Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Slave Mongrel ❯ Guessy what I found! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

We figured this out. If the Yugioh characters were singers they would be rappers. Kaiba would be Dark Lotus. Tristan and Duke would be Twizted, and the rest would be combonations of ICP and Kottonmouth Kings. Malik would be Violent J, and Joey I can so see singing as Shaggy. Yugi and Ryou would stare at them like they were all crazy. Mokuba would be jamming the drums!
Hospital scene {Dedicated to those who wanted it!}

Malik and Marik did the infamous scene of peeking around the corner of the hospital corridor. They looked up, or in Marik's case down, at each other with grins. Seeing the brown eyed blond grin like Marik was a little creepy, but cool. They waited for the nurse at the station to run off too the bathroom, thanks to a little prodding from Malik's rod and all the coffee the woman drank.

They couldn't help but giggle as they ran down to the room that Pegasus was supposedly in. They were being like little children trying to sneak up on their unsuspecting parents, giggling and grinning at each other as they tried to stop laughing. They leaned against the door, and not hearing anything, snuck in. Malik closed the door behind them looking around the room.

It was always creepy to be in a hospital, with the beeping of monitors, the smell of antiseptics and cleaning chemicals. But forever present was the smell of death, decay and sickness, lying just beneath the surface of the air fresheners. The two silently approached the bed that was drawn with curtains, curtains that veiled the patient from death, if only for a short while.

Malik and Marik glanced at each other, then the taller blond pulled back the curtains to reveal a pale haired figure lying prone on the bed. Marik was grinning like an idiot, causing Joey's lips to curl into something sinister, but it still looked idiotic. Marik pointed causing Malik to look and see what he was talking about. "Now that looked like it hurt like hell."

"Can you imagine someone ripping out your Sennen eye?" Malik whispered in barely an audible breath. Pegasus had a huge gaping hole where the eye once was, Marik leaned over to see if he could see some brains. They looked at each other then looked around the room, seeing it was empty. Not even the game creators personal guards. Malik frowned, then crossed his arms with a huff, a little put out. "We come all this way and no one to greet us! How rude is that?"

"Sounds very rude." A voice caused the two to jump and spin around and stare at the tall figure that had come in behind him. Marik made a choking sound and was very thankful they were already at the hospital in case he couldn't breathe again. The Keeper was standing behind them, calm as ever and always, impassive almost. He gazed at them as he spoke, his voice monotone. "Now who are you and what are you doing here. And don't even think about using your items on me."

"Well damn Keeper, take all the fun out of being evil why don't ya!" Marik growled in Joey's voice. Malik just gave him some sort of stare, like he just sprouted horns and a tail and wasn't quite sure how to tell him even if it did happen on a daily bases. Marik ignored him though and continued. "Where are the other items at? Tell me and I'll spare you."

"His rantings." Malik said as he elbowed the body his darker half had hijacked. Shadi just raised an eyebrow at that, but remained impassive. Malik sighed, as Marik was glaring at the Keeper, and continued. "What happened to mister Pegasus?"
"Mister Pegasus was attacked. He now is in a coma." Shadi responded monotonously. He sighed and walked over to a nearby chair and sat down, waiting patiently for them to attempt something. The two blonds looked at each other then back to him. "You want to know who stole his eye, so you can have it, do you not." It was a statement, not a question.

"Well duh!" Joe-ick responded with a goofy grin. He rolled his eyes and went to playing with the corpse of Pegasus. Sticking his finger in and out of the hollowed socket. Only to have his finger point back at him. He giggled at that and continued to amuse himself while his other half took over the conversation. He ignored the disbelieving stare of the Keeper, maybe it was a horrified stare, hard to tell with the impassive priest. Needless to say, Malik was quite use to his ways, so it didn't phase him much.

"So do you know who did it?" Shadi shook his head at the question and Malik sighed as he continued. "Great. Now that's more missing items I'll have to find." He looked thoughtful for a brief second then asked. "Was his mind sent to the shadow realm?"

"No. His soul is gone. But not to the shadow realm. Someone took his soul and locked it away." Shadi responded, then shrugged as he added. "I know not who took his eye, nor do I know where his soul is." He continued to watch the taller blond amuse himself by sticking more fingers into the empty eye socket. Shadi couldn't take it anymore. "Stop that!"

Marik and Malik both looked surprised by the Keepers' out burst. He was normally calm and reserved, very impassive and hard to annoy. Obviously Marik had a way with people. And not in a good way. Marik grinned and pulled himself away from the prone figure with a grin. Malik blushed and responded for his darker half. "Well, I guess that we now know that and we'll be taking our leave now. You have fun!"

