Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave Mongrel ❯ Chap 2 Moon Light Nappings ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter two …. Whatever happens next {Cuz the authoress don't know! But wow, I posted something.}

`Fresh air.' Joey opened his eyes, it was stuffy in the room, but that wasn't what woke him up. `Open space and fresh air.' Joey looked over to his lovers, Duke's arm was wrapped about his waist while Kaiba's arm tried to hold them both. Beautiful in sleep as they let their guards down and their faces relax into angelic pictures of peace, something he could rarely accomplish in the night anymore. `The air is stagnant. Fresh air outside and freedom. Come outside and take a walk in the beautiful gardens. Clear you mind and renew your body…." Jou snuck out of his lovers embrace, slipping some boxers (Oh Seto's silk ones!) and Duke's red silk robe on, then quietly left the room. The voice he heard was to compelling to ignore. And fresh air did sound good, stretch and clear his mind of the fog of nightmares.

He sighed and made his way through the house, sneaking by the guards that where having coffee in the kitchen and playing poker in the dining room. He left out the back door, inhaling the crisp night air. It was cool and refreshing as peaceful winds blew. He glanced out at the garden they had tended only hours earlier, the moon light filtering through the trees and vines that created a utopia for reptiles and bugs alike.

`Come see the fish and the way they swim. So… So… fluid?' Jou was compelled to do as that voice asked and soon he found himself walking leisurely through the foliage. He approached the mini pond, as if in a daze. `Or a dream.' A figure rose from the ground, the moonlight streaming down making his hair glow as he idly twirled an azalea between his fingers. The figure couldn't be made out, but seemed familiar somehow. Yet still as Joey approached him he could not make out where he knew this person from.

He soon found himself standing next to the young man, who looked up at him with eyes that almost glowed like amethyst. He was like a shadow and only his eyes and haired seemed to radiate any sort of light. He was gorgeous. `You like the way I appear?' The voice asked in his head, suddenly Joey knew this was the voice of the wingless angel before him. `A paltry flower for another creature who is beyond words.' The moonlit figure held out the Azalea to Joey who took it. `What brings you here?'

"I couldn't sleep." Joey responded, his voice sounding harsh in the silence even though it was only a whisper. The single worded question murmured in his mind as violet eyes gazed up at him. Try as he might he was inhibited to answer even though he didn't want to say it. For it would lead to more than he wanted to remember because he had an eerie feeling this creature could read his mind. "Nightmares."

The figured smiled gently at him, resting both hands upon his arms. `And what's so bad that a golden sun god is kept from his nightly rest?' Joey was lost in that caring gaze, full of compassion and understanding. Joey just wanted to break down and cry before this heaven sent creature. But that feeling was what stopped him. It wasn't natural. But for reasons beyond him he had to answer. "Memories, from not dat long ago. Very bad memories."

`Oh.' The figure removed one hand to stroke the petals of the flower in his hand. `Do not the loves of your heart make them go away?' Joey shook his head, trying to shake the fuzzy feeling, to regain control. Unfortunately it didn't work all that well as he still answered. "Such things…. It jus' won't go away. I know dey love me and all, but… but….."

`But such pain never goes away.' The voice was sweet, the words too true, And Joey let tears slide down his cheeks unchecked. `Come with us. Ride with us to a blissful place that no harm can hurt you.' Before Joey knew what he was doing he was nodding and being led past the mini pond, and from there he really couldn't remember much.


"That was too much fun!" Marik squealed with a deranged grin. Malik frowned at him for a brief moment, then he grinned and nodded his agreement. Marik disappeared to command Joey from his body. Now a Marik infest Joey jumped on the back of the bike behind Malik who was revving the engine. Marik possessed Joey donned his helmet as they sped off, flying by the easily penetrated gardens of Duke Devlin.

Marik grinned in Malik's ear with a loud growl. /So What's the plan tonight?\ Malik shrugged in return. //Wanna see if we can get into the hospital with Joey and see if we can find the person the Keeper was visiting.\\ /Do we even Know who it is?\ Marik asked skeptically. At least he didn't see the evil grin that spread across Malik's face as he responded. //Pegasus.\\ It sounded like a hiss in their minds as they speed down to their destination.


