leering at his lighter half. /May I suggest when we get in there you start licking your pennies. Blood Blood how I love red blood!\ Marik went back into his room singing about blood and contemplating how he was going to get the blond. Oh and the things he could do when he got that cutie all to himself. The things he could make him do. The possibilities were endless and he stroked his rod idly as he contemplated each idea that came to him. While Malik had man after man buy him drink after drink till he was thoroughly plastered and Marik was drunk too and singing Egyptian bar songs.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Duke sighed as he wiped sweat from his brow, not caring for the dirt he smeared on his face as he smiled up at the blue skies, relishing in the breeze that wafted through the trees. He looked at his carefully tended gardens, the roses were just starting to bloom, and the morning glory's were snaking up the back of the deck, along the lattice work with the vines of various varieties. His Lacquered Wine-Cups strikingly more blood red against the green backing of vines but beautiful still. He would have to watch those vines and make sure they didn't over run his Nashcourt that would hopefully bloom this year.

"Are we having fun playing in the dirt?" Kaiba asked as he jumped off the deck to land right in the flowerbed with a grin. Just as Duke opened his mouth to yell at the brunet he found himself lying flat on his back and his mouth rather very occupied by a ravaging tongue. This went on for a few moments till they both needed air. "So what are you planting?"

"Well before you stepped on my Muscari, I was planting some Angel Tears." Duke responded as he Pushed Kaiba off him and sat up. He frowned at the two foot prints that would have destroyed the flowers if they would have been off by even an inch. "Thankfully you were nice enough not to trounce them."

"Yes, I was being nice to the flowers, but am I not nicer to you?" Kaiba asked as he leaned Duke back to his chest, wrapping his arms around the raven haired beauty who was covered in dirt. Duke grunted at him in response.

"You're getting your suit dirty." Duke said as he leaned into the embrace. Kaiba just smirked and hugged him, the two of them having a rare tender moment. "You're not going to let me get under your skin today?"

"Not today." Kaiba rubbed his cheek against Duke's own. "I didn't have to see those corporate bastards all day. I got my work done before late and I got to come home early to you and Joey." Kaiba Paused and glanced around. "Where is he anyways?"

"He went to the store with two of your guards stalking him." Duke said, then continued as he planted another bulb in the ground. "He and I had a small argument over the fact he should have called the car to take him. To let me drive him." Duke pouted as he gently patted the dirt down. "He's only been gone about an hour though."

"Yeah! But I got back in one piece!" Joey smiled as he ran down the steps and jumped onto both his lovers, an arm around each of the others necks. He kissed both of them on the cheek, then pulled back making a face. "Ack! Dirt!" He glanced at Kaiba and Grinned. "You been playing too I see."

"No," Kaiba rubbed his cheek trying to get the dirt off. "Just loving on someone who still play's in the dirt." He glanced at Duke who smiled and winked.

"That's what you get for trampling my flowers." Duke responded as he dug another hole. Joey grinned and held out a box to him as he put another bulb in the ground. "Hmmm, what's that?"

"Wild flowers. It say's they attract butterfly's. I was thinking you might like them. It covers a lot of ground." He responded as Duke finished his planting and took the box to look at it. Kaiba rolled his eyes as he stood up and brushed him self off.

"I'll let you two play, I'm going to go read my news paper and relax." He brushed his hands off in Joey's hair receiving a few playful slaps and a glare. "Awww, my little puppy's going to need a bath now." Kaiba dodged as Joey made a swipe for him, laughing as he walked up onto the back porch to sit down and read his paper.

"I can see it now, when these bloom, and all those butterfly's come flying about, our little puppy will be chasing after them." Duke chuckled and hugged the blond who growled playfully at him. Kaiba chuckled as he heard that, the same thoughts entering his mind. Joey and Duke continued to talk, Joey relating his adventure as they worked on planting the new flowers and expanding the flowerbed. Well they worked up until Joey yelped and jumped five feet back from his original spot. "What is it?"

"A Snake!" Duke was already By his side, then looked over to the snake that scared the blond. Kaiba was already there with hoe ready to attack it. Duke stared at the little thing, not even a foot long and gray. Deadly. If you were a grass hopper.

"Oh my god Joey!" Duke faked fear and Kaiba had to keep from laughing as he relaxed. "It's a grass snake!" He chuckled as he picked up the snake that squirmed in his grasp. "You're not poisonous are you little guy?" It stuck it's tongue out a couple of times and Duke looked at the other two. "Want to pet my new friend?"

"I think not. It could be poisonous like you said." Kaiba pointed out as he looked at the thing in other's hand. "Why don't you just kill it?"

"Because when he becomes a full grown snake he will be better than a damn cat by eating mice and he'll leave my birds alone." Duke started walking off towards his little mini pond, he called over his shoulder as he went. "Besides, anything is poisonous if you let it bite you."

"Amusing. What if it had Bitten the mutt?" Kaiba asked as he threw down the garden equipment ignoring the glare he got from said blond. Duke tossed the snake into the bushes then walked back to them.

"Rush him to the emergency room and hope it wasn't poisonous." Duke smiled at Kaiba then added. "Well we can finish this tomorrow. For now lets go in and get cleaned up. Joey readily agreed and ran in the house, followed by Kaiba and Duke.


"I don't believe it!" The sandy haired Ancient said as he tried not to fall out of the tree he was sitting in. They had watched most of it, after finding a way onto the grounds. In fact they had a hard time not laughing Hysterically as the blond freaked out over such a small snake. Man if they had been back in Egypt the poor boy would have been dead. "He has two boyfriends already."

"Yeah, Rich ones anyways." Malik said as he looked around and not seeing anyone, pushed his other half into the mini pond. He grinned down at his darker half as Marik surfaced sputtering water and glaring. They heard a couple of shouts, looked at each other and ran for the wall that surrounded the back yard. Jumping over it, Malik landed no problem. It was Marik who landed on him that was the problem. They both got up and ran just in time to not get caught.


"So this is where you got the idea for `Mine'" Kaiba said as he looked at the story Ballroom was having to jump for, still not able to get the paper from the mean brunet Bishie.
"No this is where I got the Idea for Myne you dork. Give it back or else people will kill me for not posting!!" Ballroom sat on the ground and pouted up at the CEO who towers over her.
"Like hell. Bad Eno…." Kaiba Hit the floor, her paper landing in her lap as Kaiba landed in a heap. Yami Blitz standing behind Kaiba with a smug evil grin, and that two ton heavy thing that had hit Marik.
Ballroom Grabbed the paper and glomped her evil half who had to say it. "I write the next chapter!"
"Like hell! If I let you do that no would read or review this shit." Ballroom glared.
"They love me more." Yami Blitz responded.
"I thought they just liked the idea of Smut??" Jou asked then ran for his life and Yami Blitz tried to hit him over the head with that damn rubber frying pan.