The two ran out of the room, the door falling closed in their wake. Shadi sighed and shook his head, kids these days, no respect. Pegasus just chuckled. Shadi looked to his friend who was sometimes there, most the time not. "He was trying to poke your brain."

"That was a weird feeling." Pegasus slowly opened his good eye and turned his head slightly so he could see his friend. Shadi stood and walked over too his bedside, sitting down next to him. Pegasus looked up at his Egyptian friend, and his guide to the power of the shadow realms. They sat in companionable silence as chaos ran amuck outside.


Particularly Malik and Marik were running amuck and causing chaos. They were sneaking around the hospital, changing clip boards around on the end of beds. Someone who was suppose to have a transplant was switched out someone who was in the hospital for surgery. They would pass by each other with grins and giggles as they raced around the entire building mixing things up. And it went on like this till they found the medicine pantry. Malik stared wide-eyed while Marik was grinning and barely able to stand still.

"Drugs!" Marik squeaked as he started looking through labels and pocketing stuff. Just another way to make money. And they would make so much money! Pain killers of this magnitude often went for twenty bucks a pill. Liquid Morphine was even more expensive as it was around thirty per CC. And the Valiums! "Oh zanoffs! I can get like five bucks a pill!"

"Well hurry up. Your going to be making noises when we break out of here." Malik muttered as he pocketed some pills he didn't recognize. He also took all the riddlin, opting for the lazy stuff. Once Joey's pockets were full they decided it was time to leave. They walked past the nurses station, Marik making anyone they passed oblivious to their presence, and the sound of half empty pill bottles (The full ones didn't make that much noise.), till they were outside. "Where to now?"

"We go home! I wanna test drive this body!" Marik said in his most sinister and evil way possible, giggling too much as he ran his hands over the lean form he occupied. Then he hugged his lighter half, loving the height advantage he had in this body as they took off down the road. /Besides, we can't start selling the drugs till late afternoon, maybe nightfall. Money! Money!! Money!!!\ Malik shook his head as they headed to where they were currently staying. His other self was just crazy sometimes.

{End hospital scene! Dedicated to those who wanted just the sMutt ^_~}

When the dark clouds lifted from his mind he found himself in a beautifully decorated room. It was done in hues of gold, rustics and tans. The bed its self was brass with sheer golden drapes hanging down, obscuring the room in a haze of amber to his view from the bed. The walls were a sandy colour, causing the light wooden furniture to almost blend into the walls. And candles of every colour were everywhere lighting the room in their ambient glow. The smell of roses permeating the air in a thousand different diversities of the same thing, white roses, red, even the dark mysterious aroma of black, to the sad scent of blue roses. It all mixed together in a heady scent that left him light headed.

"Yay! You're awake!" It was the boy from the motorcycle accident that very afternoon. His hair was wild, his eyes more alight than they should be fore any sane person, and dressed in some very interesting leather. Black pants so tight they could have been his original skin and a light beige vest accented with gold. He smiled sinisterly and the blond shuddered at the look he was given. "Don't worry I'll send Malik in to keep you company, I just wanted to check on you and tell you food will be ready soon."

"I'm not hungry." Joey responded with a glare, his words causing the other boy too frown in disappointment. Joey continued though, braving his own fear. Hell they couldn't do any worse than what had already been done. "How did I get here? Why am I here? What the hell do you want with me?"

"You rode in on our Bike. Because I want you here. I'm still debating that." The other responded in order, the smile never leaving his face. Then he added kind of as an after thought. "Any more questions, because I need to go help Malik in the kitchen."

"Will you let me go?" Joey asked, receiving only a negative shake of the head from the young man before him. He growled as he didn't want to be here. "Then leave me the fuck alone!"

"Very well then. But Malik will come keep you company." Marik left closing and locking the door, then he skipped happily down the hallway, passing by Rashid who was tending his normal duties. Marik entered the kitchen where Malik was just finishing peeling the potatoes. "Can I get in your way?"

"Yes, actually you can start cutting up some onions, and pickles and get that silver pan with the eggs off the stove in ten." Malik responded as he started slicing up the potatoes. Marik rolled his eyes and set to work on the onion. Not even a few moment's later he was crying and sniffling. Malik turned to him putting up a sympathetic façade. "What's wrong my other half?"