Duke rolled over to grab his puppy, instead he was met with cold sheets. `What the…?' Duke groaned and got up, Kaiba was still out cold. A glance at the clock told him it was half past three. `No wonder Kaiba's still asleep.' He looked around, not seeing the blond in his normal spot by the window, the one place he would go when he woke up from a bad dream. `Now where is he?' He got up and headed towards the door, ignoring the lone sound of a loud engine as it raced by to fade into nothing. He closed the door behind him quietly, a glance at the bathroom proved it not to be in use so with a shrug he headed down stairs.

"Master Devlin what are you doing up at this hour?" One of the night guards asked from the table at which they were playing a card game. At least they were attentive. They both put down their cards and stood respectfully. A glance about didn't turn up the blond.

"Where's Joey?" He asked sleepily with a frown. The guards looked at each other, then back at Duke. That woke up the raven haired teen. "He's not with us. Not in the bathroom. He couldn't have gotten past you two without you seeing him."

"But we haven't seen him sir." The first guard responded with a panicked look. He glanced at his partner before returning his full attention to the worried and angry teen before him. They knew how Duke Devlin could be when he lost his temper. A fight between Seto Kaiba and Duke Devlin sent even the brave Joey Wheeler fleeing for the sanctity of the bathroom. "You're the first person to come down this morning to our knowledge."

"What's going on?" A very sleepy, bedraggled and mad Seto Kaiba stalked down the stairs. His eyes were slits of sleep somewhat, still attempting to wake up. At any other time it would be a sexy sight, but to the guards it was very scary. The mind behind those glazed over eyes was very much alert to it's surroundings even if the body didn't want to cooperate. To Duke on the other hand it was someone who could do something. In fact Kaiba's brain was having a hard time registering why his lovers weren't in bed with him, and why one was down here arguing with the night shift.

"I can't find Joey!" Duke exclaimed as he looked to his other lover. Kaiba would get some answers! So Duke hoped as Kaiba came down the stairs landing at the base in a flash. He glanced around, glared at his guards, which scared the hell out of them, as he spoke.

"What the hell are you waiting for, Find him. Now!" With a few hasty `Yes Sir's' and `Right away', the guards went about their search. Kaiba looked to Duke who was looking around, almost like he was expecting Joey to jump out of the wood work and Go `Surprise, fooled ya!' "He couldn't have been gone that long. Tell me what happened?"

"Well," Duke ran into his Lovers arms as Kaiba held him he told him. "I woke up and Joe wasn't in the room, so I came looking for him. I figured he couldn't get past the guards…." Duke sniffled, suddenly that bad feeling was there all over again and ten fold. "What if something…." Kaiba cut off his sentence with a kiss, it was comforting and reassuring, full of the belief that it was going to be ok.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." Kaiba knew it was the truth too. Something bad was happening and it happened right under their noses. He suddenly felt like he didn't deserve his puppy, because he couldn't take care of him. But wallowing in ones self-pity wouldn't find his puppy. He could do that after they got the mutt home.

"Mister Kaiba Sir!" One of the guards came rushing in, then paused, turning bright red. But he had a job, and it was only a split second pause. He took a deep breath and reported in. "The back door was unlocked sir. It looks like he slipped out right from under our noses and over the back wall. … sir."

Kaiba didn't respond, barely acknowledged the weak formality from the guard. He himself had insured all the doors were locked, so either they had one hell of a thief on their hands, or Joey left them for reasons they didn't know. And no signs of breaking and entering… He looked down at Duke who appeared about ready to break out in tears. In a voice that spoke solely of business, Kaiba put on his game face. "I have a few phone calls to make."