"I dunno. I just can't help it." Marik looked at his lighter half as tears streamed down his face and he sniffled some, his voice sounding harsh. He shook his head, almost child like in his ignorance that he should have started slicing the thing under cold running water to avoid the fumes. But thanks to the mythical authoress he had no common logic. "I was just peeling this and cutting it up, and I just started to cry." Long sniffle, and he continued. "Maybe it's because I poked myself with my rod."

"Oh ok. Don't hurt yourself to much." Malik shook his head as he sighed smiling sweetly at his other half. "And you shouldn't use your rod like that, you'll get it all dirty." He returned to finishing up the potatoes, then added as an after thought. "Might as well finish it up before you clean it off." Marik sniffled and nodded as they continued to work, Malik keeping silent about the truth about onions. It was just too funny.


Joey still found himself chained to the bed and he growled as he idly tugged on metal collar around his neck. `Bastard!' He cursed in his mind as he tried to work the lock loose, or was it the bar of the head board? Didn't matter because at that moment a figure similar to the one who was here earlier walked in. This was Malik, his wingless angel in the moon light that glowed. This was the voice that had dragged him out in the middle of the night to the mini pond and gave him a flower and spoke comforting words to him. `THEN FREAKIN' KIDNAPPED ME AND DRAGGED ME `ERE TO GOD KNOWS WHERE!'

"Oh, I know we're evil for doing this to you, but you got one of my people in trouble. But then again he hurt you pretty badly. Raping people isn't very nice." He spoke as he walked over to the table with a cup and pitcher. Malik continued on as he poured some iced tea for the blond chained to the bed. "I think when I become ruler, I'll have a harsh punishment for such a thing. I do apologize for this little inconvenience."

"Keith was workin' for you then?" Joey asked and Malik nodded as he offered the blond the glass. Joey just looked at it, not opting to take it. He asked what the platinum blond meant. "When ya become ruler? What's that mean? Like you planning on taking over da world or something?"

"Actually yes, I will gain the power of an ancient magic and all will bow down to me." Malik stated as calmly as if he were discussing walking down to the store for some milk. With a sigh he returned the glass to a night side table. The sandy blond looked at the golden haired blond in the eyes, Looking into the defiance of a sun god. Malik smiled and reached his hand out, tracing the collar Duke and Seto Made him wear, a tag with each their names on it. "A little sun god such as you should not be `tagged' like some common animal, or a `lap dog'."

Jou blushed hard at Malik's harsh words, maybe the compliment too. Tagged like a lap dog, how true was that! His hand reached up to the two tags that hung from around his neck by a black, blue and green collar. One of the two of them had found in pet store no less. He wasn't a dog, yet he let the two of them treat him like one. Then the moment was gone and the smile on Malik's face let him know that Malik had won. That moment of doubt was there again, the seed planted, germinating, fermenting, and it was growing into something that would become very ugly.

"Why don't we take this off, you are no one's property. You can either be a pet, or the master, the choice is yours." Malik reached for the collar that was slightly covered by the gold plated collar they had placed on him to keep him there. It was going to be so much fun playing mind games. He saw his words had struck a cord, the insecurities sounding at his simple words made obvious. Now he needed the blond other to doubt the every word of his first two lovers and they would have one hell of a slave all to themselves. He purred as he spoke, purring like a cat. "Do you like being caged like some animal? Told when you can shine, or would you be the sun and dry the torrent thunder clouds from the sky to shine again."

"I'd rather have to answer to them, because you, Like the moon, isn't always there." And dogs don't like cats, Joey thought as he growled out his words. In fact didn't dogs chase cats with mallets. He knew what Malik, Marik, whatever the hell his name was, was up too. He grabbed the hand that was reaching for his tags. He wasn't about to doubt himself, and if he was a sun god, then he'd shine through this. "And they are my loving masters and I'm their faithful little puppy who will always find his way back home."

"Intent on shining through till you go supernova!" Malik grinned and gazed dreamily up at the blond who suddenly looked very confused by his subjugators' change. Malik couldn't help it though, such defiance was enticing and he found he liked it very much. He knew this blond would shine even after his end of days. "No wonder all want you for there own, to have such brilliance in your grasp, too hold the sun itself in your arms." Malik sighed dreamily as he gazed at the blond who was staring at him like he'd flipped.

He'd flipped, he knew this nut case had flipped out. Why, well just listen to this nut, who had him caged far worse than Kaiba or Duke ever had, talk. If he was a sun god then he'd be too hot to handle, let alone cage up and chain to a bed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calming himself. Fighting and yelling wouldn't get him very far. Probably get him nowhere fast, save in a world of pain, so that was why he would have to be the cool business men that his lovers were. Particularly Kaiba, the iceberg, the cold waters to his heated flame, so to hell with Mike, I want to be like Seto Kaiba right now. "If That was true, den I would have burned dis place to the ground and walked out, long before now."

"No, you can't mean that…" Malik looked almost heart broken, something far worse than a slap in the face could have done. Then he frowned at the golden blond and crossed his arms. Two could play this game. "Then perhaps like a dog You should be taught proper respect." He saw the look in the blonds eyes harden. That was definitely the wrong route to take. Better go back to gazing dreamily, at which he did. Latching himself onto the blond, his arms wrapped about Joey's neck. "I couldn't do that! The thought of marring your perfection is a crime in my mind. Please don't leave me my sunshine."

"And only your mind." Joey said a little confused as he gazed at the pail haired youth that was relaxing on him happily. For a second there he thought he was actually going to be beaten like a bitch. Then this happened instead. He wasn't sure what to do so he just blushed and tried to push the violet eyed nut off him. "Uh…. Yeah, you just back up a little ways and just stay back." Malik went with a sad look, almost like a little kid telling his best friend good bye, thinking to never see them again as they leave through the airport gates to the awaiting plane.

"I didn't mean to say that, Honest. It's just that, I dunno, it just kind of slipped out. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Malik looked up at him, he hadn't meant it. But the blonde's words had irked him quite a bit, and working with his hunters he could easily make threats. He could also live up to them, but this beauty was far from a rare hunter. He would coax this flower into blooming for him, and him alone. /Don't you mean us?\ Marik asked feeling a little put out. //No I meant that, You and I'll just tend to the gardens together.\\ Malik gave a mental wink and nudge at his other half, who cackled happily.

/Guess what I found!?\ Marik happily sent as he made three plates of food. //Do I want to know?\\ Malik returned as he gazed at the blond who was squirming under his steady gaze as he appeared mesmerized by Joey's every little feature. /Probably not, but take the plate I hand you. Be there in a minute.\ His dark half sent the smell of food along the link, causing Malik's stomach to growl. The blond smirked and he couldn't help but blush and fall to the bed to bury his face in a pillow and giggled. "Where is he with our food! I'm starving!"

"Who Marik?" Joey asked and the Sandy haired youth responded with a nod. Joey shrugged, he was hungry but he didn't want to eat for them. He sighed as the door Opened and in walked Marik carrying three plates, and three bowls. He opened the door and closed the door without dropping anything. Man did he have talent, Joey would have dropped something if not everything. Each bowl was on it's respective plate, balanced precariously, but he walked to them without dropping a thing.

"Take a plate. Quick!" He smiled as he held out his arms, Malik took the plate that was alone in one hand while Joey took the one that was offered him. Marik sighed and put his plate down, then reached into his pockets and started pulling out silverware and a couple of cups. He handed them out, then frowned. "I forgot to bring the drinks." He flopped down. "I don't want to walk all the back to the kitchen!"

"Oh hush up, I brought in some tea for him, and the water faucet is over there. And it's not that far to the kitchen you lazy bum." Malik responded as he ate lightly. He glanced at Joey who was staring at his plate like it was about to kill him. He forked some salad off the blonds plate and ate it. Didn't phase him. "I don't blame you, this food is killer!" Malik dug into his own food, devouring it with murmurs and noises that should have been left in the bed room.

Marik was picking at his food, not really eating it. He didn't need to eat. Why had he fixed himself a plate if he didn't need food. Oh yeah. "Is something wrong with it?" He asked the blond. He couldn't pull off some of the looks his lighter half could so he just aimed for the indifferent and bored look.

"Why aren't you eating?" Joey asked as he watched the other twin. The darker half of insanity. He had never been aware that insanity had a lighter half. …… His thoughts trailed to Yami and Yugi. Bakura and Ryou. "And you two…." They both looked at him, then each other to look at him again. Yeah, these two had an Item. These two had uses for him because he knew Yugi and Ryou both. Damn was he in trouble or was he in trouble.

"And what about us?" Marik asked curiously. He was as confused as his other self who was sending him mental questions, at which he gave a mental shrug.

"You two can drop the act. One of yous is a spirit and da other is the holder of a Sennen item." Joey looked between the two. Malik had to have been the holder because Marik was just too dark to be alive. First they both pulled out their rods, and Marik cackled. "I should have known you were the Darkness."