"It's four fucking clock in the morning, and I'm about to show you why they call it clocking somebody!" Bakura yelled and tried to attack Kaiba who was staring at him blandly. Tristan and Ryou were holding the psychotic dark one back bodily as he growled and cursed the once high priest, now just as cocky as a CEO. It was about that time that Duke walked in carrying the tomb robbers favorite box to check out when he was over his anger spell (Maybe hoping to calm him and cut a deal.). Yami Paused in his investigation to watch the alteration

"Look, I know you take some out every time you come over. So please Help us out here and I'll grow it for you. Import it from Mexico whole sale if I have too." Duke approached the crazed Tomb Robber who relaxed a bit, by the thoughtful expression he was either taking Duke's offer into consideration, or planning their mass murder. Duke put on his best face, a face he had seen used again and again on one Seto Kaiba by a Blond who got what he wanted when he used his secret weapon. It might not have been perfectly like Joey's, but it seemed to work for the spirit. "Please help us find him Bakura."

"Ra, Curse You, and You and You, I'll kill you my damn self." He ended with the pharaoh after pointing to Duke and Ryou who took up the cry to help. "But I want a job. Actually Ryou needs it so he can start buying me things." Bakura continued as he pointed to Tristan. "Him too. He's great with mechanics."

"Fine they both have Jobs. My mechanic for the corporate cars, my cars! Ryou can work in one of the offices of his choice. Just get high and find him already!" Kaiba was just one decibel from screaming. He glared at the spirit in question, one frayed nerve away from tackling him and taking away that ring and making it find Joey.

"I dare you to try it…" Bakura growled out with a sadistic grin as he read that thought. He was ready to tear the CEO limb from body, and figure out if there really was a heart under all that ice the fun way. And messy, but at least he wouldn't be hearing from Ryou about Nasty pennies. This would be rich blood the finest you can get. Bakura had to stop himself from drooling with that thought.

"Yugi, come out side with me! Bring the tomb robber too would you please!" Yami headed to the back door. Everyone looked at each other trying to figure out what was up with the spirit of the puzzle, save Bakura who was half way to the door before Yugi ever got a chance to ask. Now that he was looking for it, he could sense the shadow magic, growing stronger on the way out to the back yard. The tomb robber came to a stop next to the once pharaoh and king on the back deck as they gazed at the lovely gardens. They walked out onto the path and around a couple of trees that lead to the wall far in the back of the gardens in more untamed grounds.

"Maybe he was your gardener in a past life." Bakura said, then added as he traced the magic following the path as spoke. "Then again, who comes after the kings gardeners' boyfriend?" Bakura and Yami stopped at the pond and looked around trying to find where the power left at. Or where it led too. "Strong here."

"Yes." Yami replied as he watched the fish. The way they swam. He shook his head, erasing the thought as he responded. "They used very powerful magics to kidnap Joey. Perhaps an Item holders friend." Yami looked at Bakura pointedly. Of course Bakura Being Bakura took it the completely wrong way.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean you stupid Pharaoh!? You think I Kidnapped that stupid dog don't you!? Like I couldn't just hold a knife to Ryou or Tristans' throats and get what I wanted instead!?" Bakura's angered features paused as his Hikari pointed out something. "Oh you meant another Item holder that had a powerful item…." Yami just nodded as he turned to look. "Damn you stupid Pharaoh, they could block their powers if they were smart."

"If they were, if." Yami responded coolly, he was learning to ignore the other Spirits outbursts, either logic would set in or Ryou would straighten things out. Which ever happened first, the latter more often than not. Though sometimes Yami couldn't help But wonder.

"Well light one of those things up Duke." Bakura glared at the raven haired teen who complied as the ring took on a glow and pointed over the wall. Bakura took the lit joint and wandered up a tree, stumbled over the wall and was met by the others who took the door. He looked at them and responded. "I don't want to loose the sent of new prey." With that they were off, Yami with a shake of the head and Duke and Kaiba keeping a close eye on him remembering the last incident with him and prey.
Don't worry, the next chapter should have what you want so badly. And more stupidity from men. Particularly the cute and dangerous ones. Which make them very dangerous and liable to burn down ur house.
And don't know if I should write a deranged hospital scene r not…. {Thinks about it while you review}
Yami Dragon - Of course you need to set it up, other wise it would be pointless smut or pwp no damn plot here types. And come on. I have too boar you wonderful people somehow. ^_~