"And you should eat something. Or else." Marik responded with an icy cold glare. It was meet by it's equal in fire.

"Or else what…" Joey responded with a growl. He was expecting anything, expecting a slap, harsh words, food in his face, anything.

"I dunno…?" Anything but that apparently by the look on the blonds face. Marik chuckled again evilly. "Sometimes I don't even know what I'm going to do until it's too late. Cuz by the time I find out, I've already done it." Marik chuckled darkly, a hint of something unstable in his laugh.

"That's scary man. That's really scary." Joey replied as he started eating. Despite the fact that he said he wasn't going to eat around them, he found himself falling too comfortable in their presence. Like they were old friends he hadn't seen before. So they ate and talked, Joey finding he had to restrain himself from talking, leaving it to them. After a while they had finished and been talking when a sudden fever hit Joey. "Is it hot in here?"

"No why?" Malik asked as he looked to a panting blond who looked as though he was flushed with a fever. /Or wild hot sex. Hehehe, guess what I found!\ Marik responded as his other half noted the blond. //I didn't know I had aphrodisiacs lying around the house?\\ Malik responded as he looked into the blonds eyes and petted his golden hair. "Are you ok?"

"I feel hot. And Funny." Joey said as pulled at the collar of his robe. His skin must have been sensitized because the feel of his finger tips across his neck caused him to moan. He opened his eyes and Malik was looking at him worriedly. The sweet sandy blond Egyptian put a hand up to his face, then tracing his brow with cool finger tips. The dark blond couldn't help the next moan that passed his parched lips as he licked at them. He soon found himself aroused and sucking on the shocked Egyptians fingers. After that it was mostly hazy and pleasurable, and like ambrosia, another forbidden fruit you should stay way from. He vaguely remembered freaking out somewhere in his drugged up mind, but it was too hard to tell as he phased out of existence. But then a fog beckoned and he went to it so he wouldn't have to relive the nightmare of Keith. He instead found nothing, which was a better place than out there.

/Let's take him now! While he's so hot!\ Marik exclaimed as he and his lighter insane half lowered the withering blond to the bed. Marik ran his rod over the hot skin eliciting little gasping and whimpering sounds of pleasure. //Take your time my other half, by the looks of it, he's out of it and we don't want him to stay awake after we're finished with him do we?\\ Malik asked as he slowly opened Joey's robe, his fingers caressing the heated skin causing Joey to moan. //Our sun god is on fire, and it's the job of the night to cool him.\\

Malik descended to the golden blonds chest, licking all over the expanse of skin, pulling back to blow on the hot wet surface to cool it down. Their little sun god moaned and gasped his eye fluttering open in the shock of his heated skin suddenly cooled. Marik chuckled through their link. /I did good, so responsive.\ Malik grinned and winked at his other half through their link, but his eyes never strayed from the blonds face. He ran his hands along Joey's side. They were so into watching him respond, that they were shocked with his voice.

"Enough! No more!" Joey looked around frantically. "Cold shower please. I want Seto and Duke…" He whimpered as he hugged the head board, seeking a way out. It was a moment he got through the drugs, but there was a tugging at his mind, a soft voice coaxing his consciousness to sleep and let his instincts take over. "Not again…" Was the last whimpered words of himself to leave his lips there after.

"Wow, he must really love them both." Malik reached up and removed the collar from his little sun god. He could feel the energy flowing from it. It was the power of Ra. The power of a priest reborn. He was shocked to feel such ancient energies from this. "They must really love him. To feel such blessed energies. I can even feel Duke's faint presence with it. And he's not a sorcerer or a reincarnation of sorts is he?"

/Not my knowledge. Just throw that thing away, he doesn't need it any longer.\ Marik responded as he quickly removed the blonds clothes, a whole two articles of clothing, not even socks or shoes. Malik threw the collar across the room, hearing it hit the wall to land far away. He smirked as his other self striped the blond down to nothing, throwing the boxers in the opposite direction of the robe. //You know, you could undressed too.\\

/So could you.\ Marik returned with a devious smirk to rival Malik's own. They both started removing each others clothes, their lips locking onto the others as clothes were thrown everywhere. Marik got his light undressed first and threw him on the bed next too the blond who was touching himself and clutched the pillow as he made little whimpers. /Your sun god sounds like a little golden puppy.\ He laughed affectionately at the blond.

//Does that mean you agree with Kaiba and Duke then?\\ Malik asked with a smirk as he watched his darker half pull Joey's hand away from his need. Marik smirked as he responded, slowly licking the under side of the blonds length. /No I don't, he is a sun god when he's not doped up. And they refer to him as puppy all the time.\ Malik smirked with a shake of his head, then pulled the blond into a passionate kiss he responded to with vigor as Marik made him moan.

/Hey come here and suck my rod.\ Marik said as he started doing such things to Joey, having to hold the blonds thrusting hips down. /Besides, he would break his teeth in the mad heat he's got.\ //True.\\ Malik responded as he Took Mariks' rod in his mouth, sucking on the hard metal. He handed it back to his other half once it was thoroughly lubricated, who took it with a mental thanks.

Marik positioned his rod and pushed it into the blond who cried out as he impaled himself on it. /Damn, that had to have hurt.\ Marik responded as the blond screamed in a mix of pleasure and pain, even as he couldn't stop himself from moving and Marik had a hard time holding him down. Malik caught the blonds' attention by forcing his length, OK maybe not `forcing', as the blond slurped him up, in his mouth. Malik sent a wave of pleasure to his other self, who almost fell over. //Oh damn that was good.\/

/I know!\ Marik loved his extra rod, he got to see the rapture on his lights face. So pure and innocent in the loss of pleasure. Marik gave a flat stare just before he lost it. He whipped himself out of his pants and replaced his rod with his rod. Joey cried out creating a chain reaction, that ended with the person who caused it. Marik couldn't contain himself and started pounding in and out of the slick tight heat. And he moaned as he could almost hear the flesh tearing before his onslaught. And the acidic copper aroma of blood tainted the air, making the experience truly primal.

//Wow. You go in depth.\\ Malik moaned as he looked at his other half who sent so much along their link. Malik returned his attention to the crying blond. There was no telling how much of the drug was put in the blonds food. No telling what it was! Malik removed himself and caught the blonds' lips with his own, the skin he touched like fire. //And you may burn our little sun god out if you do this again.\\ He got only a minor confirmation as his other lost himself. Malik shrugged and straddled Joey who was running his teeth along Malik's neck. //Contain yourself a moment.\\

/Going to ride the ride I see.\ Marik grinned and nodded as he took a moment to breathe, the blond appearing lost and out cold at the same time on the bed below them. Marik could almost swear he looked like a bitch in heat, but he kept that thought to himself. Malik moaned as he lowered himself on to a blond that came to life again with a cry of pleasure.

//Damn he came.\\ Malik moaned as he felt the warmth fill him. //And he's still raring to go!\\ Malik added as he started riding the body below him, the added lubrication making it a slick ride. Marik started up his own pace listening to the two of them as they went. Malik pulled out his own Sennen rod and gave Joey a show. Their doped up sun god wasn't burning out anytime soon, and soon enough Marik had come and fell over, leaving Joey and Malik to finish each other off.

`Didn't they let you do this.' Joey shook his head to Malik's silent question. He knew it! He gave himself a mental pat on the back as he flipped them so Joey was on top and pounding into him. They shared the sandy blonds rod as they continued to do some interesting things, ignoring Marik who was happily passed out. Malik shook his head at his other self, he had such a long day, and then this. Next time Marik would be able to hang, but after all the energies he had spent he needed his rest. And for now, Malik got all the blond he wanted, and he wouldn't have to stop till he felt like it, which wasn't going to be anytime soon.

Joey reached between them as he leaned over Malik, sucking and biting his neck as he slammed into him again and again. Malik felt his limit coming nearer and soon he was crying out in pleasure as he spilled himself over Joey's hands. And all over them. Joey cried out as he came again, but he still didn't diminish any. Yet he stayed still, caressing Malik's shoulders and neck with his mouth and tongue. `Do you want more?'

Joey nodded and whimpered as he pulled out, ignoring the pain that was on fire along his spine. The gentle request of a moments rest echoed in his mind and he let the other have his rest. Didn't mean he was going to take a break. Malik moaned as Joey took a hard peak in his mouth sucking in it, then he went and treated Malik's other nipple to the same torture. He laved at the skin with his mouth, tasting every inch he came across and leaving no spot neglected.

The door opened, a large and tattooed man entered the room, carrying a tray of assortments. Malik waved to Rashid, who smirked and walked out the door, muttering and smirking. //GO to your room! Get off the bed.\\ Malik nudged his other half who was instantly awake and glaring at him as the blond slurped him up again, and all he heard was a vague. /Like I'm sitting this out!\

Marik grabbed a chocolate Popsicle from the tray and got behind the oblivious blond aiming to put it in it's, uh, place. {"Yeah!" The authoress giggles hysterically.} He had a devious smirk as he slid it in causing Joey to make shocked sounds, at which Malik cried out, wiggling with a talented mouth vibrating around his length. Marik Shook his head as he started pushing the Popsicle in and pulling it back out. He vaguely wondered if he could put his rod in the freezer and get similar results.

Marik reached around the blond with his free hand and started stroking him, unfortunately their sun god was hot enough to melt the ice cream in almost no time. With a shrug Marik started licking up the mess, running his tongue over the smooth muscle wrapped in delicate skin. Joey was working double time on Malik as both their sounds of pleasure mixed together in a promising melody, his voice rising above the other as Marik slipped his tongue into him.

Malik screamed as he came, stars in his eyes, close to literally. He was given such wondrous aftershocks as Joey licked it up and swallowed his drink. Malik smirked as saw what his Yami was doing to him. //And you never wanted to get kinky…\\ Malik gave Marik a sly look as the other responded to him. /I could have him do it to you?\ Malik's face lit up at his words and the Hikari nodded all too happily. Marik smirked and shook his head as he made the sunny blond one of them get another chocolate Popsicle off the tray (which was happily melting.), and had Joey administer the same treatment.

Malik squirmed a bit and cried out as the frozen food made entrance into him. He made even more noise when Joey started fucking him with it till it melted off the stick. That's when he was attacked with a hungry tongue and mouth that cleaned up the mess. He didn't restrain any vocal of enjoyment as the blond made way to his entrance. Joey teased him a bit at first, running his tongue along the outside, making like he was about to taste him inside then return to licking other areas instead. Malik cried out and grabbed the head board as the blond licked downward only to take his balls in his mouth.

Marik chuckled, he hadn't made Joey do that. The Blond worked fine even when he wasn't under control. He slid himself into the tightness that was their new little mind slave. And Damn, from rod to rod to Popsicles the boy was still a snug fit. He started working in and out of Joey as he continued to lick on Malik, finally giving the Hikari what he wanted. Dipping his tongue in and out as he tried to meet every thrust. Marik continued to pump the blond and with in moments had Joey screaming release again. Marik couldn't help it as the heat constricted around his member and he spilt himself with a curse. It was sooner than he had wanted too, but it still felt great. He fell off to watch the other two with a grin on his face.

Malik found himself on his back suddenly and Joey sucking him down his throat. Malik groaned as Joey was putting some major vacuum companies to shame. In fact if he went up against Hoover, Hoover would be shamed forever. Malik tangled his hands in the mess of sweat slicked straw of Joey's hair, it was soft and cool, the opposite of his burning skin. Malik enjoyed that till he came again with a scream, the other cleaning him up. And still he was raring to go, Malik couldn't help but growl to his other through their link as Joey worked him to hardness again. //Whatever you gave him, you should have taken some too.\\


"I am not going anywhere you bastard!" Emerald eyes flared green fire as they stared into the icy depths that froze and conquered even the bravest of spirit. Duke glared with the eternal home of predators that launched the attack in the most surprising of forms. Sometimes the most innocent of ways, but not this time, Duke was a predator about to attack. Duke stood up to those icy eyes and the man they belonged too. "I'm not leaving my home."

"You barely have any type of security. I want you somewhere safe until we find Joey and I can get this place secured!" Kaiba spat coldly. He let his features soften, he had told Duke to pack, that they were going to the mansion. Someplace he hadn't been in awhile. Sure he spent a few hours with his brother, but once the kid was in bed he came here. He sighed as he continued. "I couldn't stand loosing you too."

"But you seem to think I could!?" Duke responded causing a few eyes to go wide. Bakura snickered, then promptly got smacked in the head by the former pharaoh. They had come full circle, right back to the house, then completely lost all track of the shadow magic. But attention was currently on Duke who baring his teeth against Kaiba. "I am staying here till we get Joey back, Or else…….."

"Or else what?" Kaiba challenged to Duke who seemed lost on how to end his statement. Duke crossed his arms and pouted. Kaiba Chuckled at that, Duke was just too cute when he looked at a loss for getting his way. His look was beautiful when he frowned, his lips pursed, a small crease between his eyes as he glared. It was too cute, scary, but sexy.

"Or else not only are you cut off, But I'll find Joey on my own." Duke responded then added with a smirk. "And leave you at home like the house wife." Kaiba frowned as Bakura cheered in the background, Tristan and Ryou trying to shut him up. As he was the only cheerleader because that mythical authoress kicked Anzu in the head so she would remain unconscious so she wouldn't rant.

"Yeah, we'll smoke all the dope, and kill the hoe that took the yipping puppy we rescue." Tristan just shook his head at the spirit, he had recently discovered ICP and Eminem, along with the blood hound gang, which he liked better than the classical Ryou listened too, along with that light listening romance-y crap. Ryou was still berating Tristan and Joey for introducing the spirit to the wonderful world of hardcore music. "I can find them, But it will take some time. Hey and you could hack something Kaiba."

"Wow, I think he needs to smoke more, he's thinking." Tristan said slightly wide eyed. Bakura turned and glared at his other lover, baring his teeth in a feral grin. But Kaiba took the opportunity, to get Duke someplace more secure short of dragging a kicking and screaming body in his wake.

"See I could find out if anything has happened within the last few hours." Kaiba walked over to Duke Pulling him in an embrace, all business. That's what this was to him a business deal he could turn to his advantage. "Maybe the kidnapper was smart enough to use the card you or I gave Joey. Bakura could do whatever research he needs to do. You can pace my floor till you fall through."

"Oh shut up." Duke pushed him back, but consented. "If I don't catch you working I will have Bakura and Yami give you swirly's till I GET RESULTS!" Duke shouted the last three words, causing Kaiba to Wince and nod. Kaiba agreed and then headed towards the limo, Bakura and Tristan got on his Bike, Ryou claiming the safer Limo to their psychotic stunts.

Kaiba told the driver to take them to the mansion, Duke glaring at him from across the seats. Kaiba let out a sigh as he stared back at his lover and opened his arms. Duke didn't say a word as he launched himself into that safe embrace. Kaiba sighed as he hugged his lover who settled in his lap, his embrace was safe for no one. He was still torturing himself about how he had lost his puppy. Again. He was wondering if he could barrow a Sennen Item and get a Yami who looks like him so he could quite literally kick his own ass.

"Maybe we should call Detective Leon in on this?" Ryou suggested as he looked out the window to watch his lovers pop a wheelie. He shook his head, thankful he wasn't in his room. He could imagine watching them do that from Bakura's point of view. He looked back to Kaiba who was shaking his head. "Oh come on, he was pretty calm about Bakura. And he knows sort of what's going on. He is a detective after all."

"I'll think about it." Was Kaiba's only response as they pulled up to the mansion gates. He had a lot of work to do. Maybe he could use the extra help. Maybe….


Infernal ringing interrupted his blissful sleep. A blond head of hair peeked out from under blood red covers, followed by heavy lidded eyes still fogged with sleep as they glared at the offending object. With a growl the Detective grabbed his phone and flipped it open. "What?" He listened for a moment nodding his head as he glanced at the clock. It was six thirty in the freaking morning. "OK I'll be there soon." He hung it up and attempted to ooze out of bed, but a well-manicured hand stopped him.

"Where are you going?" A sleepy Count D asked as he kissed Detective Leon's shoulder. They had been spending lots of time together recently and after Leon got shot a few day's ago he was reluctant to let him go anywhere. Then again after last night he was reluctant to let him leave ever again.

"That was one mister Seto Kaiba, He and the others need to see me. Seems like their blond friend got kidnapped again. Right out of the house." D looked shocked, then he was out of bed pulling on clothes. Leon got up and started getting dressed. "Why the hurry?"

"Because I'm going with you. I'm sure Yugi will be there as well as that Bakura." At that a little white, multi coloured dragon creature flew to nestle on D's shoulder. They both could have sworn that thing was grinning. Leon shrugged and finished dressing, then started to brush his hair and put it up. D on the other hand was already groomed and dressed in no time. They immediately left, heading to the mansion at which that little dragon wouldn't stop flying around the car. Leon was sorely tempted to open the window and watch him get sucked out.


Hands LupusDragon a Life boat and towel. "Yay! How long has this been sitting here about……" Scrunches face up in thought, then shrugs with a happy grin. "Hell if I know, Long before the last update but by the time I finished editing it it was a whole whopping four pages longer." Glares at Seto Plushie. "Of course I feelings. I just choose not to use them." Sniffles "And it's not garbage, it's sMutt, get it right!" Pouts then Glomps Jams for hitting Seto Plushie with the frying pan! "
"And for those who care, I'll be updating Yami of the Domains next, because now that this little part is typed out, I may go edit the next chapter of it. So be looking for that if you enjoy it." Runs from her editor who had to make corrections to her corrections.